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What's the Excuse for this one?

Police have murdered another unarmed black person. This time the cop shot into the persons house and killed a person living there.

'That's murder': Fort Worth police officer shoots woman inside her home

After a white police officer responding to a report of a house door standing open killed a black woman inside her own home on Saturday, an attorney for the womanā€™s family said the officer had not had time to perceive a threat before shooting.

ā€œYou didnā€™t hear the officer shout, ā€˜Gun, gun, gun,ā€™ā€ attorney Lee Merritt said after viewing video taken from a Fort Worth officerā€™s bodycam during the shooting death of Atatiana Jefferson, 28.

ā€œHe didnā€™t have time to perceive a threat. Thatā€™s murder.ā€

Jeffersonā€™s family told KXAS TV she was watching her eight-year-old nephew when she was killed. A neighbor had called a non-emergency line to report that the front door to the house was open.

In a brief statement to media on Sunday, Lt Brandon Oā€™Neil of Fort Worth police said the officer would be interviewed on Monday by the departmentā€™s major case unit.

ā€œThe officer observed a person through a rear window in the residence and fired a shot at that person,ā€ Oā€™Neil said. ā€œThe officer did not announce that he was a police officer prior to shooting. What the officer observed and why he did not announce ā€˜policeā€™ will be addressed as the investigation continues.

'That's murder': Fort Worth police officer shoots woman inside her home

So what's the excuse going to be this time?

Same drill', different day. Administrative leave, no charges, reassigned or hired at a different department.

He was charged with murder. Hopefully he gets convicted and given life with no parole. This will set an example, but he'll probably get mercy because he was a cop.

I didn't know he was charged....my guess is that he will not be convicted.
Why not? He killed someone who was no threat to him.
Police have murdered another unarmed black person. This time the cop shot into the persons house and killed a person living there.

'That's murder': Fort Worth police officer shoots woman inside her home

After a white police officer responding to a report of a house door standing open killed a black woman inside her own home on Saturday, an attorney for the womanā€™s family said the officer had not had time to perceive a threat before shooting.

ā€œYou didnā€™t hear the officer shout, ā€˜Gun, gun, gun,ā€™ā€ attorney Lee Merritt said after viewing video taken from a Fort Worth officerā€™s bodycam during the shooting death of Atatiana Jefferson, 28.

ā€œHe didnā€™t have time to perceive a threat. Thatā€™s murder.ā€

Jeffersonā€™s family told KXAS TV she was watching her eight-year-old nephew when she was killed. A neighbor had called a non-emergency line to report that the front door to the house was open.

In a brief statement to media on Sunday, Lt Brandon Oā€™Neil of Fort Worth police said the officer would be interviewed on Monday by the departmentā€™s major case unit.

ā€œThe officer observed a person through a rear window in the residence and fired a shot at that person,ā€ Oā€™Neil said. ā€œThe officer did not announce that he was a police officer prior to shooting. What the officer observed and why he did not announce ā€˜policeā€™ will be addressed as the investigation continues.

'That's murder': Fort Worth police officer shoots woman inside her home

So what's the excuse going to be this time?

Same drill', different day. Administrative leave, no charges, reassigned or hired at a different department.

He was charged with murder. Hopefully he gets convicted and given life with no parole. This will set an example, but he'll probably get mercy because he was a cop.

I didn't know he was charged....my guess is that he will not be convicted.
Why not? He killed someone who was no threat to him.

Agreed. I think that when he is tried by a jury of his "peers", he will not be convicted. There are enough similar instances where no conviction was rendered to see the possibility of him going free.
Why wouldn't he?
The police generally act with immunity and impunity. inspite of the fact that they have less lethal ways of dealing with suspects, their choice is far too often deadly force. In this case there was no suspect, but an innocent person....of the "disposable variety".
There is an obvious trend of no conviction in cases like this, and when there is a conviction, it is frequently not the maximum punishment.
All that we can do is wait and see if your "prediction" comes to fruition. But I doubt that it will.
Police shootings: Trials and convictions are rare - CNN

Can you please cite any legitimate sources?
Comedy News Network has been debunked or caught outright lying more times than Mike Tyson has landed knock out punches.

CNN has an agenda to demonize American Police departments. Sad you don't know that.

Yes...there are bad cops and it is a problem.....but CNN? Please.

If anything it is becoming rare that a cop doesn't get convicted. Some don't. All shouldn't.
The white girl who shot a black man in his home, Amber Guyer. last week....convicted.
The black cop who shot the white Australian woman.....convicted

CNN is the most Bullshit, potical agenda oriented network on Earth.

As opposed to debating the validity of what CNN reported with me, you are welcome to point out the "lies" that were contained in what they reported, and show proof that they are "the most political agenda oriented network on earth".
No. A stupid cop shot a woman. He should never have done anything more than knock on the door. Nice that you cherry pick stories like these, but never comment on say a black man robbing a dollar store, and being killed by a black store clerk. I know, you can comment on whatever you want, blah, blah. You are a shit stirrer, and a stereotypical opportunist. Tell us more about this story, that we didnā€™t hear in the first three seconds of itā€™s broadcast.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You guys cherry pick black crimes and never mention crimes by whites. So deal with it.
The difference is that you donā€™t usually see white posters defending the white criminals. You tend to make excuses for black criminals.
I can ignore per capita because if you commit 1 crime it's one crime and if 1 person is arrested it does not equal five people. The most accurate way to measure crime is by the number of people committing crimes. You don't want to face the truth about the high amount of white criminality and violence.

And you would be wrong. You are avoiding facts and bending reality to suit your needs.
If 1 person commits FIVE crimes and 1 person is arrested it does not equal 1 crime.

Nearly EVERY metric that is used to measure not only societal issues, but also national issues uses PER CAPITA foundations because scientifically they are the only way to accurately present FACTS.

YOU don't want to face the truth. Crimes are committed by BOTH sides, but at a HIGHER RATE by blacks. FACT. Unfortunate but fact none the less.

Ask Chris Rock. When he goes to an ATM he's not worried about getting mugged by a white guy. Look at the daily video court feed in ANY major metropolitan area and see how many blacks are in the orange jump suits vs all others.

You don't have to be smart to figure this out......just honest.

I don't need to ask Chris Rock anything but where is his next show. Would you like to ask Louis CK or another white comedian about whites? And why don't we look at the video feeds of ALL areas?

In 2014, whites made up 72.3 percent of all arrests in METROPOLITAN counties nationwide. Blacks, 25.4. In Metropolitan counties throughout America whites were arrested 2.84 times more than blacks in this nation. They were arrested for 57.6 percent of all murders in METROPOLTIAN areas of the United States. Blacks 39.9.

In NON METROPOLITAN counties in this country whites made up 83.7 percent of all arrests. Blacks 13.4 percent.

That's according to the Uniform Crime report. The 2018 number will be nearly the same.You need to stop trying to argue with me based on your racist opinion son. I know the facts. And the facts say that the use of per capita by white racists is an invalid argument used to deny the larger problems whites have with crime and violence.

I am correct in making that conclusion. Since less than 5 percent of the black population committed crimes and that was less than 1 percent of the overall population, the per capita argument you use whereby you claim that blacks are 13 percent of the population and commit x percentage of crimes is wrong on it's face. It's just that damn simple.
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No. A stupid cop shot a woman. He should never have done anything more than knock on the door. Nice that you cherry pick stories like these, but never comment on say a black man robbing a dollar store, and being killed by a black store clerk. I know, you can comment on whatever you want, blah, blah. You are a shit stirrer, and a stereotypical opportunist. Tell us more about this story, that we didnā€™t hear in the first three seconds of itā€™s broadcast.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You guys cherry pick black crimes and never mention crimes by whites. So deal with it.

Bullshit. You canā€™t put this on whitey, because a cop was stupid. But thatā€™s what you do on a regular basis, as a hobby. Maybe spend more time at the senior center, and learn watercolors.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Based on the record of white racist behavior in all areas, including law enforcement, I can say what I have said.
Why wouldn't he?
The police generally act with immunity and impunity. inspite of the fact that they have less lethal ways of dealing with suspects, their choice is far too often deadly force. In this case there was no suspect, but an innocent person....of the "disposable variety".
There is an obvious trend of no conviction in cases like this, and when there is a conviction, it is frequently not the maximum punishment.
All that we can do is wait and see if your "prediction" comes to fruition. But I doubt that it will.
Police shootings: Trials and convictions are rare - CNN

Can you please cite any legitimate sources?
Comedy News Network has been debunked or caught outright lying more times than Mike Tyson has landed knock out punches.

CNN has an agenda to demonize American Police departments. Sad you don't know that.

Yes...there are bad cops and it is a problem.....but CNN? Please.

If anything it is becoming rare that a cop doesn't get convicted. Some don't. All shouldn't.
The white girl who shot a black man in his home, Amber Guyer. last week....convicted.
The black cop who shot the white Australian woman.....convicted

CNN is the most Bullshit, potical agenda oriented network on Earth.

The police have demonized themselves. You pointed out 2 examples and Guyger got a light sentence. Katsteves source isn't the problem, your willingness to accept police being above the law is.
Police have murdered another unarmed black person. This time the cop shot into the persons house and killed a person living there.

'That's murder': Fort Worth police officer shoots woman inside her home

After a white police officer responding to a report of a house door standing open killed a black woman inside her own home on Saturday, an attorney for the womanā€™s family said the officer had not had time to perceive a threat before shooting.

ā€œYou didnā€™t hear the officer shout, ā€˜Gun, gun, gun,ā€™ā€ attorney Lee Merritt said after viewing video taken from a Fort Worth officerā€™s bodycam during the shooting death of Atatiana Jefferson, 28.

ā€œHe didnā€™t have time to perceive a threat. Thatā€™s murder.ā€

Jeffersonā€™s family told KXAS TV she was watching her eight-year-old nephew when she was killed. A neighbor had called a non-emergency line to report that the front door to the house was open.

In a brief statement to media on Sunday, Lt Brandon Oā€™Neil of Fort Worth police said the officer would be interviewed on Monday by the departmentā€™s major case unit.

ā€œThe officer observed a person through a rear window in the residence and fired a shot at that person,ā€ Oā€™Neil said. ā€œThe officer did not announce that he was a police officer prior to shooting. What the officer observed and why he did not announce ā€˜policeā€™ will be addressed as the investigation continues.

'That's murder': Fort Worth police officer shoots woman inside her home

So what's the excuse going to be this time?

No excuse. DFW is in deep shit. This cop has been charged with murder and arrested. He was also fired. Do t know if they do, but since he was fired I'm hoping the union doesn't support him. This guy did everything wrong. Hope the family of the young woman heals as much as they can, and finds justice for their person.
The police have demonized themselves. You pointed out 2 examples and Guyger got a light sentence. Katsteves source isn't the problem, your willingness to accept police being above the law is.

Now, show us ONE PLACE where I ever said that.....or are you admitting you make shit up at random ?

On the other hand.....let's ask you a simple question.....

in your opinion are there ANY "good" white cops ?
(He either won't answer or will be evasive because he's a radical black supremacist himself)

It must be terrible going through life as IM2....the world's most miserable victim.....to live out his life as a self imposed slave dwelling in the 1800's eternally.
Why is this in the race se section?
Oh yea, OP is a racist.
Lol! The posting a story about another white cop killing a black person is not racist. Nor is talking about or pointing out examples of racism by whites.
The police have demonized themselves. You pointed out 2 examples and Guyger got a light sentence. Katsteves source isn't the problem, your willingness to accept police being above the law is.

Now, show us ONE PLACE where I ever said that.....or are you admitting you make shit up at random ?

On the other hand.....let's ask you a simple question.....

in your opinion are there ANY "good" white cops ?
(He either won't answer or will be evasive because he's a radical black supremacist himself)

It must be terrible going through life as IM2....the world's most miserable victim.....to live out his life as a self imposed slave dwelling in the 1800's eternally.

I am no black supremacist and I don't have to answer such questions from racist whites who denigrate blacks at every turn. I enjoy my life. It's been great to fight against white racism and win. I would hate to be a white loser like BHU always whining about being a victim of a government that just can't give whites enough to satisfy him.

I live in 2019 and whites are still racists. And you know that. So all your pussy gaslighting ain't going to work. Go do something to fix your white fragility.
Police have murdered another unarmed black person. This time the cop shot into the persons house and killed a person living there.

'That's murder': Fort Worth police officer shoots woman inside her home

After a white police officer responding to a report of a house door standing open killed a black woman inside her own home on Saturday, an attorney for the womanā€™s family said the officer had not had time to perceive a threat before shooting.

ā€œYou didnā€™t hear the officer shout, ā€˜Gun, gun, gun,ā€™ā€ attorney Lee Merritt said after viewing video taken from a Fort Worth officerā€™s bodycam during the shooting death of Atatiana Jefferson, 28.

ā€œHe didnā€™t have time to perceive a threat. Thatā€™s murder.ā€

Jeffersonā€™s family told KXAS TV she was watching her eight-year-old nephew when she was killed. A neighbor had called a non-emergency line to report that the front door to the house was open.

In a brief statement to media on Sunday, Lt Brandon Oā€™Neil of Fort Worth police said the officer would be interviewed on Monday by the departmentā€™s major case unit.

ā€œThe officer observed a person through a rear window in the residence and fired a shot at that person,ā€ Oā€™Neil said. ā€œThe officer did not announce that he was a police officer prior to shooting. What the officer observed and why he did not announce ā€˜policeā€™ will be addressed as the investigation continues.

'That's murder': Fort Worth police officer shoots woman inside her home

So what's the excuse going to be this time?
Youā€™ll get lots of excuses from conservatives ā€“ none of them good.

Haters and victims don't care about facts. That's a fact.
You and Molly are 2 of the many white hater victims in this forum. You dismiss all facts and have done so consistently.
Police have murdered another unarmed black person. This time the cop shot into the persons house and killed a person living there.

'That's murder': Fort Worth police officer shoots woman inside her home

After a white police officer responding to a report of a house door standing open killed a black woman inside her own home on Saturday, an attorney for the womanā€™s family said the officer had not had time to perceive a threat before shooting.

ā€œYou didnā€™t hear the officer shout, ā€˜Gun, gun, gun,ā€™ā€ attorney Lee Merritt said after viewing video taken from a Fort Worth officerā€™s bodycam during the shooting death of Atatiana Jefferson, 28.

ā€œHe didnā€™t have time to perceive a threat. Thatā€™s murder.ā€

Jeffersonā€™s family told KXAS TV she was watching her eight-year-old nephew when she was killed. A neighbor had called a non-emergency line to report that the front door to the house was open.

In a brief statement to media on Sunday, Lt Brandon Oā€™Neil of Fort Worth police said the officer would be interviewed on Monday by the departmentā€™s major case unit.

ā€œThe officer observed a person through a rear window in the residence and fired a shot at that person,ā€ Oā€™Neil said. ā€œThe officer did not announce that he was a police officer prior to shooting. What the officer observed and why he did not announce ā€˜policeā€™ will be addressed as the investigation continues.

'That's murder': Fort Worth police officer shoots woman inside her home

So what's the excuse going to be this time?

Jamyla Bolden, Ayanna Allen End CHILD ABUSE.jpg

Hello. Keeping it 100% REAL & Respectful.

The violent death of any citizen should be fully investigated, holding the killer accountable for his or her actions.


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Sharing her PAIN, the late Social Activist & Integrationist Ms. Sandra Bland passionately pleads w/ America's INTRA-RACIAL DISCRIMINATION & HATE practicing PRO BLACK community to END TERRORISM & THUGLIFE CHILD ABUSE!

'Sandra Bland, Let's Go To WAR'


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"My Rookie Brooklyn Cop Ignorance" ~AveryJarhman

My_Brooklyn_Rookie_Cop_Ignorance @ ArisCool.com: free web pages

ā™„ Peace ā™„
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The police have demonized themselves. You pointed out 2 examples and Guyger got a light sentence. Katsteves source isn't the problem, your willingness to accept police being above the law is.

Now, show us ONE PLACE where I ever said that.....or are you admitting you make shit up at random ?

On the other hand.....let's ask you a simple question.....

in your opinion are there ANY "good" white cops ?
(He either won't answer or will be evasive because he's a radical black supremacist himself)

It must be terrible going through life as IM2....the world's most miserable victim.....to live out his life as a self imposed slave dwelling in the 1800's eternally.

I am no black supremacist and I don't have to answer such questions from racist whites who denigrate blacks at every turn. I enjoy my life. It's been great to fight against white racism and win. I would hate to be a white loser like BHU always whining about being a victim of a government that just can't give whites enough to satisfy him.

I live in 2019 and whites are still racists. And you know that. So all your pussy gaslighting ain't going to work. Go do something to fix your white fragility.
Police Departments have criminal codes that can be thousands of pages. They have to be trimmed down. Complaining about it will do nothing. There is almost an old west philosophy going on at this point.
I am no black supremacist and I don't have to answer such questions from racist whites who denigrate blacks at every turn. I enjoy my life. It's been great to fight against white racism and win. I would hate to be a white loser like BHU always whining about being a victim of a government that just can't give whites enough to satisfy him.
I live in 2019 and whites are still racists. And you know that. So all your pussy gaslighting ain't going to work. Go do something to fix your white fragility.

Spoken like the true loser idiot you are. You have no idea how wrong you are, dumbass.
This is him (The Murderer) - Aaron Dean


One thing I noticed abut this case (and it's becoming increasingly common) is that they stalled to release his name to give time to scrub the internet as best they can of any ties he has to white supremacist groups.

He resigned on Monday.

I can almost promise you that with that swift resignation we can uncover some W.S. views and postings. He's running from something. By giving his resignation he made himself into that "Lone Wolf" narrative they always push whenever they come across these shooters. He took one for team white supremacy to keep the attention off what probably is another department full of racists white supremacists

The police chief couldn't be bothered with firing this murderer on Sunday. His pension wasn't big considering his time on the kill team but he'll have access to it but him resigning means nothing. Cops like him become a "gypsy cop" (cops who transfers between different police departments)

Also look at the way they word it

ā€œcharged with murder after the shooting that killedā€

He was charged the murder of Atatiana Jefferson! Period.

These news stations are blatantly protecting racist murders.

Aaron Dean being charged doesn't move me because this sounds like an over charge. When prosecution over charges, the cop walks. The fix is in. I want to see if he's going to trial and the conviction and the sentencing. Bottom line is juries are easily manipulated. The defense attorneys select the right ones of every race to get the murderers off easy.

Result ?

The officer will be convicted of manslaughter. Heā€™ll appeal the sentence when this is no longer in the public eye. In 24 months heā€™ll be out of jail. In 36 months his record will be expunged. In 5 years heā€™ll probably be working as a police officer in another state.

Maybe Ft worth PD are going to fly him to St Lucia for another pathetic hugging session with the Botham Jean family..


The final thing I noticed is that he (Aaron Dean) got a degree in physics in 2011 yet joined police in 2017 ?


Who does that ? That's a very strange career switch. As a white man he would have got a great job with a physics major. Did he join to get his honorary black kill ?

Death penalty or life in general pop with no parole. Anything less is a win for them and another L for us.
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I am no black supremacist and I don't have to answer such questions from racist whites who denigrate blacks at every turn. I enjoy my life. It's been great to fight against white racism and win. I would hate to be a white loser like BHU always whining about being a victim of a government that just can't give whites enough to satisfy him.
I live in 2019 and whites are still racists. And you know that. So all your pussy gaslighting ain't going to work. Go do something to fix your white fragility.

Spoken like the true loser idiot you are. You have no idea how wrong you are, dumbass.
I am 100 percent correct. I expect responses like this from loser white racists such as you.

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