What's causing Texas earthquakes? Fracking 'most likely,' report says


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
What's causing Texas earthquakes? Fracking 'most likely,' report says
By Chris Lett and Jason Morris, CNN
Updated 11:01 AM ET, Sat May 9, 2015

Texas earthquakes Fracking is likely cause study says - CNN.com
Irving, Texas (CNN)Jim and Gail Wells have lived in the upscale Las Colinas area of Irving, Texas, for 14 years.

Nestled between Dallas and Fort Worth, they love their quaint neighborhood for its custom homes amid rolling hills and large trees.

One of the neighborhood's newer features is a spate of seismic activity.

According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the Dallas area has suffered almost 40 small earthquakes (magnitude 2.0 or higher) since the beginning of this year, the latest a magnitude-2.7 quake near Farmers Branch on Monday. Many of the epicenters were recorded in Farmers Branch and Irving, with a couple to the south in Venus.

"The quakes don't sound like much to somebody from California," Jim Wells told CNN. "But when you are sitting right on top of them, they are more than noticeable. They will shake the entire house, and you have no doubt about it when you have gone through it. We have in my home perhaps 100 or more wall hangings, pieces of art -- prints, etchings, oil originals -- and none of them are hanging straight."

On January 7 and 8, Irving experienced 11 earthquakes in about 24 hours. During one of those quakes -- a magnitude 3.6 -- Gail Wells says the rattling and shaking were so intense it knocked her off the sofa.

Susan Hough, a seismologist at the USGS and the California Institute of Technology, says the epicenter of these types of earthquakes would produce "average-to-high shaking intensities close in, but low intensities" about six miles out.

This is what you live with when you have fracking!
What's causing Texas earthquakes? Fracking 'most likely,' report says
By Chris Lett and Jason Morris, CNN
Updated 11:01 AM ET, Sat May 9, 2015

Texas earthquakes Fracking is likely cause study says - CNN.com
Irving, Texas (CNN)Jim and Gail Wells have lived in the upscale Las Colinas area of Irving, Texas, for 14 years.

Nestled between Dallas and Fort Worth, they love their quaint neighborhood for its custom homes amid rolling hills and large trees.

One of the neighborhood's newer features is a spate of seismic activity.

According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the Dallas area has suffered almost 40 small earthquakes (magnitude 2.0 or higher) since the beginning of this year, the latest a magnitude-2.7 quake near Farmers Branch on Monday. Many of the epicenters were recorded in Farmers Branch and Irving, with a couple to the south in Venus.

"The quakes don't sound like much to somebody from California," Jim Wells told CNN. "But when you are sitting right on top of them, they are more than noticeable. They will shake the entire house, and you have no doubt about it when you have gone through it. We have in my home perhaps 100 or more wall hangings, pieces of art -- prints, etchings, oil originals -- and none of them are hanging straight."

On January 7 and 8, Irving experienced 11 earthquakes in about 24 hours. During one of those quakes -- a magnitude 3.6 -- Gail Wells says the rattling and shaking were so intense it knocked her off the sofa.

Susan Hough, a seismologist at the USGS and the California Institute of Technology, says the epicenter of these types of earthquakes would produce "average-to-high shaking intensities close in, but low intensities" about six miles out.

This is what you live with when you have fracking!
Nah it's probably the blacks. Right Matty?
WOW... Stupidity on steroids...

Could it be Tectonic plate movements? Could it be the North American Craton is shifting? Its only attempted to tear some 400 times that we know of over the last few million years.. The morons who wrote that are political activists.. Heather DeShon ... Nothing further to discuss..

More Stupid from Matthew...
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"The quakes don't sound like much to somebody from California," Jim Wells told CNN. "But when you are sitting right on top of them, they are more than noticeable. They will shake the entire house, and you have no doubt about it when you have gone through it. We have in my home perhaps 100 or more wall hangings, pieces of art -- prints, etchings, oil originals -- and none of them are hanging straight."

The liberals cry... 'I am so afraid' Without difinitive evidence of causation (the USGS states "may be" indicating that there are other potential sources but they are to dam lazy to look at them and the fear they can drum up for thier dictator Obama.. He sure needs lots of fear to get the lib control agenda moving again..

Fucking morons.. What else do you expect from the Clinton News network...
Next thing you know they will be claiming that all quakes up and down the Craton edge are caused by "__________" (name your anti capitalism false claim)...

Officially, the cause of the earthquakes is inconclusive, according to the USGS.

LOL, these people are ridiculous. The reason quakes are happening is because the plates shift. I know, I know, we are all also going to drown so buy a boat! I have one for sale, want to buy it, lol!
Next thing you know they will be claiming that all quakes up and down the Craton edge are caused by "__________" (name your anti capitalism false claim)...

Officially, the cause of the earthquakes is inconclusive, according to the USGS.

Golly gee whiz, Billy Boob is once more lying. Who'd a thunk it.

Induced Earthquakes

Within the central and eastern United States, the number of earthquakes has increased dramatically over the past few years. Between the years 1973–2008, there was an average of 21 earthquakes of magnitude three and larger in the central and eastern United States. This rate jumped to an average of 99 M3+ earthquakes per year in 2009–2013, and the rate continues to rise. In 2014, alone, there were 659 M3 and larger earthquakes . Most of these earthquakes are in the magnitude 3–4 range, large enough to have been felt by many people, yet small enough to rarely cause damage. There were reports of damage from some of the larger events, including the M5.6 Prague, Oklahoma earthquake and the M5.3 Trinidad, Colorado earthquake.

Now why do you think that the USGS would think that the Texas quakes would be any differant? So, if you actually have a USGS bulletin that says otherwise, post it.

What's causing Texas earthquakes? Fracking 'most likely,' report says
By Chris Lett and Jason Morris, CNN
Updated 11:01 AM ET, Sat May 9, 2015

Texas earthquakes Fracking is likely cause study says - CNN.com
Irving, Texas (CNN)Jim and Gail Wells have lived in the upscale Las Colinas area of Irving, Texas, for 14 years.

Nestled between Dallas and Fort Worth, they love their quaint neighborhood for its custom homes amid rolling hills and large trees.

One of the neighborhood's newer features is a spate of seismic activity.

According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the Dallas area has suffered almost 40 small earthquakes (magnitude 2.0 or higher) since the beginning of this year, the latest a magnitude-2.7 quake near Farmers Branch on Monday. Many of the epicenters were recorded in Farmers Branch and Irving, with a couple to the south in Venus.

"The quakes don't sound like much to somebody from California," Jim Wells told CNN. "But when you are sitting right on top of them, they are more than noticeable. They will shake the entire house, and you have no doubt about it when you have gone through it. We have in my home perhaps 100 or more wall hangings, pieces of art -- prints, etchings, oil originals -- and none of them are hanging straight."

On January 7 and 8, Irving experienced 11 earthquakes in about 24 hours. During one of those quakes -- a magnitude 3.6 -- Gail Wells says the rattling and shaking were so intense it knocked her off the sofa.

Susan Hough, a seismologist at the USGS and the California Institute of Technology, says the epicenter of these types of earthquakes would produce "average-to-high shaking intensities close in, but low intensities" about six miles out.

This is what you live with when you have fracking!
Nah it's probably the blacks. Right Matty?

Both cause problems ;)
LOL, these people are ridiculous. The reason quakes are happening is because the plates shift. I know, I know, we are all also going to drown so buy a boat! I have one for sale, want to buy it, lol!

Well, most of these areas don't have a history of such quakes but after fracking started occurring = big time increase in them.

Kind of weird.??
I suspect the earthquakes are a result of Obamas invasion, Ebola, ISIS and Obamacare
LOL, these people are ridiculous. The reason quakes are happening is because the plates shift. I know, I know, we are all also going to drown so buy a boat! I have one for sale, want to buy it, lol!

Well, most of these areas don't have a history of such quakes but after fracking started occurring = big time increase in them.

Kind of weird.??

And the duration of those records are what? 100 years? Again, a straw man argument by Matthew who doesn't realize that the same area was seismically active in the mid 1700's as was the whole craton edge according to those visiting the regions.

But USGS disagrees with Matthew... It has always been active
LOL, these people are ridiculous. The reason quakes are happening is because the plates shift. I know, I know, we are all also going to drown so buy a boat! I have one for sale, want to buy it, lol!

Well, most of these areas don't have a history of such quakes but after fracking started occurring = big time increase in them.

Kind of weird.??

And the duration of those records are what? 100 years? Again, a straw man argument by Matthew who doesn't realize that the same area was seismically active in the mid 1700's as was the whole craton edge according to those visiting the regions.

But USGS disagrees with Matthew... It has always been active
The USGS says that? Really? Links, you lying dumb fuck, links!

Talk about a self contradicting little dickhead. First, he states that there are no records, then he says that the area has been active since the 1700's. If there are no records, how the hell does this little prick know that? I find this kind of person to be exceptionally annoying. All flap yap, and incapable of doing anything other than lying.

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