What’s wrong with America

Who cares? Stop going on the attack. Which union leaders? Which union? Are you only attacking auto unions or are you saying UPS union leaders are over paid too?

Have union leaders wages gone up 1500%? Then shut the fuck up
why are you so afraid to answer??
will it burst your narrative bubble ??

at least the CEO's provide a real service when all the union leaders do is cause jobs to be sent overseas,,

CEO pay has skyrocketed 1,322% since 1978​

Our pay went up 18%.
And there is no way to remove those unions from the skilled trades to create a new set of Unions.
My brother who is a VP of HR so he has a lot of experience with the unions of Brazil, Mexico, Europe admits labor overall would be screwed without unions.

Unions are the result of a company who is unwilling to pay labor more.

My brother says, the best thing is just the threat of a union. If the company agrees to pay more and the employees don't have to unionize, that's the best.

Unionizing seems to be labor's only option. Imagine the power UPS workers have because they could shut that shit down. Good for them!!!

And don't you cry that they're just going to pass that on to consumers. Maybe the CEO's need a pay cut. Or they don't get any raises for the next 4 decades just like us. Or only 18% raises like us. Sound good?
Well you do see it's Republicans who attack labor.

People ask "when was America great?" That depends. Starting in 1978, things stopped being great for the middle class moving forward. But America was still great for the people who were retired or working for Ford or GM in 1980. Even people who worked at Ford in the 1990's and retired in the 2000's, things were fine. But for younger people, things weren't as good.

When was the tipping point? The Housing Crash. The Great Recession. 2007/2008. That's when things would change forever.

But there is no one day event that made America stop being great. It was after years of slowly chipping away at social programs, rising healthcare costs, stagnant wages,

But make no mistake this was done on purpose by Republicans. The leader of the movement was Ronald Reagan. He started breaking unions. He turned a blind eye to illegals who didn't go home after fruit picking season was over. He gave the rich tax breaks.

1978. That was when Jack Welch of GE changed the social contract employers had with their companies. To be able to expect to work for 1 company for 30 years. Jack ended that shit. Every year he cut the bottom 10% in every department no matter how successful the company was. And it worked. Profits skyrocketted. But CEO's get all those profits now. Now the workers.
Who cares? Stop going on the attack. Which union leaders? Which union? Are you only attacking auto unions or are you saying UPS union leaders are over paid too?

Have union leaders wages gone up 1500%? Then shut the fuck up
The Business officer in many locals shows up in a three piece suit to negotiate a "special contract" for each job...with completely unrelated side deals every single time.
The workers get screwed over and the BA seems to get richer and richer....
Then there's the retirement program that gets worse and worse returns as time goes by while having a minimum of double the normal fees for such a program. Then there's the health benefits that get more expensive as time goes by as well while covering less and less. The whole benefits package for workers continues to shrink or be removed completely even when some of those benefits are specifically tailored and needed for that particular industry.

And there's no replacement for these unions....many locals have tried! Those leading the charge have been so punished for saying anything that no one dares say anything. Even the retirees are losing their pension benefits in some locals right after losing their voting rights.
why are you so afraid to answer??
will it burst your narrative bubble ??

at least the CEO's provide a real service when all the union leaders do is cause jobs to be sent overseas,,
The guys who run the union sees what the CEO's and VP's are being paid so they say if they make that much why not us too?

At least they get their members raises. You don't work for a union and your company has only given you a 18% pay raise in 45 years. The CEO however his pay has gone up 1322%.
Stop attacking the unions. If you have a way to get us a raise without a union we are all ears. In 45 years our bosses have only given us a 18% raise. What should we do? Should we all quit?
The Business officer in many locals shows up in a three piece suit to negotiate a "special contract" for each job...with completely unrelated side deals every single time.
The workers get screwed over and the BA seems to get richer and richer....
Then there's the retirement program that gets worse and worse returns as time goes by while having a minimum of double the normal fees for such a program. Then there's the health benefits that get more expensive as time goes by as well while covering less and less. The whole benefits package for workers continues to shrink or be removed completely even when some of those benefits are specifically tailored and needed for that particular industry.

And there's no replacement for these unions....many locals have tried! Those leading the charge have been so punished for saying anything that no one dares say anything. Even the retirees are losing their pension benefits in some locals right after losing their voting rights.

Let me repeat. In the years that CEO pay has skyrocketed and our pay has stalled, union membership went from 35% of the workforce to 9%.

So whatever the union leaders were doing, they were getting us a piece of those profits. Without them we get 18% and the CEO gets 1322%.

And which union leader are you attacking? Or are you attacking them all? Ford's union leaders? UPS's? Who???
All 200,000 CEOs saw that increase?
Of course not dope. Some got more than others. The ones who got the most sent the most American jobs overseas.

So if you work for a hospital you can't send those jobs overseas. But if you work in manufacturing then you can send jobs overseas. Not very patriotic but damn profitable. If a country is stupid enough to let them go. But Bush and Chaney in the 2000' were in on it. They even gave companies going overseas tax breaks. Insane right?
Of course not dope. Some got more than others. The ones who got the most sent the most American jobs overseas.

So if you work for a hospital you can't send those jobs overseas. But if you work in manufacturing then you can send jobs overseas. Not very patriotic but damn profitable. If a country is stupid enough to let them go. But Bush and Chaney in the 2000' were in on it. They even gave companies going overseas tax breaks. Insane right?

Of course not dope.

So you were lying, liar.

But Bush and Chaney in the 2000' were in on it. They even gave companies going overseas tax breaks.

Post the tax break Bush and Cheney gave them.
The guys who run the union sees what the CEO's and VP's are being paid so they say if they make that much why not us too?

At least they get their members raises. You don't work for a union and your company has only given you a 18% pay raise in 45 years. The CEO however his pay has gone up 1322%.
Stop attacking the unions. If you have a way to get us a raise without a union we are all ears. In 45 years our bosses have only given us a 18% raise. What should we do? Should we all quit?
I worked for 3 different unions,, and every one of them fucked us while the people that ran them got rich for doing nothing but fucking us,,

as I said,, at least the CEOs provided a product or service to justify their pay,,
Let me repeat. In the years that CEO pay has skyrocketed and our pay has stalled, union membership went from 35% of the workforce to 9%.

So whatever the union leaders were doing, they were getting us a piece of those profits. Without them we get 18% and the CEO gets 1322%.

And which union leader are you attacking? Or are you attacking them all? Ford's union leaders? UPS's? Who???
ALL AFL-CIO unions.

If you stop going to only ONE source for information you can see clearly that there's a LOT of hoodoo going on inside the unions.

The little bits more EVDRY SINGLE TIME have added up to a LOT of money.

Directly and indirectly the average union is costing their members HALF of their wages.
IOW if all the money came out of the Union that they supposedly bargain for you on your behalf your wages would double. That's not just dues and fees....but the side deals, insurance, retirement, strike funds, AFL-CIO dues and fees, disability coverage, life insurance, apprenticeship training and etc. The list is rather extensive. The normal prices you could get collectively for these things is a fraction of what you pay with a fraction of the beaurocracy the unions have created to keep you from getting benefits.

CEO pay has skyrocketed 1,322% since 1978​

Our pay went up 18%.

You're doing something very wrong if you're only making 18% more than you were in 1978. I'm making about 2400% more than I made in 1982.

I'm hoping it's your math that's wrong.
You're doing something very wrong if you're only making 18% more than you were in 1978. I'm making about 2400% more than I made in 1982.

I'm hoping it's your math that's wrong.
In 1978 I made $1.85/hr and it wasn't much longer before I got a raise to $2.35/hr.

I thought I was living in high cotton at that time.
In 1978 I made $1.85/hr and it wasn't much longer before I got a raise to $2.35/hr.

I thought I was living in high cotton at that time.

Hope you didn't spend it all at once. By the way, that alone is a 27% increase. The OP's math is clearly wrong to say wages are up only 18% over the last 45 years.
I worked for 3 different unions,, and every one of them fucked us while the people that ran them got rich for doing nothing but fucking us,,

as I said,, at least the CEOs provided a product or service to justify their pay,,

You sound like this former union member who now works to bust unions. Are you like him? Do you get a pension? What a dick this guy must be. He benefited from a union. Now he helps companies stop their employees from unionizing.

one thing I get from this story. A lot of American workers are trying to unionize. Seems like unions are still very much necessary.

As I said, most of the people I know, at least they were paid better than their non union counterparts working at other companies.

Didn't you guys make more than non union shops? Then yea, your union sucked. I worked at a place that had a shitty union too. It was a joke of a union. It was a one location shop. Those workers didn't have any power. I believe the owner of that company hoodwinked him.

What company did you work for when you worked for a union? If it's so small you'd rather not say, that doesn't count. That was a scam.
You sound like this former union member who now works to bust unions. Are you like him? Do you get a pension? What a dick this guy must be. He benefited from a union. Now he helps companies stop their employees from unionizing.

one thing I get from this story. A lot of American workers are trying to unionize. Seems like unions are still very much necessary.

As I said, most of the people I know, at least they were paid better than their non union counterparts working at other companies.

Didn't you guys make more than non union shops? Then yea, your union sucked. I worked at a place that had a shitty union too. It was a joke of a union. It was a one location shop. Those workers didn't have any power. I believe the owner of that company hoodwinked him.

What company did you work for when you worked for a union? If it's so small you'd rather not say, that doesn't count. That was a scam.
one mans traitor is another mans freedom fighter,,,
Hope you didn't spend it all at once. By the way, that alone is a 27% increase. The OP's math is clearly wrong to say wages are up only 18% over the last 45 years.
Is this source wrong when they say In contrast, compensation of the typical worker grew by just 18.0% from 1978 to 2020.


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