What you should know about Islam

So you said Muslims never invaded or expelled anyone
but the Islamic 'messanger of god' says :

"I will expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but Muslim."

then who is the bs artist
of the two of you?

You said that a Moslem leader expelled the Jews from the Arabian Peninsula.
But clearly the full Hadith is saying an Angle told the Moslem leader that God was going to expel the Jews, and not that any human did it.
You said that a Moslem leader expelled the Jews from the Arabian Peninsula.
But clearly the full Hadith is saying an Angle told the Moslem leader that God was going to expel the Jews, and not that any human did it.
Ahh so because your lies can't justify the barbarity of Islamic imperialism,
but you're convinced that Muslim violence 'is always someone else's fault'

now it's - 'blame the angel'...

Was it "an angel" that enslaved Africans for 1400 years
and expelled the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula?

Channeling angels...
so much for Islamic "monotheism" :20:
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It is correctly pronounced as if with an 'F'.
What you have just proven is that most modern Jews have NO Mideast heritage.
what you have just proven is that you know nothing about the LINGUISTICS of
SEMITIC LANGUAGES--------there is both a PE' and a FE' ----and it does not
involve BBBBBBBB.... ""BBBBB"" is arab garble
Your video says the Jews were not expelled from Khaybar.
The video just says they were forced to pay the Jizya tax.
Kinda like saying "black africans were not enslaved in the USA----just forced to pick cotton

Since at least 80% of those captured by the Muslim slave traders were calculated to have died before reaching the slave markets, it is believed that the death toll from 14 hundred years of Arab – Muslim slave raids into Africa could have been as high as 112 million.”

Ahh so because your lies can't justify the barbarity of Islamic imperialism,
but you're convinced that Muslim violence 'is always someone else's fault'

now it's - 'blame the angel'...

Was it "an angel" that enslaved Africans for 1400 years
and expelled the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula?

Channeling angels...
so much for Islamic "monotheism" :20:

No, I am saying the Jews and Christians were not expelled from the Arabian Peninsula.
I had never before heard anyone claim that, and I don't think it ever happened.
And you did not quote an Islamic leader saying he would, but that he said an angel told him God would do it.
But it may not be accurate, depending on translation, etc.

As far as slavery, that started long before Islam.
what you have just proven is that you know nothing about the LINGUISTICS of
SEMITIC LANGUAGES--------there is both a PE' and a FE' ----and it does not
involve BBBBBBBB.... ""BBBBB"" is arab garble

Never heard any one say it with a 'b'.
The correct way is with an 'f', and that is the way all Palestinians say it.
Jews just say it all wrong, because they are not from the Mideast.

Since at least 80% of those captured by the Muslim slave traders were calculated to have died before reaching the slave markets, it is believed that the death toll from 14 hundred years of Arab – Muslim slave raids into Africa could have been as high as 112 million.”

Dutch, British, Germans, Romans, Spanish, Greeks, Egyptians, etc., all captured slaves in Africa.
Never heard any one say it with a 'b'.
The correct way is with an 'f', and that is the way all Palestinians say it.
Jews just say it all wrong, because they are not from the Mideast.
It is clear that you have not spoken to arabic speaking muslims
Dutch, British, Germans, Romans, Spanish, Greeks, Egyptians, etc., all captured slaves in Africa.
not exactly-----most of the slaves shipped to the USA were "brokered" by arab slave traders.
In the 4000 years prior to that time----most of the slaves shipped to north africa, europe and asia were brokered by arab slave traders. The idiot propaganda about europeans snagging blacks in the jungles with giant butterfly nets as Khutbah Jumaat feces
No, I am saying the Jews and Christians were not expelled from the Arabian Peninsula.
I had never before heard anyone claim that, and I don't think it ever happened.
And you did not quote an Islamic leader saying he would, but that he said an angel told him God would do it.
But it may not be accurate, depending on translation, etc.

As far as slavery, that started long before Islam.
^^^ that is true----and even BEFORE the unfortunate inception of islam---the SLAVE TRADERS
were arabs. In ancient literature the pigs were callled ISHMAELITES which is probably why the rapist of mecca IMAGINED that he was descended from the biblical Ishmael
You said that a Moslem leader expelled the Jews from the Arabian Peninsula.
But clearly the full Hadith is saying an Angle told the Moslem leader that God was going to expel the Jews, and not that any human did it.
oh gee----so the "god" that the arab scum worship was a nazi pig TOO?
Never heard any one say it with a 'b'.
The correct way is with an 'f', and that is the way all Palestinians say it.
Jews just say it all wrong, because they are not from the Mideast.
Not only the name has no meaning in Arabic whatsoever,
the Muslim invaders can't even manage to pronounce it appropriately.

Still wonder why under Muslim rule, this lush oasis turned into a disease ridden swamp,
while the land have kept the best of her fruits and splendor for her true children?
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Dutch, British, Germans, Romans, Spanish, Greeks, Egyptians, etc., all captured slaves in Africa.

Whataboutism won't help.

Can anyone of them compare with numbers of
of the 1400 years of imperialist Islamic mass slavery?
It is clear that you have not spoken to arabic speaking muslims

Arabic has nothing to do with it.
It is how Palestinians say it that matters only.


Palestine Pronunciation​

Palestine (region) - Palestine (Arabic: فلسطين‎ Filasṭīn, Falasṭīn, Filisṭīn;
Hmmmm you sound rather familiar. Did you ever sit on General Patton's lap?

Arabic has nothing to do with it.
It is how Palestinians say it that matters only.


Palestine Pronunciation​

Palestine (region) - Palestine (Arabic: فلسطين‎ Filasṭīn, Falasṭīn, Filisṭīn;
BALESTINIANS say it as BALESTINIAN. just as do Egyptians. The word itself was introduced
by the GREEK HISTORIAN Herodotus. It is neither arabic nor hebrew----it is a GREEK CONSTRUCT. Another GREEK name of place is NEOPOLIS------the city that arabs TODAY call
NABLUS Rigs-----how long have you been living under a rock?
Arabic has nothing to do with it.
It is how Palestinians say it that matters only.


Palestine Pronunciation​

Palestine (region) - Palestine (Arabic: فلسطين‎ Filasṭīn, Falasṭīn, Filisṭīn;

It has everything with the inability of Arabic supremacists
to pronounce the names of lands they invaded.

Ever seen more pathetic frauds?

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not exactly-----most of the slaves shipped to the USA were "brokered" by arab slave traders.
In the 4000 years prior to that time----most of the slaves shipped to north africa, europe and asia were brokered by arab slave traders. The idiot propaganda about europeans snagging blacks in the jungles with giant butterfly nets as Khutbah Jumaat feces

Arabs only got into the slave trade in the last 500 years or so, and they were not the main enslavers, because it was mostly other Africans.


During the era of the trans-Atlantic slave trade, Europeans did not have the power to invade African states or kidnap enslaved Africans. Because of this, between 15 and 20 million enslaved people were transported across the Atlantic Ocean from Africa and purchased from traders of enslaved people throughout Europe and European colonies.
One thing that many Westerners wonder about African enslavers is why they were willing to sell their own people. Why would they sell Africans to Europeans? The simple answer to this question is that they did not see enslaved people as "their own people." Blackness (as an identity or marker of difference) was at that time a preoccupation of Europeans, not Africans. There was also in this era no collective sense of being "African." In other words, African traders of enslaved people felt no obligation to protect enslaved Africans because they did not regard them as their equals.

So how did people become enslaved? Some enslaved people were prisoners of, and many of these may have been seen as enemies or rivals to, those who sold them. Others were people who had fallen into debt. Enslaved people were different by virtue of their social and economic status (what we might think of today as their class). Enslavers also kidnapped people, but again, there was no reason in their minds that made them see enslaved people as "their own."

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