What's next after Obama's Olympic Humiliation?

What's next after Obama's Olympic Humiliation?

  • Go back to school to learn how a real executive operates

    Votes: 13 52.0%
  • Talk to school kids, the younger the better

    Votes: 5 20.0%
  • Listen to his past speeches

    Votes: 10 40.0%

  • Total voters
Ironically, this is the 2016 Olympics we are talking about. If they were to be true in their predictions, there would be a Republican in the WH at that time.

But mean spirited pettiness wins out, it appears.

And if the Olympics went well, who would of gotten the credit? The Republican.

What I find most interesting about this and what people are ignoring is Japan's comments. That this might be the last Olympics ever.
are you fucking KIDDING ME?
how much credit did Reagan get for the 84 olympics?
or Clinton for the 96?

shit, you spout off on partisan bullshit all the time
more partisan BULLSHIT yet you get upset when called on it

go figure

So I'm partisan against myself? Why not respond to my other post there Dive? Even YOU have to admit that if Obama had secured the Olympics today that those on the Right on this board would of been talking about how bad the Olympics would be for this country. People like Glenn Beck and others on Fox News had already began to beat the drum in case Obama was able to secure it. Now, the right will say Obama is a failure since he didn't secure the Olympics. He was damned if he did and damned if he didn't. It's not partisan bullshit, it's the god damn truth. Whether you choose to face it or not is one thing or another.

And THIS is coming from someone like myself who believes Chicago should NOT had received the Olympics. So take the accusations and the stone throwing elsewhere.
are you fucking KIDDING ME?
how much credit did Reagan get for the 84 olympics?
or Clinton for the 96?

shit, you spout off on partisan bullshit all the time

Stop being stupid Dive, Politics and the media has changed in this country definitely in the last 25 years and even 13 years.
They are in the tank for America!!
Jeez, you're thick.
Remember the old day...when you used to root for your country?!?!
Why do you have to make everything about Obama?
Our president took a 1 day trip to lobby for his home town (in America) to get the games.
Along with many other reps from around the world, btw.
And they decided to go with Rio. Awesome for Brazil.
Why is it such a tragic and shameful defeat for Obama? BFD.

Wake up. It was an ATTEMPT to payback his CRONIES for their Support in Chicago...for MANY stood to Win a WINDFALL of $$$ if it were to come to Chicago.

So WAKE UP. Obama in this regard was PHONEY in his attempt. It wasn't about AMERICA...it was PAYBACK...as he did to Unions and the Car companies, and the INTENT for Healthcare.

Give it up. Obama is corrupt as the day is LONG.

Oh Really.......?
What was it when W met with the Chicago 2016 Olympic committee and spoke about how great it would be??
Not everything's a big Obama conspiracy.

He may have MET with such a comittee...granted [YOU should post such a LINK]...but Benefit of DOUBT here?

Did he FLY AF ONE to Directly confront the Comitee? Did he RECRUIT his Spouse for the Endeavour?

Did he try to use 'STAR POWER' such as the 'O' to bring it home? [I hear Oparah is so depressed, she has EATEN Copenhagen, and worked her way to the Fjords in a fit of depression]...

The answer to my question is NO. And you KNOW it.

So STOW your false crap of W. As usual I knew W would be in here somewhere, and YOU didn't disappoint.
more partisan BULLSHIT yet you get upset when called on it

go figure

So I'm partisan against myself? Why not respond to my other post there Dive? Even YOU have to admit that if Obama had secured the Olympics today that those on the Right on this board would of been talking about how bad the Olympics would be for this country. People like Glenn Beck and others on Fox News had already began to beat the drum in case Obama was able to secure it. Now, the right will say Obama is a failure since he didn't secure the Olympics. He was damned if he did and damned if he didn't. It's not partisan bullshit, it's the god damn truth. Whether you choose to face it or not is one thing or another.

And THIS is coming from someone like myself who believes Chicago should NOT had received the Olympics. So take the accusations and the stone throwing elsewhere.
Perhaps I misunderstand you? If Chicago would have won the Olympics Obama would have won. Yet, the loss means he still wins? How's that work?
So Obama just spent a large amount of his global political capital embarrassing himself. So much for regaining worldly repect.

Either way it matters not to me. If Chicago got it then they would have been at the federal trough to get the funds to build it, adding even more to the deficits. I am of the opinion that the US should go back to the pre WWII days of minding our own damn business and going for the low profile. Let the rest of the world wallow in its own crap.
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Perhaps I misunderstand you? If Chicago would have won the Olympics Obama would have won. Yet, the loss means he still wins? How's that work?

You do misunderstand me. There was no "winning" for Obama in this. Whether he won or didn't win the Olympics for the U.S, those on the right would of been ready to bash the result.

My problem is people have made this issue more about Obama than the fact that Chicago is not really able to have an Olympics. However, people tend to ignore that Rio isn't really off any better. Which is why I supported Tokyo.
So Obama just spent a large amount of his global political capital embarrassing himself. So much for regaining worldly repect.

Either way it matters not to me. If Chicago got it then they would have been at the federal trough to get the funds to build it, adding even more to the deficits. I am of the opinion that the US should go back to the pre WWII days of minding our own damn business and going for the low profile. Let the rest of the world wallow in its own crap.

Isolationism in today's society is impossible if you want to flourish. Why do you think China finally stopped isolating itself?
more partisan BULLSHIT yet you get upset when called on it

go figure

So I'm partisan against myself? Why not respond to my other post there Dive? Even YOU have to admit that if Obama had secured the Olympics today that those on the Right on this board would of been talking about how bad the Olympics would be for this country. People like Glenn Beck and others on Fox News had already began to beat the drum in case Obama was able to secure it. Now, the right will say Obama is a failure since he didn't secure the Olympics. He was damned if he did and damned if he didn't. It's not partisan bullshit, it's the god damn truth. Whether you choose to face it or not is one thing or another.

And THIS is coming from someone like myself who believes Chicago should NOT had received the Olympics. So take the accusations and the stone throwing elsewhere.

Perhaps YOU should learn the Context of the word Partisan? Dive Nailed it based on your History of posting, and called you out on it? Just sayin'.

Youy seem to want to BLAME FOX NEWS for whatever reason, and your unseemingly HATRED of them pointing OUT the PAYBACK that would be afforded for "His Chosen CITY' and the crooked politics/Politicians that stood to garner PAYBACK if Obama had suceeded.

You really need to dig deeper into things. Your posts belie even YOU.
So Obama just spent a large amount of his global political capital embarrassing himself. So much for regaining worldly repect.

Either way it matters not to me. If Chicago got it then they would have been at the federal trough to get the funds to build it, adding even more to the deficits. I am of the opinion that the US should go back to the pre WWII days of minding our own damn business and going for the low profile. Let the rest of the world wallow in its own crap.

Well stated.
So Obama just spent a large amount of his global political capital embarrassing himself. So much for regaining worldly repect.

Either way it matters not to me. If Chicago got it then they would have been at the federal trough to get the funds to build it, adding even more to the deficits. I am of the opinion that the US should go back to the pre WWII days of minding our own damn business and going for the low profile. Let the rest of the world wallow in its own crap.

Isolationism in today's society is impossible if you want to flourish. Why do you think China finally stopped isolating itself?

That's an oft used handy slogan. Have yet to hear a good logical argument to back it up.
Perhaps YOU should learn the Context of the word Partisan? Dive Nailed it based on your History of posting, and called you out on it? Just sayin'.

Youy seem to want to BLAME FOX NEWS for whatever reason, and your unseemingly HATRED of them pointing OUT the PAYBACK that would be afforded for "His Chosen CITY' and the crooked politics/Politicians that stood to garner PAYBACK if Obama had suceeded.

You really need to dig deeper into things. Your posts belie even YOU.

You've been here since May, you don't know me. Besides, Dive and myself always go back and forth calling each other partisan. Mind your own business and don't act like your opinion is all knowing when it comes to myself because you don't know me. Just sayin my ass.

I don't blame Fox News for whatever reason. I'm stating the facts, did they not bash the Olympics coming possibly to Chicago the other night? Would they not continue to do so if Obama won? Will they not "put forth" and question how good he is on the international stage and how this will "damage" his reputation? The fact that you seem to think Faux News is a viable news source speaks volumes.

I mean holy shit, MSNBC would be doing the same thing if McCain was doing this. YOU need to stop being partisan in this case and take off the damn blinders. By the way, I don't "hate" Faux. Which is another case of you not knowing me at all.

Again, you also failed to read that I didn't think Chicago should get the Olympics. You're arguing from the stance that I did. Check yourself and stop taking out of context what I say.
That's an oft used handy slogan. Have yet to hear a good logical argument to back it up.

A good logical argument? Just look at History. If it weren't for the fact that many factions wanted to be "isolationists" then the Holocaust could of been stopped. Or would that be considered not "minding our own damn business"?
That's an oft used handy slogan. Have yet to hear a good logical argument to back it up.

A good logical argument? Just look at History. If it weren't for the fact that many factions wanted to be "isolationists" then the Holocaust could of been stopped. Or would that be considered not "minding our own damn business"?

Go out defend your neighbor then go back home. Hanging around your neighbor's house too long begs for contempt.

Oh and China just came out for the part of sucking on the US teat. Now they have the jobs and we have the debt.
That's an oft used handy slogan. Have yet to hear a good logical argument to back it up.

A good logical argument? Just look at History. If it weren't for the fact that many factions wanted to be "isolationists" then the Holocaust could of been stopped. Or would that be considered not "minding our own damn business"?

Go out defend your neighbor then go back home. Hanging around your neighbor's house too long begs for contempt.

Oh and China just came out for the part of sucking on the US teat. Now they have the jobs and we have the debt.

That will change when we stop buying, it will change very quickly.
Go out defend your neighbor then go back home. Hanging around your neighbor's house too long begs for contempt.

Oh and China just came out for the part of sucking on the US teat. Now they have the jobs and we have the debt.

I agree, we shouldn't have bases in all these countries. However, 2-1 says it isn't Liberals like myself who want that to continue. However, if people like me or you dare say such a thing, we'd be considered unAmerican including by several on this board.

China has the jobs because those U.S. companies invested in China have shown their true colors. It's not red, white, and blue, it's green. They don't give a fuck about the American worker or this country. All they care about is their profits. If they can make a couple extra million a year by running sweatshops in China, what do you think they will do?
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Go out defend your neighbor then go back home. Hanging around your neighbor's house too long begs for contempt.

Oh and China just came out for the part of sucking on the US teat. Now they have the jobs and we have the debt.

I agree, we shouldn't have bases in all these countries. However, 2-1 says it isn't Liberals like myself who want that to continue. However, if people like me or you dare say such a thing, we'd be considered unAmerican including by several on this board.

China has the jobs because U.S. companies have shown their true colors. It's not red, white, and blue, it's green. They don't give a fuck about the American worker or this country. All they care about is their profits. If they can make a couple extra million a year by running sweatshops in China, what do you think they will do?

Just when You start to make sense You go and fuck it up. Do you want to trade in money or bullets? When you work do you expect Pay? Do you just want to work for free?
Go out defend your neighbor then go back home. Hanging around your neighbor's house too long begs for contempt.

Oh and China just came out for the part of sucking on the US teat. Now they have the jobs and we have the debt.

I agree, we shouldn't have bases in all these countries. However, 2-1 says it isn't Liberals like myself who want that to continue. However, if people like me or you dare say such a thing, we'd be considered unAmerican including by several on this board.

China has the jobs because U.S. companies have shown their true colors. It's not red, white, and blue, it's green. They don't give a fuck about the American worker or this country. All they care about is their profits. If they can make a couple extra million a year by running sweatshops in China, what do you think they will do?

China has the jobs because of globalist investors. They have have no nationalist roots. Their only allegiance and their god is cash made through the exploitation of markets. The US being the chief target. The investors dictate what the company does.

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