What you should know about Islam

Obviously YES.
There is absolutely no doubt about that at all.

Big old Jewish country sitting there.

It's obvious that 100% of the land was NOT given to the Arabs.

If you want it in writing, here is the Churchill Whitepaper of 1922 that says Jews are to have no autonomy or any role in government at all.

And in 1948......they did.

Yes, LATER Zionists managed to gain UN support for the creation of Israel.
But it was not really legal, since it contravened the existing treaties, and was cause by Zionists murdering British and UN peacekeepers.
Extortion like that should not have been allowed.
Israel was born of corruption and murder of innocent peacekeepers.
Yes, LATER Zionists managed to gain UN support for the creation of Israel.
But it was not really legal, since it contravened the existing treaties, and was cause by Zionists murdering British and UN peacekeepers.
Extortion like that should not have been allowed.
Israel was born of corruption and murder of innocent peacekeepers.

Yes, LATER Zionists managed to gain UN support for the creation of Israel.

Yes, because Arabs weren't given 100% of the land.

But it was not really legal, since it contravened the existing treaties,

Treaties between which parties? Link?
The 1906 Geneva Convention?

Israel was born of corruption and murder of innocent peacekeepers.

And kicking plenty of Arab ass.
The partition of Trans Jordan into Jordan and Palestine was only to prevent any Jewish immigration into Jordan.

The partition plan in Palestine, you silly Muslim.

There was no partition allowing Jewish autonomy until the UN pulled it out of thin air in 1948.

That was awesome!

And then the Arabs fucked it up, eh?

The UN gave a third the population that was Jewish, over half of Palestine.

And now how much do the Jews own?

The 1920 partition was to split off Palestine west of the Jordan River from Trans-Jordan.
The 1948 partition was to split Palestine into Jewish and Moslem sections, to be called Israel and Palestine.

No, the Zionists fcked up the 1948 UN partition of Palestine into Israel and Palestine, by massacring Arab villages like Dier Yassin, forcing Arab neighbors to reluctantly stop the massacres.

Jews own nothing in the Mideast, but they illegally occupy all of Palestine and Israel.
Yes, LATER Zionists managed to gain UN support for the creation of Israel.

Yes, because Arabs weren't given 100% of the land.

But it was not really legal, since it contravened the existing treaties,

Treaties between which parties? Link?
The 1906 Geneva Convention?

Israel was born of corruption and murder of innocent peacekeepers.

And kicking plenty of Arab ass.

The legal treaties that established nationalities were the 1920 Treaty of Sevres and Treaty of San Remo.
The 1948 creation of Israel by the UN was not really legal because the Arabs were 100% legal ownership by previous treaty.

Sure Israel won militarily, but with latest US weapons against almost unarmed Arabs.
The 1920 partition was to split off Palestine west of the Jordan River from Trans-Jordan.
The 1948 partition was to split Palestine into Jewish and Moslem sections, to be called Israel and Palestine.

No, the Zionists fcked up the 1948 UN partition of Palestine into Israel and Palestine, by massacring Arab villages like Dier Yassin, forcing Arab neighbors to reluctantly stop the massacres.

Jews own nothing in the Mideast, but they illegally occupy all of Palestine and Israel.

The 1948 partition was to split Palestine into Jewish and Moslem sections, to be called Israel and Palestine.

I know. Despite your claim there was never any country intended for Jews.

No, the Zionists fcked up the 1948 UN partition of Palestine into Israel and Palestine


They're sitting in their own country. The Arabs are keeping millions of Palestinians in camps.
Over 70 years later. Losers.

Jews own nothing in the Mideast

Except their country. And all that space in your head.
What does any of this matter? The bottom line is that currently is a percentage of islamic culture promotes death to America and Americans , Christians infidelities etc..
So are we to justify their existence and desires? Whatever our forefathers did to these people in the past we are to except their desire for revenge and except the slaughter they wish to impose? Or are we as democratics just going to try to buy them off with tax payer dollars and justify the carnage they desire to bring to us as deserved retribution.
If you think otherwise then give me an example?
Maybe I am wrong.
Could easily be, since humans make lots of mistakes.
But I just don't know of any evil Arab Moslem aggression off hand.
I do know of evil Mongol, Moghul, Turkish aggression that is blamed on Moslem Arabs however.

How about mass slavery for 1400 years,
in numbers that would make the US a midget?
Or maybe the conquest and rape of several continents?

The Muslim-Hindu wars... a massive genocide
Islam has massacred hundreds of millions unprovoked for supremacist imperialism.

The legal treaties that established nationalities were the 1920 Treaty of Sevres and Treaty of San Remo.
The 1948 creation of Israel by the UN was not really legal because the Arabs were 100% legal ownership by previous treaty.

Sure Israel won militarily, but with latest US weapons against almost unarmed Arabs.

The legal treaties that established nationalities were the 1920 Treaty of Sevres and Treaty of San Remo.

Who were the parties to those treaties?

The 1948 creation of Israel by the UN was not really legal because the Arabs were 100% legal ownership by previous treaty.

Cool story, Achmed.
Just cut and past the portion that backs up your fantasy.

Sure Israel won militarily,

Yeah, they kicked some major Arab ass.
They kicked so much Arab ass that you say "ouch" every time you sit down.

but with latest US weapons against almost unarmed Arabs.

The Arabs attacked with almost no weapons?
Damn!! Why are Arabs so fucking stupid?

Is it all the cousin marrying? Is that why you're so stupid?
Well, we can look at many religions and see massive problems.

Ask yourself why the top 34 countries in the world for murder are all Christian countries.
The Christian doctrine does not condone murder or terror. It has 0 to do with the murder rates.
Well, the foundation of the world is old,
by an appeal to a baby religion of an illiterate man it won't change.

That's where Islam still misses on monotheism,
in its true universal form, first in your denial of Islam as branch of Judaism,
and then in you competing on the Christian mistake of denial of eternity of G-d's word.

There's no out of date with eternity,
and Islam is incapable of producing a universal direction for humanity.
an appeal to a new baby religion of an illiterate man didn't even produce much for his own.

B"H most of earth's population
are too intelligent for the appeal of Islam.

Osam Bin Laden was an "Atheist Muslim",
didn't believe in Allah or 'his prophet'?

See, a compulsion to just say the opposite of whatever,
when you have no morality or facts on your side,
is how you keep making my point.

I agree that Islam is a branch of Judaism.
I agree that Christianity is also a branch of Judaism.
I also agree both Islam and Christianity have been badly abused for evil ends.

But the obvious evil that Israel is constantly committing is vastly worse than what Christianity and Islam does most of the time.
It would seem your own link says Umarb. al=Khattib respected Jews and Christians.

In 637 CE, after the long siege of Jerusalem, the Islamic army succeeded in conquering the city. Jerusalem's great priest Patriarch Sophronius handed over the keys to Saidina Umar. He then urged Saidina Umar to pray in the christian grand church of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Saidina Umar refused and instead performed prayers not far from the church because it did not wish to tarnish the church's status as a Christian religious center.

So much about the worth of your "respect",
after intentionally lying that he was a Mongol...

All because there's nothing to refute the facts of violent Islamist imperialism:

It has been narrated by 'Umar b. al-Khattib that he heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say:
"I will expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but Muslim."

What does any of this matter? The bottom line is that currently is a percentage of islamic culture promotes death to America and Americans , Christians infidelities etc..
So are we to justify their existence and desires? Whatever our forefathers did to these people in the past we are to except their desire for revenge and except the slaughter they wish to impose? Or are we as democratics just going to try to buy them off with tax payer dollars and justify the carnage they desire to bring to us as deserved retribution.

Really? Where have you lived in the ME?
Well, we can look at many religions and see massive problems.

Ask yourself why the top 34 countries in the world for murder are all Christian countries.

Absolute rubbish. Advanced societies keep statistics and hold trials; others just kill and leave the bodies in ditches or bury them. If you think the murder rates in Mexico are lower than here, you're completely clueless.
I agree that Islam is a branch of Judaism.
I agree that Christianity is also a branch of Judaism.
I also agree both Islam and Christianity have been badly abused for evil ends.

But the obvious evil that Israel is constantly committing is vastly worse than what Christianity and Islam does most of the time.

No, your typical reflex to deflect to Israel,
is because you can't deal facing the facts of fundamental Islamist degradation.

That's why despite numbers and all seeming odds - it's indeed Israel that will reform Islam.
The legal treaties that established nationalities were the 1920 Treaty of Sevres and Treaty of San Remo.

Who were the parties to those treaties?

The 1948 creation of Israel by the UN was not really legal because the Arabs were 100% legal ownership by previous treaty.

Cool story, Achmed.
Just cut and past the portion that backs up your fantasy.

Sure Israel won militarily,

Yeah, they kicked some major Arab ass.
They kicked so much Arab ass that you say "ouch" every time you sit down.

but with latest US weapons against almost unarmed Arabs.

The Arabs attacked with almost no weapons?
Damn!! Why are Arabs so fucking stupid?

Is it all the cousin marrying? Is that why you're so stupid?

First of all, I am a US Jew, not Arab, Moslem, or Mideastern.
Secondly is that there can be lots of different rationales for national sovereignty, but Israel satisfies none of them.
You can't use religion because Judaism says we should disperse and atone for the sins of arrogance and pride, waiting for the coming of the Messiah as a sign of the Aliyah.
You can't use history since Hebrew are not from the Land of Canaan, and were evil invaders who could not hold on.
You can't use possession because Israel took Palestine by lying to the US in order to get their weapons to use.

The Arabs had no choice but to attack in 1948 due to the massacre of innocent Arab villages like Dier Yassin, by Zionists.
And even without much in the way of weapons, they won.
The Zionists in 1948 were intent on attacking Jerusalem, and lost.
They were forced back to the UN partition line.
Zionists totally lost the 1948 war.
No, your typical reflex to deflect to Israel,
is because you can't deal facing the facts of fundamental Islamist degradation.

That's why indeed despite numbers and all seeming odds - it's Israel that reforms Islam.

Not sure what you mean?
If you are saying Israel has some modern aspects that could improve Islam, that likely is true, but it over balanced by the brutal and unjust treatment of native Arabs by Israel, such as illegally confiscating Arab homes.
First of all, I am a US Jew, not Arab, Moslem, or Mideastern.

Based on your fellating of all things Muslim..........I'm gonna call BS.

You can't use religion because Judaism says we should disperse and atone for the sins of arrogance and pride, waiting for the coming of the Messiah as a sign of the Aliyah.

You should definitely vote for that.

The Arabs had no choice but to attack in 1948 due to the massacre of innocent Arab villages like Dier Yassin, by Zionists.

Yeak, ok, Achmed.

The Zionists in 1948 were intent on attacking Jerusalem, and lost.
They were forced back to the UN partition line.

So how much of the Arab portion of the partition did the Israelis end up with?

Zionists totally lost the 1948 war.

How large was Israel before the 1948 war? How large after?
Not sure what you mean?
If you are saying Israel has some modern aspects that could improve Islam, that likely is true, but it over balanced by the brutal and unjust treatment of native Arabs by Israel, such as illegally confiscating Arab homes.

such as illegally confiscating Arab homes.

How many of the "Arab homes" were owned by Arabs
and how many were rented from Ottoman landlords?
So much about the worth of your "respect",
after intentionally lying that he was a Mongol...

All because there's nothing to refute the facts of violent Islamist imperialism:

It has been narrated by 'Umar b. al-Khattib that he heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say:
"I will expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but Muslim."

Your link was referring to a quote in 1767, so then would have been AFTER the Mongol influence.
And obviously your quote is wrong, as Jews and Christians were never expelled from the Arabian Peninsula as far as any links have shown.

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