What’s with all the self gratification during these White House pressers?!

It’s amazing to me despite the seriousness of what’s going on in this country to hear Trump and his people continue to brag about how extraordinary a job Trump is doing. You can visibly see the doctors in the background deflate and cringe as the others talk up how magnificent the Presidents bold and decisive actions have been. On top of that they all seem to be pushing the “China Virus” narrative because Trump just needs to have an enemy to fight against.

It’s just pathetic... does anybody hear this crap and not shake their head in embarrassment?

Give us a break and just give the news with out the self gratifying boasting.
Well, nothing new. He's always been shameless in pointing what a great job he's doing. Regardless.

Most adults know it's really better when someone ELSE says it, but he never got that memo. And he's as desperate for approval as he was when he was a child.
And if Trump WAS NOT giving these daily pressers, the unhinged slouching left would say that he was not concerned.
Can't win either way with these scumbags!
It’s amazing to me despite the seriousness of what’s going on in this country to hear Trump and his people continue to brag about how extraordinary a job Trump is doing. You can visibly see the doctors in the background deflate and cringe as the others talk up how magnificent the Presidents bold and decisive actions have been. On top of that they all seem to be pushing the “China Virus” narrative because Trump just needs to have an enemy to fight against.

It’s just pathetic... does anybody hear this crap and not shake their head in embarrassment?

Give us a break and just give the news with out the self gratifying boasting.
Don't you have a rat or bat to fry up for Supper, China Man?
It’s amazing to me despite the seriousness of what’s going on in this country to hear Trump and his people continue to brag about how extraordinary a job Trump is doing. You can visibly see the doctors in the background deflate and cringe as the others talk up how magnificent the Presidents bold and decisive actions have been. On top of that they all seem to be pushing the “China Virus” narrative because Trump just needs to have an enemy to fight against.

It’s just pathetic... does anybody hear this crap and not shake their head in embarrassment?

Give us a break and just give the news with out the self gratifying boasting.

They want to give everyone the impression that they got a handle on this and inspire confidence that everyone is doing a good job. Trump always brags about himself under every circumstance, so I get it why people don’t like him. I feel the same way about his boasting. But I suggest everyone pay attention to the substance of these Coronavirus task force press conferences and ignore the bullshit.
It’s amazing to me despite the seriousness of what’s going on in this country to hear Trump and his people continue to brag about how extraordinary a job Trump is doing. You can visibly see the doctors in the background deflate and cringe as the others talk up how magnificent the Presidents bold and decisive actions have been. On top of that they all seem to be pushing the “China Virus” narrative because Trump just needs to have an enemy to fight against.

It’s just pathetic... does anybody hear this crap and not shake their head in embarrassment?

Give us a break and just give the news with out the self gratifying boasting.

They want to give everyone the impression that they got a handle on this and inspire confidence that everyone is doing a good job. Trump always brags about himself under every circumstance, so I get it why people don’t like him. I feel the same way about his boasting. But I suggest everyone pay attention to the substance of these Coronavirus task force press conferences and ignore the bullshit.
It would be easier to ignore the bullshit if Trump didn’t spew so much of it.

Which is the point of this thread.

The more stupid bragging, the less confidence I have.
It’s amazing to me despite the seriousness of what’s going on in this country to hear Trump and his people continue to brag about how extraordinary a job Trump is doing.
Umm....we're in an election year. What did you expect him to say?

"We're doing a full-blown shitty, half-assed job and we hope you all die."


Maybe you can just ignore the campaigning hyperbole or take it for what it is worth? Just a thought.


It’s amazing to me despite the seriousness of what’s going on in this country to hear Trump and his people continue to brag about how extraordinary a job Trump is doing. You can visibly see the doctors in the background deflate and cringe as the others talk up how magnificent the Presidents bold and decisive actions have been. On top of that they all seem to be pushing the “China Virus” narrative because Trump just needs to have an enemy to fight against.

It’s just pathetic... does anybody hear this crap and not shake their head in embarrassment?

Give us a break and just give the news with out the self gratifying boasting.

They want to give everyone the impression that they got a handle on this and inspire confidence that everyone is doing a good job. Trump always brags about himself under every circumstance, so I get it why people don’t like him. I feel the same way about his boasting. But I suggest everyone pay attention to the substance of these Coronavirus task force press conferences and ignore the bullshit.
It would be easier to ignore the bullshit if Trump didn’t spew so much of it.

Which is the point of this thread.

The more stupid bragging, the less confidence I have.
You are getting your wish. We are shutting down the country . Some parts quicker then others. And unless you got a seven foot dick there will be no sex either.
It’s amazing to me despite the seriousness of what’s going on in this country to hear Trump and his people continue to brag about how extraordinary a job Trump is doing. You can visibly see the doctors in the background deflate and cringe as the others talk up how magnificent the Presidents bold and decisive actions have been. On top of that they all seem to be pushing the “China Virus” narrative because Trump just needs to have an enemy to fight against.

It’s just pathetic... does anybody hear this crap and not shake their head in embarrassment?

Give us a break and just give the news with out the self gratifying boasting.

When you're right, there's no need to hide it. When the press declines to honestly report activity, report it yourself and flaunt it.
Report what you’ve done, sure, but we aren’t preschoolers. The boasting and bragging is unnecessary, juvenile and it frankly makes them sound desperate

Au contraire, many of you are preschoolers. Did you hear the stupid questions from some of today's "journalists"?
It’s amazing to me despite the seriousness of what’s going on in this country to hear Trump and his people continue to brag about how extraordinary a job Trump is doing. You can visibly see the doctors in the background deflate and cringe as the others talk up how magnificent the Presidents bold and decisive actions have been. On top of that they all seem to be pushing the “China Virus” narrative because Trump just needs to have an enemy to fight against.

It’s just pathetic... does anybody hear this crap and not shake their head in embarrassment?

Give us a break and just give the news with out the self gratifying boasting.

They want to give everyone the impression that they got a handle on this and inspire confidence that everyone is doing a good job. Trump always brags about himself under every circumstance, so I get it why people don’t like him. I feel the same way about his boasting. But I suggest everyone pay attention to the substance of these Coronavirus task force press conferences and ignore the bullshit.
It would be easier to ignore the bullshit if Trump didn’t spew so much of it.

Which is the point of this thread.

The more stupid bragging, the less confidence I have.

that’s you personally. You may have a bias against Trump, maybe not. Me, I’m immune to his bullshit and I just focus on the facts. During times of crisis people want to be assured that their leadership is doing a good job. Maybe he’s instilling confidence, maybe not, either way I have to do what I can to make sure my loved ones don’t die.
I just assumed the self gratification being referred to is some feckless 22-year old shitstain standing up to score points with their marxist masters and whine about Trump's treatment of the fake news corps.

Transitioning to 2nd person: Yeah, fucknuts, take your journalism degree from cornell and go PRODUCE something besides fake news. There is a whole world out there needing help. Watching you shamelessly suck marxist cock is no help whatsoever other than the entertainment value. On your best day you don't make a festering boil on Trump's sphincter ring. Understand this fact.... and embrace it. You are a fucking nothing. Carry on.
It’s amazing to me despite the seriousness of what’s going on in this country to hear Trump and his people continue to brag about how extraordinary a job Trump is doing. You can visibly see the doctors in the background deflate and cringe as the others talk up how magnificent the Presidents bold and decisive actions have been. On top of that they all seem to be pushing the “China Virus” narrative because Trump just needs to have an enemy to fight against.

It’s just pathetic... does anybody hear this crap and not shake their head in embarrassment?

Give us a break and just give the news with out the self gratifying boasting.
God damn dude...

yet you never said JACK SHIT as Obama took credit for EVERY FUCKING THING.

God damn you are a tool.
Turn on the presser right now. Look at the body language of the doctors. Tell me what you see
I see a man who is disgusted, and wants to be anywhere but there.
Can you imagine what he will say to his colleagues after he gets away from this shit show and talks to them privately.
He’s thinking about the book he’s gonna write and the millions he will make off it
And you are looking for the next bash thread no matter how much more stupid it makes you look.
It’s amazing to me despite the seriousness of what’s going on in this country to hear Trump and his people continue to brag about how extraordinary a job Trump is doing. You can visibly see the doctors in the background deflate and cringe as the others talk up how magnificent the Presidents bold and decisive actions have been. On top of that they all seem to be pushing the “China Virus” narrative because Trump just needs to have an enemy to fight against.

It’s just pathetic... does anybody hear this crap and not shake their head in embarrassment?

Give us a break and just give the news with out the self gratifying boasting.

Can we have a video to back this up?

Trump's MFing job is to instill confidence in POTUS & country, and THEY DO demonstrate due diligence. That's a fucking leader. Trump is the best man for the job.

But I get it, PROGS prefer Obama types, who tell us whites are racist, 1% GDP is current and future, you didn't build that, who threatens the Constitution, who builds a corrupt admin. spilled over to circumvent Trump (aka treason).
It’s amazing to me despite the seriousness of what’s going on in this country to hear Trump and his people continue to brag about how extraordinary a job Trump is doing. You can visibly see the doctors in the background deflate and cringe as the others talk up how magnificent the Presidents bold and decisive actions have been. On top of that they all seem to be pushing the “China Virus” narrative because Trump just needs to have an enemy to fight against.

It’s just pathetic... does anybody hear this crap and not shake their head in embarrassment?

Give us a break and just give the news with out the self gratifying boasting.

They want to give everyone the impression that they got a handle on this and inspire confidence that everyone is doing a good job. Trump always brags about himself under every circumstance, so I get it why people don’t like him. I feel the same way about his boasting. But I suggest everyone pay attention to the substance of these Coronavirus task force press conferences and ignore the bullshit.
It would be easier to ignore the bullshit if Trump didn’t spew so much of it.

Which is the point of this thread.

The more stupid bragging, the less confidence I have.
Since you think everything he says is bullshit, you've painted an impossible ituation for him.

That's your own immaturity.
Last edited:
I seldom listen to Trump, but saw this clip. It is very funny. I love the way he attacks our corrupt news media. LOL.

“Get rid of 75-80% of you....”. LMFAO

When facing a pandemic

Fight the media

When a pandemic, turn everything political.


Like blaming the media, Democrats and China while taking.....”no responsibility”

Blame on all sides, but you can’t see that.
It’s amazing to me despite the seriousness of what’s going on in this country to hear Trump and his people continue to brag about how extraordinary a job Trump is doing. You can visibly see the doctors in the background deflate and cringe as the others talk up how magnificent the Presidents bold and decisive actions have been. On top of that they all seem to be pushing the “China Virus” narrative because Trump just needs to have an enemy to fight against.

It’s just pathetic... does anybody hear this crap and not shake their head in embarrassment?

Give us a break and just give the news with out the self gratifying boasting.

They want to give everyone the impression that they got a handle on this and inspire confidence that everyone is doing a good job. Trump always brags about himself under every circumstance, so I get it why people don’t like him. I feel the same way about his boasting. But I suggest everyone pay attention to the substance of these Coronavirus task force press conferences and ignore the bullshit.
It would be easier to ignore the bullshit if Trump didn’t spew so much of it.

Which is the point of this thread.

The more stupid bragging, the less confidence I have.
Since you think everything he says is bullshit, you've painted an impossible ituation for him.

That's your own immaturity.
I didn’t say everything he says is bullshit.

That’s just you making things up again.

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