What's the difference between Bullshitters Obama/Romney...???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011

While we don't know if Romney is bullshitting us WE DO KNOW from Obama's PAST 4 years HE HAS BULLSHITTED US!!!

We don't know whether Romney is a Bullshitter other then Obama called him one BUT with the definition of "bullshitter"..
Foolish, deceitful, or boastful language. Something worthless, deceptive, or insincere. "to attempt to mislead or deceive by talking nonsense."
Here is the BULLSHITTER test regarding Obama:

Obama SAID promised, GUARANTEED!!!

1) Close Gitmo... NOT DONE!
Is this a bullshit promise? YES!
2) "Today I am pledging to cut the deficit we inherited [deficit 2008 $ 459 billion] in half by the end of my first term in office." [That would be $230 billion]
The Reality end of his term 2012: $1.1 TRILLION.
PolitiFact | Romney says Obama promised to cut deficit in half
NOT DONE! In fact 4 times the size when he became President. Is this a bullshit promise? YES!

3) “We got back every dime we used to rescue the financial system” Bullshit... still owed $25 billion and GM stockholder USA value going down!

For a complete LIST of ObamaBullshit!!! See this List of Obama's Lies | Barack Obama Lies
Romney is as big a bullshitter as Obama, easily. Romney sticks his finger in the wind before stating what his position is. If the wind shifts, so does Romney. You cannot possibly trust an unprincipled person like that.

Obama's bullshit is more subtle. He will tell you that the "savings" from ending the war will be used to buy more roads and bridges, hoping you don't stop to realize that the war is being funded with deficit spending and so there will be no "savings" when it ends. Any time you dig down into ObaMath™, you are going down the rabbit hole. Obama will also bullshit you and say that rich people got rich by using those roads and bridges. What, the rest of America doesn't use the roads and bridges?

If you vote for either one of them, you are telling them they are doing something right. You are drinking their piss.

Don't do that.

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Also Obama being the Prime Bullshitter mixes a little bit of truth with a LOT of crap and it sounds good BUT REALLY smells on closer examination.. for example:

"Oil and gas production in the United States has risen every year since the president's been in office. Oil production is now higher than it's been in eight years."
Industry analysts say production is rising -- not because of President Obama, but in spite of him."
Read more: Does White House deserve credit for increase in domestic oil production? Some analysts say no | Fox News

The FACT is Oil production is UP on NON-Federal lands! True..

FACT is Obama CUT federal leases from Bush's 3 year total of 15,095 new leases to
Obama's reduction by 63% or only 5,568 new leases!


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