What's The Difference Between The Latest Leaker And Lt Col Vindman?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

What's the difference?
One was working for the Deep State and the other blew the whistle on the Deep State.

Lt Col committed treason and espionage by spying on Trump's phone calls.
But he was awarded hero status because he was working for the criminals that currently run our government.
Now this latest leaker spilled the beans on Ukraine letting everyone know that it's not what it's all cracked up to be.

"We have been told since the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine that it is not a proxy war between the United States and Russia. We've been told that there are no U.S. forces deployed in the war zone, and we have been told that Ukraine is winning. That is the narrative that has been pushed by the media and our government on repeat for more than a year. But the leaked documents completely shatter that narrative.​
The leak revealed that there are U.S. forces deployed in Ukraine. In fact, this was confirmed on Wednesday by John Kirby in an interview with Fox News. This is not only a proxy war between the U.S. and Russia. We are quite literally in the middle of a hot war with Russia. A war which has not been approved by Congress as our laws would require. That makes it a crime.​
The documents also reveal that Ukrainian forces are in dire straits. According to the documents, there have been a total of 16,000-17,500 Russian casualties and as many as 71,000 Ukrainian casualties.​
General Mark Milley stated publicly in November that Russia had lost well over 100,000 soldiers. And these documents aren't even old. According to New York Times reporter David Sanger, the documents were mere weeks old at the time of the leak.​
Furthermore, just two weeks ago Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin made the assertion that Ukraine was winning the war while he was testifying before Congress. That is not true. Ukraine is not winning the war and Austin knew that when he made a claim to the contrary. Lying before Congress is a crime.​
And now the administration is asking the media to cover all of this up."​


The same difference we see every single day. If you are working for the Democratic Army, you are golden. If not, the full force of the Department Of Vengeance will come down on you.
I can remember when they(both parties) threw yous in jail and threw away the key fer smokin' a joint.
The fact the war is a proxy really was obvious from the beginning. No surprise there. As for casualties, based on weapons lost by Russia and the use of old equipment, they must have fairly high losses. Anything less than 60,000 is probably wrong. More likely a 1:1 ratio. If Ukarine is losing, it would be more a case of too little equipment sent too late. That is on us.

Assuming military intelligence is truthful and accurate is foolhardy.
What's the difference?
One was working for the Deep State and the other blew the whistle on the Deep State.

Lt Col committed treason and espionage by spying on Trump's phone calls.
But he was awarded hero status because he was working for the criminals that currently run our government.
Now this latest leaker spilled the beans on Ukraine letting everyone know that it's not what it's all cracked up to be.

Um, not really. Col. Vindman saw an illegal act and reported it to the proper authorities.

Teixeira leaked stuff because he wanted to impress other nerds on Discord.
Vindman was a grifter with a hatred for DT & hard on for Big Brother.

The other guy just verified that our govt lies just about everything, especially military news.

Ukraine is getting mauled & they want to convince us the Nazis are winning.
There's little doubt that Vindman was a strategically placed Ukrainian in America's military.
The attempted impeachment of Trump was mostly for the purpose of eliminating his opposition to the coming war that had been in the planning stages for years.
Vindman was a grifter with a hatred for DT & hard on for Big Brother.
Yes, because Trump was pegged as being hugely damaging to America's war effort that was soon to come.

It's no stretch to say that Trump could become the factor that saves the world from nuclear war with Russia.

Even though many Americans welcome a war on account of them knowing that none of Russia's nukes will work!
There's little doubt that Vindman was a strategically placed Ukrainian in America's military.
The attempted impeachment of Trump was mostly for the purpose of eliminating his opposition to the coming war that had been in the planning stages for years.

Um, the only reason there is a war is because Putin tried to topple Ukraine's democratically elected government.

Yeah, Vindman didn't like Trump holding up military aid that Congress had already voted on to try to get Zelensky to engage in some dirty tricks for him, and he rightfully blew the whistle.

Yes, because Trump was pegged as being hugely damaging to America's war effort that was soon to come.

It's no stretch to say that Trump could become the factor that saves the world from nuclear war with Russia.

Even though many Americans welcome a war on account of them knowing that none of Russia's nukes will work!
Nobody welcomes a war with Russia.
We also don't welcome appeasing Russia because they threaten us. That is what brought us 40 years of misery in the Cold War.

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