What's The Best Way or A Good Way To Engage In The Racial Discussion Between B&Ws?

You don't engage them unless you're a troll.

And I am not sorry about shit because I haven't done anything.
Okay Jimmy Jam but what about a national/state policy that has made it more difficult to assimilate. For example like the Jim Crow laws in the south from 1876-1965 and one right now call the drug war

The Jim Crow laws were a disgrace, but I don't know how much we can do about them now.

The drug was is also a disgrace, and one of many contributing factors to why black people are perpetually kept where they are. All the more reason to shame them awake.
I'm sorry my grandparents sprayed your grandparents with firehoses for trying to eat at a restaurant. I'm sorry my great great great grandparents held your great great great grandparents as slaves.

Now let's carry on.
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm not sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddOk6kUXioA]Pee Wee I'm Sorry - YouTube[/ame]
And when and where?

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you... at all times and in all places.


What a stupid thing to say. You really think all people are identical? THINK

I have an old copy of "Hooked On Phonics" that I bought for my kids 25 years ago. I think you need to borrow it. You obviously cannot comprehend what is written in front of you. No where does what I wrote say that people are identical, but all people do in fact like to be treated well.

It seems morons such as yourself cannot comprehend that simple fact. Let me guess, you are a liberal wholely devouted to Obama.

Republicans hate minorities. We see that again and again on this board. Trying to engage them in a meaningful discussion is like trying to teach them science is good and trickle down is nonsense.
Not really all that difficult. Such discussions happen all the time in the world of NON-haters.

1. Gather Blacks and Whites who are not haters in a the same place

2. Let them talk among themselves.

Yes, and look how productive those discussions are.
I'll make an attempt at a response that is not filled with poison, but I must warn you that on the surface it appears poisonous.

The when and where is only in a place where everybody is free to shame one another equally.

What does that mean? Historically, shame is the most effective motivator of social behavior. If one is socially shamed for a behavior, they will cease to do it, at least where it blatantly affects others.

Allow me to explain. Suppose you are a disrespectful nasty fuck who puts his nasty chewing gum on the drain of the drinking fountain when there is a garbage can right next to it. As long as people fail to shame that person, and I don't mean one person but everybody, that nasty fuck will continue to plague us with his nasty behavior. But if everybody unanimously shames the act publicly, the nasty fuck will stop.

Now, we are in a climate where white people are not allowed to publicly shame black people because it is racist, while black people, such as comedians, have almost carte blanche. I'm not complaining about being talked about or shamed. Bring it on. I welcome it. But because I am not also allowed to shame blacks in return, except after first looking over my shoulder, any negative behaviors at large within the black population are ignored and a "cultural pass" is issued.

All ethnic groups have inherent problems that are due to cultural influence and in some cases genetic predisposition. Genetic predisposition is uncontrollable, but cultural influence is, and the best way to control bad behavior is through having free and unabashed permission to say "shame on you." But it can't be just one person or one group of people, it has to be EVERYBODY. Bill Cosby tried to apply a little shame to black people that were acting fools and he got bashed for it because he was one person. More people need to do it. White people should also be shamed for, well, whatever it is we do that is fucked up.

When I served in the Navy I had the privilege of working in a division where people openly shamed one another, and there was no consideration of race or gender, people simply said whatever they wanted to say. Miraculously, we were all very good friends and frequently hung out together regardless of race. Outsiders to the division would sometimes look in shock over what they would hear, but we didn't care. We had achieved as sort of harmony that they couldn't understand.

So, the short answer to when and where is: when we are all allowed to comfortably shame one another.
I get where you're coming from and I agree with your premise.

And when and where?

You mean with a friend or a total stranger?
I don't get it.

But my, how times have changed. One of my best freinds in college ('73-'77) was a black guy that lived in the dorm room next door. We had very frank discussions about race and race relations. He called me his "corn fed mark" and I called him my "oreo". And damn we smoked a lot of weed those days.

He invited me and my roommate next door to watch a documentary on the Old South, along with a few of his black friends. I was pretty darned uncomfortable, but there was no animosity whatsoever. I think it was that same night that we went to the basketball game. Mike and his friends sat during the National Anthem, chanting "not 'till we're free". Me and roomie stood in silent respect. Afterwards, nothing was said. Nothing needed to be said. We understood each other and most of all we respected each other.
Sounds like you had a powerful, meaning and lasting experience with your brothers. Thanks for sharing.
How many Jews have you ever seen living in a trailer park?

There aren't very many afro-shits living in trailer parks either, in spite of afros outnumbering jews by several factors.

Jews are pieces of nazi-shit who practice eugenics, so their average IQ gets a boost. That's not to their credit.
If "the people" are doing such things, then who are the ones with the low IQ's? LOL

Whites are a compassionate people. It's like PETA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Afros.

If you feel that you are trying to represent your "race", you should at least try to present your ideas in a more intelligent manner. Inaccurate blanket generalizations like you did above, make you look uninformed and intelligent. If you really want to have intelligent and not borderline Chimpanzee like dialogue, try to emulate David Duke's new style of delivery.

Afros are worthless animals. Even if that generalization, so what, fucktard?
I'm sorry my grandparents sprayed your grandparents with firehoses for trying to eat at a restaurant. I'm sorry my great great great grandparents held your great great great grandparents as slaves.

Now let's carry on.
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm not sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry

I'm constantly amazed by comments posted by the anti liberal/progressive set. My amazement is framed in confusion, why do members of this set post comments which lack both substance and any semblance of intelligent thought?"

Why do members of your set so often do the same thing?
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you... at all times and in all places.


What a stupid thing to say. You really think all people are identical? THINK

I have an old copy of "Hooked On Phonics" that I bought for my kids 25 years ago. I think you need to borrow it. You obviously cannot comprehend what is written in front of you. No where does what I wrote say that people are identical, but all people do in fact like to be treated well.

It seems morons such as yourself cannot comprehend that simple fact. Let me guess, you are a liberal wholely devouted to Obama.


Wow, I was going to agree with you but your last sentence is so off base that I'm flabbergasted.

One, SS if a rightwingnutter and a racist. Two, how are you doing unto others by making it out that he's a moron because he's a liberal? That is no different, really, than the dopes in this thread that make broad and negative statements about black people.
How many Jews have you ever seen living in a trailer park?

There aren't very many afro-shits living in trailer parks either, in spite of afros outnumbering jews by several factors.

Jews are pieces of nazi-shit who practice eugenics, so their average IQ gets a boost. That's not to their credit.

You are the lowest, most idiotic piece of subhuman scum imaginable. What a complete waste of a human life.
If one is socially shamed for a behavior, they will cease to do it, at least where it blatantly affects others... Now, we are in a climate where white people are not allowed to publicly shame black people because it is racist,

You are correct. Afros are worthless shits and when no one is allowed to say that to their faces. On the contrary, publicly, all their failure, destructiveness, and racism is blamed on whites.

Afros are rewarded for being shit (welfare and racial preferences), not shamed for being shit.

is an Afro a person from Africa?.....
Republicans hate minorities. We see that again and again on this board. Trying to engage them in a meaningful discussion is like trying to teach them science is good and trickle down is nonsense.

Republicans?.....i thought Marc's question was about Blacks and Whites talking....how did Politics get in here?......oh wait its Dean.....ok now i know......thanx for proving what i say about you AGAIN Dean......dam your predictable......

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