What you should know about Islam

The records of slave ship owners are in the archives in New York , Recif, Brazil and Amsterdam.
owners of ships are the people who OWNED SHIPS------and rented them to people
who used them for their own purposes. The CANON LAWS in force back then were
similar to those of the filth of shariah shit. Jews were denied entry into most professions
and could not own LAND. It is interesting that muslims aped the filth of Justinian law.
Jews were also peddlers, tailors and metal workers in Europe-----just as they were in shariah
shit holes since the laws were almost identical. They were reprised by the famous islamo-nazis
in the form of the NUREMBURG CODE.
Yes, the Akkadians arrived from the Arabian peninsula over 8000 years ago.. Their empire included Syria, Palestine, Mesopotamia.. Look at map.
Akkadian is ALSO considered a semitic language------other than that ----you have made
no point at all. Want to mention the borders of the MAYAN EMPIRE?-----how about the
AZTEC FOUNDERS OF HERSHEY PA. ? My home state is famous for its TOMATOES and
CORN ----but I am not an Aztec
All historians define "Arab" as the people to whom a Semitic language is native.
No one defines "Arab" as having anything to do with the Arabian Peninsula or ANY geographical location.
Hebrew is a Semitic and therefore an Arab language.
We don't know where the Hebrew tribes came from before they went to Egypt, but Saudi Arabia is a possibility?
We know it was NOT the Land of Canaan, because we have an unbroken record of the Canaanite heritage starting from about 8000 BC until the Hebrew invasion around 1000 BC.

If some Jews do not define themselves as Arabs, then they are just ignorant.
Jews who are informed know that all Semitic speaking people have to be of Arab origins.
both rigs and sura lied-----no "historian" DEFINES "arab" as a speaker of a "semitic"
language HISTORICALLY. Today---"arab" is defined as a person whose native language
is arabic. The language arabic was spread and IMPOSED by the GLORIOUS AGE OF
ISLAMIC conquest, (rape and pillage) 7th 8th and 9th centuries AD. English got
around even MORE----after that "GLORIOUS AGE" -------I have relatives who drink tea
All historians define "Arab" as the people to whom a Semitic language is native.
No one defines "Arab" as having anything to do with the Arabian Peninsula or ANY geographical location.
Hebrew is a Semitic and therefore an Arab language.
We don't know where the Hebrew tribes came from before they went to Egypt, but Saudi Arabia is a possibility?
We know it was NOT the Land of Canaan, because we have an unbroken record of the Canaanite heritage starting from about 8000 BC until the Hebrew invasion around 1000 BC.

If some Jews do not define themselves as Arabs, then they are just ignorant.
Jews who are informed know that all Semitic speaking people have to be of Arab origins.

You never did say, when did the Moors leave Spain?
Stupid video.
They guy teaches at a Christian college.
That totally discredits him completely.
The reality is that Arabs were only involved in the local transportation of slaves in the Mediterranean.
And Jews were involved in the slave trade as much as Moslems were.
The original Israelite slavery laws found in the Hebrew Bible bear some resemblance to the 18th-century BCE slavery laws of Hammurabi. The regulations changed over time. The Hebrew Bible contained two sets of laws, one for Canaanite slaves, and a more lenient set of laws for Hebrew slaves. From the time of the Pentateuch, the laws designated for Canaanites were applied to all non-Hebrew slaves. The Talmud's slavery laws, which were established in the second through the fifth centuries CE, contain a single set of rules for all slaves, although there are a few exceptions where Hebrew slaves are treated differently from non-Hebrew slaves. The laws include punishment for slave owners that mistreat their slaves. In the modern era, when the abolitionist movement sought to outlaw slavery, some supporters of slavery used the laws to provide religious justification for the practice of slavery.

even as far back as the Biblical book GENESIS ------slave traders were named ISHMAELITES
who hailed from some place east of the Jordan river. Ishmaelites were NOTABLY nomadic,
illiterate and traveled in caravans and were involved in slave trading. The people called "arabs"
today-----are those who speak arabic as a mother tongue. Arabic was not a written language
(unlike the languages of Mesopotamia AND AKKADIAN) --until about 200 AD. Muhummad
invented for himself a LINEAGE from the biblical ISHMAEL (gawd help us) He was into
caravans and slave trading and was illiterate
The records of slave ship owners are in the archives in New York , Recif, Brazil and Amsterdam.
My great grandfather was a tailor for the army of Franz Josef-----emperor of the HOLY
ROMAN EMPIRE. He never held a gun in his hand but died of a gunshot injury to his
head. I am not sure where the records are
try again-----"filestina" is not BALESTINIAN kinda funny that surada lies to support your
idiocy. It's like I am in a mosque listening to a Khutbah Jumaat feces fling
oh gee-----sunni disagrees ------for YOU sunni ---an ENTERTAINING anecdote. I came
to Brooklyn NY---sometime circa 1970 ---for school. There was a local little grocery with
produce in boxes in front of the store. The boxes were labeled as to contents.
One box read BEECHES ----so I understood----"gee---just like back home----there are arab
grocers" -----nice peaches. In my hometown (elsewhere)---somehow the
produce grocers were Lebanese------the new guy was egyptian. Fact is that Egyptians seem
to have that B for P----MOST PROMINANTLY ---but not exclusively
your discussion is IDIOTIC

bullshit----there was no "FILESTINA" anywhere in literature in 2000 BC -----you and surada are liars for the cause of shit--------not that anyone cares. An approximation of name of that
which the people who lived in the area in which the Phonecians called PHILISTINES (english)
were called is "pleshtim" (english approximation)
They were never called "arabs" The people called "palestinians" TODAY began to be
called "palestinians" circa 1960. Prior to that they were called "arabs" Until recently---
"palestinians" were largely illiterate. Many if not MOST of the people called "arabs" today
pronounce "PALESTINIANS" as BALESTINIANS. Prior to 1948, JEWS and ONLY jews living
in the British palestine Mandate----were called PALESTINIANS. The situation is simple but beyond the ken of the KHUTBAH JUMAAT FECES FLING SET. I speak english which is called,
by linguists a GERMANIC language----no one calls me a GERMAN
sunni disagrees------you want to call me ---and you GERMAN sunni, habibi ? My hubby
left a shariah observant LAND OF EDEN-----circa 1942. His british Mandate papers were
marked PALESTINIAN------because he is a jew-----not a muslim (the British guy seems to
have understood the use of the P sound)
Yes, the Akkadians arrived from the Arabian peninsula over 8000 years ago.. Their empire included Syria, Palestine, Mesopotamia.. Look at map.

the AKKADIANS did not speak arabic-----nor were they the ISHMAELITES. A very important
feature of the Ishmaelites as described in the talmud was ;lack of permanent house' and
'lack of literacy' The Akkadians even BACK IN THE DAY----had permanent buildings and
a written language. Written arabic came about something like 200 AD. Ishmaelites come
as close to the ARAB of muhummad's arabia than any other people
the AKKADIANS did not speak arabic-----nor were they the ISHMAELITES. A very important
feature of the Ishmaelites as described in the talmud was ;lack of permanent house' and
'lack of literacy' The Akkadians even BACK IN THE DAY----had permanent buildings and
a written language. Written arabic came about something like 200 AD. Ishmaelites come
as close to the ARAB of muhummad's arabia than any other people

Akkadians like all Arabs had bedu and settled people.. They had a symbiotic relationship.

The Akkadians had a written language by 3600 BC.

Akkadian language - Wikipedia

Akkadian belongs with the other Semitic languages in the Near Eastern branch of the Afroasiatic languages, a family native to the Middle East, Arabian Peninsula, the Horn of Africa, parts of Anatolia, North Africa, Malta, Canary Islands and parts of West Africa (Hausa). Akkadian and its successor Aramaic, however, are only ever attested in Mesopotamia and the Near East.
Within the Near Eastern Semitic languages, Akkadian forms an East Semitic subgroup (with Eblaite). Thi…
Akkadians like all Arabs had bedu and settled people.. They had a symbiotic relationship.

The Akkadians had a written language by 3600 BC.

Akkadian language - Wikipedia

Akkadian belongs with the other Semitic languages in the Near Eastern branch of the Afroasiatic languages, a family native to the Middle East, Arabian Peninsula, the Horn of Africa, parts of Anatolia, North Africa, Malta, Canary Islands and parts of West Africa (Hausa). Akkadian and its successor Aramaic, however, are only ever attested in Mesopotamia and the Near East.
Within the Near Eastern Semitic languages, Akkadian forms an East Semitic subgroup (with Eblaite). Thi…
so YOU decided that they are "ARABS" too? Did they know that since they spoke
and read and wrote in a SEMITIC language that they were ARABS? Well----your all inclusive
definition of "ARAB" is not universally accepted and in the ACCEPTED parlance of the
modern world-----is as idiotic as referring to english speaking me as a GERMAN. Urdu
contains SEMITIC LANGUAGE ELEMENTS ------Pakistanis I have known would drop dead
if told that they are "arabs" Fortunately---the Iranians seem to have avoided what
THEY would consider a TAINT but some of the current PASHTUN speaking might be
DELIGHTED with a tenuous connection
Stupid video.
They guy teaches at a Christian college.
That totally discredits him completely.
The reality is that Arabs were only involved in the local transportation of slaves in the Mediterranean.

Facts state otherwise - Muslims engaged in mass slavery for at least 1400 years
including today, through the several continents they've invaded.

And your best argument is to ignore facts
based on someones religion or even skin color??

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so YOU decided that they are "ARABS" too? Did they know that since they spoke
and read and wrote in a SEMITIC language that they were ARABS? Well----your all inclusive
definition of "ARAB" is not universally accepted and in the ACCEPTED parlance of the
modern world-----is as idiotic as referring to english speaking me as a GERMAN. Urdu
contains SEMITIC LANGUAGE ELEMENTS ------Pakistanis I have known would drop dead
if told that they are "arabs" Fortunately---the Iranians seem to have avoided what
THEY would consider a TAINT but some of the current PASHTUN speaking might be
DELIGHTED with a tenuous connection

That's just the twisted Arab supremacist propaganda,
telling masses of easily brainwashed Arabs that all history
and population in the Middle East are Arab - to compensate
for the lack of accomplishments and degradation brought with Islam.

طيار أمريكي بالقوات الخاصة يدخل الإسلام رغم محاولات وقفه عن العمل - American Pilot Becomes a Muslim​

They clearly know why he was listed - Islam is a national security threat.

His wife even looks down when confronted with the questions,
that they pretend 'not to know' what is apparent to all
further exposes the rational of the suspicion.
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so YOU decided that they are "ARABS" too? Did they know that since they spoke
and read and wrote in a SEMITIC language that they were ARABS? Well----your all inclusive
definition of "ARAB" is not universally accepted and in the ACCEPTED parlance of the
modern world-----is as idiotic as referring to english speaking me as a GERMAN. Urdu
contains SEMITIC LANGUAGE ELEMENTS ------Pakistanis I have known would drop dead
if told that they are "arabs" Fortunately---the Iranians seem to have avoided what
THEY would consider a TAINT but some of the current PASHTUN speaking might be
DELIGHTED with a tenuous connection

The Akkadians came from the Arabian peninsula. The Epic of Gilgamesh is written in Akkadian.
The Akkadians came from the Arabian peninsula. The Epic of Gilgamesh is written in Akkadian.

That is why they called themselves otherwise
and neither was written in Arabic?

Doesn't explain 1400 years of degradation caused by Islam
allover the Middle East and all the continents they've invaded.
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That is why they called themselves otherwise
and neither that was written in Arabic?

They were Arabs from the Arabian peninsula.. No archeologist or anthropologist doubts that.

Their empire included Palestine.


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