What's Wrong With California?

California raised taxes and is doing great.

Kansas lowered taxes and is on the verge of collapse.

Republicans do not know how to govern.

Yet Democrats definitely know how to screw things up.
Democrats run California, dumbass. They're doing better than most states.

Republicans run Kansas, dumbass. They're on the verge of collapse, and people are leaving the state in droves to flee from GOP incompetence.

I realize Democrats run California, I live in California. I am being subjected to the idiotic legislation by Moonbeam and the rest of the idiots trying to run this state.....dumbass.
The really strange aspect of this problem is that CA tested for what was the cheapest way of avoiding fires, found out sheep/goats were the most cost effective way and have not effectively encouraged this type of farming. I would suspect gun restrictions on the herders is the major malfunction.
California's poor flock to Texas as West Coast homes and jobs fall out of reach | Economy | Dallas News
Why are there all of a sudden 2 threads about how bad Caifornia is? Probably because it's doing great and Jerry Brown may run for president in 2020. You wingnuts are so transparent.

But as I said in the OTHER failed thread about California being bad:

If you can't afford to live there then you shouldn't live there. Pretty fucking simple. Plenty of people can, and do.

I swear, you're all a bunch of whiny little bitches, complaining about a state you don't even live in.

I find it hilarious that I posted 2 links that contain facts and data to back up my point and you guys ignore both of them. Then, Tax Man makes a completely retarded claim and I smack him down with data from his "favorite state" as well. You guys like to spout statements but never provide data to go with it. Sounds like liberal logic to me! This is my last reply.
Again, for the mouthbreathers: If you can't afford to live in California you probably shouldn't live in California.

Go live in Arkansas, where your dollar goes really far at the Golden Corral.
Nearly losing a dam, out of control crime, political violence is the state sport and now it turns out that the police and fire departments don't know how to respond to a major fire.

And who on Fox or Breitbart has told you that the police and fire departments fucked up?

And on behalf of the people of Sonoma and Napa counties- and on behalf of the heroic fire and police officers who worked for days straight trying to save lives i want to say sincerely

Fuck off .
Trump has now shit the bed on two natural disasters.
California raised taxes and is doing great.

Kansas lowered taxes and is on the verge of collapse.

Republicans do not know how to govern.

Yet Democrats definitely know how to screw things up.
Democrats run California, dumbass. They're doing better than most states.

Republicans run Kansas, dumbass. They're on the verge of collapse, and people are leaving the state in droves to flee from GOP incompetence.

Not sure where you are getting your info, but you're wrong: CalPERS rising costs could cause Oroville – and cities like it – to go bankrupt

Not to mention Californians are relocating to Texas in droves..... got them blinders on?

California's poor flock to Texas as West Coast homes and jobs fall out of reach | Economy | Dallas News
The poor flock to where welfare is the easiest to get and Tezass is one of those places.

It is not the poor leaving California for Texas, It is business and industry trying to find a state that does not tax them to death.
What do you care?
California raised taxes and is doing great.


California Leads U.S. Economy, Away From Trump
California raised taxes and is doing great.

Kansas lowered taxes and is on the verge of collapse.

Republicans do not know how to govern.

Yet Democrats definitely know how to screw things up.
Democrats run California, dumbass. They're doing better than most states.

Republicans run Kansas, dumbass. They're on the verge of collapse, and people are leaving the state in droves to flee from GOP incompetence.

I realize Democrats run California, I live in California. I am being subjected to the idiotic legislation by Moonbeam and the rest of the idiots trying to run this state.....dumbass.
Then fucking move, instead of being a whiny little bitch. Republicans have given you freeeeedom, so use it.
California raised taxes and is doing great.

Kansas lowered taxes and is on the verge of collapse.

Republicans do not know how to govern.

Yet Democrats definitely know how to screw things up.
Democrats run California, dumbass. They're doing better than most states.

Republicans run Kansas, dumbass. They're on the verge of collapse, and people are leaving the state in droves to flee from GOP incompetence.

Not sure where you are getting your info, but you're wrong: CalPERS rising costs could cause Oroville – and cities like it – to go bankrupt

Not to mention Californians are relocating to Texas in droves..... got them blinders on?

California's poor flock to Texas as West Coast homes and jobs fall out of reach | Economy | Dallas News
The poor flock to where welfare is the easiest to get and Tezass is one of those places.

Bet you just hate being proven wrong so many times.
State-by-State Welfare Assistance
California raised taxes and is doing great.

Kansas lowered taxes and is on the verge of collapse.

Republicans do not know how to govern.

Yet Democrats definitely know how to screw things up.
Democrats run California, dumbass. They're doing better than most states.

Republicans run Kansas, dumbass. They're on the verge of collapse, and people are leaving the state in droves to flee from GOP incompetence.

I realize Democrats run California, I live in California. I am being subjected to the idiotic legislation by Moonbeam and the rest of the idiots trying to run this state.....dumbass.
Then fucking move, instead of being a whiny little bitch. Republicans have given you freeeeedom, so use it.

Thank you, I was just waiting for your approval.
Oh and... I blame Trump and the Russians. You know they're behind these fires. Democrat News told me so. ;)
California raised taxes and is doing great.

Kansas lowered taxes and is on the verge of collapse.

Republicans do not know how to govern.

Yet Democrats definitely know how to screw things up.
Democrats run California, dumbass. They're doing better than most states.

Republicans run Kansas, dumbass. They're on the verge of collapse, and people are leaving the state in droves to flee from GOP incompetence.

I realize Democrats run California, I live in California. I am being subjected to the idiotic legislation by Moonbeam and the rest of the idiots trying to run this state.....dumbass.
Then fucking move, instead of being a whiny little bitch. Republicans have given you freeeeedom, so use it.

Thank you, I was just waiting for your approval.
At least you're polite.
Nearly losing a dam, out of control crime, political violence is the state sport and now it turns out that the police and fire departments don't know how to respond to a major fire. That last part would lead to suspensions and firings in any state on the Gulf or Atlantic coasts south of VA and any state that has tornadoes with any regularity. Fire is small potatoes compared to major storms because fire is so predictable and preventable compared to major storms.

Why is CA the poster state for global incompetence?
I live here and I don't know what you talking about. This state is the best state in the union.
First of all it is Ca or California, not cali. Now the only things wrong with our state are the items Ronnie The Ray Goon implemented and have not been repealed or rescinded. Last winter we had a 100 year rain event and Oroville dam was not properly prepared to deal with the water. The wild fires are the result of an overly wet winter growth and republican fire bugs. Unfortunately it has made the air where I live unbreathable if I go outside. The terrain that the fires are on are mostly impassable by humans due to the steep and unstable dirt. When you hit it with water it turns to mud. Now quit being so envious of my state.
Lol, I'll take South Carolina over Cali any day. We have mountains, lakes, beaches, and some of the cleanest drinking water around. Also in the upstate, not to many liberals.
We have the best beaches, best national parks, best mountains, best forests, you name it we got it. You can surf and snow board in the same day.

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