What’s wrong with America

to many democrats,,,

glad to see people getting more money,, we need more of that,,

Say thank you to Joe Biden

The latest economic numbers showed that the gross domestic product increased at a healthy 2.4 percent clip in the second quarter—and The New York Times acknowledged that the numbers were “far stronger than forecasters expected a few months ago.” The stock market, Donald Trump’s favorite economic indicator, has now risen nearly 9 percent in the past year with a near-record 13-day winning streak ending Thursday. And a day earlier, the usually gloomy Federal Reserve announced that it was no longer worried about a recession.
The big problem is it's beyond easy, so unreal easy, for a company to find workers that it's crazy. But lessers tell us there's a labor shortage which is fake news.
To prove your comments wrong, we know that more people than ever are quitting their jobs and finding better ones. That only happens when jobs are available. When jobs are scarce, people hunker down and the corporations hold all the cards.

But even now when companies can't find good help, they are only willing to pay so much. How else do you think the CEO gets to pay himself so well? He has to keep labor costs down.

Paying employees more won't hurt consumers. It will only hurt the CEO. Who is rich either way. Why do they have to be so extremely rich? At the expense of the middle class.
Quit worrying about how much other people make and make yourself more valuable to your employer.
It is funny that you say that. This is the kind of response I would expect from a Republican CEO when an employee asks for a raise. The employee is probably busting his ass for the employer and the employer says, Quit worrying about a raise and go make yourself more valuable to me so I can get a raise.

Of course talking down to him. And we all know that employer wishes he could pay that employee less. He's only paying him what he pays him now because he has to.

So honestly, the employer doesn't really value the employee. Not enough to give him a raise.

Republicans view labor as an expense. Democrats view labor as an asset.
We’ve been bitching about the 1%. Even their wealth hasn’t gone up this much.

Interesting fact. In the years ceo pay has skyrocketed and our wages only 18%, unions went from 35% of the workforce down to about 9%. That means without union protection, labor lost its seat at the table. And this ceo pay reflects that.

And it’s not just the CEOs. It’s all the vps and people right underneath them. All of them pay themselves what they think they are worth and they pay labor what they think it’s worth.

Strong case for why unions are important.
Again, if unions are so great, why do Americans avoid them and they are down to 9%? No one has given me a rational reason why this is. From 35% to 9%, and the only ones that advocate for them, don’t belong to a union, why? Because you are better than them, unions are for people that aren’t as savvy?
Say thank you to Joe Biden

The latest economic numbers showed that the gross domestic product increased at a healthy 2.4 percent clip in the second quarter—and The New York Times acknowledged that the numbers were “far stronger than forecasters expected a few months ago.” The stock market, Donald Trump’s favorite economic indicator, has now risen nearly 9 percent in the past year with a near-record 13-day winning streak ending Thursday. And a day earlier, the usually gloomy Federal Reserve announced that it was no longer worried about a recession.
Really? The greatest transition of wealth happened while he was VP, now we are seeing a similar pattern today. The pandemic helped the wealthy gain more wealth out doing the rest of America. Biden has not slowed the transition of money to the wealthy. He has done nothing and he and Congress won’t. The politicians know where their power and wealth come from and it is from the super rich, not you.
Again, if unions are so great, why do Americans avoid them and they are down to 9%? No one has given me a rational reason why this is. From 35% to 9%, and the only ones that advocate for them, don’t belong to a union, why? Because you are better than them, unions are for people that aren’t as savvy?

Here's a big reason why

Corporations fight very hard to break unions when they start to form.

Why you asked? Because workers are told if they unionize the company will leave.

Every week, U.S. workers sit through mandatory meetings where paid consultants discourage them from unionizing. The consultants are supposed to promptly disclosetheir names and fees to the federal government so that workers understand who’s lobbying them. But this system aimed at transparency still leaves workers in the dark

Many consultants ― known legally as “persuaders” ― file their disclosure forms late, sometimes well after the union election has already ended. Or they provide incomplete information, withholding how much the employer is paying them. And although they’re supposed to make disclosures of their own, some employers fail to reveal how much money they spent countering the union.

It is common for employers to pay more than $3,000 per day for a single consultant, and some run up tabs in the hundreds of thousands of dollars while workers are asking for modest raises.
They are most harmed by the minimum wage.
That's why Democrats created the minimum wage.
There is a word for that.

No they aren't. They thrive despite being paid so little. They save, unlike real Americans. They live in small apartments sometimes 10 in one apartment.

And a lot of them figure out how to make more than minimum wage. They start their own business'.

And besides, this country needs ditch diggers. Immigrants, kids and losers. We depend on them. How else will small business' profit if not for a low min wage.

I no longer want to raise the minimum wage because it just causes inflation. I want wages to go up because employees unionize.

Like UPS employees. Or, I heard Republican Gov of Georgia gave all teachers a $2000 raise. Why? Because they are unionized. He wouldn't have given them a raise otherwise. He didn't do it because he wanted to. They made him. And it made him look good politically of course.

CEO pay has skyrocketed 1,322% since 1978​

Our pay went up 18%.

It's pretty much people like you that's wrong with America.
Here's a big reason why

Corporations fight very hard to break unions when they start to form.

Why you asked? Because workers are told if they unionize the company will leave.

Every week, U.S. workers sit through mandatory meetings where paid consultants discourage them from unionizing. The consultants are supposed to promptly disclosetheir names and fees to the federal government so that workers understand who’s lobbying them. But this system aimed at transparency still leaves workers in the dark

Many consultants ― known legally as “persuaders” ― file their disclosure forms late, sometimes well after the union election has already ended. Or they provide incomplete information, withholding how much the employer is paying them. And although they’re supposed to make disclosures of their own, some employers fail to reveal how much money they spent countering the union.

It is common for employers to pay more than $3,000 per day for a single consultant, and some run up tabs in the hundreds of thousands of dollars while workers are asking for modest raises.
Again, you wouldn’t belong to a union, 91% don’t belong to unions and the numbers dwindle. You are so condescending to those that you believe need a union, I get why people don’t feel they need to belong to a union. Democrats have failed to do anything to promote union growth on any scale. Either practice what you preach or shut up, your words are hollow.
And then you double down! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

The earliest of such laws were regulations passed in regards to the railroad industry. At the end of the nineteenth century, as Dr. Walter Williams points out, "On some railroads — most notably in the South — blacks were 85–90 percent of the firemen, 27 percent of the brakemen, and 12 percent of the switchmen."1

The Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, unable to block railroad companies from hiring the non-unionized black workers, called for regulations preventing the employment of blacks. In 1909, a compromise was offered: a minimum wage, which was to be imposed equally on all races.

To the pro-minimum wage advocate, this may superficially seem like an anti-racist policy. During this time, with racism still rampant throughout the United States, blacks were only able to enjoy such high levels of employment by accepting lower wages than their white counterparts. These wage-gaps at the time genuinely were the product of racist sentiment.

But this new wage rule, of course, did not eliminate the racism of nineteenth-century employers. Instead, it displaced their racism at the expense of black workers. One white union member at the time celebrated the new rule for removing "the incentive for employing the Negro."2 This early minimum wage rule was explicitly put in place to prevent African-Americans from finding employment, and it was successful in this goal.

In the 1930s, racial views had hardly improved, if at all. Despite this, the unemployment rate among blacks was actually marginally lower than that of whites.3 Like the railroad workers, this was due to their willingness to accept lower wages than whites. But as infuriating as the employer racism at the time might be, the 1930s wage laws should incite even more anger.

In 1931, Congress passed the Davis-Bacon Act, requiring uniform wages for any workers employed in federally funded public works projects. In 1933, the National Industrial Recovery Act was signed into law, mandating industry-specific wages throughout the economy. In 1938, the Fair Labor Standards Act — the only one of the three to remain permanently on the books — took effect, initially imposing a federal minimum wage for any worker engaged in interstate commerce.

All of these laws served to price African-Americans out of the job market. Rather than forcing employers to pay non-racist wages, it simply forced blacks to shift from suffering race-motivated wages to suffering race-motivated unemployment.

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