What's Worse: Racist Statements/Views or Racist Policies?

What's Worse: Racist Statements/Views or Racist Policies?

  • Racist Statements/Views are the worst

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  • I'm a confused and clueless individual, so I don't know

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm a hard RWer (or a self-professed "Libertarian"), so I don't care

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  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
What's more damaging, Racist Statements/Views or Racist Policies?
Hard to decide.

Racist policies like affirmative action, open immigration, denial of freedom of speech and association, etc. hurt whites.

But support of those things is also hurtful to whites, because it shows how much you hate them.
Words are just words....Policy can genuinely affect people's lives.

Well no. Words are not just words. You are correct about policy though.

I don't give a fuck about the ramblings of an 80 year old bigot. His words should not hurt anyone. The guy is an asshole. End of story. He will get some very negative consequences for his words...which he should.

I don't waste my time or energy on morons....and I refuse to allow their words to influence my thoughts or emotions.
Words are just words....Policy can genuinely affect people's lives.

Well no. Words are not just words. You are correct about policy though.

I don't give a fuck about the ramblings of an 80 year old bigot. His words should not hurt anyone. The guy is an asshole. End of story. He will get some very negative consequences for his words...which he should.

I don't waste my time or energy on morons....and I refuse to allow their words to influence my thoughts or emotions.

Thats precisely the point. You have already been desensitised by his sentiments. Next you will be saying its not that bad. After that you will accept it as natural. Next thing you know you are calling someone the n word and getting your teeth knocked down your throat. Then you start saying you were involved in the knockout game but not telling anyone you used the n word. Words can hurt you. If you think beyond the next thought and follow the path you can see how destructive and how intertwined with racist polices words are.
Well no. Words are not just words. You are correct about policy though.

I don't give a fuck about the ramblings of an 80 year old bigot. His words should not hurt anyone. The guy is an asshole. End of story. He will get some very negative consequences for his words...which he should.

I don't waste my time or energy on morons....and I refuse to allow their words to influence my thoughts or emotions.

Thats precisely the point. You have already been desensitised by his sentiments. Next you will be saying its not that bad. After that you will accept it as natural. Next thing you know you are calling someone the n word and getting your teeth knocked down your throat. Then you start saying you were involved in the knockout game but not telling anyone you used the n word. Words can hurt you. If you think beyond the next thought and follow the path you can see how destructive and how intertwined with racist polices words are.

Damn....that's a string of about 15 major bullshit assumptions in a row. Clearly, I do not in any way condone this asshole's words. But keep it in perspective. No one died. No one has been physically harmed. There will be serious consequences for his words...as there should be....but keep it in perspective. That is my only point.
What that basketball guy had to say to his bitch in (presumed) private confines is his business and none others'.

You think Magic Johnson never railed on Whitey in private? Al Blunton? Jesse Jackass?

How about you, Marc? Let's hide a microphone on your (presumed) black ass.

I was fortunate to have a close friend in college who confided in me on matters related to race, race relations, the politics of race, the social implications of race, and just plain fucking race. And that was the 70's. It fucking chilled me to the bone.

His nickname for me was "corn-fed mark" and I called him my "oreo". Damn we smoked a lot of weed LOL.

Lay off the bullshit. The "race" issue has become overtly PC bloated, over-played, worn-out, hashed-out, and dryer than a whore's menstruating twat.

Your color has become your excuse, not your raison d'être.

It has become the crutch of your culture, and you have forsaken your defining attribute.

For what?

For what, Marc? You fucking answer me that.
I don't give a fuck about the ramblings of an 80 year old bigot. His words should not hurt anyone. The guy is an asshole. End of story. He will get some very negative consequences for his words...which he should.

I don't waste my time or energy on morons....and I refuse to allow their words to influence my thoughts or emotions.

Thats precisely the point. You have already been desensitised by his sentiments. Next you will be saying its not that bad. After that you will accept it as natural. Next thing you know you are calling someone the n word and getting your teeth knocked down your throat. Then you start saying you were involved in the knockout game but not telling anyone you used the n word. Words can hurt you. If you think beyond the next thought and follow the path you can see how destructive and how intertwined with racist polices words are.

Damn....that's a string of about 15 major bullshit assumptions in a row. Clearly, I do not in any way condone this asshole's words. But keep it in perspective. No one died. No one has been physically harmed. There will be serious consequences for his words...as there should be....but keep it in perspective. That is my only point.

I was actually speaking more to the OP. Sterlings comments are just a manifestation of racist words and policies that date back to the founding of this country. Taken by themselves with no history preceding it everyone would just be baffled. There are some people having deep pain over those words because of what has preceded them. My neighbor who is white came over to me today in tears apologizing over it. I told her it was not her fault but thanked her for her words which help to comfort me in some strange way.
Hard to decide.

Racist policies like affirmative action, open immigration, denial of freedom of speech and association, etc. hurt whites.

But support of those things is also hurtful to whites, because it shows how much you hate them.

In the context you are referring too?

None of that is racist.
In terms of what people say?

For the most part I could give a shit..especially if it's a privately held view.

Policy on the other hand..
Can I change my vote? Talking with welfare queen made me realize that words are actually the most dangerous. You don't get policy without words. You have to do a lot of convincing to get policy instituted.
Dumb bovine people, allowing themselves to be distracted from real issues by the ramblings of a 80 year old throwback coot, are a bigger problem than all of the current choices.

Oh, his statements were stupidly throwback, yes, but what was worse was the defense he got from the kooks the first week.
Dumb bovine people, allowing themselves to be distracted from real issues by the ramblings of a 80 year old throwback coot, are a bigger problem than all of the current choices.

Oh, his statements were stupidly throwback, yes, but what was worse was the defense he got from the kooks the first week.
What first week?

The recording only came out over last weekend.
Thats precisely the point. You have already been desensitised by his sentiments. Next you will be saying its not that bad. After that you will accept it as natural. Next thing you know you are calling someone the n word and getting your teeth knocked down your throat. Then you start saying you were involved in the knockout game but not telling anyone you used the n word. Words can hurt you. If you think beyond the next thought and follow the path you can see how destructive and how intertwined with racist polices words are.

Damn....that's a string of about 15 major bullshit assumptions in a row. Clearly, I do not in any way condone this asshole's words. But keep it in perspective. No one died. No one has been physically harmed. There will be serious consequences for his words...as there should be....but keep it in perspective. That is my only point.

I was actually speaking more to the OP. Sterlings comments are just a manifestation of racist words and policies that date back to the founding of this country. Taken by themselves with no history preceding it everyone would just be baffled. There are some people having deep pain over those words because of what has preceded them. My neighbor who is white came over to me today in tears apologizing over it. I told her it was not her fault but thanked her for her words which help to comfort me in some strange way.

I have had plenty of black folks call me racist names or use racist language. History doesn't have a damn thing to do with it. None of us has ever known slavery. They did not know my personal history nor did I know theirs.

It is your right to allow someone's words to control you. Those that have used racial slurs against me meant nothing. They are bigoted idiots. That was and is the only take away.

Your neighbor clearly is well intended....but she did not use that language. What the hell does she have to apologize for? And why would racist words hurt you more than me? Would that be because our skin color is different? Please explain the logic.
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You know, although MarcATL and I generally disagree politically....I think he's a good guy. But this is a racial trolling thread....nothing more. The entire race issue is so utterly tired and played out.

But the idea of racial grievance in inculcated in much of the black community from birth. It becomes a major part of identity. It causes enormous damage. All it takes is one 80 year old bigot's remarks to fan the flames of grievance for the 8,000,000th time. The reality is his remarks have nothing to do with you or your life. Nothing. They represent the views of one old, ignorant, bigot.

Hope this helps. :)

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