What would your energy mix be?


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Mine would be
-40% nuclear
-25% natural gas, Thermal
-20% Wind/solar/wave
-10% hydro
-5% wave

Nuclear+Hydro+Natural gas would be the core of our grid electricy=75%.
The other 25% would be completely renewables like Wind, solar and wave.

This set up would allow us to have a rebus grid that can run our society without any down time. Very clean. We'd probably cut our emissions by 70% with this. :eusa_hand: The core of this grid could also handle a electric car economy a lot better then wind, solar and wave alone.

Yes I'd double nuclear with the new 4th generation plants. Generation IV reactor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia These would be far safer then the old ones and I'd speed their development up...Maybe I'd use some 3rd generation to start out with until they're developed.

One big nuclear plant is worth about 30-50 avg sized wind farms.

I'd increase wind 5 times to 15% of our energy needs as a nation. 300,000 MW or 300 Gw of it would be spread out over land and sea.

"U.S. wind power installed capacity now exceeds 60,000 MW and supplies 3% of the nation's electricity"
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It depends on the region, state or country - what is right for Mexico is not going to be right for Canada.

Assuming you mean for the entire US -

50% nuclear
15% tidal
15% hydro
15% solar (largely generated at point of use, i.e. on office buildings, malls and homes)
5% wind

The natural gas I would use for transport, as LPG or CNG.
There is one very important source you left out. That is geothermal. It has the potential to supply more than wind, on a 24/7 basis. And at a price that is competative. I think that solar will be a larger % than 15%, because of the vast roof areas that are in the commercial and industrial centers. That is energy that would be produced at the very time it is needed the most, close to where most of it is being used.

But, whatever the mix, we are going to have to rebuild our grid to pick up distributed sources. And we need to get on it right away, as our current grid is way overdue for rebuild.
Calculating the optimum energy "mix" is not a static equation; rather, it is a means of achieving desired results over a period of time. Until "alternative" energy sources become economically viable, we need to maintain traditional sources like coal and oil while expanding nuclear and natural gas during the the interim period.
Until "alternative" energy sources become economically viable,

Um...you might want to check into this - I think you will find coal is far more expensive than wind or tidal.

I can't for the lifeof me imagine why any country would go back to 19th century solutions when other forms of energy are cheaper, cleaner and more efficient.
30% almonds
20% walnuts
15% sunflower seeds
15% pumpkin seeds
10% dates
10% raisins
Until "alternative" energy sources become economically viable,

Um...you might want to check into this - I think you will find coal is far more expensive than wind or tidal.

I can't for the lifeof me imagine why any country would go back to 19th century solutions when other forms of energy are cheaper, cleaner and more efficient.

Our country might, as the Koch Brothers purchase more and more elected officials a sensible energy policy is an unlikely prospect.
The idea of a bunch of ignorant naifs who know nothing about economics, physics, or engineering deciding what sources of energy to use is too absurd for words.

Mine would be
-40% nuclear
-25% natural gas, Thermal
-20% Wind/solar/wave
-10% hydro
-5% wave

Nuclear+Hydro+Natural gas would be the core of our grid electricy=75%.
The other 25% would be completely renewables like Wind, solar and wave.

This set up would allow us to have a rebus grid that can run our society without any down time. Very clean. We'd probably cut our emissions by 70% with this. :eusa_hand: The core of this grid could also handle a electric car economy a lot better then wind, solar and wave alone.

Yes I'd double nuclear with the new 4th generation plants. Generation IV reactor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia These would be far safer then the old ones and I'd speed their development up...Maybe I'd use some 3rd generation to start out with until they're developed.

One big nuclear plant is worth about 30-50 avg sized wind farms.

I'd increase wind 5 times to 15% of our energy needs as a nation. 300,000 MW or 300 Gw of it would be spread out over land and sea.

"U.S. wind power installed capacity now exceeds 60,000 MW and supplies 3% of the nation's electricity"
Until "alternative" energy sources become economically viable,

Um...you might want to check into this - I think you will find coal is far more expensive than wind or tidal.

I can't for the lifeof me imagine why any country would go back to 19th century solutions when other forms of energy are cheaper, cleaner and more efficient.

Wrong. Wind and tidal are far more expensive than coal. Claims like that are why it's utterly moronic to put such decisions up to a majority vote.

Furthermore, wind energy is at least 2000 years old. Such arguments are dumber than dumb.
Nix nuclear. The projected costs for new plants they give is the biggest lie of them all. They cook the books and totally ignore costs beyond one year after the plant comes on-line. Additionally, they don't include the costs for nuclear spills or nuclear accidents or even the liability costs for damage done to civil property.

Solar or wind is the intelligent prescription for energy shortages decades from now.
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