What would you think about uncontrolled mass migration from european countries of white people?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
Im just curious, if there were tracks of swedes, of germans, of english, to america, uncontrolled, illegal, and in masses. Would you approve it or not? I wonder if race is a factor for immigration, because I wonder if the anti-immigration people select by race?
Im just curious, if there were tracks of swedes, of germans, of english, to america, uncontrolled, illegal, and in masses. Would you approve it or not? I wonder if race is a factor for immigration, because I wonder if the anti-immigration people select by race?

Only hawt chicks are welcome.
Citizenship should be sold at $50,000 per immigrant. We don't need any more tired, poor, or huddled masses.
Im just curious, if there were tracks of swedes, of germans, of english, to america, uncontrolled, illegal, and in masses. Would you approve it or not? I wonder if race is a factor for immigration, because I wonder if the anti-immigration people select by race?

At the moment, all immigration needs to be substantially reduced while we battle the pandemic. In normal times, I am all for immigration regardless of race or creed provided they follow the legal process.
Im just curious, if there were tracks of swedes, of germans, of english, to america, uncontrolled, illegal, and in masses. Would you approve it or not? I wonder if race is a factor for immigration, because I wonder if the anti-immigration people select by race?
I'd be just as angry and concerned. Unlimited mass migration along with a welfare state is a guaranteed death sentence to any country.
In my opinion, many (most?) Americans of every ethnicity would welcome an influx of European immigrants (documented or undocumented).

In my opinion, many (most?) Americans of every ethnicity feel that ALL Americans would be better off if the United States were to remain a Caucasian-majority nation.

In my opinion, many (most?) Americans of every ethnicity agreed with President Trump when he opined that immigrants from Norway would be more beneficial than immigrants from certain other countries. (Yes, of course, he was w-r-o-n-g to use a vulgar and offensive term to refer to those other countries.)
Im just curious, if there were tracks of swedes, of germans, of english, to america, uncontrolled, illegal, and in masses. Would you approve it or not? I wonder if race is a factor for immigration, because I wonder if the anti-immigration people select by race?
They were immigrants but not illegal because there were no immigration laws at the time to break. There is now and there is a difference between illegal and legal. Then there was Ellis Island where they came through and many were not let in. 11 million illegal aliens in the country and most are Latinos shows is it not racial.
All immigration should be legal and controlled. What has happened in the USA the last 3-4 decades is abhorrent. Trump did a great job counter punching the leftists, who told illegals via MSM and social media, to line up at border entry points and apply for asylum as a technicalilty, with his remain in Mexico MPP. He also was immediately deporting those caught no more catch and release.
Im just curious, if there were tracks of swedes, of germans, of english, to america, uncontrolled, illegal, and in masses. Would you approve it or not? I wonder if race is a factor for immigration, because I wonder if the anti-immigration people select by race?

They don't want to immigrate to the US. Their countries are quite nice.
All immigration should be legal and controlled. What has happened in the USA the last 3-4 decades is abhorrent. Trump did a great job counter punching the leftists, who told illegals via MSM and social media, to line up at border entry points and apply for asylum as a technicalilty, with his remain in Mexico MPP. He also was immediately deporting those caught no more catch and release.
Biden accused Trump for his own folly of breaking the law by dismantling Constitutional laws set forth by Congress with re to border restrictions against using cages to house children crossing the border without parents or family.
All immigration should be legal and controlled. What has happened in the USA the last 3-4 decades is abhorrent. Trump did a great job counter punching the leftists, who told illegals via MSM and social media, to line up at border entry points and apply for asylum as a technicalilty, with his remain in Mexico MPP. He also was immediately deporting those caught no more catch and release.
Biden accused Trump for his own folly of breaking the law by dismantling Constitutional laws set forth by Congress with re to border restrictions against using cages to house children crossing the border without parents or family.

Trump separated young children from their parents.. Obama and Biden are dealing with unaccompanied minors.
All immigration should be legal and controlled. What has happened in the USA the last 3-4 decades is abhorrent. Trump did a great job counter punching the leftists, who told illegals via MSM and social media, to line up at border entry points and apply for asylum as a technicalilty, with his remain in Mexico MPP. He also was immediately deporting those caught no more catch and release.
Biden accused Trump for his own folly of breaking the law by dismantling Constitutional laws set forth by Congress with re to border restrictions against using cages to house children crossing the border without parents or family.

Trump separated young children from their parents.. Obama and Biden are dealing with unaccompanied minors.
I would be surprised if this is still not the case. DNA testing proves if the adults are related to the children. If you are against this then one is supporting child trafficking. The reason adults look for children, unrelated to them, is because family units (and are again) are released faster.

It’s a situation Border Patrol Agent Hermann Rivera faced far too often: an adult illegal alien approaching him with a child in tow, seeking asylum in the United States.

“He initially stated that the child was his kid,” Rivera said. But after carefully checking his documents and pressing the issue, the man admitted the truth. “’I’m not sure whose child this is,’” Rivera said the man told Border Patrol agents when he finally revealed the truth.

It’s something that has happened thousands of times in the past year. In fact, Border Patrol agents identified more than 6,200 fraudulent family members in fiscal year 2019, which runs from Oct. 1, 2018 through Sept. 30, 2019. This is at a time when Border Patrol agents apprehended over 473,000 people who presented themselves as a family unit.

The reason so many are making the perilous journey through Mexico with a child – whether it’s a fraudulent family or a biological parent or legal guardian – is obvious: many before them were allowed to stay in the United States despite their illegal entry across the border. In the recent past, CBP could hold most families just a few days before releasing them into the U.S. or transferring them to Immigration and Customs Enforcement, who by a 2015 court order had to release families into the United States within 20 days. The result was that these families were able to remain in the U.S. – often indefinitely.

* Fictional Ishmaelism Goads Left Wing Target Protestantism Individualism As Authentic White Devil Scapegoat "

* US Immigration First Come First Served Extended Family Global Demographic Proportions *

Im just curious, if there were tracks of swedes, of germans, of english, to america, uncontrolled, illegal, and in masses. Would you approve it or not? I wonder if race is a factor for immigration, because I wonder if the anti-immigration people select by race?
The numerical representation of japhetic clads has diminished in proportion given a numerical representation of hamitic and semitic clads within the global demographic .

Which proportion of numerical representation for the clads of japheth , shem , ham do the globalists intend to ensure or expect to assure ?

" Levels Beyond Any Obligation Or Necessity "

* Homogeneous Autonomous And Numerically Over Represented *

Population : 4.463 billion


* Merit Based Immigration To Start With Carrying Capacity And Nation Of Origins Too Follow *

The resource topics referenced below relate considerations for interest when establishing public policy for immigration and naturalization .

The Emergency Quota Act, also known as the Emergency Immigration Act of 1921, the Immigration Restriction Act of 1921, the Per Centum Law, and the Johnson Quota Act (ch. 8, 42 Stat. 5 of May 19, 1921), was formulated mainly in response to the large influx of Southern and Eastern Europeans and successfully restricted their immigration as well as that of other "undesirables" to the United States. Although intended as temporary legislation, it "proved, in the long run, the most important turning-point in American immigration policy"[2] because it added two new features to American immigration law: numerical limits on immigration and the use of a quota system for establishing those limits, which came to be known as the National Origins Formula.

The Emergency Quota Act restricted the number of immigrants admitted from any country annually to 3% of the number of residents from that country living in the United States as of the 1910 Census.[3] That meant that people from Northern and Western Europe had a higher quota and were more likely to be admitted to the US than those from Eastern or Southern Europe or from non-European countries.

The National Origins Formula was an American system of immigration quotas, used between 1921 and 1965, which restricted immigration on the basis of existing proportions of the population. It aimed to reduce the overall number of unskilled immigrants (especially from Southern Europe, Eastern Europe and Asia), to allow families to re-unite, and to prevent immigration from changing the ethnic distribution of the largely Protestant population of Americans of Northern and Western European descent.

The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, also known as the Hart–Celler Act, is a federal law passed by the 89th United States Congress and signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson. The law abolished the National Origins Formula, which had been the basis of U.S. immigration policy since the 1920s. The act removed de facto discrimination against Southern and Eastern Europeans, Asians, as well as other non-Northwestern European ethnic groups from American immigration policy.

* Let Private Philanthropic Sojourn Missions Determine Methods Of Assistance Stop Breeding Into Poverty *

The sanctimonious missionary raves to accept children freely as given by the lord and not to diminish consummation as a ritual intended only for procreation .

The sanctimonious missionary egregiously neglects to anticipate or forewarn its adherents of poverty should they fail to sufficiently maintain restraint through a ritual of abstinence .

" Surviving Recessive Phenotype Identity Crisis Of Replacement By Dominant Clads "

* Minority Majority Bigger Problems For Carrying Capacity *

NO, FUCK them that allowed them to stay in instead of deporting them. Biden and Harris is more of the same that will end in another amnesty. Vote democrats out....
Given current us immigration and naturalization policy is first come first served and indiscriminately selected from the global demographic where asians represent a disproportionate majority , asians will represent 38% of us population by 2065 .

Perhaps Us immigration policy calculations should include an inverse ratio variable that decreases the probability for naturalization with an increase in global numerical representation .

Even canada has a merit based immigration and naturalization system , whereas the us has a first come first served with family reunification at a hyper aggressive 1.4 million permanent legal immigrants per year and not merit based .

It is worth alleging that it is prejudicial against those which most directly founded the country that more permanent immigrants have arrive exceedingly more after 1965 than had arrived in all the years prior to 1965 .

-- Are Europe And The US Expected To Reflect Proportions Of The Global Demographic When The Left Wing Is Through With Them ? --

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All immigration should be legal and controlled. What has happened in the USA the last 3-4 decades is abhorrent. Trump did a great job counter punching the leftists, who told illegals via MSM and social media, to line up at border entry points and apply for asylum as a technicalilty, with his remain in Mexico MPP. He also was immediately deporting those caught no more catch and release.
Biden accused Trump for his own folly of breaking the law by dismantling Constitutional laws set forth by Congress with re to border restrictions against using cages to house children crossing the border without parents or family.

Trump separated young children from their parents.. Obama and Biden are dealing with unaccompanied minors.
Right now, 4,200 unaccompanied babies, infants, toddlers and minors are separated from their parents, and 30% were sexually molested by the coyotes their parents trusted to bring their separated children to cross the border so they get a free pass to reclaim their child. Oh, and 10 % of those crossing have covid spreading stages and they have no free vaccinations waiting. Thousands of them are crossing in areas no border patrollers are watching because they are busy changing diapers, mopping overcrowded facilities, unstopping encrusted toilets, and slinging hamburgers instead of using their special border patrol knowledge in the wake of survival needs.

By the end of the Republican Senators telling the American people about seeing a dead immigrant's body floating in the Rio Grand River I wwas crying.

We had peace and quiet on the border, and a mentally ill senile man and powermongering, dishonest group egged on by a bored press decided to do the exact opposite and create horrifying chaos where we had peace and international agreements with Trump's negotiations with Mexico and several Central American countries, now, Biden has disrespected every international agreement on the southern border, that brought this chaos and dead bodies made into international press debris. Disgusting. How could you do this to America, Joe Biden. How dare you destroy my border state. How dare you.

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