What's with all the Democratic "Clinton did well at the hearing?"


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
An anal probe is still an anal probe no matter how well you handle it. No one's going to elect someone as President who's been dragged before Congress over a dozen times (literally.) Guilty of something or not, you still come off as being on the defensive. That's not very presidential.


"There is no 'doing well' at a congressional anal probe." :)
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What's with all the Democratic "Clinton did well at the hearing?"
Theatrics over substance, she "won" because she sat there for 11 hours and managed not to throw a foaming at the mouth temper tantrum or confess to the Lindbergh Baby kidnapping.

Personally it looked to me like a contest to see who was the biggest bullshitter and Hillary won.
Yes remaining calm seems to be all they saw. I saw a smug liar.
Rather have experimental pile surgery than watch a congressional anything. Was confident I'd be unable to watch a minute of news afterwords without hearing the recaps and highlights. Was not disappointed.
Yes remaining calm seems to be all they saw. I saw a smug liar.
On the plus side, she did manage to comb her hair for this outing with the congress critters which I'm sure will give her a significant bump in the nomination polls. :D
Yes remaining calm seems to be all they saw. I saw a smug liar.
On the plus side, she did manage to comb her hair for this outing with the congress critters which I'm sure will give her a significant bump in the nomination polls. :D
Everyone else dropping out is what will help. Bernie is all that's left and even hardcore lefties know he isn't electable. Hillary isn't getting the right and the hearings aren't going to win over the undecided, the only thing that could do that is the media spin. That's why it's in over drive.
Benghazi scandal is like Oakland ...there is no there there .....Political cartoonists wade in
An anal probe is still an anal probe no matter how well you handle it. No one's going to elect someone as President who's been dragged before Congress over a dozen times (literally.) Guilty of something or not, you still come off as being on the defensive. That's not very presidential.

"There is no 'doing well' at a congressional anal probe." :)

and yet she did...
An anal probe is still an anal probe no matter how well you handle it. No one's going to elect someone as President who's been dragged before Congress over a dozen times (literally.) Guilty of something or not, you still come off as being on the defensive. That's not very presidential.


"There is no 'doing well' at a congressional anal probe." :)

I had a pretty bad concussion myself about 9 years ago when a limousine pulled across the highway in front of me and I had less than 2 seconds to react. Took a couple of months to recuperate. Was told not to read, not to work, not to even watch television.

But I have not ever been grilled by a panel of 13 for 11 hours straight. If you can't understand any of this, that may explain your perplexity.
An anal probe is still an anal probe no matter how well you handle it. No one's going to elect someone as President who's been dragged before Congress over a dozen times (literally.) Guilty of something or not, you still come off as being on the defensive. That's not very presidential.

"There is no 'doing well' at a congressional anal probe." :)

and yet she did...
If it was a colonoscopy Hillary had no polyps but Trey Gowdy was identified as a walking talking polyp ....dude that is embarrassing....
You think that seventy year old T-Rump could have withstood 11 hours of grilling by hostile Democrats you are like Judas Priest ...you got another thing coming...

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