What you should know about Islam

rylah----I have noticed that ARABIC SPEAKING muslims cannot pronounce
PALESTINE-------they say "balestine" BUT jews who do speak arabic even at
home-------can ALL SAY PALESTINE (with a real P) THE TEST of an arab vs a jew
in the MIDDLE EAST IS--------P
Yes, and they also believe the Big Ben is theirs...

(when 14 centuries of mass degeneracy is the only thing to brag about)

Sure you do. Just ask Belgium, Czechoslovakia, France and Poland after WW1.

And look how much more land Israel owns after kicking all that Arab ass.

Totally wrong.
No personal land ownership changed hands during WWI.
Nationalities changes, but that is all.
It is illegal and war crime to confiscate homes by war.

And that is the whole point, that what Israel did was a war crime.
It is illegal to disposes rightful owners by force.
No one else has ever done that.
It is a horrific war crime.
Apparently you forgot about the peaceful Christian ministers who were stoned 9 years ago in Dearborn for sharing the good news.

You can see they were throwing empty plastic bottles.
And it is wrong to parade in other people's neighborhoods.
rylah----I have noticed that ARABIC SPEAKING muslims cannot pronounce
PALESTINE-------they say "balestine" BUT jews who do speak arabic even at
home-------can ALL SAY PALESTINE (with a real P) THE TEST of an arab vs a jew
in the MIDDLE EAST IS--------P

It is correctly pronounced as if with an 'F'.
What you have just proven is that most modern Jews have NO Mideast heritage.
And you are saying the federal government allowed the killing of a Christian and did nothing about it?

Don't insult me again. It didn't happen and you know it.

Are yo uh kidding? Are you supporting sharia law?
Be specific.

I was specific.
I said that Sharia is fine for domestic matters where both parties agree to Sharia, like divorce, inheritance, etc.
I was specific.
I said that Sharia is fine for domestic matters where both parties agree to Sharia, like divorce, inheritance, etc.

I'll be specific also. The story is bullshit and doesn't exist. Again, where was The police when these stinings etc took place? Where's the evidence.
Go and try to fool someone else.
Totally wrong.
No personal land ownership changed hands during WWI.
Nationalities changes, but that is all.
It is illegal and war crime to confiscate homes by war.

And that is the whole point, that what Israel did was a war crime.
It is illegal to disposes rightful owners by force.
No one else has ever done that.
It is a horrific war crime.

No personal land ownership changed hands during WWI.

What about public land?

It is illegal and war crime to confiscate homes by war.

Really? What happened to the homes owned by Germans deported from
eastern Europe after WWII?

And that is the whole point, that what Israel did was a war crime.
It is illegal to disposes rightful owners by force.

The Ottoman government gave up their land, as you know.

No one else has ever done that.

OMG! You're such a liar. Or really stupid.
Literally everyone in history that won a war took land from the losers.
That's why Muslims aren't only sitting in Saudi Arabia in the spot where their poisonous
religion began.

"Munha al-Lisa by Lamajnoun ibn-Davun
was the first ever feminist in France...

half of Madrid should go to Muslims
because Spain illegally occupies "historic Andalus",

and the White House - "was always the 5th holiest mosque..."

You see, Islam appeals to smart people,
now it all makes sense.
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And you said Islam didn't expel Jews and Christians from Arabia.
Either admit you were wrong, or confirm you lie knowingly.

The "Khaybar" is the genocidal death chant
Muslims have been screaming around the world
since the beginning of Islam - a threat and call to war.

Your video says the Jews were not expelled from Khaybar.
The video just says they were forced to pay the Jizya tax.
No personal land ownership changed hands during WWI.

What about public land?

It is illegal and war crime to confiscate homes by war.

Really? What happened to the homes owned by Germans deported from
eastern Europe after WWII?

And that is the whole point, that what Israel did was a war crime.
It is illegal to disposes rightful owners by force.

The Ottoman government gave up their land, as you know.

No one else has ever done that.

OMG! You're such a liar. Or really stupid.
Literally everyone in history that won a war took land from the losers.
That's why Muslims aren't only sitting in Saudi Arabia in the spot where their poisonous
religion began.

Public land is always owned by the local people, because it is used for things like shared grazing.

It was illegal to deport Germans from eastern Europe after WWII, and even illegal to confiscate their lands.
Creating Poland did not cause any deportations or changes in land ownership, only in nationality.

The Ottoman government has no land ownership in Palestine except for a few government offices.
They gave up what little they had, since they owed compensation for their original invasion.

You really do not know any history.
Almost always when you invade, you do NOT confiscate any land, but the invader simply starts taxing the population.
About the only exception was when the British beat the native Americans, with the intent of genocide, to take their land.
The Turks also did this to the Armenians.
Otherwise it almost never happened.

The Moslem religion and the Arabic language started in Saudi Arabia, but that has noting to do with the Arabs who always lived in places like Egypt, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, etc. They did not come from Saudi Arabia, but always lived there.
Don't forget that the Canaanites and Hebrew are also Arab, and clearly they did not come from Saudi Arabia.
But the fact Judaism is more elitest and does not let the conquered convert, is not an improvement.

Well, each religion has their thing. Doesn't stop Christians and Muslims being huge religions because of their violence.
And you are saying the federal government allowed the killing of a Christian and did nothing about it?

Don't insult me again. It didn't happen and you know it.

Are yo uh kidding? Are you supporting sharia law?
Be specific.

Sharia law in the US is limited to voluntary civil arbitrage between Muslims.. Like rabbinic council which we have had for over 200 years.
Public land is always owned by the local people,

Always? What about when it's owned by the Emir?
Unoccupied? Left vacant? Taxes are unpaid?

It was illegal to deport Germans from eastern Europe after WWII, and even illegal to confiscate their lands.

But it happened. So when you said "no one has ever done that", you were wrong.

Creating Poland did not cause any deportations or changes in land ownership, only in nationality.

Not a single German lost a single square foot of land? Sweet! Link?

The Ottoman government has no land ownership in Palestine except for a few government offices.

So who were the absentee landowners after 1858?

They gave up what little they had, since they owed compensation for their original invasion.

To the Allies. British and French.

Almost always when you invade, you do NOT confiscate any land, but the invader simply starts taxing the population.

Did you learn that in your mosque? What happened when the Arab squatters didn't pay?

The Moslem religion and the Arabic language started in Saudi Arabia, but that has noting to do with the Arabs who always lived in places like Egypt, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, etc. They did not come from Saudi Arabia, but always lived there.

The moslem conquests never happened? Weird.
So, why do Christian countries end up with less ethical governments then?

I think that is because Christian countries are more driven and materialistic, so they develop more technology, which then leads to less personal freedom and more of a well armed wealthy elite.
Hispanics, Asians, etc., are just less materially motivated.
Always? What about when it's owned by the Emir?
Unoccupied? Left vacant? Taxes are unpaid?

It was illegal to deport Germans from eastern Europe after WWII, and even illegal to confiscate their lands.

But it happened. So when you said "no one has ever done that", you were wrong.

Creating Poland did not cause any deportations or changes in land ownership, only in nationality.

Not a single German lost a single square foot of land? Sweet! Link?

The Ottoman government has no land ownership in Palestine except for a few government offices.

So who were the absentee landowners after 1858?

They gave up what little they had, since they owed compensation for their original invasion.

To the Allies. British and French.

Almost always when you invade, you do NOT confiscate any land, but the invader simply starts taxing the population.

Did you learn that in your mosque? What happened when the Arab squatters didn't pay?

The Moslem religion and the Arabic language started in Saudi Arabia, but that has noting to do with the Arabs who always lived in places like Egypt, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, etc. They did not come from Saudi Arabia, but always lived there.

The moslem conquests never happened? Weird.

The Akkadians were Arabs from the Arabian peninsula who arrived in Palestine, Syria, Mesopotamia and the Levant 6000 years ago long before Islam and Judaism..
I think that is because Christian countries are more driven and materialistic, so they develop more technology, which then leads to less personal freedom and more of a well armed wealthy elite.
Hispanics, Asians, etc., are just less materially motivated.

The problem is that quite a few of these Christian countries with high murder rates are Hispanic countries. El Salvador being number one, for example.

Christianity is a religion which offers easy redemption. Do something wrong, turn up in church on Sunday and everything's forgiven.

In the US this might lead to an aggressive government that has gone and interfered in many countries without caring about those people. Look at Libya. Go in, get rid of Gadaffi, and then do nothing. Leave the country to fester in Civil War.
Your video says the Jews were not expelled from Khaybar.
The video just says they were forced to pay the Jizya tax.

Thanks for confirming you have neither moral integrity
nor a slightest ability to refute anything.

So if you're bragging about Jiziyah
as your standard of tolerance - now what % do Muslims start paying
to non-Muslims in their countries, so that they're not spared the same privilege?
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Sharia law in the US is limited to voluntary civil arbitrage between Muslims.. Like rabbinic council which we have had for over 200 years.

To memorize those mindless talking points is one thing,
but you don't even remotely understand what you're talking about.

Now tell us, would Islam be content with seven Noahide laws,
or seeks to convert all humanity to Islam?
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Always? What about when it's owned by the Emir?
Unoccupied? Left vacant? Taxes are unpaid?

It was illegal to deport Germans from eastern Europe after WWII, and even illegal to confiscate their lands.

But it happened. So when you said "no one has ever done that", you were wrong.

Creating Poland did not cause any deportations or changes in land ownership, only in nationality.

Not a single German lost a single square foot of land? Sweet! Link?

The Ottoman government has no land ownership in Palestine except for a few government offices.

So who were the absentee landowners after 1858?

They gave up what little they had, since they owed compensation for their original invasion.

To the Allies. British and French.

Almost always when you invade, you do NOT confiscate any land, but the invader simply starts taxing the population.

Did you learn that in your mosque? What happened when the Arab squatters didn't pay?

The Moslem religion and the Arabic language started in Saudi Arabia, but that has noting to do with the Arabs who always lived in places like Egypt, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, etc. They did not come from Saudi Arabia, but always lived there.

The moslem conquests never happened? Weird.

We were discussing the ownership of land of whole invaded countries, not just the small minorities like the Germans deported from the Sudetenland and Poland. I do not know much about the Germans deported from eastern Europe, but it could have been to balance earlier violations when the land was originally taken? Anyway, it was small and not common.

The Ottoman gave up any land they did claim in Palestine, to the Allies, but that was the Palestinians.
The Palestinians fought on the Allied side and did most of the fighting in the Mideast, against the Ottoman Empire.

The Palestinians were not squatters but owners, and did not pay rent to any Ottoman. They only paid taxes.

Sure the Moslem conquest happened, but it did not change any population.
It just changed the government.
When one army beats another army, it does not change the population.
The Moslem conquest was an army sweeping through, but they left.
Palestine was populated by the same people before and after the Moslem Conquest.

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