What you should know about Islam

So did the Egyptians.

Literacy numbers I have seen were 1% to 20%.. Mostly males and mostly in cities.

Most people in ancient Palestine were illiterate. There was an occupation called a scribe whose job it was to read, write, and keep records. Priests and some wealthy elites might also be able to read.
The scriptures were widely known, but they were read aloud over the course of the year so that people would have them fresh on their minds.
what are we calling "ancient palestine" today----ie---when and where?. Is the time and place of Jesus ANCIENT PALESTINE?. "scribe" ? what language is that? There were scribes in
egypt . To what "scripture" do you refer?
If you believe your Torah Abraham had six more sons by Keturah who was Arab.
is Keturah described as AN ARAB in the torah writings? So far, it seems
that there is lots of confusion over what constitutes AN ARAB over time and
place. I do not recall the use of the word ARAB or ARAVI in the Torah
Female circumcision comes from Africa.. Not much practiced in the Gulf States.
female circumcision exists in every muslim country-----very lately
it has been outlawed in many muslim countries It originated (most likely)
in Egypt (long ago) where it is still prevalent
Yeah, not only,
even T-Rex spoke ancient Hijazi...

He was also the one who performed circumcision right after
the madman flew on a prehistoric Muslim Pegasus he dug out in Arabia caves.
Little girls get stoned in jewish law for BLASPHEMING THE HOLY NAME OF
BURAQ --------ask Rigby

Worship of Mercury (Merkulis) at Ka'aba

So what about the Mercury altar at Ka'aba
that no one dares to discuss?

Is it possible no Islamic scholar ever addressed the question?
This has serious complications on the ability to treat Muslims as equal dhimmis.

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Look it up.. their names are listed in the Torah.
Huh? whose names------the names of all those people in all those
communities of people called "ARABS" in the TORAH? How can
I LOOK UP people called "arabs" when, in fact, the word "ARAVI"
does not even exist in the torah? Your BAHRAINI parlor host LIED
Look it up.. their names are listed in the Torah.

The ones Muslims claim were fabricated,
or the excuse for not finding their nonsense there?

See, that why it's still a question whether Islam is really monotheist.
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The one Islam claims was fabricated?
See, that why it's still a question whether Islam is really monotheist.
an anecdote-----I was a kid----20 ---when I got a job being weekend evening
receptionist in a very large suburban state hospital. The "resident" staff was virtually
all -----southeast asian-----medical school grads from India, pakistan and gawd-knows-where---
even afghanistan. One very intelligent muzzie surgeon told me that the whole torah is a
fraud and always being changed for POLITICAL REASONS . I said "are you telling me that you believe that a torah scroll in a synagogue in New York city is DIFFERENT from one in Chicago"? his answer was "OF COURSE, EVERYONE KNOW THAT" I got even more-----the WHOLE
OF THE NT is a fraudulent plot written to DISPUTE ISLAM -----I got that one in a real mosque---
in -----of all times ----a GOOD FRIDAY (christian holiday)
The ones Muslims claim were fabricated,
or the excuse for not finding their nonsense there?

See, that why it's still a question whether Islam is really monotheist.

Muslims don't contest it.

Exile, Assyrian | Encyclopedia.com

In place of the Israelite deportees, Sargon settled residents of other defeated nations in the Assyrian province of Samaria.

In this connection the Bible mentions exiles from Babylon, Cuthah, Avva, Hamath, and Sepharvaim (ii Kings 17:24), while an inscription of Sargon ii specifies members of four Arab tribes who were settled in "Omriland" (Bīt Ḫumri) in 716/5 b.c.e.
an anecdote-----I was a kid----20 ---when I got a job being weekend evening
receptionist in a very large suburban state hospital. The "resident" staff was virtually
all -----southeast asian-----medical school grads from India, pakistan and gawd-knows-where---
even afghanistan. One very intelligent muzzie surgeon told me that the whole torah is a
fraud and always being changed for POLITICAL REASONS . I said "are you telling me that you believe that a torah scroll in a synagogue in New York city is DIFFERENT from one in Chicago"? his answer was "OF COURSE, EVERYONE KNOW THAT" I got even more-----the WHOLE
OF THE NT is a fraudulent plot written to DISPUTE ISLAM -----I got that one in a real mosque---
in -----of all times ----a GOOD FRIDAY (christian holiday)

See these are gems that can help grasp the mentality more to the point,
clearer than any lecture, and I don't think English speakers
have heard of these things that they're dealing with.
Muslims don't contest it.

Exile, Assyrian | Encyclopedia.com

In place of the Israelite deportees, Sargon settled residents of other defeated nations in the Assyrian province of Samaria.

In this connection the Bible mentions exiles from Babylon, Cuthah, Avva, Hamath, and Sepharvaim (ii Kings 17:24), while an inscription of Sargon ii specifies members of four Arab tribes who were settled in "Omriland" (Bīt Ḫumri) in 716/5 b.c.e.

so how do those people come to be called "ARABS"?

Anything to do with Islam?

Muslims don't contest it.

Islam doesn't contest the Torah of Mosheh Rabbenu A"H?

Doesn't seem to even accept the first book.

Question if Islam even monotheist.
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so how do those people come to be called "ARABS"?

They were called Arabu. Arabs began migrating out of the Arabian Peninsula 10-12,000 years ago in waves as Arabia became more arid... They were all over Syria, Mesopotamia and the Levant.

Your ancestors may have been Akkadian or Canaanite. You might want to read up on Ras Shamra. Its pretty much settled that Abraham was from Urfa near Haran.
Anything to do with Islam?

Muslims don't contest the Torah of Mosheh Rabbenu A"H?

C'mon they don't even accept the first book.

Oh no .. The Arabs arrived in Mesopotamia, Syria and the Levant LONG before Islam.
They were called Arabu. Arabs began migrating out of the Arabian Peninsula 10-12,000 years ago in waves as Arabia became more arid... They were all over Syria, Mesopotamia and the Levant.

Your ancestors may have been Akkadian or Canaanite. You might want to read up on Ras Shamra. Its pretty much settled that Abraham was from Urfa near Haran.
I do not remember the word ARABU in the Torah----how is it spelled? The extent of the
AKKADIAN empire does not impress me as rendering me AKKADIAN. The British empire
was very extensive too. I could claim----according to you---being both British and
"austrian-hapburg". My hubby was born in a British controlled part of arabia-----is he BRITISH?
Every INDIAN HINDU doctor I have known----speaks ENGLISH-----and even drinks tea

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