What you should know about Islam

That's like a homeless claiming guardianship
of the King's child, who's name he doesn't even know.

The only such fraudsters deserve is a boot out and utter humiliation - hence...

You are totally and completely wrong, and I have shown you that in the original Egyptian and Hebrew references, it is pronounced with an 'F'.
It is Israel that is the does not belong in the Mideast.
Israelis are so ignorant that they do not even know their Hebrew ancestors were Arabs.
Keep digging your hole...

History of Islamic Colonial Slavery: 28 million Africans were enslaved in the Muslim Middle East, the death toll as high as 112 million.

— Dr. John Azumah

Stupid video.
They guy teaches at a Christian college.
That totally discredits him completely.
The reality is that Arabs were only involved in the local transportation of slaves in the Mediterranean.
And Jews were involved in the slave trade as much as Moslems were.
The original Israelite slavery laws found in the Hebrew Bible bear some resemblance to the 18th-century BCE slavery laws of Hammurabi. The regulations changed over time. The Hebrew Bible contained two sets of laws, one for Canaanite slaves, and a more lenient set of laws for Hebrew slaves. From the time of the Pentateuch, the laws designated for Canaanites were applied to all non-Hebrew slaves. The Talmud's slavery laws, which were established in the second through the fifth centuries CE, contain a single set of rules for all slaves, although there are a few exceptions where Hebrew slaves are treated differently from non-Hebrew slaves. The laws include punishment for slave owners that mistreat their slaves. In the modern era, when the abolitionist movement sought to outlaw slavery, some supporters of slavery used the laws to provide religious justification for the practice of slavery.
He is correct about the Arab slave trade.

Except that there was no significant need for slaves until the sugar plantations for making rum in the Carribean, around 1550 AD, And it stopped around 1800, so is only about 250 years of slave trade, not 1400.

We can tell where there was African slave trade because then you are going to get Black DNA.
And before the sugar plantations of the New World, slavery was mostly not out of Africa, and was conducted by everyone, not just Arabs.

And the earlier slave trade involved Jews as much as other Arabs.
Jews were notorious for the slave trade in Morocco, Tunisia, the Iberian Peninsula, etc.
yeah? so? the fact is that the word PALESTINA which was coined by Herodotus circa 500 BC
became the name of the area in question and arabic speaking people cannot pronounce it----it is
neither arabic nor hebrew it is a GREEK THING

Wrong and I already listed and link the proof.
Filestina goes back to 2000 BC by Egyptian and Hebrew references.
Sure the Minoans and Myceneans influenced Palestine, but their influence is what caused it to be correctly pronounced with an 'F'.
You still have it totally wrong.
The Palestinians get it right because they still have Minoan and Mycenean influences.
Except that there was no significant need for slaves until the sugar plantations for making rum in the Carribean, around 1550 AD, And it stopped around 1800, so is only about 250 years of slave trade, not 1400.

We can tell where there was African slave trade because then you are going to get Black DNA.
And before the sugar plantations of the New World, slavery was mostly not out of Africa, and was conducted by everyone, not just Arabs.

And the earlier slave trade involved Jews as much as other Arabs.
Jews were notorious for the slave trade in Morocco, Tunisia, the Iberian Peninsula, etc.

Many Jew who fled Spain and Portugal went to Amsterdam and became stockholders in companies like the Dutch West Indies Company.. and many went to Recif, Brazil to manage sugar plantations. They were known as the Sugar Jews. African slaves were a solution to the local labor shortage.

They were successful and branched out into shipping, and rum production. They actually owned many slave ships.
LOL how do you define "ARAB" An interesting etymological issue---ARAB --even in ancient
times referred to a land off to the east in the HORIZON------not Judea. Jews do not define themselves as "ARABS" ------nazis might-----or British who call all people south of Birmingham

All historians define "Arab" as the people to whom a Semitic language is native.
No one defines "Arab" as having anything to do with the Arabian Peninsula or ANY geographical location.
Hebrew is a Semitic and therefore an Arab language.
We don't know where the Hebrew tribes came from before they went to Egypt, but Saudi Arabia is a possibility?
We know it was NOT the Land of Canaan, because we have an unbroken record of the Canaanite heritage starting from about 8000 BC until the Hebrew invasion around 1000 BC.

If some Jews do not define themselves as Arabs, then they are just ignorant.
Jews who are informed know that all Semitic speaking people have to be of Arab origins.
There are some linguistic links between some American indian languages and North African dialects, Zuni and Libyan, according to a Harvard Zoology professor, Barry Fell, back in the 1970's. He gets a bad rap from the orthodox types but his books were pretty good and the professional jealousy was undeserved.

They also found cacao and coaca in Egyptian pyramids, so someone was crossing the Atlantic at least a few times.
lol anybody who claims Arabs weren't trading slaves until 500 years ago is a total moron, not to be taken seriously.

And who was buying them?
The large scale slave trade AFTER 1550 is obvious because you see the large African population in the US, Jamacia, Brazil, etc.
Where else do you see a large African population?
Many Jew who fled Spain and Portugal went to Amsterdam and became stockholders in companies like the Dutch West Indies Company.. and many went to Recif, Brazil to manage sugar plantations. They were known as the Sugar Jews. African slaves were a solution to the local labor shortage.

They were successful and branched out into shipping, and rum production. They actually owned many slave ships.

While some thought slavery was an easy way to slander Arab Moslems, they forgot that Arab Jews were just as involved in the slave trade to the New World.
While some thought slavery was an easy way to slander Arab Moslems, they forgot that Arab Jews were just as involved in the slave trade to the New World.

Well all the names of the slaves ship owners are in the archives in Recif, New Amsterdam and Amsterdam... so its not even a matter of debate.

When the natives in Brazil fought and died or got sick and died or ran off to the mountains, they needed a labor pool to run the sugar plantations.
Wrong and I already listed and link the proof.
Filestina goes back to 2000 BC by Egyptian and Hebrew references.
Sure the Minoans and Myceneans influenced Palestine, but their influence is what caused it to be correctly pronounced with an 'F'.
You still have it totally wrong.
The Palestinians get it right because they still have Minoan and Mycenean influences.
try again-----"filestina" is not BALESTINIAN kinda funny that surada lies to support your
idiocy. It's like I am in a mosque listening to a Khutbah Jumaat feces fling
All historians define "Arab" as the people to whom a Semitic language is native.
No one defines "Arab" as having anything to do with the Arabian Peninsula or ANY geographical location.
Hebrew is a Semitic and therefore an Arab language.
We don't know where the Hebrew tribes came from before they went to Egypt, but Saudi Arabia is a possibility?
We know it was NOT the Land of Canaan, because we have an unbroken record of the Canaanite heritage starting from about 8000 BC until the Hebrew invasion around 1000 BC.

If some Jews do not define themselves as Arabs, then they are just ignorant.
Jews who are informed know that all Semitic speaking people have to be of Arab origins.
your discussion is IDIOTIC
Wrong and I already listed and link the proof.
Filestina goes back to 2000 BC by Egyptian and Hebrew references.
Sure the Minoans and Myceneans influenced Palestine, but their influence is what caused it to be correctly pronounced with an 'F'.
You still have it totally wrong.
The Palestinians get it right because they still have Minoan and Mycenean influences.
bullshit----there was no "FILESTINA" anywhere in literature in 2000 BC -----you and surada are liars for the cause of shit--------not that anyone cares. An approximation of name of that
which the people who lived in the area in which the Phonecians called PHILISTINES (english)
were called is "pleshtim" (english approximation)
They were never called "arabs" The people called "palestinians" TODAY began to be
called "palestinians" circa 1960. Prior to that they were called "arabs" Until recently---
"palestinians" were largely illiterate. Many if not MOST of the people called "arabs" today
pronounce "PALESTINIANS" as BALESTINIANS. Prior to 1948, JEWS and ONLY jews living
in the British palestine Mandate----were called PALESTINIANS. The situation is simple but beyond the ken of the KHUTBAH JUMAAT FECES FLING SET. I speak english which is called,
by linguists a GERMANIC language----no one calls me a GERMAN
While some thought slavery was an easy way to slander Arab Moslems, they forgot that Arab Jews were just as involved in the slave trade to the New World.
And the African tribes were the ones that captured and sold their Black brothers to the slave traders.
Many Jew who fled Spain and Portugal went to Amsterdam and became stockholders in companies like the Dutch West Indies Company.. and many went to Recif, Brazil to manage sugar plantations. They were known as the Sugar Jews. African slaves were a solution to the local labor shortage.

They were successful and branched out into shipping, and rum production. They actually owned many slave ships.
"MANY" jews do what? "Many" muslim fathers slit their own daughters' throats and "MANY" muslims rape little girls (and sometimes boys)
"MANY" jews do what? "Many" muslim fathers slit their own daughters' throats and "MANY" muslims rape little girls (and sometimes boys)

The records of slave ship owners are in the archives in New York , Recif, Brazil and Amsterdam.
And the African tribes were the ones that captured and sold their Black brothers to the slave traders.
It is the slave traders that have been arabs for thousands of years. In ancient times they
were called ISHMAELITES -----it is so documented in the talmud more than 2000 years
ago. Ishmaelites were nomadic and caravan traders who brought slaves to the various parts
of Africa----and Asia and even the far east and eventually even to Europe. Presently the
places used as the slave trading centers are muslim countries----like SUDAN, SOMALIA,
LiBYA, MAURITANIA etc Interestingly----they were arabic speaking and even originated
on the arabian Penninsula where arabic developed. Muhammad traded slaves
It is the slave traders that have been arabs for thousands of years. In ancient times they
were called ISHMAELITES -----it is so documented in the talmud more than 2000 years
ago. Ishmaelites were nomadic and caravan traders who brought slaves to the various parts
of Africa----and Asia and even the far east and eventually even to Europe. Presently the
places used as the slave trading centers are muslim countries----like SUDAN, SOMALIA,
LiBYA, MAURITANIA etc Interestingly----they were arabic speaking and even originated
on the arabian Penninsula where arabic developed. Muhammad traded slaves

Yes, the Akkadians arrived from the Arabian peninsula over 8000 years ago.. Their empire included Syria, Palestine, Mesopotamia.. Look at map.

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