whats my best bet setting up my solar panels


Sep 18, 2010
I have a farm in southeastern Ohio with a small farm house not much bigger then a cabin
I have a Variety of solar panels plus cells to make my own
as of now I have a20, 40,70 , 85 and 125 watt panels whats my best way to set these up
I do not think I can wire these in a series or can I?
or do I just run each panel separate with its own battery and its own inverter
we lose power out here if the wind blows to hard as I thought about a tie in grid inverter but if the power is out i do not think that would do me much good?

I do not run much but lights, the TV The Mac plus the water pump from the spring
have some infrared heaters I would love to run but I think thats just asking to much with what I have
I buy panels that the glass is cracked so I replace the glass and buying these panels save me 50% at least and I will keep adding when I find these deals, thats why my panels of are different wattage.
I am trying to find the best way to use these I have a couple 12 volt 30 amp Charge protectors as will i need one for each panel if I have to set these up separate ?

I know its ideal to buy all the same wattage but I buy what I can afford and I do get some great deals as 125 watt I paid $75 Its brand new just glass shattered in one corner. this is a example of what I buy

Any help would be apprciated

Who would join a political message board specifically to post this thread?
You guys are mean. I think the OP is a great question.

My husband has been tossing around the idea of adding solar panels to our house. Our electric bills averaged 700 bucks a month this summer and our house is not that big. He's looking for a class to attend. Some colleges offer them as part of their contractor licensing programs and he may even contact a solar power company to see if he can get some training. Its worth investigating in my opinion.
You guys are mean. I think the OP is a great question.

My husband has been tossing around the idea of adding solar panels to our house. Our electric bills averaged 700 bucks a month this summer and our house is not that big. He's looking for a class to attend. Some colleges offer them as part of their contractor licensing programs and he may even contact a solar power company to see if he can get some training. Its worth investigating in my opinion.

Just put the question out there on USMB. We're great help and loaded with knowledge. :D
Drill a gas well and forget that solar power shit.
Gas well sound great but has anyone ever seen what can happen when a well is Fracked before drilling if one has well water of run off a spring fracking a well creates veins that can run a river of Methane in to the water , check it out what it does look it up
the water is no longer able to be consumed as open the faucet take a match put it by the running water and you have a liquid blow torch , and at times its to late your children are poisoned everyone that drinks the water has a life time of sickness

so what happens to us farmers then when this happens we have to buy water cant even wash cloth in it, but all is well for big oil and gas companies they do not care and sure they offer free gas , I would rather have my water
has anyone learned from Deep Horizon
vassho, this may seem dumb but have you spoken to your electric company? Seems to me they could offer some assistance. If not, might try your elected officials staff offices...surely they can steer you towards a reliable source on solar, since there are tax credits available now. Either one should be free.

BTW, I didn't realize there was a refurbished solar panel market. May I ask, what do they run?
I'm assuming that all of your pannels are around 15-volts (12V RMS), if they are and you intend to run an inverter that works off of 12V, then yes; hook up all of your cells, and all of your batteries PARALLEL, and not in series. In other words, all positive connections run together, and all negative ones too.

And for an energy-optimizing feature, get as many things you can that run off 12VDC, and eliminate the need for the inverter whenever possible.
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Drill a gas well and forget that solar power shit.
Gas well sound great but has anyone ever seen what can happen when a well is Fracked before drilling if one has well water of run off a spring fracking a well creates veins that can run a river of Methane in to the water , check it out what it does look it up
the water is no longer able to be consumed as open the faucet take a match put it by the running water and you have a liquid blow torch , and at times its to late your children are poisoned everyone that drinks the water has a life time of sickness

so what happens to us farmers then when this happens we have to buy water cant even wash cloth in it, but all is well for big oil and gas companies they do not care and sure they offer free gas , I would rather have my water
has anyone learned from Deep Horizon

Would you please look that up yourself and post some links and/or videos? And while you're at it, include information on fresh water contamination caused by farm chemicals. That shit ultimately gets dumped into the Gulf of Mexico by Big Ag, such as yourself.

And what do you care anyway, you're living off the government tit while pretending to be America's saving sweethearts- "why this here farm has been in our family for generations".
"We make our living off the land". What a joke.

Years ago I approached a farmer about drilling on his ground. He asked me what he could expect to earn each year from the royalties. I did some estimates based on different scenarios and told him he could make- expense free- between $40,000 and $60,000 each year.

His response - "nah we don't need that".

I'm in the wrong fucking line of work.
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EPA Hears From Over 150 Stakeholders, Including Youth, on Natural Gas Fracking It’s Getting Hot In Here

EPA Hears From Over 150 Stakeholders, Including Youth, on Natural Gas Fracking
Published by sashassc, July 23rd, 2010 Dirty Energy , Government , Natural Gas , global warming 3 Comments

Pittsburgh Student Environmental Coalition gets front row seating at EPA hearing in Canonsburg, PA.
On Thursday, July 22, over 1200 people attended an Environmenal Protection Agency hearing in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania on the relationship between Hydrualic Fracturing and water; it was the most well attended event of the EPA’s nationwide meetings thus far. The EPA was gathering feedback regarding a peer reviewed study slated to begin in early 2011 that would detail the effects of Fracking on the quality and qauntity of drinking water. Over 150+ registered speakers provided feedback and comments. Landowners spoke about existing water quality issues they connected to fracking, professionals pointed out the precedent in analyzing dangerous compounds used in fracking fluid, and a handful of industry representatives urged the agency to conduct “scientific” studies “not based on emotion”.

The urgency and anger communicated by residents was met by supportive applause, high fives, and ultimately a downright feeling of solidarity. Jessica McPherson, a landowner and herbalist from Pittsburgh, offered testimony that accurately summarized the meeting, “It’s as if all the Romans have gathered to ask if Rome is on fire, as it is burning.” Indeed, the presentation of the study was welcomed by those in attendance — but many are hoping it is not too little too late for those already suffering from contaminated water wells.
  • Thanks
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"Fracking" Poisons Your Drinking Water: Stand Up to the Oil Giants and Help Stop the Catastrophe | Environment | AlterNet

July 26, 2010 | Advertisement Seems like everyone is singing the praises of Natural Gas, our newest greenest most homegrown and secure source of American Energy. NOT! "Clean Natural" Gas is neither. Gas extraction, made possible by hydraulic fracturing (or fracking for short) has to sit right beside Deep Sea Drilling, Mountain Top Removal, and Dirty Tar Sands Oil in the pantheon of insane ways to get our carbon fix.

Did you know that Halliburton (yes that Halliburton) pantented fracking: a process that mixes millions of gallons of precious fresh water with a proprietary cocktail of toxics, injects it through our drinking water table, and into the ground at a pressure that will fracture rock? Did you know that when Dick Cheney (yes that Dick) was the VP he fracked the EPA to make sure that this insanity would be exempted from the Safe Drinking Water Act?
Drill a gas well and forget that solar power shit.
Gas well sound great but has anyone ever seen what can happen when a well is Fracked before drilling if one has well water of run off a spring fracking a well creates veins that can run a river of Methane in to the water , check it out what it does look it up
the water is no longer able to be consumed as open the faucet take a match put it by the running water and you have a liquid blow torch , and at times its to late your children are poisoned everyone that drinks the water has a life time of sickness

so what happens to us farmers then when this happens we have to buy water cant even wash cloth in it, but all is well for big oil and gas companies they do not care and sure they offer free gas , I would rather have my water
has anyone learned from Deep Horizon

Would you please look that up yourself and post some links and/or videos? And while you're at it, include information on fresh water contamination caused by farm chemicals. That shit ultimately gets dumped into the Gulf of Mexico by Big Ag, such as yourself.

And what do you care anyway, you're living off the government tit while pretending to be America's saving sweethearts- "why this here farm has been in our family for generations".
"We make our living off the land". What a joke.

Years ago I approached a farmer about drilling on his ground. He asked me what he could expect to earn each year from the royalties. I did some estimates based on different scenarios and told him he could make- expense free- between $40,000 and $60,000 each year.

His response - "nah we don't need that".

I'm in the wrong fucking line of work.

No, you are not. You would fail as a farmer. A farmer has to take care of his land and resources. Water poisoned by methane will not do his farm any good.

These same farmers are welcoming the windmills because they do little harm to the farm, and bring in good income.
I have a farm in southeastern Ohio with a small farm house not much bigger then a cabin
I have a Variety of solar panels plus cells to make my own
as of now I have a20, 40,70 , 85 and 125 watt panels whats my best way to set these up
I do not think I can wire these in a series or can I?
or do I just run each panel separate with its own battery and its own inverter
we lose power out here if the wind blows to hard as I thought about a tie in grid inverter but if the power is out i do not think that would do me much good?

I do not run much but lights, the TV The Mac plus the water pump from the spring
have some infrared heaters I would love to run but I think thats just asking to much with what I have
I buy panels that the glass is cracked so I replace the glass and buying these panels save me 50% at least and I will keep adding when I find these deals, thats why my panels of are different wattage.
I am trying to find the best way to use these I have a couple 12 volt 30 amp Charge protectors as will i need one for each panel if I have to set these up separate ?

I know its ideal to buy all the same wattage but I buy what I can afford and I do get some great deals as 125 watt I paid $75 Its brand new just glass shattered in one corner. this is a example of what I buy

Any help would be apprciated

Find a licensed electrician that works with solar. Pay a few bucks for his advice. It will be well worth it.

Who would join a political message board specifically to post this thread?

What a dick...

Who would take exception to a thread about energy that fosters actual discussion of energy?

Grow up, or get out.
Gas well sound great but has anyone ever seen what can happen when a well is Fracked before drilling if one has well water of run off a spring fracking a well creates veins that can run a river of Methane in to the water , check it out what it does look it up
the water is no longer able to be consumed as open the faucet take a match put it by the running water and you have a liquid blow torch , and at times its to late your children are poisoned everyone that drinks the water has a life time of sickness

so what happens to us farmers then when this happens we have to buy water cant even wash cloth in it, but all is well for big oil and gas companies they do not care and sure they offer free gas , I would rather have my water
has anyone learned from Deep Horizon

Would you please look that up yourself and post some links and/or videos? And while you're at it, include information on fresh water contamination caused by farm chemicals. That shit ultimately gets dumped into the Gulf of Mexico by Big Ag, such as yourself.

And what do you care anyway, you're living off the government tit while pretending to be America's saving sweethearts- "why this here farm has been in our family for generations".
"We make our living off the land". What a joke.

Years ago I approached a farmer about drilling on his ground. He asked me what he could expect to earn each year from the royalties. I did some estimates based on different scenarios and told him he could make- expense free- between $40,000 and $60,000 each year.

His response - "nah we don't need that".

I'm in the wrong fucking line of work.

No, you are not. You would fail as a farmer. A farmer has to take care of his land and resources. Water poisoned by methane will not do his farm any good.

These same farmers are welcoming the windmills because they do little harm to the farm, and bring in good income.
Do you think I am some big farmer living off the goveement
I am a disabled vet fighting from my benifits for over 20 years and still denied
I raised 5 children and at one time I was making good money until I got a brain tumor then once I recover No One would hire me, sure lets give our lives for our country Thats great but then let us get ill , they act like we dont exsist , not one of my kids where born using welfare My insurance covered it all, but then get sick no money coming in and denied food stamps, This was over 20 years ago, then my wife left after 23 years of marriage leaving me to raise all the children just ups and moves out of state for a internet love.
I then started farming so we could survive, fighting for service related disabilty which still has never came
I am 51 dont have anything but this little farm and some goats sheep and donkeys
Trying to save some money going green, my ex left wiping my bank account out leaving me and the kids with nothing
Now they are all adults and I am single suffer everyday from head pains have survived when doctors gave me no hope
I get no goverment help
I volunteer my time helping others fight these HMOs that deny them care I write governors, senators and do what I can to help the disabled.
I live well below poverty level in the 80s I was making $80,00 a year now I make under $15,000 , But I was able to raise 5 children and grand kids
If I am reading this right someone thinks I am wealthy with all kind of government benifits
Inlisted in the Navy in 76 honorable discharge then get a brain tumor and who cared sure not our Government they do anything they can to deny giving benifits
I have lived through more then anyone would ever belief is possible
if one would know what I have lived through they would think this could not happen i our country as its just fiction
I have lived a Nightmare but have survived it so far
I beat the Odds the medical profession still doesnt know how I have done it
I live with severe head pains but at least I live
I am no big Ag Corporation
I am a poor man looking for advise and I just posted on the wrong site by mistake
sorry for so many spelling errors
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My apologies.

I was being a bit facetious, as I am a small businessman from a family involved in my industry for four generations. I'm constantly lumped in with the "major" players and I'm very tired of it.

Best of luck to you.

And Old Rocks - it's the little guys that get hit the hardest in my line of work. Obama is out to dismantle my way of life and that of thousands like me.
Here's an idea:

read the fucking directions. or better yet use that new fangled interweb to look up how to do it from a site specifically for solar panels.

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