What you should know about Islam

Or Muslims,
as do Christians,

argue that G-d's word is not eternal?
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What does any of this matter? The bottom line is that currently is a percentage of islamic culture promotes death to America and Americans , Christians infidelities etc..
So are we to justify their existence and desires? Whatever our forefathers did to these people in the past we are to except their desire for revenge and except the slaughter they wish to impose? Or are we as democratics just going to try to buy them off with tax payer dollars and justify the carnage they desire to bring to us as deserved retribution.

When someone who does not speak English, but chants "Death to America" for media purposes, they believe they are saying "Defeat to America" really.
It is very dangerous to assume what others actually mean.
Never have Moslems or Arabs tried to murder Americans.
And actions speak louder than words.
Ok, let's examine...
And Torah of Mosheh Rabbenu A"H?

No, while Judaism has in it an earnist attempt to create a social system, the invasion of the Land of Canaan, such as the massacre of the Canaanite women and children at Jericho, shows a massive lack of ethics.
It shows greed.
The whole "Chosen People" and "Promised Land" thing is just about arrogance and pride, that is evil.
Your link was referring to a quote in 1767, so then would have been AFTER the Mongol influence.
And obviously your quote is wrong, as Jews and Christians were never expelled from the Arabian Peninsula as far as any links have shown.

Nope.. There were Nestorian Christians in Najran and Tarout even after the burnings by the King of Yemen. Muhammed protected them and waived Jizya.
Based on your fellating of all things Muslim..........I'm gonna call BS.

You can't use religion because Judaism says we should disperse and atone for the sins of arrogance and pride, waiting for the coming of the Messiah as a sign of the Aliyah.

You should definitely vote for that.

The Arabs had no choice but to attack in 1948 due to the massacre of innocent Arab villages like Dier Yassin, by Zionists.

Yeak, ok, Achmed.

The Zionists in 1948 were intent on attacking Jerusalem, and lost.
They were forced back to the UN partition line.

So how much of the Arab portion of the partition did the Israelis end up with?

Zionists totally lost the 1948 war.

How large was Israel before the 1948 war? How large after?

Israel stayed about the same but I see they did capture some territory because of the 1948 war.

I think it's clear that more were owned by Jews than by the Arabs.

None of the homes were owned by Ottoman landlords.
The Ottoman invasion meant the Palestinians paid taxes to the Ottoman, not that they paid rent.
If the Ottoman were the owners, then the Palestinians would not have build any building, cisterns, etc.
All the Arab homes were owned by the Arab occupants, and had deeds and titles preceding the Ottoman invasion.
Almost nothing was owned by Jews.
What little the Jews tried to buy from Ottoman in Turkey, were scams where the Jews wasted their money on people who did not have legal ownership.
Foreign Jews were not allowed to buy property in Palestine.
Your link was referring to a quote in 1767, so then would have been AFTER the Mongol influence.
And obviously your quote is wrong, as Jews and Christians were never expelled from the Arabian Peninsula as far as any links have shown.
The more of your desperate lies
the more it reveals the filth of Islamism.

Now tell us, "not expelled anyone"
where are the Jews of Khaybar today
that Muslims scream about in every demonstration?

"Like the Jewish tribes in Medina, the Khaybari Jews derived much of their wealth from commerce and agriculture. They also manufactured textiles and metal implements, and stockpiled these in their fortresses. When the Banū ’l-Naḍīr were expelled from Medina in 624, many found a refuge in Khaybar. Three years after the expulsion, the Muslims turned their sights on Khayb…"

In fact Islam has not only murdered, expelled and enslaved hundreds of millions,
but doing so wiped out native cultures and civilizations on several continents.
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I think it's clear that more were owned by Jews than by the Arabs.

Nope. by 1948 the Jewish refugees had purchased almost 7% of the land.

But, they had confiscated some German dairies in Jaffa some 30 years earlier and destroyed over 300 Arab villages between 1947-49..
The more of your desperate lies
the more it reveals the filth of Islamism.

Now tell us, "not expelled anyone"
where are the Jews of Khaybar today
that Muslims scream about in every demonstration?

"Like the Jewish tribes in Medina, the Khaybari Jews derived much of their wealth from commerce and agriculture. They also manufactured textiles and metal implements, and stockpiled these in their fortresses. When the Banū ’l-Naḍīr were expelled from Medina in 624, many found a refuge in Khaybar. Three years after the expulsion, the Muslims turned their sights on Khayb…"

In fact Islam has not only murdered, expelled and enslaved
hundreds of millions, but sought, as today to wipe entire civilizations.

The Jews of Kaybar were a small group from Jericho who tried to take over an oasis. They broke treaties and asked to be judged by their own laws.
None of the homes were owned by Ottoman landlords.
The Ottoman invasion meant the Palestinians paid taxes to the Ottoman, not that they paid rent.
If the Ottoman were the owners, then the Palestinians would not have build any building, cisterns, etc.
All the Arab homes were owned by the Arab occupants, and had deeds and titles preceding the Ottoman invasion.
Almost nothing was owned by Jews.
What little the Jews tried to buy from Ottoman in Turkey, were scams where the Jews wasted their money on people who did not have legal ownership.
Foreign Jews were not allowed to buy property in Palestine.

None of the homes were owned by Ottoman landlords.

The Arabs were free to move their homes off of the Ottoman land they rented........

The Ottoman invasion meant the Palestinians paid taxes to the Ottoman, not that they paid rent.

They weren't paying rent to absentee land owners?
Have they ever not been deadbeat squatters?
Nope. by 1948 the Jewish refugees had purchased almost 7% of the land.

But, they had confiscated some German dairies in Jaffa some 30 years earlier and destroyed over 300 Arab villages between 1947-49..

by 1948 the Jewish refugees had purchased almost 7% of the land.

And the Arabs owned what, 1% or 2%?
"People of the book"... is how Islam calls Jews and Christians.

The entire Arab world publishes less books in a decade,
than tiny Greece in a year.
None of the homes were owned by Ottoman landlords.

The Arabs were free to move their homes off of the Ottoman land they rented........

The Ottoman invasion meant the Palestinians paid taxes to the Ottoman, not that they paid rent.

They weren't paying rent to absentee land owners?
Have they ever not been deadbeat squatters?

Some Arab families owned the same home for 500 years. Don't you remember how large the Muslim Quarter was before 1967?
The goals of Islam around here in America is to sell a lot of bean pies, incense and Final Call newspapers.

Here in America, Islam isn't really a problem except in a few locales like Dearbornistan- a city in Michigan that adopted Sharia Law. A group of Christians were stoned a few years ago for sharing the good news to a group of heathen in the town park.
Here in the Us Islam is a problem and like with Europe and everywhere else as the numbers of muslims grow---the more and more they will show their true colors like the rape gangs, no go zones, sharia law etc.

Muslim Minnesota is a shit hole now btw....

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