What's Obama Doing here? Executive Order 13575

Well, you weren't the one who had to go through all of this same crap 16 years ago.

Don't pay attention to the mindless drones liberals have become.. they remind me of how Hitler was able to capture the German people and keep their eyes closed to the horrific things that went on.. Liberals are nothing more than the enemy within. If their precious Obama ordered Martial Law and asked them to turn in citizens who were insolent toward the government , etc.. they would turn you in , without so much as an after thought.
From where exactly did you pull that?

From right here.

Obama's land grab - NYPOST.com

Obama talked about this himself, how he wants to expand government parks.

all i saw was people considering and people wanting to BUY land from private owners.

Do you know what happens when you refuse to sell?
Environmentalists and EPA try to seize it under bogus reasons like endangered species and water contamination which isn't true.
We caught environmentalists adding fish to the San Pedro River so that they could claim that they were an endangered species.
That's when we went to court and won under the grandfather clause.
WTF is going on here on USMB ?????




It might be that no one listens to you, as you come across as a raving jackass.

That's just my guess though.

Apparently, no one is listening to me.

However, I doubt that a man with a ~175 IQ (several tests Wechsler & Stanford Binet average) would "come across as a raving jackass".

But you are a certified LIEberrhoidal fool. No guess.

Wow. You have an IQ of 175? That must automatically make you a genius. Why don't you tell us all how smart you are based on the IQ test?

I could care less how fast you can assemble a puzzle. You come across as one of the least intelligent posters on this board.

Your posts, aside from being grammatical train wrecks, are devoid of any substance beyond the usual "conservatives good, liberals bad" crapola.
Weinergate eclipsed this one...the media didn't even know about it...

President Obama’s E.O. 13575 is designed to begin taking control over almost all aspects of the lives of 16% of the American people. Why didn’t we notice it? Weinergate. In the middle of the Anthony Weiner scandal, as the press and most of the American people were distracted, President Obama created something called “The White House Rural Council” (WHRC).

Section One of 13575 states the following:

Agenda 21 by the United Nations?

"Rual Communities" are what? FARM Communities...​

President Obama is trying to help out rural communities For growth, innovation, healthcare and education


People who live in Rual areas do not and I repeat do not want nor do they need government help.

That's a frigging laugh. I grew up on a farm in rural America. From the depression on, the federal government has assisted rural America. Read up on the TVA and what that did for Appalachia.

What I see, is the mouth saying "we don't want help" while the hand is outstretched.
Rural People(I am one of them) don't want government help on the surface. But the don't stop and think of how their lives are subsidized. They just take it for granted.

Roads are just one issue. Schools are another. There is not enough taxpayers in our little county of PA, where cows outnumber people to build huge schools... yet we have them. The county next to ours is putting in a huge geothermal system.

Power lines that go one forever... High speed internet... all are subsidized by our government. It costs more to run the lines and maintain them than is worth the revenue from the billing. So the state and federal government subsidizes the cost of doing so.

Does that mean I think that us Country folk are selfish... no. Just blissfully unaware. The only thing that we do have out our way that is not subsidized are our Free water and sewage... we have wells and septic systems. Everything else is more expensive for the companies than it is in the city, where everyone is grouped together.

Do I want to live in the city? Hell no. I like grass beneath my feet and my view of Jack's Mountain. I like not having to lock my doors. I like to hunt and fish. I don't mind my 1/2 hour commute to work(which is relatively short compared to most people who live in the country), even though it costs more to get back and forth.
Roads are a necessary function of Government (See article 1, Section 8). Schools are also necessary. Power lines and Internet are very poor excuses. And as to power lines? Why is electricity so darned expensive? Energy, mining for it, and what is government doing to us right now? Blocking producing any more of it, or rather what we have been accustomed to. Instead? They're pushing untried, unproven 'Green' tech, and it's on purpose to alter our behaviour, our lifestyles...some call it control.

I do NOT accept what is going on here, and will fight tooth and nail to get them out of my life, that of my friends, family, and fellow countrymen.

You may have bought into the excuses government gives you. Most of us have not.

Why do you pay the same rate for electricity as a city dweller, when the cost of running and maintaining lines is so much cheaper? Same with Telephone and internet lines....

You just don't want to face reality.
Honestly, I have no clue what he is doing with this executive order. I havent researched the issue enough. But just on the surface, I have to ask how the President of the United States thinks he knows better than the rural communities themselves what they need to do to prosper.

It's part of the ten pillars of communism. Here it is:

1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.

Just Say No... To Marxist Philosophy: 10 Pillars of Communism
Honestly, I have no clue what he is doing with this executive order. I havent researched the issue enough. But just on the surface, I have to ask how the President of the United States thinks he knows better than the rural communities themselves what they need to do to prosper.

It's part of the ten pillars of communism. Here it is:

1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.

Just Say No... To Marxist Philosophy: 10 Pillars of Communism
'New World Order'...
President Obama is trying to help out rural communities For growth, innovation, healthcare and education


People who live in Rual areas do not and I repeat do not want nor do they need government help.

That's a frigging laugh. I grew up on a farm in rural America. From the depression on, the federal government has assisted rural America. Read up on the TVA and what that did for Appalachia.

What I see, is the mouth saying "we don't want help" while the hand is outstretched.

Any help that farm owners would need from the government probably is due to a problem the government originally created to begin with. Where I grew up there where alot of dairy farms, and I knew of noone asking the government for shit.
People who live in Rual areas do not and I repeat do not want nor do they need government help.

That's a frigging laugh. I grew up on a farm in rural America. From the depression on, the federal government has assisted rural America. Read up on the TVA and what that did for Appalachia.

What I see, is the mouth saying "we don't want help" while the hand is outstretched.

Any help that farm owners would need from the government probably is due to a problem the government originally created to begin with. Where I grew up there where alot of dairy farms, and I knew of noone asking the government for shit.
Largely the norm. Good call.

They were not able to buy out the 2 miles on either side of the river. We took them to court and won.
That was 16 years ago.
Despite their claimes of well water taking the San Pedro River away, that river is doing just fine like it always has. The Cotton woods are still there and thriving.
And we still have our property.
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all i saw was people considering and people wanting to BUY land from private owners.

Do you know what happens when you refuse to sell?
Environmentalists and EPA try to seize it under bogus reasons like endangered species and water contamination which isn't true.
We caught environmentalists adding fish to the San Pedro River so that they could claim that they were an endangered species.
That's when we went to court and won under the grandfather clause.

something big like this should be easy to link right?
how are endangered species or water contamination bogus reasons?
You hate life and water?

We love our San Pedro River, it's beautiful and it still is.Without the enviro wacko's
What part did you not read?
There was no endangered species, they added the fish to the river.
Anyone who lives in the desert is very water conscious. We know how precious it really is.
We also proved that our well water was not coming from the San Pedro River.
If we had been taking water from that tiny little river it would have been gone a long, long time ago.
The Southwest's last real river: Will it flow on? — High Country News

They were not able to buy out the 2 miles on either side of the river. We took them to court and won.
That was 16 years ago.
Despite their claimes of well water taking the San Pedro River away, that river is doing just fine like it always has. The Cotton woods are still there and thriving.
And we still have our property.

this isnt seizing. this was a court battle that came out in your favor. There is no outrage

Let's see how you feel when they want to buy your property and you refuse.
And then lie about things in order to get it.
We also proved that our well water was not coming from the San Pedro River.
If we had been taking water from that tiny little river it would have been gone a long, long time ago.

good for you, you won the court battle.

It was unnessarry and extremly expensive.
It was enviro wacko's teaming with the EPA.
They are really angry with us too, because the San Pedro River is still doing fine without them.
We also proved that our well water was not coming from the San Pedro River.
If we had been taking water from that tiny little river it would have been gone a long, long time ago.

good for you, you won the court battle.

It was unnessarry and extremly expensive.
It was enviro wacko's teaming with the EPA.
They are really angry with us too, because the San Pedro River is still doing fine without them.

Good for you.. No one should have to put up with the leftist State this country is evolving in it.
Section 1. Policy. Sixteen percent of the American population lives in rural counties. Strong, sustainable rural communities are essential to winning the future and ensuring American competitiveness in the years ahead. These communities supply our food, fiber, and energy, safeguard our natural resources, and are essential in the development of science and innovation. Though rural communities face numerous challenges, they also present enormous economic potential. The Federal Government has an important role to play in order to expand access to the capital necessary for economic growth, promote innovation, improve access to health care and education, and expand outdoor recreational activities on public lands

What is the problem here, and how is it controlling all aspects of their lives?
Section 1. Policy. Sixteen percent of the American population lives in rural counties. Strong, sustainable rural communities are essential to winning the future and ensuring American competitiveness in the years ahead. These communities supply our food, fiber, and energy, safeguard our natural resources, and are essential in the development of science and innovation. Though rural communities face numerous challenges, they also present enormous economic potential. The Federal Government has an important role to play in order to expand access to the capital necessary for economic growth, promote innovation, improve access to health care and education, and expand outdoor recreational activities on public lands

What is the problem here, and how is it controlling all aspects of their lives?

We don't need the Nanny State telling us what to do with OUR LAND, OUR BUSINESSES.. How about you leftists mind your own fuckin states, say like CALIFORNIA?? You've already fucked up so many things and now you want to put your grubby paws on Rural America.. Try it.. We're not sheep out here.
good for you, you won the court battle.

It was unnessarry and extremly expensive.
It was enviro wacko's teaming with the EPA.
They are really angry with us too, because the San Pedro River is still doing fine without them.

Good for you.. No one should have to put up with the leftist State this country is evolving in it.

Yeh, but it's starting again and this time it's 25 Departments and the envro wacko's.
16 years ago it was 2 Departments and wacko's.
They didn't have the defense department and homeland security like they do now.
Section 1. Policy. Sixteen percent of the American population lives in rural counties. Strong, sustainable rural communities are essential to winning the future and ensuring American competitiveness in the years ahead. These communities supply our food, fiber, and energy, safeguard our natural resources, and are essential in the development of science and innovation. Though rural communities face numerous challenges, they also present enormous economic potential. The Federal Government has an important role to play in order to expand access to the capital necessary for economic growth, promote innovation, improve access to health care and education, and expand outdoor recreational activities on public lands

What is the problem here, and how is it controlling all aspects of their lives?

We don't need the Nanny State telling us what to do with OUR LAND, OUR BUSINESSES.. How about you leftists mind your own fuckin states, say like CALIFORNIA?? You've already fucked up so many things and now you want to put your grubby paws on Rural America.. Try it.. We're not sheep out here.

What does it say about the government telling you what to do with your land? Sounds more like the government is going to help. Some of you appear to be reading something into this. Also, are there no leftists in rural America?
People who live in Rual areas do not and I repeat do not want nor do they need government help.

That's a frigging laugh. I grew up on a farm in rural America. From the depression on, the federal government has assisted rural America. Read up on the TVA and what that did for Appalachia.

What I see, is the mouth saying "we don't want help" while the hand is outstretched.

Any help that farm owners would need from the government probably is due to a problem the government originally created to begin with. Where I grew up there where alot of dairy farms, and I knew of noone asking the government for shit.

Did you actually grow up on a diary farm? Our farm had a small dairy that we rented out and we raised replacement holstein cattle to sell to dairy operations.

Of all ag/livestock trades, the dairy industry has the highest amount of subsidies.

United States Dairy Program Subsidies || EWG Farm Subsidy Database

I don't disagree with ag subsidies. I see agriculture as a national defense issue that should be sustained by the government.

If the government has done anything to screw over the small time farmer or milker, it's been the deregulation and financial incentives to the corporation farming operations that are breaking the back of small farming operations.

I would venture to guess that if you talked to a real farmer that knew a hay rack from a haybine, they'd be more than happy for the government to intrude on Big Ag and offer some protection to the small time farmers.

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