What's about Islamic Terror Attacks? It looks like their authors are too busy to stage Corona 'pandemic'


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
A wonder going on, after launching of the Fake Corona Pandemic no one Terror attack in the Name of Islam anymore.It is the best proof the dark forces performed those attacks before are the same who lie to us about the 'killer virus' now.
" Militant Manifesto Of The Malevolent Meme "

* Neither The Qurayn Nor Its Qurayshism Apply Outside Of Hejaz *

A wonder going on, after launching of the Fake Corona Pandemic no one Terror attack in the Name of Islam anymore.It is the best proof the dark forces performed those attacks before are the same who lie to us about the 'killer virus' now.
Here goes the terrorist facilitating , wanna be sultan , wanna be call it fate , tay yip yap ear dog again - Crowd Celebrates in Istanbul After Erdogan Orders Hagia Sophia Converted Back Into Mosque .

Here you go , so you can keep up to date on the scoop - List of terrorist incidents in 2020 - Wikipedia .

Keep in mind that the following quote from the qurayn is only a sample motivating the depravity of 1400 year history of illegitimate aggression and homicide by doctrine , as you spout " Objectivity is a valid excuse for remaining ignorant ! " .

Surah 5:33 Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against God and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land. That is for them a disgrace in this world; and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment,
If it bleeds, it doesn't lead if it's in the name of Islam.

The "Religion of Peace" keeps tabs on known attacks:

It has been relatively quiet in the "western world" as of late (a few incidents in France since the C-19 lockdown).

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