What’s with all the self gratification during these White House pressers?!

It depends on your definition of success.

No, it depends on obvious, quantifiable success, beneficial to the Republic.

do you understand why his opposers see him as an embarrassment and a failure?

Because they cannot bring themselves even at this late date to believe he beat "the most qualified candidate in history" and tossed a turd in the punch bowl of global socialism, as well as defeating sixteen members of the establishment of his own party.
You clearly don’t understand. Live in a bubble if you must... I don’t really care.

What do I not understand? Please specify.
you don’t understand why people don’t like Trump.

What I stated is precisely the reason Trump is 100% opposed by Democrats and their brethren Nevertrumpers. He put the kibosh on their long-cultivated global plans. He destroyed 100 years of creeping Progressivism.

If he gets another term and a little luck in Congressional elections, they're done, and they know it.
you are delusional if you think 10s of millions of people want the government to take over our lives. You’re brainwashed with right wing talking points trying to characterizes the “left” as commie demons. You’re better off trying to take a realistic look and gain real understanding. Apparently that’s not your style though
No, it depends on obvious, quantifiable success, beneficial to the Republic.

Because they cannot bring themselves even at this late date to believe he beat "the most qualified candidate in history" and tossed a turd in the punch bowl of global socialism, as well as defeating sixteen members of the establishment of his own party.
You clearly don’t understand. Live in a bubble if you must... I don’t really care.

What do I not understand? Please specify.
you don’t understand why people don’t like Trump.

What I stated is precisely the reason Trump is 100% opposed by Democrats and their brethren Nevertrumpers. He put the kibosh on their long-cultivated global plans. He destroyed 100 years of creeping Progressivism.

If he gets another term and a little luck in Congressional elections, they're done, and they know it.
you are delusional if you think 10s of millions of people want the government to take over our lives. You’re brainwashed with right wing talking points trying to characterizes the “left” as commie demons. You’re better off trying to take a realistic look and gain real understanding. Apparently that’s not your style though

I've been observing the political paradigm shift here since the late 1960s. What the Left counterculture of that time postulated is precisely what is being shilled by today's Democrats. It is Marxist at its base and totalitarian in application.

Do yourself a favor and get this book. It's a compendium of counterculture writings of that time. You'll be amazed at the similarities to today's Democrats.

You clearly don’t understand. Live in a bubble if you must... I don’t really care.

What do I not understand? Please specify.
you don’t understand why people don’t like Trump.

What I stated is precisely the reason Trump is 100% opposed by Democrats and their brethren Nevertrumpers. He put the kibosh on their long-cultivated global plans. He destroyed 100 years of creeping Progressivism.

If he gets another term and a little luck in Congressional elections, they're done, and they know it.
you are delusional if you think 10s of millions of people want the government to take over our lives. You’re brainwashed with right wing talking points trying to characterizes the “left” as commie demons. You’re better off trying to take a realistic look and gain real understanding. Apparently that’s not your style though

I've been observing the political paradigm shift here since the late 1960s. What the Left counterculture of that time postulated is precisely what is being shilled by today's Democrats. It is Marxist at its base and totalitarian in application.

Do yourself a favor and get this book. It's a compendium of counterculture writings of that time. You'll be amazed at the similarities to today's Democrats.

I don’t need some agenda driven talking head to tell me what my fellow Americans think. You’re an idiot if that’s your source for information. I use my own brain, my relationships, interactions with people I know, first hand experiences and knowledge I gain through life. You skip right over that and parrot propaganda... it’s pathetic and not believable.
What do I not understand? Please specify.
you don’t understand why people don’t like Trump.

What I stated is precisely the reason Trump is 100% opposed by Democrats and their brethren Nevertrumpers. He put the kibosh on their long-cultivated global plans. He destroyed 100 years of creeping Progressivism.

If he gets another term and a little luck in Congressional elections, they're done, and they know it.
you are delusional if you think 10s of millions of people want the government to take over our lives. You’re brainwashed with right wing talking points trying to characterizes the “left” as commie demons. You’re better off trying to take a realistic look and gain real understanding. Apparently that’s not your style though

I've been observing the political paradigm shift here since the late 1960s. What the Left counterculture of that time postulated is precisely what is being shilled by today's Democrats. It is Marxist at its base and totalitarian in application.

Do yourself a favor and get this book. It's a compendium of counterculture writings of that time. You'll be amazed at the similarities to today's Democrats.

I don’t need some agenda driven talking head to tell me what my fellow Americans think. You’re an idiot if that’s your source for information. I use my own brain, my relationships, interactions with people I know, first hand experiences and knowledge I gain through life.

In other words, you're hideously under-educated. To fear history is to repeat its mistakes. C'est la vie.
No, it depends on obvious, quantifiable success, beneficial to the Republic.

Because they cannot bring themselves even at this late date to believe he beat "the most qualified candidate in history" and tossed a turd in the punch bowl of global socialism, as well as defeating sixteen members of the establishment of his own party.
You clearly don’t understand. Live in a bubble if you must... I don’t really care.

What do I not understand? Please specify.
you don’t understand why people don’t like Trump.

What I stated is precisely the reason Trump is 100% opposed by Democrats and their brethren Nevertrumpers. He put the kibosh on their long-cultivated global plans. He destroyed 100 years of creeping Progressivism.

If he gets another term and a little luck in Congressional elections, they're done, and they know it.
you are delusional if you think 10s of millions of people want the government to take over our lives. You’re brainwashed with right wing talking points trying to characterizes the “left” as commie demons. You’re better off trying to take a realistic look and gain real understanding. Apparently that’s not your style though
A realistic look like bitching about the tone of delivery while thousands a day die globally?

Fuck dude, live by your own standards. At least try.
It’s amazing to me despite the seriousness of what’s going on in this country to hear Trump and his people continue to brag about how extraordinary a job Trump is doing.

Christ almighty Obama and the liberal media constantly bragged that he was God's gift to the world. You people are losing your shit. :eusa_hand:
Not even close to what Trump does and we all know it

Lib please, they spent 8 years fawning over the guy. Here talk to the hand :eusa_hand:
Aww I’m sorry... did you not like it when people praised Obama? I’m sorry if that frustrated you. Want to get back to the subject now?
How about when Obama took credit for shit? Never saw you bitch at him for that. Yet now you cry objectivity n valid reasons to whine when all you are doing is feeding your egotistical hate.
It’s amazing to me despite the seriousness of what’s going on in this country to hear Trump and his people continue to brag about how extraordinary a job Trump is doing. You can visibly see the doctors in the background deflate and cringe as the others talk up how magnificent the Presidents bold and decisive actions have been. On top of that they all seem to be pushing the “China Virus” narrative because Trump just needs to have an enemy to fight against.

It’s just pathetic... does anybody hear this crap and not shake their head in embarrassment?

Give us a break and just give the news with out the self gratifying boasting.
“What’s with all the self gratification during these White House pressers?”

It’s about an arrogant, incompetent president in way over his head who knows he’s likely going to lose reelection this November.

Obama isn't president anymore.

Now, go back to smoking the Constitution.
I love how Trump can successfully fight a global pandemic and the leftwing media at the same time! lol

The man is amazing. :)
Your definition of “successful” is very suspect
How would you describe my definition of successful?
he wouldn't. he would tell you its not correct and you should believe as he does.

he'll come in here every opportunity to bash on trump, yet obama did the very same things and i never EVER hear him include obama into that category. he will say trump is guilty on very circumstantial evidence and then turn around and defend deleting evidence as a "personal matter".

his only consistency is that he's a dick.

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