What's Wrong With California?

California's poor flock to Texas as West Coast homes and jobs fall out of reach | Economy | Dallas News
Why are there all of a sudden 2 threads about how bad Caifornia is? Probably because it's doing great and Jerry Brown may run for president in 2020. You wingnuts are so transparent.

But as I said in the OTHER failed thread about California being bad:

If you can't afford to live there then you shouldn't live there. Pretty fucking simple. Plenty of people can, and do.

I swear, you're all a bunch of whiny little bitches, complaining about a state you don't even live in.
California raised taxes and is doing great.

Kansas lowered taxes and is on the verge of collapse.

Republicans do not know how to govern.

Yet Democrats definitely know how to screw things up.
Democrats run California, dumbass. They're doing better than most states.

Republicans run Kansas, dumbass. They're on the verge of collapse, and people are leaving the state in droves to flee from GOP incompetence.

Not sure where you are getting your info, but you're wrong: CalPERS rising costs could cause Oroville – and cities like it – to go bankrupt

Not to mention Californians are relocating to Texas in droves..... got them blinders on?

California's poor flock to Texas as West Coast homes and jobs fall out of reach | Economy | Dallas News
The poor flock to where welfare is the easiest to get and Tezass is one of those places.
California "liberals" do not think. They parrot, and they hate, but they do not think....
The poor flock to where welfare is the easiest to get and Tezass is one of those places.

Only a Californian would even think something like that.... so hilarious: Is California the welfare capital?

Source.... the SAN DIEGO TRIBUNE! And here's a great quote for you:

Take Texas for example. For every 100 families below the poverty line there, only six receive assistance, she said. In California, 66 of those below the poverty line are helped.

So... care to retract your statement?
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California's poor flock to Texas as West Coast homes and jobs fall out of reach | Economy | Dallas News
Why are there all of a sudden 2 threads about how bad Caifornia is? Probably because it's doing great and Jerry Brown may run for president in 2020. You wingnuts are so transparent.

But as I said in the OTHER failed thread about California being bad:

If you can't afford to live there then you shouldn't live there. Pretty fucking simple. Plenty of people can, and do.

I swear, you're all a bunch of whiny little bitches, complaining about a state you don't even live in.

I find it hilarious that I posted 2 links that contain facts and data to back up my point and you guys ignore both of them. Then, Tax Man makes a completely retarded claim and I smack him down with data from his "favorite state" as well. You guys like to spout statements but never provide data to go with it. Sounds like liberal logic to me! This is my last reply.
I'll write something about this but do it offline first. One has to look at history to understand what is going on today.
Nearly losing a dam, out of control crime, political violence is the state sport and now it turns out that the police and fire departments don't know how to respond to a major fire.

And who on Fox or Breitbart has told you that the police and fire departments fucked up?

And on behalf of the people of Sonoma and Napa counties- and on behalf of the heroic fire and police officers who worked for days straight trying to save lives i want to say sincerely

Fuck off .
California raised taxes and is doing great.

Kansas lowered taxes and is on the verge of collapse.

Republicans do not know how to govern.

Yet Democrats definitely know how to screw things up.
Democrats run California, dumbass. They're doing better than most states.

Republicans run Kansas, dumbass. They're on the verge of collapse, and people are leaving the state in droves to flee from GOP incompetence.

Not sure where you are getting your info, but you're wrong: CalPERS rising costs could cause Oroville – and cities like it – to go bankrupt

Not to mention Californians are relocating to Texas in droves..... got them blinders on?

California's poor flock to Texas as West Coast homes and jobs fall out of reach | Economy | Dallas News
The poor flock to where welfare is the easiest to get and Tezass is one of those places.

It is not the poor leaving California for Texas, It is business and industry trying to find a state that does not tax them to death.
California raised taxes and is doing great.

Kansas lowered taxes and is on the verge of collapse.

Republicans do not know how to govern.

Yet Democrats definitely know how to screw things up.
Democrats run California, dumbass. They're doing better than most states.

Republicans run Kansas, dumbass. They're on the verge of collapse, and people are leaving the state in droves to flee from GOP incompetence.

Not sure where you are getting your info, but you're wrong: CalPERS rising costs could cause Oroville – and cities like it – to go bankrupt

Not to mention Californians are relocating to Texas in droves..... got them blinders on?

California's poor flock to Texas as West Coast homes and jobs fall out of reach | Economy | Dallas News
The poor flock to where welfare is the easiest to get and Tezass is one of those places.

It is not the poor leaving California for Texas, It is business and industry trying to find a state that does not tax them to death.

Since FL does not want to be CA east companies have to be pretty clean to come here which does help keep most of the Calis out of here
California raised taxes and is doing great.

California raised taxes and is doing great.

Kansas lowered taxes and is on the verge of collapse.

Republicans do not know how to govern.

Yet Democrats definitely know how to screw things up.
Democrats run California, dumbass. They're doing better than most states.

Republicans run Kansas, dumbass. They're on the verge of collapse, and people are leaving the state in droves to flee from GOP incompetence.

For decades the Greenies in California and other Western states have caused their own problems with wildfires.

They are committed to leaving their dense forests, parks and other areas natural. Other states, including Florida, make extensive use of controlled burns. States like California refuse to use them saying they are not "natural". During safe burning seasons, the Forestry Service conducts controlled burns in marked off sections of the forest. In addition, firelines are regularly cleared throughout the forests. The controlled burns destroy dead undergrowth, fallen branches, and dead trees. Those periodic fires leave far less fuel for wildfires.

Instead, California has allowed all that undergrowth, dead grass, trees, and branches continue to build up until there is a wildfire at which time the fire has massive amounts of fuel and all it needs is the winds of California.

Please note the date of this article and that of the fires in the Napa region.

Allow Controlled Burns
Saturday, July 15, 2017
I was born in Santa Maria in the early 1940s. Though I resided in Southern California for about 30 years, I have stayed connected with this area through my relatives. For the past 32 years I have lived in the Santa Ynez Valley. When I was growing up, I do not remember us having fires as we have had in the past few years. I do remember the landowners, ranchers, and farmers conducting control burns on their properties to lessen the chance of fire.

With all the current rules and regulations, it is almost impossible for a landowner to conduct a controlled burn. The people opposed to the control burns were complaining the landowners were letting the fires burn more of an area than they requested; they were not controlling the burns. The opposition was also complaining about the smoke caused by the burns.

Since we no longer have controlled burns, we now have fires that last for weeks, polluting the skies with smoke, destroying homes, and placing the firefighters in harm’s way. I would much rather see a control burn get a little out of control than live through the types of fires we are now seeing yearly.

The destruction caused by these fires is bad enough without factoring in the amount of money that is spent fighting the fires and the amount of water used that is coming out of our local lakes.

When is this state going to wake up, remove some of these restrictions, use some common sense and go back to allowing landowners to do control burns?

Allow Controlled Burns
The silver lining is that total loss with housing insurance means that thousands have financed out of their CA nightmare due to the fires.
The real question is what is wrong with people that think that there is that much wrong with California... Usual problem with misinformation and hate. By the way the problem is global warming, shytte heads.
Nearly losing a dam, out of control crime, political violence is the state sport and now it turns out that the police and fire departments don't know how to respond to a major fire. That last part would lead to suspensions and firings in any state on the Gulf or Atlantic coasts south of VA and any state that has tornadoes with any regularity. Fire is small potatoes compared to major storms because fire is so predictable and preventable compared to major storms.

Why is CA the poster state for global incompetence?

You grossly understate the dangers and problems with fires. If you had ever fought a fire you would know they are not "small potatoes" compared to anything and they are far from predictable. Many years ago when I was a young Marine we joined in fighting brush fires close to our base and I learned first hand just how fires like that have a mind of their own and do things things seem to go against the laws of physics.

As for both the dams and the fires, both are the direct result of a rapidly changing climate to which neither the infrastructure nor the wildlife has had time to adapt to.
That and wild fires are common and part of nature where these folks have chosen to live. Really has nothing to do with a rapidly changing climate.
Nearly losing a dam, out of control crime, political violence is the state sport and now it turns out that the police and fire departments don't know how to respond to a major fire. That last part would lead to suspensions and firings in any state on the Gulf or Atlantic coasts south of VA and any state that has tornadoes with any regularity. Fire is small potatoes compared to major storms because fire is so predictable and preventable compared to major storms.

Why is CA the poster state for global incompetence?

You grossly understate the dangers and problems with fires. If you had ever fought a fire you would know they are not "small potatoes" compared to anything and they are far from predictable. Many years ago when I was a young Marine we joined in fighting brush fires close to our base and I learned first hand just how fires like that have a mind of their own and do things things seem to go against the laws of physics.

As for both the dams and the fires, both are the direct result of a rapidly changing climate to which neither the infrastructure nor the wildlife has had time to adapt to.
That and wild fires are common and part of nature where these folks have chosen to live. Really has nothing to do with a rapidly changing climate.


if those who live in such conditions who

do not take the necessary steps to clear out the area

mother nature will do it for them in time

and she will do it most effectively with fire
Mexico has been wanting California back for a long time; trying to reclaim it by sending in an invasion of illegals...and has about got the job done.

Mexico should be careful what its wishes for.

Mexico has been wanting California back for a long time; trying to reclaim it by sending in an invasion of illegals...and has about got the job done.

Mexico should be careful what its wishes for.
Sorry to inform you but when we secede it will be as a nation not a state of any other republic. The immigrants from Mexico are here to work and make a living that is not afforded them in their home nation. Now if we could just get conservatives to work it would sure be nice, they haven't pulled their weight in many years.

Haha...Conservatives have been spoon feeding your filthy ass for years...third graders know this.
Are your human cockroaches (illegal Wetbacks) also here to steal welfare from blacks? Run legitimate American kids out of public schools? Work off record for slave wages? Leave dirty diapers and Bud Light cans on our beaches and in Walmart parking lots? Overwhelm our emergency rooms? Drive uninsured?

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