What you should know about Islam

You must be a miserable old woman.. So many ugly experiences.
silly response ^^^^ I have seem lots more filth than that. That which does
not destroy me, STRENGTHENS ME. Of course I have had parlor experiences too---
just like those that confused your mind
And much smarter before Islam.

So what went wrong?
hard to get excited -------no one has yet defined "ARAB" other than the claim that ANYONE
who speaks a language which is one of the scores which are SEMITIC LANGUAGES should
be called an "ARAB" ??????????? just as we----who speak english which is a germanic
language must be called GERMANS (call me BRUNHILDA)
hard to get excited -------no one has yet defined "ARAB" other than the claim that ANYONE
who speaks a language which is one of the scores which are SEMITIC LANGUAGES should
be called an "ARAB" ??????????? just as we----who speak english which is a germanic
language must be called GERMANS (call me BRUNHILDA)
Indeed these Arab supremacist charades are getting boring like a mindless a child tantrum.
Maybe Islam by design sets a specific intellectual limit for masses it seeks to convert?

Expansion by quantity over quality...
Can Islamic expanse be its self defeating goal?

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Pray the Novena to St. Louis who fought Islam

St. Louis persecuted and expelled the Jews from France and fought Muslims in two Crusades.
Islam is a political religion. When 60% of your holy books deal with how you treat non-Muslims that is politics. Islam is a supremacist religion and a violent one. The violence can be considered pious if it advances Islam. Including 9/11.

9/11 was because the Saudis had revoked OBL's citizenship and declared AQ a terrorist organization. He wanted to start a war between the US and Arabia... and you're helping.
We will agree to disagree, as strict Islamic nations still do these things in the 21st century and when they went through their own "reform," they ended up with Wahhabism.

Why do you think TE Lawrence was so angry and disgusted when he left Arabia in 1916? The British had sent him on a fool's errand to back the wrong horse.

LOLOL.. Wahhaabismis much older than the 21st century.
ROFLMAO the allied forces defeated the TURKISH OTTOMANs sorta partnership in
world war I The arabs danced around and slit some turkish throats (alllahuakbar)
How many years did you live around Wahhabis?

Wahhab was simplifying Islam to discard the innovations introduced by the Ottomans.
How many years did you live around Wahhabis?

Wahhab was simplifying Islam to discard the innovations introduced by the Ottomans.
I am FASCINATED with the "SIMPLIFICATION" theory and the OTTOMAN
"innovations" Since I have relatives (now deceased) who LIVED thru the
pre-Ottoman islam and the weakly attempted "innovations"---the idea is not
entirely new to me-----but hope that surada can EXPAND on the issue----
innovations vs simplification
9/11 was because the Saudis had revoked OBL's citizenship and declared AQ a terrorist organization. He wanted to start a war between the US and Arabia... and you're helping.
Bin Laden has an AMBITION to take over MECCA, thus control of the whole
FRIGGIN UMMAH. His ambition was far from peaceful-----Saudi Arabia should have
hanged him-----he was a terrorist but----his family had political pull
I am FASCINATED with the "SIMPLIFICATION" theory and the OTTOMAN
"innovations" Since I have relatives (now deceased) who LIVED thru the
pre-Ottoman islam and the weakly attempted "innovations"---the idea is not
entirely new to me-----but hope that surada can EXPAND on the issue----
innovations vs simplification

I'm still waiting for her to post any criticism of the Iranian mullahs.

She must think they're infallible.
I'm still waiting for her to post any criticism of the Iranian mullahs.

She must think they're infallible.
it seems to me that WAHHABISM is something like PURITAN CHRISTIANITY ---
an attempt to return to the OLD TIME RELIGION as considered to be such
by some maniacs-----something like the population of Salem Mass. As to
other present day maniacs-----the Iranian mullahs AND Erdogan
I'm still waiting for her to post any criticism of the Iranian mullahs.

She must think they're infallible.

You have aa problem with reading comprehension. I said that among the Shia the Mullahs are considered infallible.

Imams are Sunni.
it seems to me that WAHHABISM is something like PURITAN CHRISTIANITY ---
an attempt to return to the OLD TIME RELIGION as considered to be such
by some maniacs-----something like the population of Salem Mass. As to
other present day maniacs-----the Iranian mullahs AND Erdogan

The Wahhabis are purists.. Think Calvinists.. They have simplified Islam.. The reason was twofold. 1. To get rid of the innovations introduced by the Ottoman Turks and 2. to get the Turks off the Arabian Peninsula.

They are modest, family oriented and conservative.. They are NOT militant or Nationalistic. In the West you have a lot of jackasses calling themselves Wahhabi who are not.

Saudi Arabia was never a colony so they have a very different mindset than say.. Iran, Iraq, Syria .
The Wahhabis are purists.. Think Calvinists.. They have simplified Islam.. The reason was twofold. 1. To get rid of the innovations introduced by the Ottoman Turks and 2. to get the Turks off the Arabian Peninsula.

They are modest, family oriented and conservative.. They are NOT militant or Nationalistic. In the West you have a lot of jackasses calling themselves Wahhabi who are not.

Saudi Arabia was never a colony so they have a very different mindset than say.. Iran, Iraq, Syria .
the innovations INTRODUCED by the Turks included such HERESIES as doing away with the
ENSLAVEMENT of dhimmi orphans. It was that filth from which hubby's parents fled---the little
dhimmi who was in jeopardy was hubby's mother-----hubby was born during the years it took
to escape the shariah shit-hole. She was something like 11 when her father died. The Saudis
are well described in the autobiography of TC Lawrence ------"seven pillars....." They are bloody
barbarians (except the one Saudi I knew-----a physician who ended up in the hospital associated
with Yeshiva University----MONTEFIORE-----he didn't think much of Saudi arabia either)
the innovations INTRODUCED by the Turks included such HERESIES as doing away with the
ENSLAVEMENT of dhimmi orphans. It was that filth from which hubby's parents fled---the little
dhimmi who was in jeopardy was hubby's mother-----hubby was born during the years it took
to escape the shariah shit-hole. She was something like 11 when her father died. The Saudis
are well described in the autobiography of TC Lawrence ------"seven pillars....." They are bloody
barbarians (except the one Saudi I knew-----a physician who ended up in the hospital associated
with Yeshiva University----MONTEFIORE-----he didn't think much of Saudi arabia either)

Who is TC Lawrence?
Bin Laden has an AMBITION to take over MECCA, thus control of the whole
FRIGGIN UMMAH. His ambition was far from peaceful-----Saudi Arabia should have
hanged him-----he was a terrorist but----his family had political pull
search SIEGE OF MECCA ----1979

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