What's up with this no threads on Iran throwing a missile at Saudi Arabia?

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Yemen is getting bad , I called this about ISIS on these forums in 2013...
Because it does not have anything to with Trump at the moment..

Let Trump make a comment on it, then suddenly the far left will care about it!
ISIS? You are associating ISIS with Iran?
ISIS gets a ton of money out of Saudi Arabi.
A large percent of ISIS are Saudis. ISIS is driven by Wahhabism, which is taught in their schools, which ISIS adopted from Saudi Arabi’s model. ISIS is Sunni, Saudi Arabia is Sunni,Iran is Shia. Iran fights against ISIS. Saudi Arabia? No.
You’re quite confused, Bearmister.
ISIS? You are associating ISIS with Iran?
ISIS gets a ton of money out of Saudi Arabi.
A large percent of ISIS are Saudis. ISIS is driven by Wahhabism, which is taught in their schools, which ISIS adopted from Saudi Arabi’s model. ISIS is Sunni, Saudi Arabia is Sunni,Iran is Shia. Iran fights against ISIS. Saudi Arabia? No.
You’re quite confused, Bearmister.

Even the far left CNN disagrees with you:

How ISIS makes (and takes) money - CNN

Silly far left drone!
ISIS? You are associating ISIS with Iran?
ISIS gets a ton of money out of Saudi Arabi.
A large percent of ISIS are Saudis. ISIS is driven by Wahhabism, which is taught in their schools, which ISIS adopted from Saudi Arabi’s model. ISIS is Sunni, Saudi Arabia is Sunni,Iran is Shia. Iran fights against ISIS. Saudi Arabia? No.
You’re quite confused, Bearmister.
Iran is funding the terrorists that launched the missile. That is not in dispute. Why does the left love Iran? They sent them billions of tax payer money to beef up their military and now deny we are seeing the direct results of Obama's foolishness. Bunch of clowns.
Muslims killing Muslims in the Middle East. We’re supposed to be shocked, or even care?

Let them kill each other. We need to ban all Muslims from entering our country, and we need to boot the ones here out.
ISIS? You are associating ISIS with Iran?
ISIS gets a ton of money out of Saudi Arabi.
A large percent of ISIS are Saudis. ISIS is driven by Wahhabism, which is taught in their schools, which ISIS adopted from Saudi Arabi’s model. ISIS is Sunni, Saudi Arabia is Sunni,Iran is Shia. Iran fights against ISIS. Saudi Arabia? No.
You’re quite confused, Bearmister.
Iran is funding the terrorists that launched the missile. That is not in dispute. Why does the left love Iran? They sent them billions of tax payer money to beef up their military and now deny we are seeing the direct results of Obama's foolishness. Bunch of clowns.

Wow, just wow.
Iran-backed Houthi rebels launched the missile. Whether Iran was the one who ordered it or whether the Houthi rebels did on their own is in question.
Two, Saudi Arabia has ties to ISIS, monetarily and troop-wise. ISIS is dominated by Saudis, just like when al Qaeda attacked the US on 9/11/. Funny, how you Trump-suckers conveniently forget.
Just because Trump (and Obama) suck Saudi cock, doesn't do one thing to change reality.
Yes, Iran sponsor terrorism, they are enemy and ISIS ties to the Saudi's does exist, like it or not.
Ideology over reality, you clowns just kill me with your ignorance and your willingness to shit on your own country.
this could set off a major ME war with SA involved
how would this affect oil prices?
ISIS is a sunni based group. Iran is a Shia country and hates sunnis. It's extremely unlikely they're funding ISIS.

Now Saudi Arabia on the other most likely is. It's not the first time they've funded terrorist organizations.
Thank you for reminding me; bin Laden was born in Yemen, raised in Saudi Arabia. Hate personified.
I find it hilarious how the right views Saudi Arabia so favorable now. Ya'll only like Saudi Arabia now because Trump kissed their ass and sword danced with them.
The Yemen war is a mess because Saudi Arabia. They have no business bombing Yemen in the first place.
ISIS is a sunni based group. Iran is a Shia country and hates sunnis. It's extremely unlikely they're funding ISIS.

Now Saudi Arabia on the other most likely is. It's not the first time they've funded terrorist organizations.

Ethnic Saudis, yes, some rogue Saudi royals that are hopefully caught up in the anti-corruption sweep, yes, but the Saudi monarch, no.

ISIS hates the House of Saud as much as they hate the west as they correctly see them as friends of the West.
I say let the Sunnis and Shiites obliterate each other as they have for the past 1400 years. The more busy they are killing each other, the less time, energy and money they have to kill us infidels.
ISIS? You are associating ISIS with Iran?
ISIS gets a ton of money out of Saudi Arabi.
A large percent of ISIS are Saudis. ISIS is driven by Wahhabism, which is taught in their schools, which ISIS adopted from Saudi Arabi’s model. ISIS is Sunni, Saudi Arabia is Sunni,Iran is Shia. Iran fights against ISIS. Saudi Arabia? No.
You’re quite confused, Bearmister.
Iran is funding the terrorists that launched the missile. That is not in dispute. Why does the left love Iran? They sent them billions of tax payer money to beef up their military and now deny we are seeing the direct results of Obama's foolishness. Bunch of clowns.
Iran is funding the Yemeni terrorists, we’re funding the Saudi terrorists. It’s fun fun fun!

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