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What's the Excuse for this one?

I am 100 percent correct. I expect responses like this from loser white racists such as you.

Uncle Tom.....
Did I ever SAY I was white? Did I say I wasn't ?

what you are is epically ignorant and proud of it.
I already agreed too many cops are racist...but your blind racism prevents you from understanding a damn thing.

The contents of your head wouldn't make decent Buzzard food.
Last edited:
YOU don't want to face the truth. Crimes are committed by BOTH sides, but at a HIGHER RATE by blacks. FACT. Unfortunate but fact none the less.
Well what you your saying is either true or false. That means

1) Black people commit more crimes


2) We live in a system of racism which lies and manipulates crime statistics all the time about blk ppl.

I believe it's #2. You believe it's #1.

You talk about facts like facts can't be manipulated. It's fact that more ppl are killed in cars than are killed by crocs.

So you'd rather be stuck in a room with a croc than a car. Right ? You're all about the facts. Right ? Of course you wouldn't because I have not put that fact in its proper context.
This is him (The Murderer) - Aaron Dean


One thing I noticed abut this case (and it's becoming increasingly common) is that they stalled to release his name to give time to scrub the internet as best they can of any ties he has to white supremacist groups.

He resigned on Monday.

I can almost promise you that with that swift resignation we can uncover some W.S. views and postings. He's running from something. By giving his resignation he made himself into that "Lone Wolf" narrative they always push whenever they come across these shooters. He took one for team white supremacy to keep the attention off what probably is another department full of racists white supremacists

The police chief couldn't be bothered with firing this murderer on Sunday. His pension wasn't big considering his time on the kill team but he'll have access to it but him resigning means nothing. Cops like him become a "gypsy cop" (cops who transfers between different police departments)

Also look at the way they word it

charged with murder after the shooting that killed”

He was charged the murder of Atatiana Jefferson! Period.

These news stations are blatantly protecting racist murders.

Aaron Dean being charged doesn't move me because this sounds like an over charge. When prosecution over charges, the cop walks. The fix is in. I want to see if he's going to trial and the conviction and the sentencing. Bottom line is juries are easily manipulated. The defense attorneys select the right ones of every race to get the murderers off easy.

Result ?

The officer will be convicted of manslaughter. He’ll appeal the sentence when this is no longer in the public eye. In 24 months he’ll be out of jail. In 36 months his record will be expunged. In 5 years he’ll probably be working as a police officer in another state.

Maybe Ft worth PD are going to fly him to St Lucia for another pathetic hugging session with the Botham Jean family..


The final thing I noticed is that he (Aaron Dean) got a degree in physics in 2011 yet joined police in 2017 ?


Who does that ? That's a very strange career switch. As a white man he would have got a great job with a physics major. Did he join to get his honorary black kill ?

Death penalty or life in general pop with no parole. Anything less is a win for them and another L for us.

Did he join to get his honorary black kill ?

WTF?, honorary black kill? I'm white, so what? do I have a clip board on my wall keeping stats on all the black people I have slighted in life or crimes committed against them?
Whatever you think about people with less melanin in their skin, I think your belief is deeply rooted in mental illness.
Either that or you are an extremely hateful/angry person, because your mind is being driven by anything other than logical thought.

People take something in college and then follow a different career path all the time. I worked for an owner in a construction company who's major in college was philosophy.... yet he ended up being the owner of a small construction company in SF. So, do you think he switched to Construction because he wanted to boss Mexicans and El Salvadorians around? .. that must be it right? White cracker aint going to switch from philosophy to construction unless there's a big racial motive there.

So this cop took physics in college, becomes a cop, and you make some leap that because he's WHITE.... he probably did it because he wanted to make an honorary kill of a black man.... YEAH RIGHT. that really makes sense.

The cop who shot the poor woman gave her only half a second to comply to the hands up order. She didn't have time to even comprehend who it was in her back yard... and by the same token, you could see by the video that the cop was just as surprised. He had maybe a second for all these racist calculations to go through his head....yeah right... one second to decide... oh yes," this is not a white person holding a gun, its a black woman holding a gun... hmm I'll shoot her and everything will be fine... i'll get to transfer to another department after I lose my job and go to court.. 'cause this is really what I want to do to a Black person so bad!.... yeah.. come on.. don't let me miss."

Right.. he thought about all that in the fraction of a second that he saw someone in a window? Or could it be he was following bad procedure... put himself in a situation where he was jumpy as hell and in a split second confronted a homeowner who thought she had a prowler in the backyard. He then did what cops do when they see a gun pointed at them.... ? no no... a black person dies. its always a KKK member in disguise. cant be white without being KKK you know.

Granted, The cops Fucked up, did everything wrong and should not have put the woman in that situation. To make something racial over this in the manner you express..., without any evidence, is insane.
This is him (The Murderer) - Aaron Dean


One thing I noticed abut this case (and it's becoming increasingly common) is that they stalled to release his name to give time to scrub the internet as best they can of any ties he has to white supremacist groups.

He resigned on Monday.

I can almost promise you that with that swift resignation we can uncover some W.S. views and postings. He's running from something. By giving his resignation he made himself into that "Lone Wolf" narrative they always push whenever they come across these shooters. He took one for team white supremacy to keep the attention off what probably is another department full of racists white supremacists

The police chief couldn't be bothered with firing this murderer on Sunday. His pension wasn't big considering his time on the kill team but he'll have access to it but him resigning means nothing. Cops like him become a "gypsy cop" (cops who transfers between different police departments)

Also look at the way they word it

charged with murder after the shooting that killed”

He was charged the murder of Atatiana Jefferson! Period.

These news stations are blatantly protecting racist murders.

Aaron Dean being charged doesn't move me because this sounds like an over charge. When prosecution over charges, the cop walks. The fix is in. I want to see if he's going to trial and the conviction and the sentencing. Bottom line is juries are easily manipulated. The defense attorneys select the right ones of every race to get the murderers off easy.

Result ?

The officer will be convicted of manslaughter. He’ll appeal the sentence when this is no longer in the public eye. In 24 months he’ll be out of jail. In 36 months his record will be expunged. In 5 years he’ll probably be working as a police officer in another state.

Maybe Ft worth PD are going to fly him to St Lucia for another pathetic hugging session with the Botham Jean family..


The final thing I noticed is that he (Aaron Dean) got a degree in physics in 2011 yet joined police in 2017 ?


Who does that ? That's a very strange career switch. As a white man he would have got a great job with a physics major. Did he join to get his honorary black kill ?

Death penalty or life in general pop with no parole. Anything less is a win for them and another L for us.

Did he join to get his honorary black kill ?

WTF?, honorary black kill? I'm white, so what? do I have a clip board on my wall keeping stats on all the black people I have slighted in life or crimes committed against them?
Whatever you think about people with less melanin in their skin, I think your belief is deeply rooted in mental illness.
Either that or you are an extremely hateful/angry person, because your mind is being driven by anything other than logical thought.

People take something in college and then follow a different career path all the time. I worked for an owner in a construction company who's major in college was philosophy.... yet he ended up being the owner of a small construction company in SF. So, do you think he switched to Construction because he wanted to boss Mexicans and El Salvadorians around? .. that must be it right? White cracker aint going to switch from philosophy to construction unless there's a bigshoo racial motive there.

So this cop took physics in college, becomes a cop, and you make some leap that because he's WHITE.... he probably did it because he wanted to make an honorary kill of a black man.... YEAH RIGHT. that really makes sense.

The cop who shot the poor woman gave her only half a second to comply to the hands up order. She didn't have time to even comprehend who it was in her back yard... and by the same token, you could see by the video that the cop was just as surprised. He had maybe a second for all these racist calculations to go through his head....yeah right... one second to decide... oh yes," this is not a white person holding a gun, its a black woman holding a gun... hmm I'll shoot her and everything will be fine... i'll get to transfer to another department after I lose my job and go to court.. 'cause this is really what I want to do to a Black person so bad!.... yeah.. come on.. don't let me miss."

Right.. he thought about all that in the fraction of a second that he saw someone in a window? Or could it be he was following bad procedure... put himself in a situation where he was jumpy as hell and in a split second confronted a homeowner who thought she had a prowler in the backyard. He then did what cops do when they see a gun pointed at them.... ? no no... a black person dies. its always a KKK member in disguise. cant be white without being KKK you know.

Granted, The cops Fucked up, did everything wrong and should not have put the woman in that situation. To make something racial over this in the manner you express..., without any evidence, is insane.
There was a case in the news a couple of years ago where the judge in the case allowed testimony from a I believe a police officer in which he indicated that black men are more dangerous due to their race. I have searched but cannot find the article but I did find this:

Presumption of Guilt
African Americans make up about 13 percent of the nation’s population, but constitute 27 percent of all arrests, 33 percent of those incarcerated in jails and prisons, and 42 percent of the population on death row.

African Americans are arrested at rates 2.5 times higher than whites; Native Americans at 1.5 times the rate for whites. African Americans and Latinos are about half as likely to make bail as whites; Latinos are twice as likely and African Americans 87 percent more likely to be subject to pretrial incarceration.

African Americans and Latinos are less likely than whites to be sentenced to probation and more likely to be sentenced to prison. Black men are six times more likely to be incarcerated than white men, and Latinos are three times as likely. Native Americans are incarcerated at more than twice the rate of whites. One of every three black boys, and one of six Latino boys, born in 2001 will go to jail or prison if current trends continue.

These racial disparities in our criminal justice system are a legacy of our history of racial injustice. Slavery in America was justified by a narrative of racial hierarchy — the belief that black people were inferior, and therefore needed and actually benefitted from slavery— that survived the formal abolition of slavery. Slavery evolved into convict leasing, whereby African Americans were arrested for “crimes” like loitering and forced to work in white-owned businesses throughout the South. The decades of racial terror lynchings that followed slavery grafted onto the narrative of racial hierarchy a presumption of guilt and dangerousness, as whites defended vigilante violence against black people as necessary to protect their property, families, and Southern way of life from black "criminals."

The presumption of guilt and dangerousness assigned to African Americans has made minority communities particularly vulnerable to the unfair administration of criminal justice. Numerous studies have demonstrated that white subjects have strong unconscious associations between blackness and criminality. Implicit biases have been shown to affect policing—marking young men of color for disparately frequent stops, searches, and violence—and all aspects of the criminal justice system—leading to higher rates of childhood suspension, expulsion, and arrest at school; disproportionate contact with the juvenile justice system; harsher charging decisions and disadvantaged plea negotiations; a greater likelihood of being denied bail and diversion; an increased risk of wrongful convictions and unfair sentences; and higher rates of probation and parole revocation.

So deeply entrenched is the presumption that people of color are dangerous and guilty that a recent study found that Americans’ support for harsh criminal justice policies correlated with how many African Americans they believed were in prison: the more black people they believed were incarcerated, the more they supported aggressive policing tactics and excessively punitive sentencing laws. Understanding how today's criminal justice crisis is rooted in our country's history of racial injustice requires truthfully facing that history and its legacy.
This is him (The Murderer) - Aaron Dean


One thing I noticed abut this case (and it's becoming increasingly common) is that they stalled to release his name to give time to scrub the internet as best they can of any ties he has to white supremacist groups.

He resigned on Monday.

I can almost promise you that with that swift resignation we can uncover some W.S. views and postings. He's running from something. By giving his resignation he made himself into that "Lone Wolf" narrative they always push whenever they come across these shooters. He took one for team white supremacy to keep the attention off what probably is another department full of racists white supremacists

The police chief couldn't be bothered with firing this murderer on Sunday. His pension wasn't big considering his time on the kill team but he'll have access to it but him resigning means nothing. Cops like him become a "gypsy cop" (cops who transfers between different police departments)

Also look at the way they word it

charged with murder after the shooting that killed”

He was charged the murder of Atatiana Jefferson! Period.

These news stations are blatantly protecting racist murders.

Aaron Dean being charged doesn't move me because this sounds like an over charge. When prosecution over charges, the cop walks. The fix is in. I want to see if he's going to trial and the conviction and the sentencing. Bottom line is juries are easily manipulated. The defense attorneys select the right ones of every race to get the murderers off easy.

Result ?

The officer will be convicted of manslaughter. He’ll appeal the sentence when this is no longer in the public eye. In 24 months he’ll be out of jail. In 36 months his record will be expunged. In 5 years he’ll probably be working as a police officer in another state.

Maybe Ft worth PD are going to fly him to St Lucia for another pathetic hugging session with the Botham Jean family..


The final thing I noticed is that he (Aaron Dean) got a degree in physics in 2011 yet joined police in 2017 ?


Who does that ? That's a very strange career switch. As a white man he would have got a great job with a physics major. Did he join to get his honorary black kill ?

Death penalty or life in general pop with no parole. Anything less is a win for them and another L for us.

Did he join to get his honorary black kill ?

WTF?, honorary black kill? I'm white, so what? do I have a clip board on my wall keeping stats on all the black people I have slighted in life or crimes committed against them?
Whatever you think about people with less melanin in their skin, I think your belief is deeply rooted in mental illness.
Either that or you are an extremely hateful/angry person, because your mind is being driven by anything other than logical thought.

People take something in college and then follow a different career path all the time. I worked for an owner in a construction company who's major in college was philosophy.... yet he ended up being the owner of a small construction company in SF. So, do you think he switched to Construction because he wanted to boss Mexicans and El Salvadorians around? .. that must be it right? White cracker aint going to switch from philosophy to construction unless there's a bigshoo racial motive there.

So this cop took physics in college, becomes a cop, and you make some leap that because he's WHITE.... he probably did it because he wanted to make an honorary kill of a black man.... YEAH RIGHT. that really makes sense.

The cop who shot the poor woman gave her only half a second to comply to the hands up order. She didn't have time to even comprehend who it was in her back yard... and by the same token, you could see by the video that the cop was just as surprised. He had maybe a second for all these racist calculations to go through his head....yeah right... one second to decide... oh yes," this is not a white person holding a gun, its a black woman holding a gun... hmm I'll shoot her and everything will be fine... i'll get to transfer to another department after I lose my job and go to court.. 'cause this is really what I want to do to a Black person so bad!.... yeah.. come on.. don't let me miss."

Right.. he thought about all that in the fraction of a second that he saw someone in a window? Or could it be he was following bad procedure... put himself in a situation where he was jumpy as hell and in a split second confronted a homeowner who thought she had a prowler in the backyard. He then did what cops do when they see a gun pointed at them.... ? no no... a black person dies. its always a KKK member in disguise. cant be white without being KKK you know.

Granted, The cops Fucked up, did everything wrong and should not have put the woman in that situation. To make something racial over this in the manner you express..., without any evidence, is insane.
There was a case in the news a couple of years ago where the judge in the case allowed testimony from a I believe a police officer in which he indicated that black men are more dangerous due to their race. I have searched but cannot find the article but I did find this:

Presumption of Guilt
African Americans make up about 13 percent of the nation’s population, but constitute 27 percent of all arrests, 33 percent of those incarcerated in jails and prisons, and 42 percent of the population on death row.

African Americans are arrested at rates 2.5 times higher than whites; Native Americans at 1.5 times the rate for whites. African Americans and Latinos are about half as likely to make bail as whites; Latinos are twice as likely and African Americans 87 percent more likely to be subject to pretrial incarceration.

African Americans and Latinos are less likely than whites to be sentenced to probation and more likely to be sentenced to prison. Black men are six times more likely to be incarcerated than white men, and Latinos are three times as likely. Native Americans are incarcerated at more than twice the rate of whites. One of every three black boys, and one of six Latino boys, born in 2001 will go to jail or prison if current trends continue.

These racial disparities in our criminal justice system are a legacy of our history of racial injustice. Slavery in America was justified by a narrative of racial hierarchy — the belief that black people were inferior, and therefore needed and actually benefitted from slavery— that survived the formal abolition of slavery. Slavery evolved into convict leasing, whereby African Americans were arrested for “crimes” like loitering and forced to work in white-owned businesses throughout the South. The decades of racial terror lynchings that followed slavery grafted onto the narrative of racial hierarchy a presumption of guilt and dangerousness, as whites defended vigilante violence against black people as necessary to protect their property, families, and Southern way of life from black "criminals."

The presumption of guilt and dangerousness assigned to African Americans has made minority communities particularly vulnerable to the unfair administration of criminal justice. Numerous studies have demonstrated that white subjects have strong unconscious associations between blackness and criminality. Implicit biases have been shown to affect policing—marking young men of color for disparately frequent stops, searches, and violence—and all aspects of the criminal justice system—leading to higher rates of childhood suspension, expulsion, and arrest at school; disproportionate contact with the juvenile justice system; harsher charging decisions and disadvantaged plea negotiations; a greater likelihood of being denied bail and diversion; an increased risk of wrongful convictions and unfair sentences; and higher rates of probation and parole revocation.

So deeply entrenched is the presumption that people of color are dangerous and guilty that a recent study found that Americans’ support for harsh criminal justice policies correlated with how many African Americans they believed were in prison: the more black people they believed were incarcerated, the more they supported aggressive policing tactics and excessively punitive sentencing laws. Understanding how today's criminal justice crisis is rooted in our country's history of racial injustice requires truthfully facing that history and its legacy.

Well I agree this type of racism or bias still exists and in some places more than others perhaps, but in the case of this thread, regarding this woman Atatiana who was shot, do you really believe the cop made a racial judgement in a fraction of a second? Watching the video what I see is a spooked cop. I do believe its his own fault and I dont absolve him of responsibility, but before it gets called a racial hate crime, I'd like to at least see some evidence of it.

For a guy to want to shoot a black person that badly, there will be something else in his profile pointing to racism, lets point that out and then I could see it as a possibility but when your talking about reaction to movement or a person in a window like that, your body is working on adrenaline at that point, not even rational thought.
Which is why, I have called this cop an idiot in the first place for going onto someones private property and trying to play some kind of hero instead of using his brain.
Police have murdered another unarmed black person. This time the cop shot into the persons house and killed a person living there.

'That's murder': Fort Worth police officer shoots woman inside her home

After a white police officer responding to a report of a house door standing open killed a black woman inside her own home on Saturday, an attorney for the woman’s family said the officer had not had time to perceive a threat before shooting.

“You didn’t hear the officer shout, ‘Gun, gun, gun,’” attorney Lee Merritt said after viewing video taken from a Fort Worth officer’s bodycam during the shooting death of Atatiana Jefferson, 28.

“He didn’t have time to perceive a threat. That’s murder.”

Jefferson’s family told KXAS TV she was watching her eight-year-old nephew when she was killed. A neighbor had called a non-emergency line to report that the front door to the house was open.

In a brief statement to media on Sunday, Lt Brandon O’Neil of Fort Worth police said the officer would be interviewed on Monday by the department’s major case unit.

“The officer observed a person through a rear window in the residence and fired a shot at that person,” O’Neil said. “The officer did not announce that he was a police officer prior to shooting. What the officer observed and why he did not announce ‘police’ will be addressed as the investigation continues.

'That's murder': Fort Worth police officer shoots woman inside her home

So what's the excuse going to be this time?

No excuse. The cop is a moron and had his job because assholes, like you, have demanded that police department lower their standards, and training to allow shit people, this this twit. to get on the force.
Well what you your saying is either true or false. That means
1) Black people commit more crimes
2) We live in a system of racism which lies and manipulates crime statistics all the time about blk ppl.
I believe it's #2. You believe it's #1.
You talk about facts like facts can't be manipulated. It's fact that more ppl are killed in cars than are killed by crocs.
So you'd rather be stuck in a room with a croc than a car. Right ? You're all about the facts. Right ? Of course you wouldn't because I have not put that fact in its proper context.

Interesting perspective.
The thing you're right about is it's difficult to know who presents facts and who manipulates. We choose which "facts" to accept and which to reject based on our own experiences and biases. However, some are more biased than others. Would you agree?
Which is why you must be able to think objectively and without bias.

If facts are manipulated, as you say, then where do you get your information? How can you know your own perspective (that blacks do not commit more crime per capita) is true or not?

Your "croc" analogy is far fetched and really adds nothing to the conversation. You must keep things in the realm of plausibility. Obviously hundreds of millions of people drive cars, while probably only a few thousand have any type of encounter with crocodiles annually. What you asserted is called a false analogy.
It was based on totally implausible rationale.

What proof do you have that blacks do not commit more crimes per capita?
Police have murdered another unarmed black person. This time the cop shot into the persons house and killed a person living there.

'That's murder': Fort Worth police officer shoots woman inside her home

After a white police officer responding to a report of a house door standing open killed a black woman inside her own home on Saturday, an attorney for the woman’s family said the officer had not had time to perceive a threat before shooting.

“You didn’t hear the officer shout, ‘Gun, gun, gun,’” attorney Lee Merritt said after viewing video taken from a Fort Worth officer’s bodycam during the shooting death of Atatiana Jefferson, 28.

“He didn’t have time to perceive a threat. That’s murder.”

Jefferson’s family told KXAS TV she was watching her eight-year-old nephew when she was killed. A neighbor had called a non-emergency line to report that the front door to the house was open.

In a brief statement to media on Sunday, Lt Brandon O’Neil of Fort Worth police said the officer would be interviewed on Monday by the department’s major case unit.

“The officer observed a person through a rear window in the residence and fired a shot at that person,” O’Neil said. “The officer did not announce that he was a police officer prior to shooting. What the officer observed and why he did not announce ‘police’ will be addressed as the investigation continues.

'That's murder': Fort Worth police officer shoots woman inside her home

So what's the excuse going to be this time?

No excuse. The cop is a moron and had his job because assholes, like you, have demanded that police department lower their standards, and training to allow shit people, this this twit. to get on the force.

I have to wonder how much of this might be on the department as well. As in how well this cop knew what his purpose was in the first place for going out to the house, but even if that was partly the case, I would think these guys would be trained to respect private homes where families are living. This really could have happened to any one of us here or our families. Such a sad sad thing for that woman and her family and especialy that 8 year old in the room.
Well what you your saying is either true or false. That means
1) Black people commit more crimes
2) We live in a system of racism which lies and manipulates crime statistics all the time about blk ppl.
I believe it's #2. You believe it's #1.
You talk about facts like facts can't be manipulated. It's fact that more ppl are killed in cars than are killed by crocs.
So you'd rather be stuck in a room with a croc than a car. Right ? You're all about the facts. Right ? Of course you wouldn't because I have not put that fact in its proper context.

Interesting perspective.
The thing you're right about is it's difficult to know who presents facts and who manipulates. We choose which "facts" to accept and which to reject based on our own experiences and biases. However, some are more biased than others. Would you agree?
Which is why you must be able to think objectively and without bias.

If facts are manipulated, as you say, then where do you get your information? How can you know your own perspective (that blacks do not commit more crime per capita) is true or not?

Your "croc" analogy is far fetched and really adds nothing to the conversation. You must keep things in the realm of plausibility. Obviously hundreds of millions of people drive cars, while probably only a few thousand have any type of encounter with crocodiles annually. What you asserted is called a false analogy.
It was based on totally implausible rationale.

What proof do you have that blacks do not commit more crimes per capita?

If they do, it might have something to do with the fact that a good amount of their population lives in over crowded urban centers for one thing and the socio- economic complications that go along with it.
Police have murdered another unarmed black person. This time the cop shot into the persons house and killed a person living there.

'That's murder': Fort Worth police officer shoots woman inside her home

After a white police officer responding to a report of a house door standing open killed a black woman inside her own home on Saturday, an attorney for the woman’s family said the officer had not had time to perceive a threat before shooting.

“You didn’t hear the officer shout, ‘Gun, gun, gun,’” attorney Lee Merritt said after viewing video taken from a Fort Worth officer’s bodycam during the shooting death of Atatiana Jefferson, 28.

“He didn’t have time to perceive a threat. That’s murder.”

Jefferson’s family told KXAS TV she was watching her eight-year-old nephew when she was killed. A neighbor had called a non-emergency line to report that the front door to the house was open.

In a brief statement to media on Sunday, Lt Brandon O’Neil of Fort Worth police said the officer would be interviewed on Monday by the department’s major case unit.

“The officer observed a person through a rear window in the residence and fired a shot at that person,” O’Neil said. “The officer did not announce that he was a police officer prior to shooting. What the officer observed and why he did not announce ‘police’ will be addressed as the investigation continues.

'That's murder': Fort Worth police officer shoots woman inside her home

So what's the excuse going to be this time?

No excuse. The cop is a moron and had his job because assholes, like you, have demanded that police department lower their standards, and training to allow shit people, this this twit. to get on the force.

I have to wonder how much of this might be on the department as well. As in how well this cop knew what his purpose was in the first place for going out to the house, but even if that was partly the case, I would think these guys would be trained to respect private homes where families are living. This really could have happened to any one of us here or our families. Such a sad sad thing for that woman and her family and especialy that 8 year old in the room.

You would think so, but they don't. The sad reality is that the one tool that is the most powerful in the police inventory, is also the one they are the least trained in.
What proof do you have that blacks do not commit more crimes per capita?
The proof is that we live in a system of racism-white supremacy.

You have the New Jersey chiefs of police wanting to kill all black people and the Philly Police Union president call BLM activists "Wild Animals" or Cali Police sympathizing with white supremacist


And Sheriff Scott Israel in Florida getting caught entrapping 18 black people in 2016 (0 white people,) but is more recently accused of directing deputies to put on ski masks & bust up a venue repeatedly on hip hop nights


These are chiefs of police and sheriffs saying and doing this These are guys with power and muscle who can easily wreck black person life.

So yes I think them planting evidence, creating bogus stats about black people and framing black people would not be a far stretch and these are just the ones who have been "outed" there are no doubt scores of other chiefs of police who think just like them and think like you, but have not openly shown themselves.

Even the FBI have reported on how white supremacists are in law enforcement

And the FBI itself has a history of anti-blackness that''s why you'll struggle to name one police department or officer that has been PUNISHED by the DOJ for harming Black people ?.

Sure the DOJ will do a report and say "Yup there's racism in Ferguson" "Yup there's racism in Baltimore" "Yup there's racism in ther criminal justice system"

But where is the punishment ? Black people are punished to the LETTER OF THE LAW and given very specific court dates when we screw up.

The FBI have a history with black people of

  • Planting false stories in the press.
  • Planting false witnesses in court trials.
  • Sending false letters to create distrust and division among leaders.
  • Planting informers everywhere and then falsely named others as informers.
  • Got people fired at work.
  • Breaking up marriages.
  • Breaking into people’s houses to search them.
  • Arresting leaders for minor traffic violations.
  • Framing people for murder and other false charges – to lock them up or at least keep them tied up in court till something stuck.
  • Committing murder.
They killed Fred Hampton (A black panther leader in Chicago) That was proved in court.


They had the Chicago police break down his door in the middle of the night and gun him down. The FBI had been keeping a file on him even before he joined the Panthers.

They framed Geronimo Pratt (Below) for murder


And they made sure one of his defence lawyers was an FBI informer

Panthers secretly working for the FBI talked about the FBI blowing up department stores and giving the police an excuse to arrest top panthers and throw them in prison.

The press and the police did the FBI’s bidding. The Panthers found much of its leadership killed, sent to prison or driven out of the country.

Plus J Edgar Hoover was a cross dressing gay man who hated black people and he had a lover who was one of his top FBI Agents. Also the FBI wrote an anonymous letter to Martin Luther King encouraging him to kill himself ?

Or how about MKULTRA and those deeds? FBN and CIA connections with international crime syndicates and co-operation to bring in tons of drugs for the consumption of inner city blacks.

That started in the 1940’s and devastated whole cities eventually. A book about that and the whole war on drugs by Douglas Valentine: The Strength of the Wolf: The secret history of America’s war on drugs.

Even in the last year the FBI has just released BIE (Black Identity Extremists). Another crock of B.S

Their objective is to murder innocent black people and use this BIE thing to kill even more of us. So when black folks protest or file citizen complaints about illegal searches and seizures, police theft of property, police violence in the form of needless beatings and brutality; cases of blatant police disrespect for the dignity of black people and actual state-sanctioned murders by police, their names will be placed on the terrorist watch list by the FBI.

You cannot get statistics on the number of crimes committed by black people only the number of arrests and convictions.

That's were context comes in. So if we have law enforcement brimming with white supremacists who is gonna to be arrested more ? Charged more ?

We also cannot get statistics on which of the convicted people are guilty. We can only have the opinion of the court system as to their guilt and that opinion assumes guilt from the fact of conviction. Even if all convicted persons are guilty that does not mean that their sentences are fair. Longer sentences for black people will make the prison system majority black.

So to look to US law enforcement for stats about blk ppl is as stupid as looking to Ronald McDonald for stats about vegetarians.
How many times must I agree that I know racism exists?
It's been a problem in this nation for a long time.
I'm not saying it's right. Never have.
I've seen white racism and black racism. They both suck.
I think more white people may be racist because it's historically been a white nation.
But LOTS of racist black people too, and in my book, two wrongs don't make a right.
But whites won't be the majority much longer in America, unless you count Hispanics as white.

But I still think this nation has come a LONG way and it's a LOT harder to get away with it today.

But you know what? Racism is a majority thing. Racism and violence and wrong doing against the opposite race unfortunately exists where ever one race is the majority. Human nature. In most parts of south Africa whites are in the same situation as blacks might be in America.

What do you suggest be done about it?

One thing I noticed in your post above is that you present a lot of evidence that the FBI is out to get blacks.
Think about this....The Democrats by far have the tightest relationship with the FBI. Comey, Hillary etc etc etc.
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How many times must I agree that I know racism exists?
It's been a problem in this nation for a long time.
Problem is you admit to racism but then discount its effects.
But I think this nation has come a LONG way and it's a LOT harder to get away with it today.
A long way ? That's like arguing that being shot 2 times is better than being shot 3. More black people were killed by the police in 2015 than were in 1892
But you know what? Racism is a majority thing.
So how do you explain white minority rule in South Africa ?
Racism and violence and wrong doing against the opposite race unfortunately exists where ever one race is the majority.
So how do you explain white minority rule in South Africa ?

Ivory Coast is biggest exporter of Cocoa in the world.

Do you think black Ivorians are at the table when they discuss the billion dollar cocoa beans industry ?

Let's take DRC congo.

The mobile phone or I-phone you have in your pocket, or laptop would not even work without congolese coltan

And who do you think mines that ? Yup black Africans.

Guys and kids like these are the reason your (and pretty much everyone's) I-Phone and Laptop is working.



Who control coltan deposits over there ? Apple (The biggest company in the world) and other western corps and that's what most of the wars have been over in the Congo.

The USA alone (5% of the world population) consume 45% of produced African natural resources which they purchase at bargain prices or for virtually nothing as debt payback.

In contrast, local infrastructures are crumbling, social programmes and local developments are cut because of the paybacks of interests and the debt itself.

Corruption does the rest.

The resource producing countries have to sell everything for a special discount price which opens the doors to all sorts of speculations from foreign investors demanding high returns.

Another byproduct the West is expecting from their ‘generous gestures’ is to get some more positive votes at the next UN assembly.

White supremacy has been transported all over the world and screws people the world over and then you laugh and mock the people you screw over

That's how it works dude. Stop acting stupid.

You're like the ref, who catches the end of the play, and calls the foul, based on what he saw. But I have seen the play develop and know who threw the first punch.
Human nature.
So if white cats went around fighting black cats that would be normal to you ? Right ? That would be human nature ?
In most parts of south Africa whites are in the same situation as blacks might be in America.

This is how whites in S.Africa are living


Because they done this


Now I've never seen white people being massacred like this in SA. It is not being taken back the same way unless you want to produce images of whites being dragged, choked, and killed by ANC/SA soldiers/police.

The problem you have is the "O. No !! We can't exploit blk ppl anymore. Hey !! That's racism"

And imposed laws like this


I can't come into your home and stomp all over you and your family and then complain at the tactics you use to get your home bk

What do you suggest be done about it?
Once again. You are straw manning. That is you assuming I'm going to agree with your white supremacist lie about whites in South Africa being sh*t on when nothing could be further from the truth

If the goal is to deal with white supremacy and the roots of white supremacy, if we aren’t talking about issues related to economic class and redistribution of wealth and power, then we aren’t actually dealing with the problem.

Questions ?

"But....erm..... blacks in South Africa are too stupid to know how to farm so well.....erm...just like leave the land with us "

Yeah only white people know how to grow crops and mechanized agriculture is such a complicated science

Bitch plz

This is Asanda Sokombela, University of Fort Hare graduate. She has bachelor of Science in Agriculture. Currently she is producing cabbages and spinach, and butternut. Her vegetables are delivered various Spar in the EC




And there are many more like her.




As long as USAID, IMG and World Bank don't try and send in there economic hitmen. Black people will be all right.

Because growth of ones own country can't happen in isolation. It has to be within an agreed shared global structure which includes everyone. While the ideology and controlling structure of white supremacy remains firmly in place, restrictions will ultimately always apply to black nations.

Its no different to slaves growing their own independent business on the plantation. Sooner or later if its successful the master will want a cut of any of the profits or control of it. Eventually either dominating it completely, eliminating it to avoid unfavorable competition or even having it challenge the plantation slave institution itself.

As long as white supremacist leave black people alone black people will be just fine

But black people remain unshaken. Black people are fully aware of consequences like death, sanctions, etc. Black people remain resolute. Black people are taking our land and Donald Trump, DA, Afriforum can go to hell.

Finally the whites in SA can still work for black farmers as field hands and laborers for minimum wage. And the land in SA is NOT just for Agriculture only but other forms of development including Mining, Infrastructure development, building malls n modern houses etc
One thing I noticed in your post above is that you present a lot of evidence that the FBI is out to get blacks.
Think about this....The Democrats by far have the tightest relationship with the FBI. Comey, Hillary etc etc etc.
Dems - Repubs same thing
Last edited:
How many times must I agree that I know racism exists?
It's been a problem in this nation for a long time.
Problem is you admit to racism but then discount its effects.
But I think this nation has come a LONG way and it's a LOT harder to get away with it today.
A long way ? That's like arguing that being shot 2 times is better than being shot 3. More black people were killed by the police in 2015 than were in 1892
But you know what? Racism is a majority thing. Racism and violence and wrong doing against the opposite race unfortunately exists where ever one race is the majority. Human nature. In most parts of south Africa whites are in the same situation as blacks might be in America.

This is how whites in S.Africa are living


Because they done this


Now I've never seen white people being massacred like this in SA. It is not being taken back the same way unless you want to produce images of whites being dragged, choked, and killed by ANC/SA soldiers/police.

The problem you have is the "O. No. We can't 100% sh*t on black people anymore ? We can't exploit them. Hey !! That's racism"

And imposed laws like this


I can't come into your home and stomp all over you and your family and then complain at the tactics you use to get your home bk

What do you suggest be done about it?
Once again. You are straw manning. That is you assuming I'm going to agree with your white supremacist lie about whites in South Africa being sh*t on when nothing could be further from the truth

If the goal is to deal with white supremacy and the roots of white supremacy, if we aren’t talking about issues related to economic class and redistribution of wealth and power, then we aren’t actually dealing with the problem.

Questions ?

"But blacks in South Africa are too stupid to know how to farm."

Yeah only white people know how to grow crops and mechanized agriculture is such a complicated science

Bitch plz

This is Asanda Sokombela, University of Fort Hare graduate. She has bachelor of Science in Agriculture. Currently she is producing cabbages and spinach, and butternut. Her vegetables are delivered various Spar in the EC




And there are many more like her.




As long as USAID, IMG and World Bank don't try and send in there economic hitmen. Black people will be all right.

Because growth of ones own country can't happen in isolation. It has to be within an agreed shared global structure which includes everyone. While the ideology and controlling structure of white supremacy remains firmly in place, restrictions will ultimately always apply to black nations.

Its no different to slaves growing their own independent business on the plantation. Sooner or later if its successful the master will want a cut of any of the profits or control of it. Eventually either dominating it completely, eliminating it to avoid unfavorable competition or even having it challenge the plantation slave institution itself.

As long as white supremacist leave black people alone black people will be just fine

But black people remain unshaken. Black people are fully aware of consequences like death, sanctions, etc. Black people remain resolute. Black people are taking our land and Donald Trump, DA, Afriforum can go to hell.

Finally the whites in SA can still work for black farmers as field hands and laborers for minimum wage. And the land in SA is NOT just for Agriculture only but other forms of development including Mining, Infrastructure development, building malls n modern houses etc
One thing I noticed in your post above is that you present a lot of evidence that the FBI is out to get blacks.
Think about this....The Democrats by far have the tightest relationship with the FBI. Comey, Hillary etc etc etc.
Dems - Repubs same thing


you are far more racist than any white person I've seen or met,,,
Police have murdered another unarmed black person. This time the cop shot into the persons house and killed a person living there.

'That's murder': Fort Worth police officer shoots woman inside her home

After a white police officer responding to a report of a house door standing open killed a black woman inside her own home on Saturday, an attorney for the woman’s family said the officer had not had time to perceive a threat before shooting.

“You didn’t hear the officer shout, ‘Gun, gun, gun,’” attorney Lee Merritt said after viewing video taken from a Fort Worth officer’s bodycam during the shooting death of Atatiana Jefferson, 28.

“He didn’t have time to perceive a threat. That’s murder.”

Jefferson’s family told KXAS TV she was watching her eight-year-old nephew when she was killed. A neighbor had called a non-emergency line to report that the front door to the house was open.

In a brief statement to media on Sunday, Lt Brandon O’Neil of Fort Worth police said the officer would be interviewed on Monday by the department’s major case unit.

“The officer observed a person through a rear window in the residence and fired a shot at that person,” O’Neil said. “The officer did not announce that he was a police officer prior to shooting. What the officer observed and why he did not announce ‘police’ will be addressed as the investigation continues.

'That's murder': Fort Worth police officer shoots woman inside her home

So what's the excuse going to be this time?
You’ll get lots of excuses from conservatives – none of them good.
Do you really believe that we all who type on forums like this is reality? We aggravate each other and ratchet up talk by typing. The somehow we dissiminate hate out of it. From one way of saying. The system taxes people to help other people. Whether it works or not is it the fault of the taxed? Those who are helped can be of a variety of reasons and of any background. But there are many who are not helped also. Those who make the rules seem not to want to change them. They seem to be comfortable with the way things are. Perhaps they have no foresight. It is not from a lack of trying from the resources spent though. maybe new blood with a different approach is needed. But time is a wasting as we are getting poorer as a nation in real terms.
This is him (The Murderer) - Aaron Dean


One thing I noticed abut this case (and it's becoming increasingly common) is that they stalled to release his name to give time to scrub the internet as best they can of any ties he has to white supremacist groups.

He resigned on Monday.

I can almost promise you that with that swift resignation we can uncover some W.S. views and postings. He's running from something. By giving his resignation he made himself into that "Lone Wolf" narrative they always push whenever they come across these shooters. He took one for team white supremacy to keep the attention off what probably is another department full of racists white supremacists

The police chief couldn't be bothered with firing this murderer on Sunday. His pension wasn't big considering his time on the kill team but he'll have access to it but him resigning means nothing. Cops like him become a "gypsy cop" (cops who transfers between different police departments)

Also look at the way they word it

charged with murder after the shooting that killed”

He was charged the murder of Atatiana Jefferson! Period.

These news stations are blatantly protecting racist murders.

Aaron Dean being charged doesn't move me because this sounds like an over charge. When prosecution over charges, the cop walks. The fix is in. I want to see if he's going to trial and the conviction and the sentencing. Bottom line is juries are easily manipulated. The defense attorneys select the right ones of every race to get the murderers off easy.

Result ?

The officer will be convicted of manslaughter. He’ll appeal the sentence when this is no longer in the public eye. In 24 months he’ll be out of jail. In 36 months his record will be expunged. In 5 years he’ll probably be working as a police officer in another state.

Maybe Ft worth PD are going to fly him to St Lucia for another pathetic hugging session with the Botham Jean family..


The final thing I noticed is that he (Aaron Dean) got a degree in physics in 2011 yet joined police in 2017 ?


Who does that ? That's a very strange career switch. As a white man he would have got a great job with a physics major. Did he join to get his honorary black kill ?

Death penalty or life in general pop with no parole. Anything less is a win for them and another L for us.

Did he join to get his honorary black kill ?

WTF?, honorary black kill? I'm white, so what? do I have a clip board on my wall keeping stats on all the black people I have slighted in life or crimes committed against them?
Whatever you think about people with less melanin in their skin, I think your belief is deeply rooted in mental illness.
Either that or you are an extremely hateful/angry person, because your mind is being driven by anything other than logical thought.

People take something in college and then follow a different career path all the time. I worked for an owner in a construction company who's major in college was philosophy.... yet he ended up being the owner of a small construction company in SF. So, do you think he switched to Construction because he wanted to boss Mexicans and El Salvadorians around? .. that must be it right? White cracker aint going to switch from philosophy to construction unless there's a bigshoo racial motive there.

So this cop took physics in college, becomes a cop, and you make some leap that because he's WHITE.... he probably did it because he wanted to make an honorary kill of a black man.... YEAH RIGHT. that really makes sense.

The cop who shot the poor woman gave her only half a second to comply to the hands up order. She didn't have time to even comprehend who it was in her back yard... and by the same token, you could see by the video that the cop was just as surprised. He had maybe a second for all these racist calculations to go through his head....yeah right... one second to decide... oh yes," this is not a white person holding a gun, its a black woman holding a gun... hmm I'll shoot her and everything will be fine... i'll get to transfer to another department after I lose my job and go to court.. 'cause this is really what I want to do to a Black person so bad!.... yeah.. come on.. don't let me miss."

Right.. he thought about all that in the fraction of a second that he saw someone in a window? Or could it be he was following bad procedure... put himself in a situation where he was jumpy as hell and in a split second confronted a homeowner who thought she had a prowler in the backyard. He then did what cops do when they see a gun pointed at them.... ? no no... a black person dies. its always a KKK member in disguise. cant be white without being KKK you know.

Granted, The cops Fucked up, did everything wrong and should not have put the woman in that situation. To make something racial over this in the manner you express..., without any evidence, is insane.
There was a case in the news a couple of years ago where the judge in the case allowed testimony from a I believe a police officer in which he indicated that black men are more dangerous due to their race. I have searched but cannot find the article but I did find this:

Presumption of Guilt
African Americans make up about 13 percent of the nation’s population, but constitute 27 percent of all arrests, 33 percent of those incarcerated in jails and prisons, and 42 percent of the population on death row.

African Americans are arrested at rates 2.5 times higher than whites; Native Americans at 1.5 times the rate for whites. African Americans and Latinos are about half as likely to make bail as whites; Latinos are twice as likely and African Americans 87 percent more likely to be subject to pretrial incarceration.

African Americans and Latinos are less likely than whites to be sentenced to probation and more likely to be sentenced to prison. Black men are six times more likely to be incarcerated than white men, and Latinos are three times as likely. Native Americans are incarcerated at more than twice the rate of whites. One of every three black boys, and one of six Latino boys, born in 2001 will go to jail or prison if current trends continue.

These racial disparities in our criminal justice system are a legacy of our history of racial injustice. Slavery in America was justified by a narrative of racial hierarchy — the belief that black people were inferior, and therefore needed and actually benefitted from slavery— that survived the formal abolition of slavery. Slavery evolved into convict leasing, whereby African Americans were arrested for “crimes” like loitering and forced to work in white-owned businesses throughout the South. The decades of racial terror lynchings that followed slavery grafted onto the narrative of racial hierarchy a presumption of guilt and dangerousness, as whites defended vigilante violence against black people as necessary to protect their property, families, and Southern way of life from black "criminals."

The presumption of guilt and dangerousness assigned to African Americans has made minority communities particularly vulnerable to the unfair administration of criminal justice. Numerous studies have demonstrated that white subjects have strong unconscious associations between blackness and criminality. Implicit biases have been shown to affect policing—marking young men of color for disparately frequent stops, searches, and violence—and all aspects of the criminal justice system—leading to higher rates of childhood suspension, expulsion, and arrest at school; disproportionate contact with the juvenile justice system; harsher charging decisions and disadvantaged plea negotiations; a greater likelihood of being denied bail and diversion; an increased risk of wrongful convictions and unfair sentences; and higher rates of probation and parole revocation.

So deeply entrenched is the presumption that people of color are dangerous and guilty that a recent study found that Americans’ support for harsh criminal justice policies correlated with how many African Americans they believed were in prison: the more black people they believed were incarcerated, the more they supported aggressive policing tactics and excessively punitive sentencing laws. Understanding how today's criminal justice crisis is rooted in our country's history of racial injustice requires truthfully facing that history and its legacy.

Well I agree this type of racism or bias still exists and in some places more than others perhaps, but in the case of this thread, regarding this woman Atatiana who was shot, do you really believe the cop made a racial judgement in a fraction of a second? Watching the video what I see is a spooked cop. I do believe its his own fault and I dont absolve him of responsibility, but before it gets called a racial hate crime, I'd like to at least see some evidence of it.

For a guy to want to shoot a black person that badly, there will be something else in his profile pointing to racism, lets point that out and then I could see it as a possibility but when your talking about reaction to movement or a person in a window like that, your body is working on adrenaline at that point, not even rational thought.
Which is why, I have called this cop an idiot in the first place for going onto someones private property and trying to play some kind of hero instead of using his brain.
That's just it, what I'm trying to point out. No, the cop didn't make a racial judgment in a fraction of a second, he made it long ago when he accepted the false premise that has been rubber stamped by the courts that black people, particularly black men, are inherently dangerous or in the very least, more dangerous than whites. I've seen the police put forth effort and spend 20 minutes of time to talk a drunk white man welding a knife into putting the knife down and letting them take him to jail so that he could "sleep it off". That 20 minutes of persuasion included the officers stating "we know you don't want to hurt anyone".

There are countless accounts and sometimes video of white police officers getting into tussling matches where they end up on the ground, at risk of having their service weapons taken from them and used against them. They apparently aren't afraid to get down and dirty with some white male suspects rather than shoot them, even though doing so is a really bad idea, yet they seem far too often to enter every encounter with African American men with the presumption that their very existence is a threat to the officer's well being and/or life, even when no threat actually exists. To make matters worse, the courts have ruled that even when no threat is present, all that matters is that the officer perceived a threat, even when he/she was mistaken.
"What proof do you have that blacks do not commit more crimes per capita?"

Whites here have been shown how and why that argument is bogus. Blacks committing crimes are less than 1 percent of the U.S. population. Whites committing crimes are between 2.5-3 percent of the U. S. population. That's the proof. The actual numbers of people who commit crime.

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