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What's The Stupidest Thing A Democrat Said Today

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Just remember what Hillary did to this guy:


Yup. I'm sure that POS has forgotten all about the Ambassador, Woods and Doherty.

Neither she nor her State Department did a damned thing though they had plenty of warnings.

And her she is criticizing Trump???

What a POS.

And you & your butt buddy dickwhistle use the death of the ambassador top tell lies.

There was nothing that could be done. It was a dangerous area & the Ambassador knew it. It was his decision.
There was nothing that could be done?

Here's what could have been done.

Close the consulate and beef up security.
That's what could be done.

Instead they hatched this coverup scenario that some fucking video caused 200+ armed protesters to break out their RPGs and their mortars that they just happened to be carrying with them when they wanted to complain about 911.
All of this happened right before an election.....so it's extremely clear that they didn't want their utter incompetence to destroy Obama's re-election chances.

Hind sight is so great.

Republicans cut funding for State security.

Embassy security is done by career professionals & not the Sec of State.

Not Clinton's fault.

Your solutions are so good then why didn't your party fund more security?

Thev ambassador was well aware of the security conditions. He chose to go.

But you keep running in circles & screaming BENGAZII!!!! because all you have is using the death of American s to lie about Hillary Clinton.

If you’re interested, here’s an article from the Chicago Tribune about Hillary’s role in Benghazi, which centers around the belief she and the Obama administration should have known an attack was possible and their lying of it being the result of a YouTube video.

Benghazi: What the report reveals about Hillary Clinton

As far as whether or not Clinton gave a “stand-down” order, that is unclear. Two soldiers who fought during Benghazi said that “Clinton didn’t do her job” and that her stand-down orders were defied on the battleground. Benghazi security team: Clinton didn't do her job

While on the same day Politico put that article out, PolitiFact published this article: Evidence shows no Benghazi stand-down order to defy

Does the SofS have any control over the military?
trumps actions haven't directly lead to people being killed. Hers and obummers, did.
Is it a prerequisite to be uninformed and a dunderhead to be a mod?

Trump's response to four U.S. soldiers killed in Niger is already being compared to Benghazi

Really? The anti-Trump media couldn’t wait to compare the Niger situation to Benghazi? No way!
What Benghazi situation? You mean the situation where we spent four years investigating someone who was guilty of nothing, only to find out later that the investigators tried to frame that same person?

I never said “Benghazi situation.” Rolling my eyes...
Really? The anti-Trump media couldn’t wait to compare the Niger situation to Benghazi? No way! Isn't this you?
Come on guys give Dave a break he is "special" and is just reciting the party line he study so hard to memorize. You could grow old trying to explain things to him like if you can not tell what is secret information and not secret you really are not suited to be in a position of trust. You could try to explain that if you have to say I do not remember more then a dozen times you might not have the memory needed for much more then flipping burgers. You could try and explain that socialism does not work because you eventually run out of other people's money to spend but he would not understand because the party line now wants to promote socialism.
I am reciting facts. Something die hard Trumpettes can not fathom.
Wow, that socialism quote again. You people are soooooooooooooooooo smart.

There are over 20 agencies that can deem certain information as secret. That is why there are correct way to make them as such.

Trump blurts out secret shit all the time & you don't care.
Your POS candidate Hi-liary attacked the women her husband raped, committed sexual assault on, and then to top it off got blowjobs (took advantage of) from 20 year old interns under the Oval Office table. I don't see Trump doing any of that. People living in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Wow, a wife believed her husband & questioned trhe accusers.

The mere idea you bring up this when your orange POS hero has done this 100 times worse & you suck his dick every day.

Fuck you & your hypocrisy.
Trump has raped women, and gotten blowjobs under the Oval Office Desk while shoving a cigar from an intern old enough to be his daughter, like Bill Clinton did? Do tell!

Nah, Hillary viciously attacked a whole list of women who had accused her husband of rape and sexual assault. By today's "me too" standards Bill Clinton would have already been locked up in a federal penitentiary.

Party of women's right, my ass.

Trump has been accused of ape.

Clinton/Monica was consensual.

There was only one rape accusation against Clinton made by a woman who had testified under oath that there was no rape.

Sitting in a hotel room, pulling out his dick & asking for sex is not rape. Trump groped women

You really need to find a new excuse for your support of a piece of shit like Trump.

See, the problem is you’re wrong about only one rape accusation. We all need to be looking up claims before we make them, otherwise the opposition is going to dismiss you as either a liar or a fool.

These are the sexual-assault allegations against Bill Clinton

You do know that your link shows one rape accusation, right?

Rape is a type of sexual assault in which penile penetration occurred during the assault. “Sexual assault” is a term used to describe unwanted physical sexual advances. These FOUR women in the article accused him of forcing himself on them when they did not want to be touched. And which one of these women “pulled out his dick and asked for sex”?
Everything the Democrats try seems to blow up in their faces.

Today's latest explosion will involve the "Cohen tape" allegations. What a bunch of jerkoffs!

YOUR POS President has to pay off women he has cheated with.

What a fine example you assholes put in the oval offce.

People vote based on policy, not morality... though I do have to laugh at those who seem to believe Hillary Clinton is morally superior to Trump—not by a long shot.

Anyone who thinks Trump has any morality is a fool.

So what has Hillaety Clinton actually done that so so immoral?
Wow, a wife believed her husband & questioned trhe accusers.

The mere idea you bring up this when your orange POS hero has done this 100 times worse & you suck his dick every day.

Fuck you & your hypocrisy.
Trump has raped women, and gotten blowjobs under the Oval Office Desk while shoving a cigar from an intern old enough to be his daughter, like Bill Clinton did? Do tell!

Nah, Hillary viciously attacked a whole list of women who had accused her husband of rape and sexual assault. By today's "me too" standards Bill Clinton would have already been locked up in a federal penitentiary.

Party of women's right, my ass.

Trump has been accused of ape.

Clinton/Monica was consensual.

There was only one rape accusation against Clinton made by a woman who had testified under oath that there was no rape.

Sitting in a hotel room, pulling out his dick & asking for sex is not rape. Trump groped women

You really need to find a new excuse for your support of a piece of shit like Trump.

See, the problem is you’re wrong about only one rape accusation. We all need to be looking up claims before we make them, otherwise the opposition is going to dismiss you as either a liar or a fool.

These are the sexual-assault allegations against Bill Clinton

You do know that your link shows one rape accusation, right?

Rape is a type of sexual assault in which penile penetration occurred during the assault. “Sexual assault” is a term used to describe unwanted physical sexual advances. These FOUR women in the article accused him of forcing himself on them when they did not want to be touched. And which one of these women “pulled out his dick and asked for sex”?

That is right. ONE rape accusation. You don't get to make up definitions of rape.

Exposing yourself & asking for sex is not rape. Not e en close. You are a total ass for suggesting they are the same.
trumps actions haven't directly lead to people being killed. Hers and obummers, did.
Is it a prerequisite to be uninformed and a dunderhead to be a mod?

Trump's response to four U.S. soldiers killed in Niger is already being compared to Benghazi

Really? The anti-Trump media couldn’t wait to compare the Niger situation to Benghazi? No way!
What Benghazi situation? You mean the situation where we spent four years investigating someone who was guilty of nothing, only to find out later that the investigators tried to frame that same person?

I never said “Benghazi situation.” Rolling my eyes...
Really? The anti-Trump media couldn’t wait to compare the Niger situation to Benghazi? No way! Isn't this you?

LOL it says “Niger situation” not “Benghazi situation”. Even if I did call it a situation what does it matter? In this instance I’m talking about the actual attack as well as what motivated it, NOT the investigation.
This escaped mental patient somehow ended up with a mic at this event:

Hillary Clinton bashes Trump on immigration, Helsinki summit at OZY Fest in New York City


Saturday in the park with Hillary Clinton turned out to be a chance to listen to the former Democratic presidential nominee take aim, once again, at President Donald Trump.

Clinton's appearance in New York City's Central Park came during OZY Fest 2018, a two-day music and culture event sponsored by Ozy, a digital media organization.

In a live discussion in the park’s Rumsey Playfield, Clinton sat down with Laurene Powell Jobs, widow of Apple founder Steve Jobs and founder of Emerson Collective, a nonprofit advocate of liberal causes that led the event, Business Insider reported.

"We have decades and decades of proof that absorbing immigrants, creating opportunities ... and opening the doors has been to our advantage. And to those who want to turn the clock back on that and say somehow that it has hurt America, then they're not walking around with their eyes open."

- Hillary Clinton
Clinton lambasted Trump’s controversial immigration policies as well as his widely criticized summit in Helsinki last week with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Decades of “absorbing immigrants” and “opening the doors,” Clinton suggested, “has been to our advantage.”
Only a white supremacist racist bigot like you support Trump's immigration policies. Like using children. Chicken shits like you like to torment little kids.

Oh cry me a river you disingenuous twerp. The progressives trot children out at every opportunity. Take your blatant hypocrisy and shove it up your keester.

The progressives especially like to use dead children...that is why they have the democrat gun free school zone shooting season.......if they didn't want dead children they would allow armed staff and armed guards in our schools and they would get rid of school gun free zones. Dead kids are propaganda gold for progressives.
And you & your butt buddy dickwhistle use the death of the ambassador top tell lies.

There was nothing that could be done. It was a dangerous area & the Ambassador knew it. It was his decision.
There was nothing that could be done?

Here's what could have been done.

Close the consulate and beef up security.
That's what could be done.

Instead they hatched this coverup scenario that some fucking video caused 200+ armed protesters to break out their RPGs and their mortars that they just happened to be carrying with them when they wanted to complain about 911.
All of this happened right before an election.....so it's extremely clear that they didn't want their utter incompetence to destroy Obama's re-election chances.

Hind sight is so great.

Republicans cut funding for State security.

Embassy security is done by career professionals & not the Sec of State.

Not Clinton's fault.

Your solutions are so good then why didn't your party fund more security?

Thev ambassador was well aware of the security conditions. He chose to go.

But you keep running in circles & screaming BENGAZII!!!! because all you have is using the death of American s to lie about Hillary Clinton.

If you’re interested, here’s an article from the Chicago Tribune about Hillary’s role in Benghazi, which centers around the belief she and the Obama administration should have known an attack was possible and their lying of it being the result of a YouTube video.

Benghazi: What the report reveals about Hillary Clinton

As far as whether or not Clinton gave a “stand-down” order, that is unclear. Two soldiers who fought during Benghazi said that “Clinton didn’t do her job” and that her stand-down orders were defied on the battleground. Benghazi security team: Clinton didn't do her job

While on the same day Politico put that article out, PolitiFact published this article: Evidence shows no Benghazi stand-down order to defy
When the investigators on a committee resort to framing those who are being investigated, and they themselves do not come under scrutiny, then and only then can you have a legitimate/intelligent debate about Benghazi. Until that happens, nothing suspect about Clinton can be discussed. And, you will have to be shrewd enough to bypass the bi-partisan senate committee investigation who cleared Clinton, make the counter argument against their findings, if we are going to acknowledge some random article.

Yeah sure. You could have saved yourself a lot of time by saying you’re not interested in discussing Benghazi bc you obviously can’t find articles to support your stance... at least not articles from reputable sources.
Until you can penetrate the bi-partisan select committee intelligence conclusions on Benghazi, there is no random article that can trump that. And your offering is nothing more than a smokescreen to a failed coup on the part of Gowdy's four year long frame job. If any article you present has merit, the intelligence would have already seized on it. The partisan Republican witch hunt was a failure from the beginning, because there was never a real scandal. The proof of that is abundantly clear when McCarthy and Gowdy revealed to us exactly what the Right had been up to the whole time.

You have to earn credibility. Once the investigators were exposed for wrong doing, that destroyed any integrity they may have had. You can bark all you want to about Clinton. But it will never go anywhere, once that trust has been broken. Trey Gowdy broke it. Just as he did a while back with Strzok. Gowdy is a bad seed.
trumps actions haven't directly lead to people being killed. Hers and obummers, did.
Is it a prerequisite to be uninformed and a dunderhead to be a mod?

Trump's response to four U.S. soldiers killed in Niger is already being compared to Benghazi

Really? The anti-Trump media couldn’t wait to compare the Niger situation to Benghazi? No way!
What Benghazi situation? You mean the situation where we spent four years investigating someone who was guilty of nothing, only to find out later that the investigators tried to frame that same person?

I never said “Benghazi situation.” Rolling my eyes...
Really? The anti-Trump media couldn’t wait to compare the Niger situation to Benghazi? No way! Isn't this you?

The difference is the death of an Ambassador. But in reality, both involved dangerous missions that never should have been made in which Americans were killed.

Trump & the Republican reaction to Niger was worse than Clinton's reaction to Benghazi. Trump tried to bury it. He ignored it. He called on the widows a liar the day her husband's body came home.

Really? The anti-Trump media couldn’t wait to compare the Niger situation to Benghazi? No way!
What Benghazi situation? You mean the situation where we spent four years investigating someone who was guilty of nothing, only to find out later that the investigators tried to frame that same person?

I never said “Benghazi situation.” Rolling my eyes...
Really? The anti-Trump media couldn’t wait to compare the Niger situation to Benghazi? No way! Isn't this you?

LOL it says “Niger situation” not “Benghazi situation”. Even if I did call it a situation what does it matter? In this instance I’m talking about the actual attack as well as what motivated it, NOT the investigation.
Lol! You brought it up, not me.
This one is a doozy.....especially when you take Benghazi into consideration:

Is she really that brain dead? She just keeps sliding down the scale of most revolting Americans of all time. Fucking hypocrite loser. BLOOD ON HER HANDS

I love it., Your hero is a traitor and you assholes bring up Hillary Clinton. While Trump is thinking about turning over Americans to Russia.

That is some funny chit.

trumps actions haven't directly lead to people being killed. Hers and obummers, did.
Obama, Hillary and the Democrats have the blood of over 500,000 dead Syrians on their hands. Not to mention the European migration crisis and creation of that JV team named ISIS.

ISIS wasn’t created under Obama, but they did thrive when he was president.

ISIS - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com
To be able to say when it was created you have to understand what a Religious Caliphate is.

The primary difference between al Qaeda and ISIS is the occupation of land. Obama created a vacuum when he prematurely pulled us out of Iraq which ISIS members filled. Bush defeated Saddam, but left us with a responsibility Obama refused to maintain. So Obama pulling out of the region opened it up to religious zealots who were so brutal that even al Qaeda wouldn't take responsibility. Then Obama refused to act for the remainder of his presidency claiming his hands were tied. Trump came in and mopped the floor with them till they were no more.
This escaped mental patient somehow ended up with a mic at this event:

Hillary Clinton bashes Trump on immigration, Helsinki summit at OZY Fest in New York City


Saturday in the park with Hillary Clinton turned out to be a chance to listen to the former Democratic presidential nominee take aim, once again, at President Donald Trump.

Clinton's appearance in New York City's Central Park came during OZY Fest 2018, a two-day music and culture event sponsored by Ozy, a digital media organization.

In a live discussion in the park’s Rumsey Playfield, Clinton sat down with Laurene Powell Jobs, widow of Apple founder Steve Jobs and founder of Emerson Collective, a nonprofit advocate of liberal causes that led the event, Business Insider reported.

"We have decades and decades of proof that absorbing immigrants, creating opportunities ... and opening the doors has been to our advantage. And to those who want to turn the clock back on that and say somehow that it has hurt America, then they're not walking around with their eyes open."

- Hillary Clinton
Clinton lambasted Trump’s controversial immigration policies as well as his widely criticized summit in Helsinki last week with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Decades of “absorbing immigrants” and “opening the doors,” Clinton suggested, “has been to our advantage.”
Only a white supremacist racist bigot like you support Trump's immigration policies. Like using children. Chicken shits like you like to torment little kids.

Oh cry me a river you disingenuous twerp. The progressives trot children out at every opportunity. Take your blatant hypocrisy and shove it up your keester.

The progressives especially like to use dead children...that is why they have the democrat gun free school zone shooting season.......if they didn't want dead children they would allow armed staff and armed guards in our schools and they would get rid of school gun free zones. Dead kids are propaganda gold for progressives.

Here we go. Lets hand ourtt AR_125's to all those who enter our schools.

You fucking assholes rather have an AR-15 than alive children.

If you had a fucki8ng brain, you would know the Florida school had armed guards. Guards out gunned because weaklings like you have to own n AR-15.

Dead kids are meaningless to Trumpettes.
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This escaped mental patient somehow ended up with a mic at this event:

Hillary Clinton bashes Trump on immigration, Helsinki summit at OZY Fest in New York City


Saturday in the park with Hillary Clinton turned out to be a chance to listen to the former Democratic presidential nominee take aim, once again, at President Donald Trump.

Clinton's appearance in New York City's Central Park came during OZY Fest 2018, a two-day music and culture event sponsored by Ozy, a digital media organization.

In a live discussion in the park’s Rumsey Playfield, Clinton sat down with Laurene Powell Jobs, widow of Apple founder Steve Jobs and founder of Emerson Collective, a nonprofit advocate of liberal causes that led the event, Business Insider reported.

"We have decades and decades of proof that absorbing immigrants, creating opportunities ... and opening the doors has been to our advantage. And to those who want to turn the clock back on that and say somehow that it has hurt America, then they're not walking around with their eyes open."

- Hillary Clinton
Clinton lambasted Trump’s controversial immigration policies as well as his widely criticized summit in Helsinki last week with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Decades of “absorbing immigrants” and “opening the doors,” Clinton suggested, “has been to our advantage.”
Only a white supremacist racist bigot like you support Trump's immigration policies. Like using children. Chicken shits like you like to torment little kids.

Oh cry me a river you disingenuous twerp. The progressives trot children out at every opportunity. Take your blatant hypocrisy and shove it up your keester.

The progressives especially like to use dead children...that is why they have the democrat gun free school zone shooting season.......if they didn't want dead children they would allow armed staff and armed guards in our schools and they would get rid of school gun free zones. Dead kids are propaganda gold for progressives.

Here we go. Lets hand ourtt AR_125's to all those who enter our schools.

You fucking assholes rather have an AR-15 than alive children.

If you had a fucki8ng brain, you would know the Florida school had armed guards. Guards out gunned because weaklings like you have to own n AR-15.

Dead kids are meaningless to Trumpettes.

No, but we realize that when you do get your wet dream of absolute gun control it doesn't work. If it did, there wouldn't be 130 dead people from a mass shooting in Paris.
Is she really that brain dead? She just keeps sliding down the scale of most revolting Americans of all time. Fucking hypocrite loser. BLOOD ON HER HANDS

I love it., Your hero is a traitor and you assholes bring up Hillary Clinton. While Trump is thinking about turning over Americans to Russia.

That is some funny chit.

trumps actions haven't directly lead to people being killed. Hers and obummers, did.
Obama, Hillary and the Democrats have the blood of over 500,000 dead Syrians on their hands. Not to mention the European migration crisis and creation of that JV team named ISIS.

ISIS wasn’t created under Obama, but they did thrive when he was president.

ISIS - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com
To be able to say when it was created you have to understand what a Religious Caliphate is.

The primary difference between al Qaeda and ISIS is the occupation of land. Obama created a vacuum when he prematurely pulled us out of Iraq which ISIS members filled. Bush defeated Saddam, but left us with a responsibility Obama refused to maintain. So Obama pulling out of the region opened it up to religious zealots who were so brutal that even al Qaeda wouldn't take responsibility. Then Obama refused to act for the remainder of his presidency claiming his hands were tied. Trump came in and mopped the floor with them till they were no more.

Here we go. Yet another dumbass who does not know that Iraq refused to sign the agreement that would have kept our troops in Iraq.

Are you this fucking stupid. T

Like Obama never ever fought ISIS.,, Noooooooooooooooooooooooo
My God, his plan charted their downfall.
But hey, Trump knew more about ISIS than the generals. Right?
This escaped mental patient somehow ended up with a mic at this event:

Hillary Clinton bashes Trump on immigration, Helsinki summit at OZY Fest in New York City


Saturday in the park with Hillary Clinton turned out to be a chance to listen to the former Democratic presidential nominee take aim, once again, at President Donald Trump.

Clinton's appearance in New York City's Central Park came during OZY Fest 2018, a two-day music and culture event sponsored by Ozy, a digital media organization.

In a live discussion in the park’s Rumsey Playfield, Clinton sat down with Laurene Powell Jobs, widow of Apple founder Steve Jobs and founder of Emerson Collective, a nonprofit advocate of liberal causes that led the event, Business Insider reported.

"We have decades and decades of proof that absorbing immigrants, creating opportunities ... and opening the doors has been to our advantage. And to those who want to turn the clock back on that and say somehow that it has hurt America, then they're not walking around with their eyes open."

- Hillary Clinton
Clinton lambasted Trump’s controversial immigration policies as well as his widely criticized summit in Helsinki last week with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Decades of “absorbing immigrants” and “opening the doors,” Clinton suggested, “has been to our advantage.”
Only a white supremacist racist bigot like you support Trump's immigration policies. Like using children. Chicken shits like you like to torment little kids.

Oh cry me a river you disingenuous twerp. The progressives trot children out at every opportunity. Take your blatant hypocrisy and shove it up your keester.

The progressives especially like to use dead children...that is why they have the democrat gun free school zone shooting season.......if they didn't want dead children they would allow armed staff and armed guards in our schools and they would get rid of school gun free zones. Dead kids are propaganda gold for progressives.

Here we go. Lets hand ourtt AR_125's to all those who enter our schools.

You fucking assholes rather have an AR-15 than alive children.

If you had a fucki8ng brain, you would know the Florida school had armed guards. Guards out gunned because weaklings like you have to own n AR-15.

Dead kids are meaningless to Trumpettes.

No, but we realize that when you do get your wet dream of absolute gun control it doesn't work. If it did, there wouldn't be 130 dead people from a mass shooting in Paris.
This escaped mental patient somehow ended up with a mic at this event:

Hillary Clinton bashes Trump on immigration, Helsinki summit at OZY Fest in New York City


Saturday in the park with Hillary Clinton turned out to be a chance to listen to the former Democratic presidential nominee take aim, once again, at President Donald Trump.

Clinton's appearance in New York City's Central Park came during OZY Fest 2018, a two-day music and culture event sponsored by Ozy, a digital media organization.

In a live discussion in the park’s Rumsey Playfield, Clinton sat down with Laurene Powell Jobs, widow of Apple founder Steve Jobs and founder of Emerson Collective, a nonprofit advocate of liberal causes that led the event, Business Insider reported.

"We have decades and decades of proof that absorbing immigrants, creating opportunities ... and opening the doors has been to our advantage. And to those who want to turn the clock back on that and say somehow that it has hurt America, then they're not walking around with their eyes open."

- Hillary Clinton
Clinton lambasted Trump’s controversial immigration policies as well as his widely criticized summit in Helsinki last week with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Decades of “absorbing immigrants” and “opening the doors,” Clinton suggested, “has been to our advantage.”
Only a white supremacist racist bigot like you support Trump's immigration policies. Like using children. Chicken shits like you like to torment little kids.

Oh cry me a river you disingenuous twerp. The progressives trot children out at every opportunity. Take your blatant hypocrisy and shove it up your keester.

The progressives especially like to use dead children...that is why they have the democrat gun free school zone shooting season.......if they didn't want dead children they would allow armed staff and armed guards in our schools and they would get rid of school gun free zones. Dead kids are propaganda gold for progressives.

Here we go. Lets hand ourtt AR_125's to all those who enter our schools.

You fucking assholes rather have an AR-15 than alive children.

If you had a fucki8ng brain, you would know the Florida school had armed guards. Guards out gunned because weaklings like you have to own n AR-15.

Dead kids are meaningless to Trumpettes.

And if you weren't really, really stupid, you would know that the Parkland campus had one armed guard for 12 buildings and over 3,200 students and staff, and when the shooting started the one guy didn't do anything but hide outside...meanwhile, the teachers used their bodies to protect the students when they could have shot the attacker or slowed him down.

But democrats need dead kids, so gun free school zones produce the best propaganda tools for democrat gun grabbers....
I love it., Your hero is a traitor and you assholes bring up Hillary Clinton. While Trump is thinking about turning over Americans to Russia.

That is some funny chit.

trumps actions haven't directly lead to people being killed. Hers and obummers, did.
Obama, Hillary and the Democrats have the blood of over 500,000 dead Syrians on their hands. Not to mention the European migration crisis and creation of that JV team named ISIS.

ISIS wasn’t created under Obama, but they did thrive when he was president.

ISIS - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com
To be able to say when it was created you have to understand what a Religious Caliphate is.

The primary difference between al Qaeda and ISIS is the occupation of land. Obama created a vacuum when he prematurely pulled us out of Iraq which ISIS members filled. Bush defeated Saddam, but left us with a responsibility Obama refused to maintain. So Obama pulling out of the region opened it up to religious zealots who were so brutal that even al Qaeda wouldn't take responsibility. Then Obama refused to act for the remainder of his presidency claiming his hands were tied. Trump came in and mopped the floor with them till they were no more.

Here we go. Yet another dumbass who does not know that Iraq refused to sign the agreement that would have kept our troops in Iraq.

Are you this fucking stupid. T

Like Obama never ever fought ISIS.,, Noooooooooooooooooooooooo
My God, his plan charted their downfall.
But hey, Trump knew more about ISIS than the generals. Right?

And you are stupid enough to believe that obama wanted to keep troops there but couldn't because they wouldn't let him...you really are stupid.
Everything the Democrats try seems to blow up in their faces.

Today's latest explosion will involve the "Cohen tape" allegations. What a bunch of jerkoffs!

YOUR POS President has to pay off women he has cheated with.

What a fine example you assholes put in the oval offce.

People vote based on policy, not morality... though I do have to laugh at those who seem to believe Hillary Clinton is morally superior to Trump—not by a long shot.

Anyone who thinks Trump has any morality is a fool.

So what has Hillaety Clinton actually done that so so immoral?

Murder, espionage, treason, perjury, sedition, bribery, blackmail, theft, not to mention all of the crimes against humanity in Syria........
Only a white supremacist racist bigot like you support Trump's immigration policies. Like using children. Chicken shits like you like to torment little kids.

Oh cry me a river you disingenuous twerp. The progressives trot children out at every opportunity. Take your blatant hypocrisy and shove it up your keester.

The progressives especially like to use dead children...that is why they have the democrat gun free school zone shooting season.......if they didn't want dead children they would allow armed staff and armed guards in our schools and they would get rid of school gun free zones. Dead kids are propaganda gold for progressives.

Here we go. Lets hand ourtt AR_125's to all those who enter our schools.

You fucking assholes rather have an AR-15 than alive children.

If you had a fucki8ng brain, you would know the Florida school had armed guards. Guards out gunned because weaklings like you have to own n AR-15.

Dead kids are meaningless to Trumpettes.

No, but we realize that when you do get your wet dream of absolute gun control it doesn't work. If it did, there wouldn't be 130 dead people from a mass shooting in Paris.

Look dickfuck. I own guns. I probably own more than you.

OMG OMG OMG if you can own a semi-automatic rifle with a 150 round magazine it means total gun control. Jesus you people are stupid.
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