What's No.1 Issue Midterms?,Shouldn't It Be Stopping Maxine Waters & Queen Pelosi?


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
:cul2: :desk: :hellno: We have heard, maybe between 7 and 12 issues driving voters to rush to the polls, and odds are they are all in fear of something, wanting to stop something from "F-----king Up" their lives forever.
The media is telling us it's health-care, really?, and not the thought of our lives being controlled by Pelosi/Maxine/Crying Chuck and the rest?
So conservativers/republicans here, you all agree to some extent, having Maxine Waters taking control of our bank accounts is the number one issue driving us to the polls?
:iagree: :ack-1:
Sanctity of our borders... viability of that seemingly 'antiquated' notion of Nationalism..
maxine sees anyone with a 401 account as slave owners, and will just take the money and move it to her accounts
The Number 1 Issues should be Stopping the Communist Horde.

Every other action is a mere piece of the puzzle. That includes protecting gun rights, defending the border, and keeping those two space cadets from getting power.
we just cant have someone who stole James Brown's wigs oversee what happens on wall street
. . . and since nobody is running on that? Fuck them all.
Sanctity of our borders... viability of that seemingly 'antiquated' notion of Nationalism..

Who let you & your family in sweetie ?considering your phenotype & name you'd probably have a Middle- Eastern origins,no?

Considering your phenotype & name you are in WAY over your head in discussing US politics. The EU has twice the population and half the economy of the US, and needs the US to protect you from the Russian Bear. After Trump levels the playing field for global trade the US should be even stronger. So how about you tone down the snobbery and try a little humility. Otherwise we may need to save money and bring our troops home, then you could defend yourselves.
Waters should be in charge of inspecting all toilets in the white house
Sanctity of our borders... viability of that seemingly 'antiquated' notion of Nationalism..

Who let you & your family in sweetie ?considering your phenotype & name you'd probably have a Middle- Eastern origins,no?

Considering your phenotype & name you are in WAY over your head in discussing US politics. The EU has twice the population and half the economy of the US, and needs the US to protect you from the Russian Bear. After Trump levels the playing field for global trade the US should be even stronger. So how about you tone down the snobbery and try a little humility. Otherwise we may need to save money and bring our troops home, then you could defend yourselves.

I'm an American born & raised.

You've got another thing coming if you think I support the EU, or America.

Basically Western Europeans are a disgrace to Humanity, they obviously don't respect culture of anybody, NOT others they mercilessly butchered yesterday in genocide, or the ones they kill of their own by suicide today.

I think the nations West of Poland are real wackos, and like really wacky.

As for taking swipes at my Polish heritage.

Actually Poland's doing better than the U.S.A, and yes even economically probably.

According to Numbeo the cost of living is so much cheaper in Poland that it's probably actually doing a little better than the U.S.A.

As for just everything else Poland's light-years ahead of the U.S.A.

I made such a thread.

American dream no more?
i dont care what the polls said,,,stopping Maxine Waters and her K-Mart wigs is the only reason I am voting straight republican
Noone really gives a flying 'F' about origins of birth (if a citizen)... Get off your high horse and rea
Sanctity of our borders... viability of that seemingly 'antiquated' notion of Nationalism..

Who let you & your family in sweetie ?considering your phenotype & name you'd probably have a Middle- Eastern origins,no?

Considering your phenotype & name you are in WAY over your head in discussing US politics. The EU has twice the population and half the economy of the US, and needs the US to protect you from the Russian Bear. After Trump levels the playing field for global trade the US should be even stronger. So how about you tone down the snobbery and try a little humility. Otherwise we may need to save money and bring our troops home, then you could defend yourselves.

I'm an American born & raised.

You've got another thing coming if you think I support the EU, or America.

Basically Western Europeans are a disgrace to Humanity, they obviously don't respect culture of anybody, NOT others they mercilessly butchered yesterday in genocide, or the ones they kill of their own by suicide today.

I think the nations West of Poland are real wackos, and like really wacky.

As for taking swipes at my Polish heritage.

Actually Poland's doing better than the U.S.A, and yes even economically probably.

According to Numbeo the cost of living is so much cheaper in Poland that it's probably actually doing a little better than the U.S.A.

As for just everything else Poland's light-years ahead of the U.S.A.

I made such a thread.

American dream no more?
U are so clueless, in equating any metric here... lol. Why do to think Poland is in the situation that they are in? (I'm not going to bother laying out the rudiments for you...)
Sanctity of our borders... viability of that seemingly 'antiquated' notion of Nationalism..

Who let you & your family in sweetie ?considering your phenotype & name you'd probably have a Middle- Eastern origins,no?

Considering your phenotype & name you are in WAY over your head in discussing US politics. The EU has twice the population and half the economy of the US, and needs the US to protect you from the Russian Bear. After Trump levels the playing field for global trade the US should be even stronger. So how about you tone down the snobbery and try a little humility. Otherwise we may need to save money and bring our troops home, then you could defend yourselves.

I'm an American born & raised.
You've got another thing coming if you think I support the EU, or America.
Basically Western Europeans are a disgrace to Humanity, they obviously don't respect culture of anybody, NOT others they mercilessly butchered yesterday in genocide, or the ones they kill of their own by suicide today.
I think the nations West of Poland are real wackos, and like really wacky.
As for taking swipes at my Polish heritage.
Actually Poland's doing better than the U.S.A, and yes even economically probably.
According to Numbeo the cost of living is so much cheaper in Poland that it's probably actually doing a little better than the U.S.A.
As for just everything else Poland's light-years ahead of the U.S.A.
I made such a thread.
American dream no more?
I'm not taking swipes at your heritage, just your snobbery
The US economy is $19.34 Trillion, the Polish economy is about $0.6T.
Poland is about the size of CA, but the CA economy is $2.75T, so CA's economy alone is about 4.5x Poland's
Again, not disparaging Poland, but there is no comparing them to the USA, that's the simple truth

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