What's next after this 2 trillion dollar pork bill, how about 3 trillion more?

Contrary to what the Trump supporters are trying to sell, Democrats are well aware that Congress must approve an infrastructure package.

Great. Let them take out a trillion or so dollars of their pork from this so-called Covid bill and use that for infrastructure.

Contrary to what Trump is trying to create, the US is not a dictatorship, and his bad behavior cost him the election.

The only thing that cost Trump the election was mail-in voting. When you invite more stupid to vote in elections, you're going to have a stupid outcome like we have now.
Trump's bad behavior cost him the election, no matter what. Mail-in voting is one way to vote, and Trump short-stopped the Postal Service. Didn't work.
Who was stupid that voted by mail-in ballot? Nobody who I know. Stupid are those who look for excuses to justify a loss.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Looking beyond the $1.9 trillion COVID relief bill, President Joe Biden and lawmakers are laying the groundwork for another top legislative priority — a long-sought boost to the nation’s roads, bridges and other infrastructure that could run into Republican resistance to a hefty price tag.

Biden and his team have begun discussions on the possible outlines of an infrastructure package with members of Congress, particularly mindful that Texas’ recent struggles with power outages and water shortages after a brutal winter storm present an opportunity for agreement on sustained spending on infrastructure.

Democrats passed a $1.5 trillion package in the House last year, but it went nowhere with the Trump administration and the Republican-led Senate. A Senate panel approved narrower bipartisan legislation in 2019 focused on reauthorizing federal transportation programs. It, too, flamed out as the U.S. turned its focus to elections and COVID-19.

Biden has talked bigger numbers, and some Democrats are now urging him to bypass Republicans in the closely divided Congress to address a broader range of priorities urged by interest groups.

During the presidential campaign, Biden pledged to deploy $2 trillion on infrastructure and clean energy, but the White House has not ruled out an even higher price tag. McCarthy said Biden’s upcoming plan will specifically aim at job creation, such as with investments to boost “workers that have been left behind” by closed coal mines or power plants, as well as communities located near polluting refineries and other hazards.

DeFazio said General Motors’ recently announced goal of going largely electric by 2035 demonstrates the need for massive spending on charging stations across the country. Biden campaigned on a plan to install 500,000 charging stations by the end of 2030.

It's been written about that the Covid bill is around 90% pork that has nothing to do with the actual virus itself. Billions of dollars for nonsense like mass transit in Piglosi's state as well as a bridge to Canada in Shoemakers state. Now it's time to spend more money catering to their construction union supporters.

With the Republicans virtually helpless to control spending, we could very well find ourselves with a 4 to 5 trillion dollar additional debt within the first few months under this administration, mostly pandering to unions, environmentalists, and a host of Democrat loyalists. 500,000 charging stations by 2030? At this rate, the US will be Venezuela by then.
If Piglosi is successful in funding the BART extension to her techie friends Google, FB, Twitter etc., She'll come back for more funding for the CA boondoggle high speed train to nowhere.
Why not? No one has cared about the debt for years so why start now?
Not sure what you are talking about....we have been trying to get a second covid relief package passed for sometime....the left refused over and over again to compromise on their massive spending bill, mitch and the gop were concerned at the massive bill and offered packages that were focused just on covid offering much less..so they were certainly concerned.
The second bill passed under Trump--Biden and the dems can't get the third one through and they own the government. This one is ALL on those incompetent bastards.
Why not? No one has cared about the debt for years so why start now?
Not sure what you are talking about....we have been trying to get a second covid relief package passed for sometime....the left refused over and over again to compromise on their massive spending bill, mitch and the gop were concerned at the massive bill and offered packages that were focused just on covid offering much less..so they were certainly concerned.
The second bill passed under Trump--Biden and the dems can't get the third one through and they own the government. This one is ALL on those incompetent bastards.
Yes, Trump, with a divided Congress, was able to get two covid packages to the American people....obviously not 100 percent perfect, but compromised bills because he was forced to work with Nancy and the Dems who were more determined to hurt trump's re-election then work for the American people...but nonetheless got something to the American people.

The Dems, Biden, owns both chambers and the WH, and still can't get something to the American people....the radicals in the party have gone so far out there they are pushing people away....Biden just can't lead
Why not? No one has cared about the debt for years so why start now?
total bullshit---yes, people have cared..I've been saying it for years

Show us a post where you talked about the deficit in the last 3yrs.
debt =
I have THREADS on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOOOOOM --again!!!!......
post # 26
post # 39
etc MANY posts

Can you highlight in those posts were you talking about Trump running up the Federal deficit.
He bought it up in a couple of SOTU's.
I’m sure he got great applause for doing so.

Which is all that he really cares about.

The actual work is someone else’s job.
Well yeah...contrary to what the left wants, the USA is not a dictatorship...the President can't just create and enact an infructure bill on his own....it takes Congress...both chambers to do the work in creating one and getting it to his desk.

In Feb of 2018, Trump proposed a plan to Congress, $200 billion in federal funding and $1.5 trillion from the private sector. Democrats opposed this plan because of its emphasis on state and local funding and private investments....and they were still to focused on overturning the 2016 election

Trump again met with Dem leaders at the Oval Office, in the Spring of 2019....but the Dems wouldn't pass the replacement, agreement for NAFTA, because they didn't want to give Trump a win....so it failed...mind you later Biden admitted it was a much much better deal then NAFTA...but the Dems continued to play politics and were still trying to overturn the 2016 election

So, it's not as if Trump wasn't working and trying....it's just when one party, the DNC, put party over country....it's hard to get much done
Trump was not "working and trying". 200 billion in Federal funding is like shoveling horse shit up a hill. The private sector? Nah, that idea would be tied up forever.
And nobody was focused on "overturning the election" because Trump won, just like Biden won. The Dems immediately blamed Clinton due to her dislike among the people, especially women.
The agreement for Nafta was on his desk when he took office. All he did was to tweak that agreement which had created 800,000 jobs within the first 5 years.
That boosted economic growth, profits, and jobs for all three countries. It also lowered prices for consumers. During that time, the United States increased its exports of goods to the other two from $142 billion to $549 billion. ... NAFTA boosted trade by eliminating all tariffs between the three countries.
Benefits of NAFTA: Advantages and Positive Effects - The Balance
www.thebalance.com › advantages-of-nafta-3306271

Contrary to what the Trump supporters are trying to sell, Democrats are well aware that Congress must approve an infrastructure package.
Contrary to what Trump is trying to create, the US is not a dictatorship, and his bad behavior cost him the election.
1) yes, Trump was concerned about federal spending and came up with a plan for a federal/private plan....it was starting point, but the dems didn't even bother
2) no they dems immediately came up with a Russian conspiracy hoax, and ran with it for years
3) Nope, the USMCA was not on Trump's desk.....the Obama/Biden admin did nothing to fix our trade deal in North Amerca
4) Yes, there some positives to NAFTA, but the USMCA is a much better deal, which was the goal of the President....even Biden admitted it was a much better deal
5) well the poster I was responding too didn't seem to understand that
6) how did he do that? By trying to work with Congress???

1. No, Trump had no interest in an infrastructure repair plan--hence the little bone he presented to Congress.
2. Dems and the Russian interference had nothing to do with infrastructure. Your flapping about a hoax is just flapping and nothing more. Let's not forget Trump's private meeting with Putin and his asking Russia to turn over the Clinton Emails.
That Trump called it a hoax doesn't mean that it is a hoax, but it is a Trump deflection.

The Trade Deal We Just Threw Overboard - POLITICO ...
3. www.politico.com › magazine › story › 2017/03 › tru...

Trump has called NAFTA a “total disaster,” and in early February, he vowed with typical ... The new deal opened up service sectors like insurance, accounting and ... in office, before Congress could even vote on whether the deal should take effect. ... When I asked Obama's trade representative, Michael Froman, what his ...
4. Trump's agreement is a mere tweak, and nothing more.
5 & 6?
You are being conned again by an expert grifter.

Yes he offered up infrusture the Dems blocked it, and wouldn't deal on anything because they were too concerned with overthrowing the 2016 election, and spreading false lies about the Russian haox

Yes Trump came up with a better deal...Biden even said so. The article is about a bad deal tossed...I showed you biden admitting it as well in 2020.
Exactly they were quiet as hell when Trump was running up the deficit, now all of a sudden they are fiscal republicans again. Smfh.

Much of that deficit was for our military and taking less from businesses that created the super economy we had until Joe's buddies in China sent us their disease. The Democrats on the other hand are spending trillions to repay their supporters.


Bivens criticized the Trump administration's major economic legislation—the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017—which was the main driver of increasing debt during the president's first three years in office.
Under Trump's Administration, America's National Debt Has Increased by Nearly $7 Trillion (newsweek.com)

Economists have pointed to Trump's signature legislative achievement, the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, for pushing the national debt upward. The tax cuts, which largely benefited the wealthiest Americans and corporations, left a significant shortfall in tax revenue. The Congressional Budget Office projected in January that the annual deficit would be about $1 trillion going forward due largely to Trump's tax cuts.
Under Donald Trump's Watch, the National Debt Increased by $7.8 Trillion (newsweek.com)
Why not? No one has cared about the debt for years so why start now?
total bullshit---yes, people have cared..I've been saying it for years

Show us a post where you talked about the deficit in the last 3yrs.
post # 221
post # 55

None of that speaks of Trump running up the Federal deficit.
He bought it up in a couple of SOTU's.
I’m sure he got great applause for doing so.

Which is all that he really cares about.

The actual work is someone else’s job.
Well yeah...contrary to what the left wants, the USA is not a dictatorship...the President can't just create and enact an infructure bill on his own....it takes Congress...both chambers to do the work in creating one and getting it to his desk.

In Feb of 2018, Trump proposed a plan to Congress, $200 billion in federal funding and $1.5 trillion from the private sector. Democrats opposed this plan because of its emphasis on state and local funding and private investments....and they were still to focused on overturning the 2016 election

Trump again met with Dem leaders at the Oval Office, in the Spring of 2019....but the Dems wouldn't pass the replacement, agreement for NAFTA, because they didn't want to give Trump a win....so it failed...mind you later Biden admitted it was a much much better deal then NAFTA...but the Dems continued to play politics and were still trying to overturn the 2016 election

So, it's not as if Trump wasn't working and trying....it's just when one party, the DNC, put party over country....it's hard to get much done
Trump was not "working and trying". 200 billion in Federal funding is like shoveling horse shit up a hill. The private sector? Nah, that idea would be tied up forever.
And nobody was focused on "overturning the election" because Trump won, just like Biden won. The Dems immediately blamed Clinton due to her dislike among the people, especially women.
The agreement for Nafta was on his desk when he took office. All he did was to tweak that agreement which had created 800,000 jobs within the first 5 years.
That boosted economic growth, profits, and jobs for all three countries. It also lowered prices for consumers. During that time, the United States increased its exports of goods to the other two from $142 billion to $549 billion. ... NAFTA boosted trade by eliminating all tariffs between the three countries.
Benefits of NAFTA: Advantages and Positive Effects - The Balance
www.thebalance.com › advantages-of-nafta-3306271

Contrary to what the Trump supporters are trying to sell, Democrats are well aware that Congress must approve an infrastructure package.
Contrary to what Trump is trying to create, the US is not a dictatorship, and his bad behavior cost him the election.
1) yes, Trump was concerned about federal spending and came up with a plan for a federal/private plan....it was starting point, but the dems didn't even bother
2) no they dems immediately came up with a Russian conspiracy hoax, and ran with it for years
3) Nope, the USMCA was not on Trump's desk.....the Obama/Biden admin did nothing to fix our trade deal in North Amerca
4) Yes, there some positives to NAFTA, but the USMCA is a much better deal, which was the goal of the President....even Biden admitted it was a much better deal
5) well the poster I was responding too didn't seem to understand that
6) how did he do that? By trying to work with Congress???

1. No, Trump had no interest in an infrastructure repair plan--hence the little bone he presented to Congress.
2. Dems and the Russian interference had nothing to do with infrastructure. Your flapping about a hoax is just flapping and nothing more. Let's not forget Trump's private meeting with Putin and his asking Russia to turn over the Clinton Emails.
That Trump called it a hoax doesn't mean that it is a hoax, but it is a Trump deflection.

The Trade Deal We Just Threw Overboard - POLITICO ...
3. www.politico.com › magazine › story › 2017/03 › tru...

Trump has called NAFTA a “total disaster,” and in early February, he vowed with typical ... The new deal opened up service sectors like insurance, accounting and ... in office, before Congress could even vote on whether the deal should take effect. ... When I asked Obama's trade representative, Michael Froman, what his ...
4. Trump's agreement is a mere tweak, and nothing more.
5 & 6?
You are being conned again by an expert grifter.

Yes he offered up infrusture the Dems blocked it, and wouldn't deal on anything because they were too concerned with overthrowing the 2016 election, and spreading false lies about the Russian haox

Yes Trump came up with a better deal...Biden even said so. The article is about a bad deal tossed...I showed you biden admitting it as well in 2020.

The 116th congress was purely obstructionist. The dems didn't want Trump to accomplish anything. A lesser man wouldn't have.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Looking beyond the $1.9 trillion COVID relief bill, President Joe Biden and lawmakers are laying the groundwork for another top legislative priority — a long-sought boost to the nation’s roads, bridges and other infrastructure that could run into Republican resistance to a hefty price tag.

Biden and his team have begun discussions on the possible outlines of an infrastructure package with members of Congress, particularly mindful that Texas’ recent struggles with power outages and water shortages after a brutal winter storm present an opportunity for agreement on sustained spending on infrastructure.

Democrats passed a $1.5 trillion package in the House last year, but it went nowhere with the Trump administration and the Republican-led Senate. A Senate panel approved narrower bipartisan legislation in 2019 focused on reauthorizing federal transportation programs. It, too, flamed out as the U.S. turned its focus to elections and COVID-19.

Biden has talked bigger numbers, and some Democrats are now urging him to bypass Republicans in the closely divided Congress to address a broader range of priorities urged by interest groups.

During the presidential campaign, Biden pledged to deploy $2 trillion on infrastructure and clean energy, but the White House has not ruled out an even higher price tag. McCarthy said Biden’s upcoming plan will specifically aim at job creation, such as with investments to boost “workers that have been left behind” by closed coal mines or power plants, as well as communities located near polluting refineries and other hazards.

DeFazio said General Motors’ recently announced goal of going largely electric by 2035 demonstrates the need for massive spending on charging stations across the country. Biden campaigned on a plan to install 500,000 charging stations by the end of 2030.

It's been written about that the Covid bill is around 90% pork that has nothing to do with the actual virus itself. Billions of dollars for nonsense like mass transit in Piglosi's state as well as a bridge to Canada in Shoemakers state. Now it's time to spend more money catering to their construction union supporters.

With the Republicans virtually helpless to control spending, we could very well find ourselves with a 4 to 5 trillion dollar additional debt within the first few months under this administration, mostly pandering to unions, environmentalists, and a host of Democrat loyalists. 500,000 charging stations by 2030? At this rate, the US will be Venezuela by then.

Well, I understand that only about 20-22% of this 1.9T "Covid" bill is actually going towards real Covid relief!
Why not? No one has cared about the debt for years so why start now?
total bullshit---yes, people have cared..I've been saying it for years

Show us a post where you talked about the deficit in the last 3yrs.
post # 221
post # 55

None of that speaks of Trump running up the Federal deficit.
hahahhahahahaha---sorry---you fkd up----cannot be denied........you have been proven wrong--as usual
Why not? No one has cared about the debt for years so why start now?
total bullshit---yes, people have cared..I've been saying it for years

Show us a post where you talked about the deficit in the last 3yrs.
post # 221
post # 55

None of that speaks of Trump running up the Federal deficit.
don't try to double talk with your bullshit--you have been proven wrong
WASHINGTON (AP) — Looking beyond the $1.9 trillion COVID relief bill, President Joe Biden and lawmakers are laying the groundwork for another top legislative priority — a long-sought boost to the nation’s roads, bridges and other infrastructure that could run into Republican resistance to a hefty price tag.

Biden and his team have begun discussions on the possible outlines of an infrastructure package with members of Congress, particularly mindful that Texas’ recent struggles with power outages and water shortages after a brutal winter storm present an opportunity for agreement on sustained spending on infrastructure.

Democrats passed a $1.5 trillion package in the House last year, but it went nowhere with the Trump administration and the Republican-led Senate. A Senate panel approved narrower bipartisan legislation in 2019 focused on reauthorizing federal transportation programs. It, too, flamed out as the U.S. turned its focus to elections and COVID-19.

Biden has talked bigger numbers, and some Democrats are now urging him to bypass Republicans in the closely divided Congress to address a broader range of priorities urged by interest groups.

During the presidential campaign, Biden pledged to deploy $2 trillion on infrastructure and clean energy, but the White House has not ruled out an even higher price tag. McCarthy said Biden’s upcoming plan will specifically aim at job creation, such as with investments to boost “workers that have been left behind” by closed coal mines or power plants, as well as communities located near polluting refineries and other hazards.

DeFazio said General Motors’ recently announced goal of going largely electric by 2035 demonstrates the need for massive spending on charging stations across the country. Biden campaigned on a plan to install 500,000 charging stations by the end of 2030.

It's been written about that the Covid bill is around 90% pork that has nothing to do with the actual virus itself. Billions of dollars for nonsense like mass transit in Piglosi's state as well as a bridge to Canada in Shoemakers state. Now it's time to spend more money catering to their construction union supporters.

With the Republicans virtually helpless to control spending, we could very well find ourselves with a 4 to 5 trillion dollar additional debt within the first few months under this administration, mostly pandering to unions, environmentalists, and a host of Democrat loyalists. 500,000 charging stations by 2030? At this rate, the US will be Venezuela by then.

Well, I understand that only about 20-22% of this 1.9T "Covid" bill is actually going towards real Covid relief!

And even that is a stretch.

Big Government Grifters gonna Grift.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Looking beyond the $1.9 trillion COVID relief bill, President Joe Biden and lawmakers are laying the groundwork for another top legislative priority — a long-sought boost to the nation’s roads, bridges and other infrastructure that could run into Republican resistance to a hefty price tag.

Biden and his team have begun discussions on the possible outlines of an infrastructure package with members of Congress, particularly mindful that Texas’ recent struggles with power outages and water shortages after a brutal winter storm present an opportunity for agreement on sustained spending on infrastructure.

Democrats passed a $1.5 trillion package in the House last year, but it went nowhere with the Trump administration and the Republican-led Senate. A Senate panel approved narrower bipartisan legislation in 2019 focused on reauthorizing federal transportation programs. It, too, flamed out as the U.S. turned its focus to elections and COVID-19.

Biden has talked bigger numbers, and some Democrats are now urging him to bypass Republicans in the closely divided Congress to address a broader range of priorities urged by interest groups.

During the presidential campaign, Biden pledged to deploy $2 trillion on infrastructure and clean energy, but the White House has not ruled out an even higher price tag. McCarthy said Biden’s upcoming plan will specifically aim at job creation, such as with investments to boost “workers that have been left behind” by closed coal mines or power plants, as well as communities located near polluting refineries and other hazards.

DeFazio said General Motors’ recently announced goal of going largely electric by 2035 demonstrates the need for massive spending on charging stations across the country. Biden campaigned on a plan to install 500,000 charging stations by the end of 2030.

It's been written about that the Covid bill is around 90% pork that has nothing to do with the actual virus itself. Billions of dollars for nonsense like mass transit in Piglosi's state as well as a bridge to Canada in Shoemakers state. Now it's time to spend more money catering to their construction union supporters.

With the Republicans virtually helpless to control spending, we could very well find ourselves with a 4 to 5 trillion dollar additional debt within the first few months under this administration, mostly pandering to unions, environmentalists, and a host of Democrat loyalists. 500,000 charging stations by 2030? At this rate, the US will be Venezuela by then.

Well, I understand that only about 20-22% of this 1.9T "Covid" bill is actually going towards real Covid relief!
yeah, once again the left is attempting to extort the American people suffering from Covid shutdowns to ram through many of their pork, and paybacks to donors......
WASHINGTON (AP) — Looking beyond the $1.9 trillion COVID relief bill, President Joe Biden and lawmakers are laying the groundwork for another top legislative priority — a long-sought boost to the nation’s roads, bridges and other infrastructure that could run into Republican resistance to a hefty price tag.

Biden and his team have begun discussions on the possible outlines of an infrastructure package with members of Congress, particularly mindful that Texas’ recent struggles with power outages and water shortages after a brutal winter storm present an opportunity for agreement on sustained spending on infrastructure.

Democrats passed a $1.5 trillion package in the House last year, but it went nowhere with the Trump administration and the Republican-led Senate. A Senate panel approved narrower bipartisan legislation in 2019 focused on reauthorizing federal transportation programs. It, too, flamed out as the U.S. turned its focus to elections and COVID-19.

Biden has talked bigger numbers, and some Democrats are now urging him to bypass Republicans in the closely divided Congress to address a broader range of priorities urged by interest groups.

During the presidential campaign, Biden pledged to deploy $2 trillion on infrastructure and clean energy, but the White House has not ruled out an even higher price tag. McCarthy said Biden’s upcoming plan will specifically aim at job creation, such as with investments to boost “workers that have been left behind” by closed coal mines or power plants, as well as communities located near polluting refineries and other hazards.

DeFazio said General Motors’ recently announced goal of going largely electric by 2035 demonstrates the need for massive spending on charging stations across the country. Biden campaigned on a plan to install 500,000 charging stations by the end of 2030.

It's been written about that the Covid bill is around 90% pork that has nothing to do with the actual virus itself. Billions of dollars for nonsense like mass transit in Piglosi's state as well as a bridge to Canada in Shoemakers state. Now it's time to spend more money catering to their construction union supporters.

With the Republicans virtually helpless to control spending, we could very well find ourselves with a 4 to 5 trillion dollar additional debt within the first few months under this administration, mostly pandering to unions, environmentalists, and a host of Democrat loyalists. 500,000 charging stations by 2030? At this rate, the US will be Venezuela by then.
How about upgrading infrastructure? We can use an upgraded power grid and transportation system. We could even use some new Cities in more optimum locations.
Why not? No one has cared about the debt for years so why start now?
total bullshit---yes, people have cared..I've been saying it for years

Show us a post where you talked about the deficit in the last 3yrs.
post # 221
post # 55

None of that speaks of Trump running up the Federal deficit.
hahahhahahahaha---sorry---you fkd up----cannot be denied........you have been proven wrong--as usual

Really? In none of those posts you said anything about Trump running up the federal deficit.
Why not? No one has cared about the debt for years so why start now?
total bullshit---yes, people have cared..I've been saying it for years

Show us a post where you talked about the deficit in the last 3yrs.
post # 221
post # 55

None of that speaks of Trump running up the Federal deficit.
don't try to double talk with your bullshit--you have been proven wrong

Let me know when that happens, because you didn't say a damn thing about Trump running up the federal deficit. Nice try though.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Looking beyond the $1.9 trillion COVID relief bill, President Joe Biden and lawmakers are laying the groundwork for another top legislative priority — a long-sought boost to the nation’s roads, bridges and other infrastructure that could run into Republican resistance to a hefty price tag.

Biden and his team have begun discussions on the possible outlines of an infrastructure package with members of Congress, particularly mindful that Texas’ recent struggles with power outages and water shortages after a brutal winter storm present an opportunity for agreement on sustained spending on infrastructure.

Democrats passed a $1.5 trillion package in the House last year, but it went nowhere with the Trump administration and the Republican-led Senate. A Senate panel approved narrower bipartisan legislation in 2019 focused on reauthorizing federal transportation programs. It, too, flamed out as the U.S. turned its focus to elections and COVID-19.

Biden has talked bigger numbers, and some Democrats are now urging him to bypass Republicans in the closely divided Congress to address a broader range of priorities urged by interest groups.

During the presidential campaign, Biden pledged to deploy $2 trillion on infrastructure and clean energy, but the White House has not ruled out an even higher price tag. McCarthy said Biden’s upcoming plan will specifically aim at job creation, such as with investments to boost “workers that have been left behind” by closed coal mines or power plants, as well as communities located near polluting refineries and other hazards.

DeFazio said General Motors’ recently announced goal of going largely electric by 2035 demonstrates the need for massive spending on charging stations across the country. Biden campaigned on a plan to install 500,000 charging stations by the end of 2030.

It's been written about that the Covid bill is around 90% pork that has nothing to do with the actual virus itself. Billions of dollars for nonsense like mass transit in Piglosi's state as well as a bridge to Canada in Shoemakers state. Now it's time to spend more money catering to their construction union supporters.

With the Republicans virtually helpless to control spending, we could very well find ourselves with a 4 to 5 trillion dollar additional debt within the first few months under this administration, mostly pandering to unions, environmentalists, and a host of Democrat loyalists. 500,000 charging stations by 2030? At this rate, the US will be Venezuela by then.

Well, I understand that only about 20-22% of this 1.9T "Covid" bill is actually going towards real Covid relief!
yeah, once again the left is attempting to extort the American people suffering from Covid shutdowns to ram through many of their pork, and paybacks to donors......

Ok I will bite, show us what donors will benefit from this bill other than the American people.
He bought it up in a couple of SOTU's.
I’m sure he got great applause for doing so.

Which is all that he really cares about.

The actual work is someone else’s job.
Well yeah...contrary to what the left wants, the USA is not a dictatorship...the President can't just create and enact an infructure bill on his own....it takes Congress...both chambers to do the work in creating one and getting it to his desk.

In Feb of 2018, Trump proposed a plan to Congress, $200 billion in federal funding and $1.5 trillion from the private sector. Democrats opposed this plan because of its emphasis on state and local funding and private investments....and they were still to focused on overturning the 2016 election

Trump again met with Dem leaders at the Oval Office, in the Spring of 2019....but the Dems wouldn't pass the replacement, agreement for NAFTA, because they didn't want to give Trump a win....so it failed...mind you later Biden admitted it was a much much better deal then NAFTA...but the Dems continued to play politics and were still trying to overturn the 2016 election

So, it's not as if Trump wasn't working and trying....it's just when one party, the DNC, put party over country....it's hard to get much done
Trump was not "working and trying". 200 billion in Federal funding is like shoveling horse shit up a hill. The private sector? Nah, that idea would be tied up forever.
And nobody was focused on "overturning the election" because Trump won, just like Biden won. The Dems immediately blamed Clinton due to her dislike among the people, especially women.
The agreement for Nafta was on his desk when he took office. All he did was to tweak that agreement which had created 800,000 jobs within the first 5 years.
That boosted economic growth, profits, and jobs for all three countries. It also lowered prices for consumers. During that time, the United States increased its exports of goods to the other two from $142 billion to $549 billion. ... NAFTA boosted trade by eliminating all tariffs between the three countries.
Benefits of NAFTA: Advantages and Positive Effects - The Balance
www.thebalance.com › advantages-of-nafta-3306271

Contrary to what the Trump supporters are trying to sell, Democrats are well aware that Congress must approve an infrastructure package.
Contrary to what Trump is trying to create, the US is not a dictatorship, and his bad behavior cost him the election.
1) yes, Trump was concerned about federal spending and came up with a plan for a federal/private plan....it was starting point, but the dems didn't even bother
2) no they dems immediately came up with a Russian conspiracy hoax, and ran with it for years
3) Nope, the USMCA was not on Trump's desk.....the Obama/Biden admin did nothing to fix our trade deal in North Amerca
4) Yes, there some positives to NAFTA, but the USMCA is a much better deal, which was the goal of the President....even Biden admitted it was a much better deal
5) well the poster I was responding too didn't seem to understand that
6) how did he do that? By trying to work with Congress???

1. No, Trump had no interest in an infrastructure repair plan--hence the little bone he presented to Congress.
2. Dems and the Russian interference had nothing to do with infrastructure. Your flapping about a hoax is just flapping and nothing more. Let's not forget Trump's private meeting with Putin and his asking Russia to turn over the Clinton Emails.
That Trump called it a hoax doesn't mean that it is a hoax, but it is a Trump deflection.

The Trade Deal We Just Threw Overboard - POLITICO ...
3. www.politico.com › magazine › story › 2017/03 › tru...

Trump has called NAFTA a “total disaster,” and in early February, he vowed with typical ... The new deal opened up service sectors like insurance, accounting and ... in office, before Congress could even vote on whether the deal should take effect. ... When I asked Obama's trade representative, Michael Froman, what his ...
4. Trump's agreement is a mere tweak, and nothing more.
5 & 6?
You are being conned again by an expert grifter.

Yes he offered up infrusture the Dems blocked it, and wouldn't deal on anything because they were too concerned with overthrowing the 2016 election, and spreading false lies about the Russian haox

Yes Trump came up with a better deal...Biden even said so. The article is about a bad deal tossed...I showed you biden admitting it as well in 2020.

The 116th congress was purely obstructionist. The dems didn't want Trump to accomplish anything. A lesser man wouldn't have.
Trump had control of the Senate. I don't see what he truly accomplished
when I look at the big picture.

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