What's Obama Doing here? Executive Order 13575

Most people in "rural" America don't farm anymore. Look at the trend in agriculture in the past 50 years. I think less than 2% of the population is involved in agriculture. The collective knowledge will be lost, which unto itself is an argument for the importance of keeping the agricultural departments open at Universities.

So it's an overstatement to say that rural america = farms. And no, riding your four wheeler on the weekend doesn't count as farming.
Farm subsidies, Game over.

Bingo. I don't mind subsidies. We have to be able to feed ourselves, even when the "invisible hand" of the free market favors paving over every acre of farm land in favor of strip malls. I just want people to keep it honest.

What they dont understand is our own Government pays these farmers to over produce to keep the food in this nation down low as it is.
They think Inflation is bad here because milk goes up 20 cents.
We pay the lowest in the world for food. These people are spoiled, and act like spoiled brats.

I agree with that. Furthermore, guess what the price of food will do if the illegal immigration hawks deport all migrant workers?
good for you, you won the court battle.

It was unnessarry and extremly expensive.
It was enviro wacko's teaming with the EPA.
They are really angry with us too, because the San Pedro River is still doing fine without them.

life is a pain in the ass and things cost money.
I still didnt see anything about Environmental people doing shady things in your link. All i saw was someone bought 175k acres.

In the immortal words of one of Hollywood's great philosophers Ashton Krutcher "We need stuff"
Ruby Ridge ring a bell?

Can you imagine what the Founders would think or do were they to appear back here in 2011?? Government stealing private property, trying to seize citizen's weapons, taking control of private business, taking control of American healthcare, using the IRS as a bully and thief, and yet here these braindead leftists sit and think it's all great. We have to take our country back in 2012 and NEVER again forget just how dangerous these Marxists are to freedom.

Then i guess you dont understand that the founders were just as dirty.
examples? Or is this just relativist moral equivalency clap trap.
Then i guess you dont understand that the founders were just as dirty.
examples? Or is this just relativist moral equivalency clap trap.

Thomas Jefferson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


He obtained the repeal of many federal taxes in his bid to rely more on customs revenue. He pardoned people imprisoned under the Alien and Sedition Acts, passed in John Adams' term. He repealed the Judiciary Act of 1801 and removed nearly all of Adams' "midnight judges" from office, which led to the Supreme Court deciding the important case of Marbury v. Madison. He also signed into law a bill that officially segregated the US postal system by not allowing blacks to carry mail

Fries's Rebellion
To pay for the new Army, Congress imposed new taxes on property: the Direct Tax of 1798. It was the first (and last) such federal tax. Taxpayers were angry, nowhere more so than in southeast Pennsylvania, where the bloodless Fries's Rebellion broke out among rural German-speaking farmers who protested what they saw as a threat to their republican liberties and to their churches

John Adams - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

just a few. they were not squeaky clean people. They are human beings and with that flawed like everyone else.
dont play stupid and act like these men where perfect people.
The indians were fight for our enemies, you make it sound as if they were totally innocent.
It might be that no one listens to you, as you come across as a raving jackass.

That's just my guess though.

Apparently, no one is listening to me.

However, I doubt that a man with a ~175 IQ (several tests Wechsler & Stanford Binet average) would "come across as a raving jackass".

But you are a certified LIEberrhoidal fool. No guess.

Wow. You have an IQ of 175? That must automatically make you a genius. Why don't you tell us all how smart you are based on the IQ test?

I could care less how fast you can assemble a puzzle. You come across as one of the least intelligent posters on this board.

Your posts, aside from being grammatical train wrecks, are devoid of any substance beyond the usual "conservatives good, liberals bad" crapola.
Conservative good, leberals bad is not crapola, it is the TRUTH. Obamaturd is a poster child for crapola.
Its communism..

The government control over the means of production, services and allocation of resources.....

Obama is a textbook communist....

History has shown us that the first thing a communist government does is attack the farmers and displace them...
Another kindred soul that gets it. Kudos.

I find it interesting, or disturbing for that matter that these progressives (who claim they're not socialists) support this tyrant fuck Obama. This motherfucker Obama is attempting to transform the US into a communist US and hes doing it in textbook fashion...

Progressives are either ignorant, in denial, dumb or they're communists themselves considering they back such tyrannical anti-American bullshit..

They may as well be asking for a civil war....

Of course if that happened all these pussy leftists would run to Canada, while the real classical liberals stay here and defend our civil liberties and our economic model.
Liberals are ignorant closet socialists who can't see the writing on the wall with a magnifying glass.
Another kindred soul that gets it. Kudos.

I find it interesting, or disturbing for that matter that these progressives (who claim they're not socialists) support this tyrant fuck Obama. This motherfucker Obama is attempting to transform the US into a communist US and hes doing it in textbook fashion...

Progressives are either ignorant, in denial, dumb or they're communists themselves considering they back such tyrannical anti-American bullshit..

They may as well be asking for a civil war....

Of course if that happened all these pussy leftists would run to Canada, while the real classical liberals stay here and defend our civil liberties and our economic model.

oh do shut up internet warrior. The door is right there if you feel like proving something.

Fucking retard.
There is an old saying truth hurts. When it does the idiots start slinging names. Look in a mirror.
Another kindred soul that gets it. Kudos.

I find it interesting, or disturbing for that matter that these progressives (who claim they're not socialists) support this tyrant fuck Obama. This motherfucker Obama is attempting to transform the US into a communist US and hes doing it in textbook fashion...

Progressives are either ignorant, in denial, dumb or they're communists themselves considering they back such tyrannical anti-American bullshit..

They may as well be asking for a civil war....

Of course if that happened all these pussy leftists would run to Canada, while the real classical liberals stay here and defend our civil liberties and our economic model.

I'm Liberal, and Obama is shaping America just the way it needs to be shaped.

P.S. I'm not going anywhere.
In a socialists view yeah. In an American view no. Liberal socialists need to go somewhere, How about RUSSIA? IDIOTS!!!
I love it when the Zombies begin to infest a thread with lies.. it shows how desperate they are to cover up the truth. I showed word for word what it is.. Anyone can Google Prop 21 and Obama's executive order.. they don't have to believe the propaganda spewing from liberal hacks.. research it for yourselves.. I've said it many times... It wouldn't surprise me at all if this Marxist in the WH declared Martial Law at some point, all the while his dopey lemmingheads would coo and fawn all over him defending the power grab. LMAO Mark Levin said it tonight.. The Communists couldn't form their own party.. no one would buy what they were selling.. so they infiltrated the democrat party and found a welcoming home.. Don't let these Marxists fool you.. They will lie, cheat, steal.. anything in order to bring about "social justice."

Does it scare you?
Nope, it makes us who love our country mad. I will never be scared of a bunch of commie idiots because they are too stupid to remember communism doesn't work, IDIOTS!!!
I was planting Tomatoes while in the womb!

I win

It wasn't a contest stupid, but while I was in those tobacco fields your daddy wasn't even a thought in your grand fathers mind.

what? that makes you like 300 or something.

I know it wasnt, i was making fun of you two for acting like it was. Nobody cares when you where in a field.

Listen up short cake your avatar gives a good idea of your age no one over their early 20 would have an avatar of a transformer. True fucking story.:thup::lol:
I read this Executive Order.

I fail to see where it says anything about taking over people's land.

It appears to create a board to oversee the dispersion of federal funding to farmers.

WTF is the issue here exactly?
Like I said, the government along with their crony Marxists can SUCK IT. Come on out to rural America.. lmao
Ruby Ridge ring a bell?

Can you imagine what the Founders would think or do were they to appear back here in 2011?? Government stealing private property, trying to seize citizen's weapons, taking control of private business, taking control of American healthcare, using the IRS as a bully and thief, and yet here these braindead leftists sit and think it's all great. We have to take our country back in 2012 and NEVER again forget just how dangerous these Marxists are to freedom.

Maybe we had to hit this point. Many of us fell asleep at the helm and are self-relearning (is that a term?) about what this country is all about. We have awoken and started doing some research into our founding and history through the ages. Sadly, the only 'education' that the young are getting is at the hand of people who think Che, Chavez and Castro have it right.

Hey LGS.....this is my first post here and I remember you from 'somewhere else.....cough cough'.......I'm still getting used to the freestyle of the postings, but I think I might like it here. I also recognize some others......I think.
Ruby Ridge ring a bell?

Can you imagine what the Founders would think or do were they to appear back here in 2011?? Government stealing private property, trying to seize citizen's weapons, taking control of private business, taking control of American healthcare, using the IRS as a bully and thief, and yet here these braindead leftists sit and think it's all great. We have to take our country back in 2012 and NEVER again forget just how dangerous these Marxists are to freedom.

Maybe we had to hit this point. Many of us fell asleep at the helm and are self-relearning (is that a term?) about what this country is all about. We have awoken and started doing some research into our founding and history through the ages. Sadly, the only 'education' that the young are getting is at the hand of people who think Che, Chavez and Castro have it right.

Hey LGS.....this is my first post here and I remember you from 'somewhere else.....cough cough'.......I'm still getting used to the freestyle of the postings, but I think I might like it here. I also recognize some others......I think.
well RCKirby, I remember you from another place too ;) .

This place is much more helmets and brass knuckles. So life sucks, wear a helmet.

That said, the very points you mention are the reason you will see liberalism falter and begin to die in this nation because people are getting more educated on the founding fathers and philosophies and learning the dangers and destruction on a personal level brought on by collectivism and it's many variants.

the pendulum of cultural history bears this out.

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