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What’s Pelosi Going to Do Now?

Well, the congresscritters have left town! To be continued when they decide to come back!
Fifty years from now, an American family will pile into the car to see the country and, while motoring by the Texas border, will slam on the brakes. Oh look, honey, here's a historic site! They'll blow the dust off a small plaque on a garden trellis that will read: "On this site, President Donald Trump built the impregnable southern border wall."

Stanley, you have to step to the left -- you're blocking the whole thing!

There will be plenty of room in the Trump Presidential Library for the entire border wall, because the library will contain only two books, "The Art of the Deal," and Trump's follow-up book, "Never Mind."
Trump is laughing his head off watching Democrats scream for open borders.

If he is then he is a fool. He is the one who is going down.
Making history by denying the President to give his SOTU is done. She can’t make herself look like a child on that for another year. And all she accomplished was to give Trump free advertising to give him a huge audience when he does give it.

She refuses to negotiate. Trump will simply continue to offer deals and act like the adult in the room to the American people. And Nancy will continue to stomp her feet saying no no no as we hear more negative news on how the shutdown is affecting government employees.

Trump has played Pelosi like a bongo. He’s got her in a corner with no way for her to come out of this without kissing Trump’s ass.

You have it backwards. Nancy just kicked Trump in the balls and he went down crying for his mama.

Pelosi has completed defeated Trump on this matter. Trump walked out of the negotiations. That means until HE comes back to the negotiations, he has NOTHING.

How can he negotiate is Pelosi refuses to even consider funding of a wall?

The only offers have come from his side.

Her only response is "my way or the highway"

You have spun this so much I am surprised you aren't vomiting.

What will Pelosi consider funding? What do the Democrats want? What will Pelosi give? We don't know because Dumb Donald didn't LISTEN to her.

Trump is the WORST negotiator I've ever seen. This isn't spin. I worked in big money real estate for 30 years. Donald Trump's world. I've sat in on the negotiations between these sides, and saying Trump is the worst I've ever seen isn't hyperbole. That's really not surprising considering that Trump negotiates from the "gut" and doesn't believe in preparation. A successful negotiation is all about the preparation - knowing what the other side wants being the primary piece of information you need.

Donald wants a wall. We all KNOW that. What is Pelosi prepared to offer instead? We don't know because Trump hasn't bothered to ask.
What’s Pelosi offer?


That’s why the MSM isn’t plastering her “such a great offer that evil Trump said no to” 7/24.

Voters agree with Pelosi not Trump. It is interesting how McConnell and Trump were prepared to accept this until the Rush Limbaughs and Ann Coulters egged him into this. This is politics on Trump's side.
why should he address the congress when he has shut the government down? all he has to do is stop his little bitch fit and open the government and pay the workers
The Democrats have shut down the government for illegal aliens, drug cartels, gangs and human traffickers.

Trump has shut down government to please his political base. He was willing to accept a wall-less compromise until the right wing media egged him on.
"The Wall" is the one policy issue the Trumpletons believe they actually understand. Because, what could be complicated about a wall? Right?

Of course, that's also what Coulter and Limbaugh realized, and that's why - letting themselves be seen siding with the "base" - they actually control the narrative on the issue. And that's why Trump is in somewhat of a hard place. Enmeshed in a fight in which Congress has the upper hand - the Power of the Purse - he can't back down, not as long as Coulter and Limbaugh keep the "base" in a fit of spluttering apoplexy. The "base" has been promised a wall, the "base" has voted for the wall, the "base" wants a wall, and no way, no how, can Trump afford to be shown to be too weak to deliver the wall.

Of course, "border security" is a rather complex issue, as is immigration. So even if Trump understood any of that, he still couldn't explain that to his "base". That's why he's stuck. Having rallied his "base" of dummies behind the cause, he knows they'll eat him alive in case he proves impotent. Pelosi is easily smart enough to understand that, and for now she's winning. There's no better way to do in a "Dear Leader" than by demonstrating he can be beaten by a girl, and that's exactly the thing that has the most ardent and subservient of Trump sycophants up in arms - metaphorically speaking.
File 9 for Canadian opinions! When the dumbasses get 30 million illegals in their country they can get back to us!

How is it that we don't have 30 million poor Americans sneaking into Canada for the cradle to the grave social programs we have here? The reason is we don't hire illegal immigrants! If you don't have a valid SIN CARD, you can't apply for benefits. No just a number, but the actual government issued SIN card. You must have one to be hired. Employers must see the CARD, make a copy, and put it in your employee file or face a $10,000 fine, per employee, upon Revenue Canada audit.

To get a government health care card, I need government issued ID (either birth certificate or SIN Card), and proof of residence. We have an open border and no huge problem with illegal immigration because you can't get work or government assistance as an illegal.

Americans have an illegal immigrant problem because you allow people to hire illegal immigrants, and you give benefits to people who are in the country illegally. The reason for this is that Republicans have consistently refused to enforce immigration law or to crack down on illegal workers or the people who employ them.

The situation you have now has not only been tolerated, but actually encouraged by generations of Republican lawmakers, and by virtue of their lack of passing or enforcing laws meant to restrict employment of undocumented illegals. Undocumented workers self-deported during the Great Recession, proving once and for all that these people will leave if they can't find work. 300,000 illegals from Mexico returned to Mexico between 2008 and 2011. Trump is the first Republican President to actually want to stop illegal immigration, even as his resorts routinely hire illegals.
Why do Canadians come to America for critical surgery?

Never mind. We know.

File 9 for Canadian opinions! When the dumbasses get 30 million illegals in their country they can get back to us!

How is it that we don't have 30 million poor Americans sneaking into Canada for the cradle to the grave social programs we have here? The reason is we don't hire illegal immigrants! If you don't have a valid SIN CARD, you can't apply for benefits. No just a number, but the actual government issued SIN card. You must have one to be hired. Employers must see the CARD, make a copy, and put it in your employee file or face a $10,000 fine, per employee, upon Revenue Canada audit.

To get a government health care card, I need government issued ID (either birth certificate or SIN Card), and proof of residence. We have an open border and no huge problem with illegal immigration because you can't get work or government assistance as an illegal.

Americans have an illegal immigrant problem because you allow people to hire illegal immigrants, and you give benefits to people who are in the country illegally. The reason for this is that Republicans have consistently refused to enforce immigration law or to crack down on illegal workers or the people who employ them.

The situation you have now has not only been tolerated, but actually encouraged by generations of Republican lawmakers, and by virtue of their lack of passing or enforcing laws meant to restrict employment of undocumented illegals. Undocumented workers self-deported during the Great Recession, proving once and for all that these people will leave if they can't find work. 300,000 illegals from Mexico returned to Mexico between 2008 and 2011. Trump is the first Republican President to actually want to stop illegal immigration, even as his resorts routinely hire illegals.
Why do Canadians come to America for critical surgery?

Never mind. We know.

The answer is they don't. They go to the US for experimental surgeries when all else fails. Americans sell their health care to the wealthy. Canadians who aren't wealthy, and they get their health care at home, because it's already paid for, and because the quality is higher.

Canadians have a longer life expectancy than Americans, which speaks volumes about your "best in the world" healthcare. The USA is the only first world country where this generation is expecting a lower life expectancy than their parents.
I don't think it's aboot the quality of health care. A

It's aboot the quality of beer. A
why should he address the congress when he has shut the government down? all he has to do is stop his little bitch fit and open the government and pay the workers
The SOTU isn't an address to the government. It's an address to the American people.
Since Pelosi wants to screw America she wants to keep us in the dark as much as possible.

Not really. Usually Presidents just sent their message to Congress in paper form. The fact is that Trump tried to make border security a major issue in the midterms and the result was a 40 seat loss in the House. He tried in his speech to the nation and more people believed Pelosi and Schumer than they did Trump. Pelosi is probably helping Trump by preventing him from making a fool of himself.
why should he address the congress when he has shut the government down? all he has to do is stop his little bitch fit and open the government and pay the workers
The SOTU isn't an address to the government. It's an address to the American people.
Since Pelosi wants to screw America she wants to keep us in the dark as much as possible.

The SOTU is NOT an address to the American people, it's an address delivered to Congress. It's a road map of where the government is and what the administration hopes to accomplish in the coming year. This is the President's annual Report to CONGRESS. The SOTU address is mandated in the Constitution and was original delivered as a letter to Congress, not an actual speech.

The SOTU existed before radio or TV and so there is no requirement so that shoots down the idea that the SOTU is a speech to the American people.
Ms. Foreigner, Congress is our Representation. The SOTU is given to the citizens of the United States.

Prior to the days of radio and television, how was the President supposed to do that. Since the Founding Fathers could not have foreseen radio or TV, and they mandated the SOTU in the Constitution, how was the President expected to have addressed the American People in the first 150 years of the Republic?

The SOTU was a address to Congress not the people. Most of the time they did not even do it in person. Certainly papers existed so it could be disseminated to the people. That is not what the founding fathers meant or they would have said people and Congress.
Making history by denying the President to give his SOTU is done. She can’t make herself look like a child on that for another year. And all she accomplished was to give Trump free advertising to give him a huge audience when he does give it.

She refuses to negotiate. Trump will simply continue to offer deals and act like the adult in the room to the American people. And Nancy will continue to stomp her feet saying no no no as we hear more negative news on how the shutdown is affecting government employees.

Trump has played Pelosi like a bongo. He’s got her in a corner with no way for her to come out of this without kissing Trump’s ass.

You have it backwards. Nancy just kicked Trump in the balls and he went down crying for his mama.

Pelosi has completed defeated Trump on this matter. Trump walked out of the negotiations. That means until HE comes back to the negotiations, he has NOTHING.

Pelosi’s negotiation is “no Wall!” Yet, worse, she has no plan for Border Security. I would believe you that she has defeated Trump if she had a plan. She is “putting up a Wall” to mask that she really wants Open Borders.
Making history by denying the President to give his SOTU is done. She can’t make herself look like a child on that for another year. And all she accomplished was to give Trump free advertising to give him a huge audience when he does give it.

She refuses to negotiate. Trump will simply continue to offer deals and act like the adult in the room to the American people. And Nancy will continue to stomp her feet saying no no no as we hear more negative news on how the shutdown is affecting government employees.

Trump has played Pelosi like a bongo. He’s got her in a corner with no way for her to come out of this without kissing Trump’s ass.

Like Pelosi or not, she won that round.

Trump tried to bully her and she stood her ground and he caved.
He caved? How? She denied him in like a child.

The SOTU does not have to be given in front of congress, Trump could have given it anywhere at any time, but instead he gave into her request that it be delayed till the shutdown is over.

Right now Trump is the one is the corner, he lost his pissing match over the SOTU and every week more and more people blame him for the shutdown.
You think Trump really needs to go to Congress to get his message out to the people? How naïve of you...

He sure does want the optics. He already got his message out - if he doesn't get what he wants, he's going to hold his breath until he turns blue. Or something like that. Live from The Oval office!
Making history by denying the President to give his SOTU is done. She can’t make herself look like a child on that for another year. And all she accomplished was to give Trump free advertising to give him a huge audience when he does give it.

She refuses to negotiate. Trump will simply continue to offer deals and act like the adult in the room to the American people. And Nancy will continue to stomp her feet saying no no no as we hear more negative news on how the shutdown is affecting government employees.

Trump has played Pelosi like a bongo. He’s got her in a corner with no way for her to come out of this without kissing Trump’s ass.
so actually, she just trapped herself. Right now, Trump can say yes to reopen the government, look like the reasonable person, get the furloughed folks their pay, then give his SOTU on the 29th, then come February 8, if she hasn't negotiated, the shutdown then would be on her. and only her. Because, he would have agreed in good faith, which as I'm sitting here, she will reneg because she is a leftist.

Trump has trapped himself as he said this was his shutdown. I recall Trump and his dingbat supporters attacking Pelosi and Schumer because the government was shut down temporarily. The shutdown is on Trump because he said it was his shutdown.
File 9 for Canadian opinions! When the dumbasses get 30 million illegals in their country they can get back to us!

How is it that we don't have 30 million poor Americans sneaking into Canada for the cradle to the grave social programs we have here? The reason is we don't hire illegal immigrants! If you don't have a valid SIN CARD, you can't apply for benefits. No just a number, but the actual government issued SIN card. You must have one to be hired. Employers must see the CARD, make a copy, and put it in your employee file or face a $10,000 fine, per employee, upon Revenue Canada audit.

To get a government health care card, I need government issued ID (either birth certificate or SIN Card), and proof of residence. We have an open border and no huge problem with illegal immigration because you can't get work or government assistance as an illegal.

Americans have an illegal immigrant problem because you allow people to hire illegal immigrants, and you give benefits to people who are in the country illegally. The reason for this is that Republicans have consistently refused to enforce immigration law or to crack down on illegal workers or the people who employ them.

The situation you have now has not only been tolerated, but actually encouraged by generations of Republican lawmakers, and by virtue of their lack of passing or enforcing laws meant to restrict employment of undocumented illegals. Undocumented workers self-deported during the Great Recession, proving once and for all that these people will leave if they can't find work. 300,000 illegals from Mexico returned to Mexico between 2008 and 2011. Trump is the first Republican President to actually want to stop illegal immigration, even as his resorts routinely hire illegals.
Why do Canadians come to America for critical surgery?

Never mind. We know.


You should read your own links:

To be sure, Canada's publicly funded system provides individuals with preventative care and medical treatment from primary-care physicians along with access to hospitals and other important medical services. Universal health care is a source of collective pride in Canada, which boasts one of the highest life expectancies and lowest infant mortality rates in the world.

The woman they used in their example is one of a handful of people who die because they can't get treatment in a timely way in Canada. What you fail to note is that 45,000 Americans die each year because they have no access to health care at all. No system is perfect, but all of our people get treatment. We don't sell our healthcare to the highest bidder. Americans are dying because they don't have access to health care, by the thousands.

No system is perfect, but a system that bars 15% of the population from getting effective treatments, and puts co-pays between patients and their insurance which they may have paid more than $10,000 per year for, saying the patient needs a stake in the cost. I would think the $10,000 premium is a big enough stake in the cost.
why should he address the congress when he has shut the government down? all he has to do is stop his little bitch fit and open the government and pay the workers
The SOTU isn't an address to the government. It's an address to the American people.
Since Pelosi wants to screw America she wants to keep us in the dark as much as possible.

The SOTU is NOT an address to the American people, it's an address delivered to Congress. It's a road map of where the government is and what the administration hopes to accomplish in the coming year. This is the President's annual Report to CONGRESS. The SOTU address is mandated in the Constitution and was original delivered as a letter to Congress, not an actual speech.

The SOTU existed before radio or TV and so there is no requirement so that shoots down the idea that the SOTU is a speech to the American people.
Sorry, but the purpose of the SOTU has changed over time, much the way our laws have changed as well as our Constitution. Congress used to adjourn for months on end before Congress became a full-time job. The president remained in Washington while Congress went home to keep in touch with their states and districts. Now that communications and transportation have improved to the point that Congress doesn't even have to be in Washington to keep up with events, the SOTU has become a way for the president to let the nation know what's going on without the media filtering it. It's largely ceremonial, but Pelosi decided to insult the president and lie to the American people about the actual state of the union.....claiming the shutdown made security impossible. She's just being a nasty ****.
why should he address the congress when he has shut the government down? all he has to do is stop his little bitch fit and open the government and pay the workers
The SOTU isn't an address to the government. It's an address to the American people.
Since Pelosi wants to screw America she wants to keep us in the dark as much as possible.

The SOTU is NOT an address to the American people, it's an address delivered to Congress. It's a road map of where the government is and what the administration hopes to accomplish in the coming year. This is the President's annual Report to CONGRESS. The SOTU address is mandated in the Constitution and was original delivered as a letter to Congress, not an actual speech.

The SOTU existed before radio or TV and so there is no requirement so that shoots down the idea that the SOTU is a speech to the American people.
Sorry, but the purpose of the SOTU has changed over time, much the way our laws have changed as well as our Constitution. Congress used to adjourn for months on end before Congress became a full-time job. The president remained in Washington while Congress went home to keep in touch with their states and districts. Now that communications and transportation have improved to the point that Congress doesn't even have to be in Washington to keep up with events, the SOTU has become a way for the president to let the nation know what's going on without the media filtering it. It's largely ceremonial, but Pelosi decided to insult the president and lie to the American people about the actual state of the union.....claiming the shutdown made security impossible. She's just being a nasty ****.

Trump has dragged the country down to a new low with his shutdown. Trump is a nasty **** who needs a good spanking. The fact is that President Reagan was a great communicator because he could talk directly to the people. He got the ball rolling on tax reform.

Trump has had 2 chances to talk directly to the people. They were both bombs.
why should he address the congress when he has shut the government down? all he has to do is stop his little bitch fit and open the government and pay the workers
The SOTU isn't an address to the government. It's an address to the American people.
Since Pelosi wants to screw America she wants to keep us in the dark as much as possible.

The SOTU is NOT an address to the American people, it's an address delivered to Congress. It's a road map of where the government is and what the administration hopes to accomplish in the coming year. This is the President's annual Report to CONGRESS. The SOTU address is mandated in the Constitution and was original delivered as a letter to Congress, not an actual speech.

The SOTU existed before radio or TV and so there is no requirement so that shoots down the idea that the SOTU is a speech to the American people.
Sorry, but the purpose of the SOTU has changed over time, much the way our laws have changed as well as our Constitution. Congress used to adjourn for months on end before Congress became a full-time job. The president remained in Washington while Congress went home to keep in touch with their states and districts. Now that communications and transportation have improved to the point that Congress doesn't even have to be in Washington to keep up with events, the SOTU has become a way for the president to let the nation know what's going on without the media filtering it. It's largely ceremonial, but Pelosi decided to insult the president and lie to the American people about the actual state of the union.....claiming the shutdown made security impossible. She's just being a nasty ****.
why should he address the congress when he has shut the government down? all he has to do is stop his little bitch fit and open the government and pay the workers
The SOTU isn't an address to the government. It's an address to the American people.
Since Pelosi wants to screw America she wants to keep us in the dark as much as possible.

The SOTU is NOT an address to the American people, it's an address delivered to Congress. It's a road map of where the government is and what the administration hopes to accomplish in the coming year. This is the President's annual Report to CONGRESS. The SOTU address is mandated in the Constitution and was original delivered as a letter to Congress, not an actual speech.

The SOTU existed before radio or TV and so there is no requirement so that shoots down the idea that the SOTU is a speech to the American people.
Sorry, but the purpose of the SOTU has changed over time, much the way our laws have changed as well as our Constitution. Congress used to adjourn for months on end before Congress became a full-time job. The president remained in Washington while Congress went home to keep in touch with their states and districts. Now that communications and transportation have improved to the point that Congress doesn't even have to be in Washington to keep up with events, the SOTU has become a way for the president to let the nation know what's going on without the media filtering it. It's largely ceremonial, but Pelosi decided to insult the president and lie to the American people about the actual state of the union.....claiming the shutdown made security impossible. She's just being a nasty ****.

Trump has dragged the country down to a new low with his shutdown. Trump is a nasty **** who needs a good spanking. The fact is that President Reagan was a great communicator because he could talk directly to the people. He got the ball rolling on tax reform.

Trump has had 2 chances to talk directly to the people. They were both bombs.
You're just a lying little shit with nothing but monkey shit to offer.

Making history by denying the President to give his SOTU is done. She can’t make herself look like a child on that for another year. And all she accomplished was to give Trump free advertising to give him a huge audience when he does give it.

She refuses to negotiate. Trump will simply continue to offer deals and act like the adult in the room to the American people. And Nancy will continue to stomp her feet saying no no no as we hear more negative news on how the shutdown is affecting government employees.

Trump has played Pelosi like a bongo. He’s got her in a corner with no way for her to come out of this without kissing Trump’s ass.

Like Pelosi or not, she won that round.

Trump tried to bully her and she stood her ground and he caved.
He caved? How? She denied him in like a child.

The SOTU does not have to be given in front of congress, Trump could have given it anywhere at any time, but instead he gave into her request that it be delayed till the shutdown is over.

Right now Trump is the one is the corner, he lost his pissing match over the SOTU and every week more and more people blame him for the shutdown.
You think Trump really needs to go to Congress to get his message out to the people? How naïve of you...

of course he does not, yet he still caved and is going to wait...in my mind that makes his caving even worse.
Making history by denying the President to give his SOTU is done. She can’t make herself look like a child on that for another year. And all she accomplished was to give Trump free advertising to give him a huge audience when he does give it.

She refuses to negotiate. Trump will simply continue to offer deals and act like the adult in the room to the American people. And Nancy will continue to stomp her feet saying no no no as we hear more negative news on how the shutdown is affecting government employees.

Trump has played Pelosi like a bongo. He’s got her in a corner with no way for her to come out of this without kissing Trump’s ass.

You have it backwards. Nancy just kicked Trump in the balls and he went down crying for his mama.

Pelosi has completed defeated Trump on this matter. Trump walked out of the negotiations. That means until HE comes back to the negotiations, he has NOTHING.
Yeah...not so much! The problem that Pelosi has...and it's a problem that's going to get more problematic by the day...is that the people she is most affecting by this government shutdown are Democrats largest voting block...government employees. In the last election 95% of political contributions from government employees went to Hillary Clinton. So who do you think Pelosi is hurting when she allows the governmental shut down to continue? Those are not Trump's people. Those are for the most part...big government liberals. Liberals who are slowly coming to the realization that Trump isn't going to cave on his demand for a secure border and that it's THEM that are caught between a rock and a hard place. With each passing week THEIR support for Pelosi's shutdown is going to get shakier and shakier.

those people are not blaming Pelosi, each week more and more people blame Trump, that is not going to change.
File 9 for Canadian opinions! When the dumbasses get 30 million illegals in their country they can get back to us!

How is it that we don't have 30 million poor Americans sneaking into Canada for the cradle to the grave social programs we have here? The reason is we don't hire illegal immigrants! If you don't have a valid SIN CARD, you can't apply for benefits. No just a number, but the actual government issued SIN card. You must have one to be hired. Employers must see the CARD, make a copy, and put it in your employee file or face a $10,000 fine, per employee, upon Revenue Canada audit.

To get a government health care card, I need government issued ID (either birth certificate or SIN Card), and proof of residence. We have an open border and no huge problem with illegal immigration because you can't get work or government assistance as an illegal.

Americans have an illegal immigrant problem because you allow people to hire illegal immigrants, and you give benefits to people who are in the country illegally. The reason for this is that Republicans have consistently refused to enforce immigration law or to crack down on illegal workers or the people who employ them.

The situation you have now has not only been tolerated, but actually encouraged by generations of Republican lawmakers, and by virtue of their lack of passing or enforcing laws meant to restrict employment of undocumented illegals. Undocumented workers self-deported during the Great Recession, proving once and for all that these people will leave if they can't find work. 300,000 illegals from Mexico returned to Mexico between 2008 and 2011. Trump is the first Republican President to actually want to stop illegal immigration, even as his resorts routinely hire illegals.
Why do Canadians come to America for critical surgery?

Never mind. We know.


You should read your own links:

To be sure, Canada's publicly funded system provides individuals with preventative care and medical treatment from primary-care physicians along with access to hospitals and other important medical services. Universal health care is a source of collective pride in Canada, which boasts one of the highest life expectancies and lowest infant mortality rates in the world.

The woman they used in their example is one of a handful of people who die because they can't get treatment in a timely way in Canada. What you fail to note is that 45,000 Americans die each year because they have no access to health care at all. No system is perfect, but all of our people get treatment. We don't sell our healthcare to the highest bidder. Americans are dying because they don't have access to health care, by the thousands.

No system is perfect, but a system that bars 15% of the population from getting effective treatments, and puts co-pays between patients and their insurance which they may have paid more than $10,000 per year for, saying the patient needs a stake in the cost. I would think the $10,000 premium is a big enough stake in the cost.

You can't provoke me because I know what you are, provocateur troll. You're trying to pick a fight when all I posted was an article that looked at the issue of Canadian healthcare and didn't post it in response to your post. Go troll someone else.
Making history by denying the President to give his SOTU is done. She can’t make herself look like a child on that for another year. And all she accomplished was to give Trump free advertising to give him a huge audience when he does give it.

She refuses to negotiate. Trump will simply continue to offer deals and act like the adult in the room to the American people. And Nancy will continue to stomp her feet saying no no no as we hear more negative news on how the shutdown is affecting government employees.

Trump has played Pelosi like a bongo. He’s got her in a corner with no way for her to come out of this without kissing Trump’s ass.

You have it backwards. Nancy just kicked Trump in the balls and he went down crying for his mama.

Pelosi has completed defeated Trump on this matter. Trump walked out of the negotiations. That means until HE comes back to the negotiations, he has NOTHING.
Yeah...not so much! The problem that Pelosi has...and it's a problem that's going to get more problematic by the day...is that the people she is most affecting by this government shutdown are Democrats largest voting block...government employees. In the last election 95% of political contributions from government employees went to Hillary Clinton. So who do you think Pelosi is hurting when she allows the governmental shut down to continue? Those are not Trump's people. Those are for the most part...big government liberals. Liberals who are slowly coming to the realization that Trump isn't going to cave on his demand for a secure border and that it's THEM that are caught between a rock and a hard place. With each passing week THEIR support for Pelosi's shutdown is going to get shakier and shakier.

those people are not blaming Pelosi, each week more and more people blame Trump, that is not going to change.

Sadly, I think you are wrong about that.

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