What's the capital of Israel?

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
I bet everyone is wondering why I put this in the politics forum.

This is why.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGEn1TZtEmQ]Carney Refuses To Identify Capital Of Israel Twice In White House Press Briefing - YouTube[/ame]
You are shitting me.

Unbelievable on several levels. Who knew the WH didn't know this fact?

And the WH is full of pussies - Obama being the premiere pussy - who cannot even take a stand on something.

This is not diplomacy - this is weakness and spitting in the face of one of our most strategic allies.

Awesome foreign policy, Obama. Awesome.
WHAT>???? LIBerals are total retards, they live in NEVER NEVER land.....WTF??? It's Jerusalem, why not just say it? Our position? HUH? Does that mean my posisiton of Madison, Wisconsin (I love me some Scott Walker) as the capital of the US is valid? These guys are clowns
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Only been the capital of Israel for nearly 3000 years.

Yeah wow that was a tough one. These guys really really suck at geography and the obvious......No wonder the world loves OBama as they laugh at him, they like having an incompetant American administration.
So the white house press guy doesn't want to answer completely pointless questions meant to disrupt a news conference? I don't blame him for ignoring the useless loudmouth twits in regards to their pointless question that seems to be way out of context. There comes a certain point when the person in the front just has to ignore the rabble and let them make the stupid assumptions they wish.

If only they ignored disruptive twats more often we might get something done.

Oh, and the only people who admitted to not knowing the capital was the woman who was playing a game and the loud guy next to her. If it was geography class and the teacher ignored the question there might be a point, but this is a damned white house press conference, and not a college class. Go back to your office and google it, don't waste the white houses time asking them for geography lessons.
So the white house press guy doesn't want to answer completely pointless questions meant to disrupt a news conference? I don't blame him for ignoring the useless loudmouth twits in regards to their pointless question that seems to be way out of context. There comes a certain point when the person in the front just has to ignore the rabble and let them make the stupid assumptions they wish.

If only they ignored disruptive twats more often we might get something done.

Oh, and the only people who admitted to not knowing the capital was the woman who was playing a game and the loud guy next to her. If it was geography class and the teacher ignored the question there might be a point, but this is a damned white house press conference, and not a college class. Go back to your office and google it, don't waste the white houses time asking them for geography lessons.

No there is more to it than that. He talked about "our policy" WTF does that mean? He could have said Jerusalem, NEXT!!!!!!!! but he didnt, why?
The WH will not say that the capital of Isreal is Jerusalem because they don't want the heat from the Muslim community. This is the only reason why.

Only problem is that every day, this WH pisses friends of the United States off. Ok, I'm over exaggerating with the every day part, but still, when a sitting President will not recognize a country or their capital, it's bad news.

Also, I think the question was asked after the BBC in a report said the Jerusalem was the capital of Isreal and a few Muslims in England got Butthurt over it.
So the white house press guy doesn't want to answer completely pointless questions meant to disrupt a news conference? I don't blame him for ignoring the useless loudmouth twits in regards to their pointless question that seems to be way out of context. There comes a certain point when the person in the front just has to ignore the rabble and let them make the stupid assumptions they wish.

If only they ignored disruptive twats more often we might get something done.

Oh, and the only people who admitted to not knowing the capital was the woman who was playing a game and the loud guy next to her. If it was geography class and the teacher ignored the question there might be a point, but this is a damned white house press conference, and not a college class. Go back to your office and google it, don't waste the white houses time asking them for geography lessons.

No there is more to it than that. He talked about "our policy" WTF does that mean? He could have said Jerusalem, NEXT!!!!!!!! but he didnt, why?

The answer is Jerusalem...It was yesterday, it is Today, and will be forever
The WH will not say that the capital of Isreal is Jerusalem because they don't want the heat from the Muslim community. This is the only reason why.

Only problem is that every day, this WH pisses friends of the United States off. Ok, I'm over exaggerating with the every day part, but still, when a sitting President will not recognize a country or their capital, it's bad news.

Also, I think the question was asked after the BBC in a report said the Jerusalem was the capital of Isreal and a few Muslims in England got Butthurt over it.

Exactly. They know damned well that the capital of Israel is Jerusalem, but they won't say it because they know it will annoy Islamists in the Middle East and they're just so busy kissing ass over there.

And yes... the BBC omitted Israel's capital from their website, while posting like information about other countries:
BBC's Olympics webpage omits Israel's capital - Israel Culture, Ynetnews
You are shitting me.

Exactly m,y thought. Are you fucking shitting me that in a presidential news conference the best a goon from the right can ask is for geography lessons on Isreal? Did no one give these twits an Iphone or other device to use google? Is there really no question with a purpose they could ask? is this not beneath the whitehouse to be bothering with these people?
Unbelievable on several levels. Who knew the WH didn't know this fact?

Actually no one since the white house does know this fact. Who knew right wing goons were unaware of the capital of isreal which they clearly admit to. Where the hell did they hire these people from? A politics reporter with white house access that is confused about the capital of isreal? How the fuck can they do their job? Oh wait, they can't.
And the WH is full of pussies - Obama being the premiere pussy - who cannot even take a stand on something.

Yes, just like he never took a stand on gay rights in an election year. What are you fucking stupid, or do you just live under a rock?
This is not diplomacy - this is weakness and spitting in the face of one of our most strategic allies.

I think the woman and guy in the video need to be told this is not the GED geography class. he was quite diplomatic in letting them know that their pointless bullshit was not welcome. i personally would have had their heads bounced off the pavement outside by security to see how tiny their brain actually was.
Awesome foreign policy, Obama. Awesome.

And what foreign policy was highlighted by a simple geography question? I heard no question about his policies regarding Isreal or anywhere else. You really need to get a better line, because this shit is damned embarassing. Mittens is over in europe pissing off the leadership of the UK with his poorly chosen comments, and this is the best your side could come up with? This is your big expose on the white house? So the white house is not there to be geography teachers to the dumbasses in the audience, and i am damned sure glad they don't waste their time and money coddling to two twits who really should not have even been allowed in the room if they do not know what the capital of isreal is.

like always the republican party caters to the stupid and irrational. Thanks for the news, but anyone with a brain already knew that.
So the white house press guy doesn't want to answer completely pointless questions meant to disrupt a news conference? I don't blame him for ignoring the useless loudmouth twits in regards to their pointless question that seems to be way out of context. There comes a certain point when the person in the front just has to ignore the rabble and let them make the stupid assumptions they wish.

If only they ignored disruptive twats more often we might get something done.

Oh, and the only people who admitted to not knowing the capital was the woman who was playing a game and the loud guy next to her. If it was geography class and the teacher ignored the question there might be a point, but this is a damned white house press conference, and not a college class. Go back to your office and google it, don't waste the white houses time asking them for geography lessons.

No there is more to it than that. He talked about "our policy" WTF does that mean? He could have said Jerusalem, NEXT!!!!!!!! but he didnt, why?

because the question was beneath him and annoyances don't deserve an answer. He was very nice to those people in not having them escorted out by security for disrupting a white house function with their assinine behavior. About the only thing this shows is the white house is treating the right with far more respect than they deserve.
The WH will not say that the capital of Isreal is Jerusalem because they don't want the heat from the Muslim community. This is the only reason why.

Only problem is that every day, this WH pisses friends of the United States off. Ok, I'm over exaggerating with the every day part, but still, when a sitting President will not recognize a country or their capital, it's bad news.

Also, I think the question was asked after the BBC in a report said the Jerusalem was the capital of Isreal and a few Muslims in England got Butthurt over it.

Exactly. They know damned well that the capital of Israel is Jerusalem, but they won't say it because they know it will annoy Islamists in the Middle East and they're just so busy kissing ass over there.

And yes... the BBC omitted Israel's capital from their website, while posting like information about other countries:
BBC's Olympics webpage omits Israel's capital - Israel Culture, Ynetnews

no, they won't bother with it because the white house is not a high school geography class.
You are shitting me.

Exactly m,y thought. Are you fucking shitting me that in a presidential news conference the best a goon from the right can ask is for geography lessons on Isreal? Did no one give these twits an Iphone or other device to use google? Is there really no question with a purpose they could ask? is this not beneath the whitehouse to be bothering with these people?
Unbelievable on several levels. Who knew the WH didn't know this fact?

Actually no one since the white house does know this fact. Who knew right wing goons were unaware of the capital of isreal which they clearly admit to. Where the hell did they hire these people from? A politics reporter with white house access that is confused about the capital of isreal? How the fuck can they do their job? Oh wait, they can't.

Yes, just like he never took a stand on gay rights in an election year. What are you fucking stupid, or do you just live under a rock?
This is not diplomacy - this is weakness and spitting in the face of one of our most strategic allies.

I think the woman and guy in the video need to be told this is not the GED geography class. he was quite diplomatic in letting them know that their pointless bullshit was not welcome. i personally would have had their heads bounced off the pavement outside by security to see how tiny their brain actually was.
Awesome foreign policy, Obama. Awesome.

And what foreign policy was highlighted by a simple geography question? I heard no question about his policies regarding Isreal or anywhere else. You really need to get a better line, because this shit is damned embarassing. Mittens is over in europe pissing off the leadership of the UK with his poorly chosen comments, and this is the best your side could come up with? This is your big expose on the white house? So the white house is not there to be geography teachers to the dumbasses in the audience, and i am damned sure glad they don't waste their time and money coddling to two twits who really should not have even been allowed in the room if they do not know what the capital of isreal is.

like always the republican party caters to the stupid and irrational. Thanks for the news, but anyone with a brain already knew that.

Damn, there goes the Jewish vote... and "all because of those pesky kids!" :badgrin:
The real question that should have been asked was something along the lines of whether or not Isreal is a country or does the land belong to Palestinians.

Seriously, that little strip of land has never been under rule by Palestinians. It has always been controlled by some other empire other than the inhabitants. Hell, the Ottaman Empire controlled the land for 300 years until Britain gained control after WW 1.
So the white house press guy doesn't want to answer completely pointless questions meant to disrupt a news conference? I don't blame him for ignoring the useless loudmouth twits in regards to their pointless question that seems to be way out of context. There comes a certain point when the person in the front just has to ignore the rabble and let them make the stupid assumptions they wish.

If only they ignored disruptive twats more often we might get something done.

Oh, and the only people who admitted to not knowing the capital was the woman who was playing a game and the loud guy next to her. If it was geography class and the teacher ignored the question there might be a point, but this is a damned white house press conference, and not a college class. Go back to your office and google it, don't waste the white houses time asking them for geography lessons.

No there is more to it than that. He talked about "our policy" WTF does that mean? He could have said Jerusalem, NEXT!!!!!!!! but he didnt, why?

because the question was beneath him and annoyances don't deserve an answer. He was very nice to those people in not having them escorted out by security for disrupting a white house function with their assinine behavior. About the only thing this shows is the white house is treating the right with far more respect than they deserve.
No. Because the White House is full of pussies who are in line with the Pussie in Chief and they are too busy spitting in the eye of a major and strategic ally.
I never knew there was an international problem with their capital till this post, and thats totally why obamas guy wouldnt answer the question. Thanks for the thread, it brought something to my attention that i didnt know. He should have said what side obama was, but they are too scared to be firm. Socialism first, truth last.
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So the white house press guy doesn't want to answer completely pointless questions meant to disrupt a news conference? I don't blame him for ignoring the useless loudmouth twits in regards to their pointless question that seems to be way out of context. There comes a certain point when the person in the front just has to ignore the rabble and let them make the stupid assumptions they wish.

If only they ignored disruptive twats more often we might get something done.

Oh, and the only people who admitted to not knowing the capital was the woman who was playing a game and the loud guy next to her. If it was geography class and the teacher ignored the question there might be a point, but this is a damned white house press conference, and not a college class. Go back to your office and google it, don't waste the white houses time asking them for geography lessons.

You don't get the point, why am I not surprised?

She was not asking because she wanted to disrupt a news conference, she wanted an explanation of the official White House position on the capital of Israel. That is a politically loaded question because Israel claims Jerusalem is the capital, but the UN refuses to recognize it as such, they insist it is Tel Aviv. That is why Carney responded "Our position remains unchanged."

That is you geography lesson for the day.

By the way, Jay Carney's entire job is dealing with the press, even the twats. He gets paid to do it, and has absolutely nothing else to do. Him fielding stupid questions is not going to slow Obama down on anything he wants to do, including playing golf.

Nice to see someone on the left showing their usual respect for the female gender.
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No there is more to it than that. He talked about "our policy" WTF does that mean? He could have said Jerusalem, NEXT!!!!!!!! but he didnt, why?

because the question was beneath him and annoyances don't deserve an answer. He was very nice to those people in not having them escorted out by security for disrupting a white house function with their assinine behavior. About the only thing this shows is the white house is treating the right with far more respect than they deserve.
No. Because the White House is full of pussies who are in line with the Pussie in Chief and they are too busy spitting in the eye of a major and strategic ally.

In other words you have no real point, you just like making pointless noise like the two reporters who should not have been there.

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