What's in the JFK assassination records they still refuse to release ?

Angelo, post: 22508744, member: 71720"]Future CIA Director, Vice President and president George Herbert Walker Bush who was once the team captain of the Yale baseball team .....couldn't remember where he was when Kennedy was murdered.

That's reason enough to be suspicious right there.

Okay, I'll agree that is suspicious considering the friendship he had with Mohrenschildt's nephew, which would make it reasonable Bush personally knew Mohrenschildt directly. But, what weight do you put on Bush's statement, through one of his staffers, that he (Bush) was in Houston that day, working on some independent oil deals? Further, I'll grant that Bush was possibly an employee of the CIA at the time, which would reasonably deepen suspicion (especially if one had concrete evidence of CIA involvement).

*I can't flippin believe it, you've got me intrigued in the assassination again. It's been decades since I was last interested "in the rest of the story" about the assassination. Dang you Angelo! I was never comfortable with GHWB as vice president and then president, primarily because he held the directorship of the CIA.

It's great theory, but whatever the truth is needs to be confirmed by hard evidence. So where does one go from here?
Angelo, post: 22508744, member: 71720"]Future CIA Director, Vice President and president George Herbert Walker Bush who was once the team captain of the Yale baseball team .....couldn't remember where he was when Kennedy was murdered.

That's reason enough to be suspicious right there.

Okay, I'll agree that is suspicious considering the friendship he had with Mohrenschildt's nephew, which would make it reasonable Bush personally knew Mohrenschildt directly. But, what weight do you put on Bush's statement, through one of his staffers, that he (Bush) was in Houston that day, working on some independent oil deals? Further, I'll grant that Bush was possibly an employee of the CIA at the time, which would reasonably deepen suspicion (especially if one had concrete evidence of CIA involvement).

*I can't flippin believe it, you've got me intrigued in the assassination again. It's been decades since I was last interested "in the rest of the story" about the assassination. Dang you Angelo! I was never comfortable with GHWB as vice president and then president, primarily because he held the directorship of the CIA.

It's great theory, but whatever the truth is needs to be confirmed by hard evidence. So where does one go from here?
I was 2 when it happened and I remember it. (I have a series of recollections of where I was and the surroundings)...I was at my grandparents , Cronkite was on the news and everyone was crying.

And it's a fact that most Americans older than myself hold that event as the most memorable over the moon landing and anything else. And Bush was in the CIA at the time and seems to be lying to cover for the fact that he was in Dallas when it happened.

He was certainly involved in the cover up ever since.
I was 3 at the time and remember my parents and some of their friends gathered around the television in our home, all very upset. I just couldn't fathom the reason at that age.

It would be a lot more people than Bush involved in a cover up. It would be every President starting with LBJ. I say this simply because any one of them could have brought out the truth at any time they chose.

The Warren Commission was given just enough truth to support the lies. They could have not come to any other conclusion at that time. It would have, I think you'll agree, brought down the government causing great instability in the country at a time when such a state would be dangerous since we were only 18 years into the Cold War.
The President being shot in the forehead and the back of the head literally popping off. This visual fact is corroborated by multiple eyewitnesses. included three, two of which were SS agents in the follow-up car. Nobody has or will ever honestly make a case for one bullet entering the rear and creating a large exit in the rear.

Future CIA Director, Vice President and president George Herbert Walker Bush who was once the team captain of the Yale baseball team .....couldn't remember where he was when Kennedy was murdered.

That's reason enough to be suspicious right there.
That’s right and most suspicious since he and his father had ties to some very shady characters. Plus Poppy Bush was identified in a FBI memo from 1963, as being of the CIA. He later denied this and claimed it must have been another George Bush. LOL. Is that him standing outside the TSBD building right after the shooting?

I was six years old when JFK was murdered, and I remember it rather well.
And why did they confiscate the Zapruder film and conceal it for 12 years ?
Then when it finally aired how many people watched that one episode of Geraldo at 3 pm on a weekday ? It was not echoed through the news chamber like everything they want us to know.

So the broader population has been in the dark until the Internet came along .
Angelo, post: 22508744, member: 71720"]Future CIA Director, Vice President and president George Herbert Walker Bush who was once the team captain of the Yale baseball team .....couldn't remember where he was when Kennedy was murdered.

That's reason enough to be suspicious right there.

Okay, I'll agree that is suspicious considering the friendship he had with Mohrenschildt's nephew, which would make it reasonable Bush personally knew Mohrenschildt directly. But, what weight do you put on Bush's statement, through one of his staffers, that he (Bush) was in Houston that day, working on some independent oil deals? Further, I'll grant that Bush was possibly an employee of the CIA at the time, which would reasonably deepen suspicion (especially if one had concrete evidence of CIA involvement).

*I can't flippin believe it, you've got me intrigued in the assassination again. It's been decades since I was last interested "in the rest of the story" about the assassination. Dang you Angelo! I was never comfortable with GHWB as vice president and then president, primarily because he held the directorship of the CIA.

It's great theory, but whatever the truth is needs to be confirmed by hard evidence. So where does one go from here?
Poppy did know Mohrenschildt.

Russian-born oilman, a real international man of mystery, a vivid presence in JFK files
He was not a known mobster.
He was a night club owner with known mob ties.

A memo from April 1977 documents a tip from an IRS informant who claimed that the morning of the assassination, Dallas nightclub owner Jack Ruby called and asked if he would "like to watch the fireworks" with him as Kennedy's motorcade drove through downtown. Two days later, Ruby would kill Oswald.

Ruby's mob connections, and the fact that he died in prison, have long fueled theories that he was part of a conspiracy.

The tipster was an IRS informant whose information on local bookies had been, according to local IRS investigators, generally reliable.

Did Jack Ruby know? 10,000 more FBI records unsealed from JFK assassination files | Politics | Dallas News
He had no known mob ties

He was only rumored to have mob ties and over the decades it turns out no one in the mob had anything to do with him.

He simply wasn't the type and mob would not have wanted him in all probability he started the rumors himself to make him look bigger than he was.

There has never been any evidence that he knew Oswald and no reason to think he would.

Also he went to his grave maintaining he acted alone
Can you ever stop lying?

To claim Ruby was not a mobster proves you’re a liar. Much like your numerous other lies. No one here accepts your BS.

Question is why would you so irrationally and ignorantly defend the WC, when everyone knows it’s bull shit?

My guess is you are either the grandson of Allen Dulles or Gerald R Ford. Which is it?
Prove he was a monster

Prove the wc is bullshit.

You have never read the report and never cited evidence .
You know nothing about this subject and I have proven you wrong and a liar.
Ruby was no mobster boy

The wc is supported but evidence boy

Your lies are exposed but evidence boy

I own you and am better than you boy and everyone knows it
He was not a known mobster.
He was a night club owner with known mob ties.

A memo from April 1977 documents a tip from an IRS informant who claimed that the morning of the assassination, Dallas nightclub owner Jack Ruby called and asked if he would "like to watch the fireworks" with him as Kennedy's motorcade drove through downtown. Two days later, Ruby would kill Oswald.

Ruby's mob connections, and the fact that he died in prison, have long fueled theories that he was part of a conspiracy.

The tipster was an IRS informant whose information on local bookies had been, according to local IRS investigators, generally reliable.

Did Jack Ruby know? 10,000 more FBI records unsealed from JFK assassination files | Politics | Dallas News
He had no known mob ties

He was only rumored to have mob ties and over the decades it turns out no one in the mob had anything to do with him.

He simply wasn't the type and mob would not have wanted him in all probability he started the rumors himself to make him look bigger than he was.

There has never been any evidence that he knew Oswald and no reason to think he would.

Also he went to his grave maintaining he acted alone
...and Ruby asked the unbelievably cowardly Earl Warren to get him out of Dallas, as he couldn’t speak freely there for fear of retribution. Warren just laughed and ignored his request.

He did speak freely

No conspiracy you moron
Also he went to his grave maintaining he acted alone
So why isn't Jack Ruby a great American hero ? After all, he's the man who killed the bastard who assassinated our president, is he not ?.He should have been retired in Belize in the witness protection program instead of dying in prison.
Because he committed a crime

Cite the law which excuses vigilante justice

You have really hit rock bottom in this debate
He was not a known mobster.
He was a night club owner with known mob ties.

A memo from April 1977 documents a tip from an IRS informant who claimed that the morning of the assassination, Dallas nightclub owner Jack Ruby called and asked if he would "like to watch the fireworks" with him as Kennedy's motorcade drove through downtown. Two days later, Ruby would kill Oswald.

Ruby's mob connections, and the fact that he died in prison, have long fueled theories that he was part of a conspiracy.

The tipster was an IRS informant whose information on local bookies had been, according to local IRS investigators, generally reliable.

Did Jack Ruby know? 10,000 more FBI records unsealed from JFK assassination files | Politics | Dallas News
He had no known mob ties

He was only rumored to have mob ties and over the decades it turns out no one in the mob had anything to do with him.

He simply wasn't the type and mob would not have wanted him in all probability he started the rumors himself to make him look bigger than he was.

There has never been any evidence that he knew Oswald and no reason to think he would.

Also he went to his grave maintaining he acted alone
...and Ruby asked the unbelievably cowardly Earl Warren to get him out of Dallas, as he couldn’t speak freely there for fear of retribution. Warren just laughed and ignored his request.

He did speak freely

No conspiracy you moron
Yeah just like he wasn’t a mobster. LOL.
Also he went to his grave maintaining he acted alone
So why isn't Jack Ruby a great American hero ? After all, he's the man who killed the bastard who assassinated our president, is he not ?.He should have been retired in Belize in the witness protection program instead of dying in prison.
Because he committed a crime

Cite the law which excuses vigilante justice

You have really hit rock bottom in this debate
Time to come clean Langley Nazi. Which one is you daddy?
The wc is supported but evidence boy

David Slawson was a lawyer working for the Warren Commission. His assignment was to "search for evidence of a foreign conspiracy in the assassination", which none was found. When the report was issued by the Commission, Slawson believed they got it right. For the next 50 years Slawson believed in the report. However, "Slawson has come to believe that the full truth is still not known. Now 83, he says he has been shocked by the recent, belated discovery of how much evidence was withheld from the commission—from him, specifically—by the CIA and other government agencies, and how that rewrites the history of the Kennedy assassination."

"The commission, he believes, was the victim of a “massive cover-up” by government officials who wanted to hide the fact that, had they simply acted on the evidence in front of them in November 1963, the assassination might have been prevented."

"Slawson’s most startling conclusion: He now believes that other people probably knew about Oswald’s plans to kill the president and encouraged him, raising the possibility that there was a conspiracy in Kennedy’s death"

Source: What the Warren Commission Didn’t Know

Note: Italics added to all quotes.
He was not a known mobster.
He was a night club owner with known mob ties.

A memo from April 1977 documents a tip from an IRS informant who claimed that the morning of the assassination, Dallas nightclub owner Jack Ruby called and asked if he would "like to watch the fireworks" with him as Kennedy's motorcade drove through downtown. Two days later, Ruby would kill Oswald.

Ruby's mob connections, and the fact that he died in prison, have long fueled theories that he was part of a conspiracy.

The tipster was an IRS informant whose information on local bookies had been, according to local IRS investigators, generally reliable.

Did Jack Ruby know? 10,000 more FBI records unsealed from JFK assassination files | Politics | Dallas News
He had no known mob ties

He was only rumored to have mob ties and over the decades it turns out no one in the mob had anything to do with him.

He simply wasn't the type and mob would not have wanted him in all probability he started the rumors himself to make him look bigger than he was.

There has never been any evidence that he knew Oswald and no reason to think he would.

Also he went to his grave maintaining he acted alone
...and Ruby asked the unbelievably cowardly Earl Warren to get him out of Dallas, as he couldn’t speak freely there for fear of retribution. Warren just laughed and ignored his request.

He did speak freely

No conspiracy you moron
Yeah just like he wasn’t a mobster. LOL.
You cannot cite evidence that he was boy .
Your claim is not credible or valid
He was a night club owner with known mob ties.

A memo from April 1977 documents a tip from an IRS informant who claimed that the morning of the assassination, Dallas nightclub owner Jack Ruby called and asked if he would "like to watch the fireworks" with him as Kennedy's motorcade drove through downtown. Two days later, Ruby would kill Oswald.

Ruby's mob connections, and the fact that he died in prison, have long fueled theories that he was part of a conspiracy.

The tipster was an IRS informant whose information on local bookies had been, according to local IRS investigators, generally reliable.

Did Jack Ruby know? 10,000 more FBI records unsealed from JFK assassination files | Politics | Dallas News
He had no known mob ties

He was only rumored to have mob ties and over the decades it turns out no one in the mob had anything to do with him.

He simply wasn't the type and mob would not have wanted him in all probability he started the rumors himself to make him look bigger than he was.

There has never been any evidence that he knew Oswald and no reason to think he would.

Also he went to his grave maintaining he acted alone
...and Ruby asked the unbelievably cowardly Earl Warren to get him out of Dallas, as he couldn’t speak freely there for fear of retribution. Warren just laughed and ignored his request.

He did speak freely

No conspiracy you moron
Yeah just like he wasn’t a mobster. LOL.
You cannot cite evidence that he was boy .
Your claim is not credible or valid
Come on Nazi...which one is your daddy???

He had no known mob ties

He was only rumored to have mob ties and over the decades it turns out no one in the mob had anything to do with him.

He simply wasn't the type and mob would not have wanted him in all probability he started the rumors himself to make him look bigger than he was.

There has never been any evidence that he knew Oswald and no reason to think he would.

Also he went to his grave maintaining he acted alone
...and Ruby asked the unbelievably cowardly Earl Warren to get him out of Dallas, as he couldn’t speak freely there for fear of retribution. Warren just laughed and ignored his request.

He did speak freely

No conspiracy you moron
Yeah just like he wasn’t a mobster. LOL.
You cannot cite evidence that he was boy .
Your claim is not credible or valid
Come on Nazi...which one is your daddy???

Too bad how easily I made you look like a fool.

But it was easy you being uninformed and ignorant
...and Ruby asked the unbelievably cowardly Earl Warren to get him out of Dallas, as he couldn’t speak freely there for fear of retribution. Warren just laughed and ignored his request.

He did speak freely

No conspiracy you moron
Yeah just like he wasn’t a mobster. LOL.
You cannot cite evidence that he was boy .
Your claim is not credible or valid
Come on Nazi...which one is your daddy???

Too bad how easily I made you look like a fool.

But it was easy you being uninformed and ignorant
Okay I know LBJ had a lot of mistresses. Could you be the illegitimate spawn of the mass murderer of Vietnam?

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