What's up with Bolton?


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
I used to respect this guy, but some weird crap seems to be going on with him.

<< Ousted National Security Adviser John Bolton posted a bizarrely cryptic tweet on Friday morning, promising a “backstory” on why he was off Twitter for two months. Less than three hours later, Bolton posted another tweet, saying his ban from Twitter had some sort of connection to his resignation from the White House. Many speculate that Bolton is just attempting to hype a possible book deal >>

Bolton Posts Cryptic Tweet Amid Speculation Over His Testimony Intentions
who knows....

who knows if people are working for the white hats .....black hats ...or what.....

who knows....lol
Maybe he has some genie of the lamp powers - Dream up AMOROSA. Bring her back to life. Trumpy would have an extended stay in Walter Reed. You betcha...
One possibility is that the account was frozen to protect all records as per law.
I'm hoping that Trump apologizes to Bolton and asks him back. I know, never happen.
Bolton is preparing to blow up the administration that refused to give him the Iran war he always wanted.
Bolton doesn't strike me as someone who would cut off their nose to spite their face.
He was a FXN analyst before Trump put him on.
Bolton wants to keep Trump supporters happy, we buy conservative's books.
Bolton had better not burn his bridges or he'll be very poor.
Bolton's recent moves just seem odd. He's always been a team player, now it's seems he's going rogue.
Bolton's recent moves just seem odd. He's always been a team player, now it's seems he's going rogue.
There are a still a lot of so-called RINOs who have never changed while the rest went crazy for a shitty New York real estate crook. He has principals in a party that has forgotten what that is. His principals are still abhorrent to me but I have to give him credit for sticking to them.
Bolton is an ideologue. His main value was to play the role of the bad cop in foreign relations.

Trump is a practician. Bolton finally became more of a liability than an asset, so he was fired.

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