What’s wrong with America

one mans traitor is another mans freedom fighter,,,

Very true. For example, I make almost $100K and I have no bills. I'm freakin rich! More money than I need. So I save a shit ton. I'll be able to retire at 62. Probably 65 though because of healthcare costs.

Most of you can't even come up with $400 in an emergency. I just dropped that on two pair of reading glasses yesterday. Didn't even blink when she said the cost. Laughed when she said they offer payment plans.

America is great. It has been great for 200 years now. If it's not great for you, it's all perspective. If you think this economy sucks, that's only according to you. Not to the guys who've been giving themselves raises for 45 years. America rocks!
Is this source wrong when they say In contrast, compensation of the typical worker grew by just 18.0% from 1978 to 2020.

if you really want to help the working class you should go after the wall street investors that use their riches to suck the wealth off the top of corporate profits when it should go to the workers,,
Very true. For example, I make almost $100K and I have no bills. I'm freakin rich! More money than I need. So I save a shit ton. I'll be able to retire at 62. Probably 65 though because of healthcare costs.

Most of you can't even come up with $400 in an emergency. I just dropped that on two pair of reading glasses yesterday. Didn't even blink when she said the cost. Laughed when she said they offer payment plans.

America is great. It has been great for 200 years now. If it's not great for you, it's all perspective. If you think this economy sucks, that's only according to you. Not to the guys who've been giving themselves raises for 45 years. America rocks!
by my standards youre poor,,,
by my standards youre poor,,,
I never argue with anyone richer than me. You should vote Republican. Hell, I should. I just can't because they're such evil pricks. All of them. LOL.

I'd be like a hollywood rich person. Wouldn't care that Democrats tax me more. I'm rich and can just make more.

Most Republicans have old money. People with old money are more greedy with it because that's all they got. They can't just make more. Rockafellers grandson. He's tight with a buck because he didn't make any of it. And he's not making anything. Just a trust fund baby.

My nephews will most likely each get $5 million when their parents die. Plus what I leave them. Plus their colleges are paid for and no student loans. So they should be alright even without our money. But it must be nice being 20 and your parents are in their 50's. Even if they live to be 100, at 65 years they'll be millionaires.
thats two really stupid things in one sentence,,,
Did you see the LOL?

My brother is a pretty honest/rich Republican. He tells me why he voted for Obama or why he voted for Trump. I don't hear him saying Biden is doing a bad job. All he says is he's sick of WOKE.

He doesn't realize it's guys like Ron DeSantis who are shoving it in his face. If not for Ron D we wouldn't even know a culture war was going on. He loves to show Republicans around the country that he's going to fight BLM and Trannies in Bathrooms.
by my standards youre poor,,,

It's good to have a rich brother. I have a vacation home up north MI on 65 acres with all the toys. Worth at least $1.2 million. At least. Do you have something like this? I have a $200,000 condo 3 miles away from the ocean in Fort Lauderdale. Do you have this? And I have a beautiful place in Greece. Do you have this? I also live on a lake and have a pontoon boat.

I'm willing to bet this poor man has more than you. Of course I don't own any of it but that's even better. Everyone who comes on my boat and says they want one I tell them no they don't. It's better to know someone with a boat than it is to have your own. Same with a condo in Florida or place in Greece. I go once a year and pay nothing.

Consider me Baron Trump. You have more than him too.
The big problem is it's beyond easy, so unreal easy, for a company to find workers that it's crazy. But lessers tell us there's a labor shortage which is fake news.
Don't say you're pro american worker and root for lower wages. That's anti american.
I can see a lot of nuance to that comment,,
if its about lowering the wages of current workers, thats a no no,,

if its about having a lower min wage to get the less educated into the work force so they can build on their knowledge and become more valuable for higher paying jobs later, I am all for that,,
I can see a lot of nuance to that comment,,
if its about lowering the wages of current workers, thats a no no,,

if its about having a lower min wage to get the less educated into the work force so they can build on their knowledge and become more valuable for higher paying jobs later, I am all for that,,
No person should ever be paid less than minimum wage. For that nobody should show up much less be productive.
No person should ever be paid less than minimum wage. For that nobody should show up much less be productive.
almost every person that started a small business worked for less than min wage,,, some of them for yrs,,

my point is to lower the min wage so less educated can get work to build on their education and further their careers and become productive,,
The big problem is it's beyond easy, so unreal easy, for a company to find workers that it's crazy. But lessers tell us there's a labor shortage which is fake news.
I don't believe it is. We could use some help at my work. Make $80K. No degree required. But you will fly out Monday and come home Friday.

And a lot of the jobs are one of two things

a. Walmart, Tim Horton, Starbucks jobs. Perfect for immigrants and we have lots of them at the border looking for work. They will pay into social security so it doesn't go bust when I am ready to retire in 10-13 years.

b. High skill jobs. IT jobs. Specialty jobs. Great paying jobs. Engineers. You have to have talent to get these jobs.

So none of these jobs benefit blue collar Trump supporters. They need to wake up and unionize.

There was also a great resignation during Covid. People at the top who had enough money to retire in their 50's retired early. So a lot of us got promotions. We took their jobs. That left job openings. And people who take a chance and go get another job always get paid more than people who stay put.

If you don't think there are jobs out there that means you're a stay putter. So no shit your corporation isn't giving you the raises you think you deserve. They know they have you. And they're willing to lose you if you ask for a raise.


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