What's been going on with the site?

Kathianne and a few others are why I'm here though because they are they ones that are interested in interesting things. If this site should become just another juvenile sniping and troll forum, well, there are other sites. :cool:
Have I crossed any lines? Wow! Freedom of speech and all that crap.

No, you haven't crossed a line. I have not stated that you did. You are free to voice your opinion and have done so. Others to include myself, have voiced their's.

I'm not sounding like anyone but me. I have given each of the previous owners their chances without criticism until after they showed their respective hands, and I will do the same with this one.
Kathianne and a few others are why I'm here though because they are they ones that are interested in interesting things. If this site should become just another juvenile sniping and troll forum, well, there are other sites. :cool:

that might be true but god don't give the megalomaniac any power she makes Gunny seem like a soft spoken diplomat
that might be true but god don't give the megalomaniac any power she makes Gunny seem like a soft spoken diplomat

She is woman. Hear her roar. Viva la women with a brain AND an informed opinion. You have a problem with that? :razz:
oh come on.. let's not make a bad impression before meeting our new sith master.

Nah, it was a lot more than that. You were power crazy...:cool:

You know there's no defense about that one, which is now moot. Fine if you wish to keep at it, though for the life of me I don't know why. :cool:
Man, all this time I jus thought my ol IBM was hangin up.

Turns out there's a new sherrif..... cool.

After four pages of finger pointing and waaaaaay TMI about Betty I figure the new guy is likely to wonder ......

nice to know my machine was working after all.
Man, all this time I jus thought my ol IBM was hangin up.

Turns out there's a new sherrif..... cool.

After four pages of finger pointing and waaaaaay TMI about Betty I figure the new guy is likely to wonder ......

nice to know my machine was working after all.

You must admit, I was much more important than we would have thought? I mean posts mean everything? :cool:
You must admit, I was much more important than we would have thought? I mean posts mean everything? :cool:

Honestly....... I missed most of the drama thanks to the intervention of the real world. One day Jim was the man, then blip, and Gunny was an admin. I missed most of the age of Kathi. But, I had no beef with you either. I guess drama is in the eye of the beholder.

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