CDZ What’s in it for ME?

No you like to make sweeping generalizations based on incomplete or just plain incorrect data.

Just because some people put a list together that they say defines the "happiness" of all the people in an entire country in no way means that their list applies to all people in all countries. And let's not forget that the opinions of a few thousand people in a country of 335 million is hardly comprehensive.

Anyone with a scintilla of critical thinking ability should know this.

We hear the opinions of Americans and we watch the news to see what's happening to your country, but we won't ever choose that way for ourselves.

What do you expect me to say? What are you asking me to explain further.

Our 'attitudes' on social responsibilities differ widely and fwiw, you're welcome to stay with your choice. It's just that it's never ever going to be our choice. Have a nice day.
No you like to make sweeping generalizations based on incomplete or just plain incorrect data.

Just because some people put a list together that they say defines the "happiness" of all the people in an entire country in no way means that their list applies to all people in all countries. And let's not forget that the opinions of a few thousand people in a country of 335 million is hardly comprehensive.

Anyone with a scintilla of critical thinking ability should know this.

We hear the opinions of Americans and we watch the news to see what's happening to your country, but we won't ever choose that way for ourselves.

What do you expect me to say? What are you asking me to explain further.

Our 'attitudes' on social responsibilities differ widely and fwiw, you're welcome to stay with your choice. It's just that it's never ever going to be our choice. Have a nice day.
Why have you chosen yourself to be the official spokesperson for over 37 million people?
No you like to make sweeping generalizations based on incomplete or just plain incorrect data.

Just because some people put a list together that they say defines the "happiness" of all the people in an entire country in no way means that their list applies to all people in all countries. And let's not forget that the opinions of a few thousand people in a country of 335 million is hardly comprehensive.

Anyone with a scintilla of critical thinking ability should know this.

We hear the opinions of Americans and we watch the news to see what's happening to your country, but we won't ever choose that way for ourselves.

What do you expect me to say? What are you asking me to explain further.

Our 'attitudes' on social responsibilities differ widely and fwiw, you're welcome to stay with your choice. It's just that it's never ever going to be our choice. Have a nice day.

You hear a few opinions from a few Americans and the news doesn't give you any idea what the general public thinks about anything.

So if we are never going to agree why are you here wasting your time trying to change the attitudes of Americans?
There is no me. All the me's in the world now will someday be gone. Once your gone then there are only memories. So focus on the good memories that you want to leave behind. It may not always be about self preservation but what we leave behind.
There's nothing in it for working class Americans until they learn that the establishment, American way is ripping them off from getting a piece of the pie.

The ruling wealthy class is making sure you keep barking at each other while take it to the bank in buckets.

However, every day there's indications of an awakening such as this, that fails to ring many bells because hating each other is still far to important.

There is no pie and no rich person ever stopped anyone from improving their personal financial position.
That's it! That's the denial! There's no point in me repeating the message, because the working class American isn't ready fro it yet.
I've been around enough to know that Blues Man has a higher IQ than most. Please, please don't use him and denial in the same sentence.
No you like to make sweeping generalizations based on incomplete or just plain incorrect data.

Just because some people put a list together that they say defines the "happiness" of all the people in an entire country in no way means that their list applies to all people in all countries. And let's not forget that the opinions of a few thousand people in a country of 335 million is hardly comprehensive.

Anyone with a scintilla of critical thinking ability should know this.

We hear the opinions of Americans and we watch the news to see what's happening to your country, but we won't ever choose that way for ourselves.

What do you expect me to say? What are you asking me to explain further.

Our 'attitudes' on social responsibilities differ widely and fwiw, you're welcome to stay with your choice. It's just that it's never ever going to be our choice. Have a nice day.

You are just too funny. The UK is in a state of uproar over Covid restrictions, Scotland is pushing for independence, Wales wants England to pay them the welfare they lost from the EU thanks to Brexit, and no one is happy about the shitty state of business, economics and employment that has been forecast for the near term.

Brexit as you know was largely about immigrants and wanting to keep them out of the UK. In the US we are accused of being racist and xenophobe. Is the UK really that different?

Many of our left leaning friends say that higher taxes is responsible and they do not even deny that working people are going to take a hit. They just tell us it is good for us, and that it will miraculously reduce debt growth. If you ask them how this works, they will act like it is beneath them to explain the glories of the government taking from people with nothing to show in return. Anathema, there is no logical reason to think democrat policies will benefit anyone who has a job, or encourage more people to work.
Good for you! There are exceptions to the general rule in America. But with your supposed wealth, you didn't gain any feeling of 'social' responsibility for your fellow Americans.
America is 15th. on quality of life for some good reasons.

Did you see the list of parameters that are used to judge quality of life?
“Since this is an era when many people are concerned about 'fairness' and 'social justice,' what is your 'fair share' of what someone else has worked for?”

― Thomas Sowell
Many of our left leaning friends say that higher taxes is responsible and they do not even deny that working people are going to take a hit. They just tell us it is good for us, and that it will miraculously reduce debt growth. If you ask them how this works, they will act like it is beneath them to explain the glories of the government taking from people with nothing to show in return. Anathema, there is no logical reason to think democrat policies will benefit anyone who has a job, or encourage more people to work.
I am definitely left-leaning on any American scale relating to t he political spectrum. In fact, I don't perceive that America even has a left in the true sense. I would be able to make that judgment on the lack of any understanding of what is 'social' responsibility alone. Is it something you would like to discuss.

Your comments on higher taxes ring no bells with me but they sure don't bring on any denial. My quick and simple answer to that innocuous point you're trying to make is that taxation isn't applied with any degree of fairness in America.

Anathema, there is no logical reason to think democrat policies will benefit anyone who has a job, or encourage more people to work.

If you made that comment about Canadians I would ask you what the hell are you talking about.
Making that comment in America would cause me to say that the Democratic party has little to do with a leftist agenda.

What's a leftist agenda? Socially responsible government for the masses.
I've been around enough to know that Blues Man has a higher IQ than most. Please, please don't use him and denial in the same sentence.

I'm usually very aware of higher IQ's in people and it's very much related to one's own IQ. Everything that is inferior to my own IQ comes off as quite childish, while I can easily detect higher IQ and find it impressing.

I'm not impressed with anything about the particular subject you've suggested and frankly, suggesting it does no good for yourself.

However, I can't make a snap decision on you because I have really paid much attention to anything you've been saying. I'll do better with you if you begin to offer something that is deserving of my time.
Relax. I just have a high respect for Blues Man. I don't see him as being fooled by partisan spin or groupthink. I don't believe he would be in denial for those reasons. As for myself, I'll admit I am average in every way.
Many of our left leaning friends say that higher taxes is responsible and they do not even deny that working people are going to take a hit. They just tell us it is good for us, and that it will miraculously reduce debt growth. If you ask them how this works, they will act like it is beneath them to explain the glories of the government taking from people with nothing to show in return. Anathema, there is no logical reason to think democrat policies will benefit anyone who has a job, or encourage more people to work.
I am definitely left-leaning on any American scale relating to t he political spectrum. In fact, I don't perceive that America even has a left in the true sense. I would be able to make that judgment on the lack of any understanding of what is 'social' responsibility alone. Is it something you would like to discuss.

Your comments on higher taxes ring no bells with me but they sure don't bring on any denial. My quick and simple answer to that innocuous point you're trying to make is that taxation isn't applied with any degree of fairness in America.

Anathema, there is no logical reason to think democrat policies will benefit anyone who has a job, or encourage more people to work.

If you made that comment about Canadians I would ask you what the hell are you talking about.
Making that comment in America would cause me to say that the Democratic party has little to do with a leftist agenda.

What's a leftist agenda? Socially responsible government for the masses.
Thank you for the response. You hit the nail right on the head with taxation with no degree of fairness. We recently had a bill passed that has 6000 pages, and most citizens have no idea where the money is going. None. I have spoken with a nice poster from Belgium who talks about their successful government programs, and he and many of his countryman are very happy with them. That is not the United States. Here, we have no idea where the money goes, and a long history of government programs that are absolute disasters. Someone told me that people from countries like Denmark are very well informed on how their government works and who does what, and where the money goes. I'm not sure that is even possible in the United States. We don't even understand our own massive tax code. We have no transparency or accountability. We can't just vote people out who do stupid things, because we aren't exactly sure who is doing what, and the people they run against would do the same thing.
Many of our left leaning friends say that higher taxes is responsible and they do not even deny that working people are going to take a hit. They just tell us it is good for us, and that it will miraculously reduce debt growth. If you ask them how this works, they will act like it is beneath them to explain the glories of the government taking from people with nothing to show in return. Anathema, there is no logical reason to think democrat policies will benefit anyone who has a job, or encourage more people to work.
I am definitely left-leaning on any American scale relating to t he political spectrum. In fact, I don't perceive that America even has a left in the true sense. I would be able to make that judgment on the lack of any understanding of what is 'social' responsibility alone. Is it something you would like to discuss.

Your comments on higher taxes ring no bells with me but they sure don't bring on any denial. My quick and simple answer to that innocuous point you're trying to make is that taxation isn't applied with any degree of fairness in America.

Anathema, there is no logical reason to think democrat policies will benefit anyone who has a job, or encourage more people to work.

If you made that comment about Canadians I would ask you what the hell are you talking about.
Making that comment in America would cause me to say that the Democratic party has little to do with a leftist agenda.

What's a leftist agenda? Socially responsible government for the masses.
Thank you for the response. You hit the nail right on the head with taxation with no degree of fairness. We recently had a bill passed that has 6000 pages, and most citizens have no idea where the money is going. None. I have spoken with a nice poster from Belgium who talks about their successful government programs, and he and many of his countryman are very happy with them. That is not the United States. Here, we have no idea where the money goes, and a long history of government programs that are absolute disasters. Someone told me that people from countries like Denmark are very well informed on how their government works and who does what, and where the money goes. I'm not sure that is even possible in the United States. We don't even understand our own massive tax code. We have no transparency or accountability. We can't just vote people out who do stupid things, because we aren't exactly sure who is doing what, and the people they run against would do the same thing.
The part of your comment that resonates with me is that about taxation with no degree of fairness. The rest, being issues I haven't considered with any energy, due to many other issues on my plate when talking to Americans.

However, that which comes to mind is that your tax code doesn't put the emphasis on fair taxation but rather on devising schemes to allow the very wealthy to avoid having to pay taxes.

The depth of any conversation I've had with most Americans is to have they inform me that it's OPM. (other people's money)

I'll follow your comments and you may want to follow some of mine. We may find something to talk about that's in our mutual interests.
I was wondering who was going to profit from the urgent need for several thousand cattle cars. I check on manufacturers worldwide and found one small outfit in Canada - all the rest are in China.

Wonder no more!
There is no me. All the me's in the world now will someday be gone. Once your gone then there are only memories. So focus on the good memories that you want to leave behind. It may not always be about self preservation but what we leave behind.

Psycho babble....

well you fail to understand when he ask "what in if for me" he controls the topic as he is the only one that can determine if it satisfies his ego or his initial question "what is in it for me". So he is playing with you when you try to answer that question.

Me, I, is the ego and is psycho babble. Anything else is just playing into his game.

notice his response to most of the posters. He repeats the initial question. Maybe what in it for me is just having fun with people.

Anything else would be superficial.
Hopefully round 3 of stimulus checks is in it for people making less than the pittance of an income of 75 grand. Which isn't even middle class.
I've been around enough to know that Blues Man has a higher IQ than most. Please, please don't use him and denial in the same sentence.

I'm usually very aware of higher IQ's in people and it's very much related to one's own IQ. Everything that is inferior to my own IQ comes off as quite childish, while I can easily detect higher IQ and find it impressing.

I'm not impressed with anything about the particular subject you've suggested and frankly, suggesting it does no good for yourself.

However, I can't make a snap decision on you because I have really paid much attention to anything you've been saying. I'll do better with you if you begin to offer something that is deserving of my time.
maybe when you stop telling other people what they should think then they muight want to actually have a discussion with you. But you seem to think that you are always right and when people disagree with you you call for as time out so you can run away
...notice his response to most of the posters. He repeats the initial question. Maybe what in it for me is just having fun with people.

The question gets repeated because it has not been answered. That’s generally because the true answer is that they have NOTHING to offer except slavery to their Progressive demands.

Fun is not something I allow in my life. It’s a distraction.

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