What's Wrong with Hillary?

This has got to make rdean's blood boil:

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama is meeting with former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to talk about a pending arms treaty with Russia and other issues.

A White House official said Rice and Obama have a "cordial relationship," and the president looks forward to Friday's meeting covering "a range of foreign policy topics..."

Obama, Rice huddle on arms treaty, other issues - Yahoo! News

So, what's the deal? Hillary not trusted? Albright unavailable? Christopher? Powell voted for him...

he callin' on da sister....:lol:

in reality thats the first outreach I have seen him do that makes sense, her original brief was Russia, before she hooked up with bush.
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I still wish Condi would have ran in 08. I would have voted for her in a heart beat. A black woman.

Yet I am racist for not liking the polices of Obama.

Go figure.
Rice - Cristie 2012. :cool:

Rice was a briliant woman who knew how to get things done w/o using ass kissing and America bashing as an olive branch.

Powell, was a nice man, but I was involved in Desert Shield/Storm. That fight wasn't finished when we stopped. That lack of foresight will keep me from supporting him.

It was politics, not tactics that screwed Powell with that time. Powell himself is as smart as a whip and fundamentally an honest man. I think he be an awesome POTUS.

we differ on this one CG....Powell ?:meow:
What was Condi's experience for her government job?

Rice is an expert on Russian politics. It is the subject of her doctoral dissertation.
Baruch Menachem
Seigi no Mitaka
Member #11920

Damn dude, read some of the posts. And you can't honestly say she didn't do a good job.
Not honestly.
Russian? The Cold War is over.

they are talking about the new Start treaty....

and frankly, the USSR inho ain't dead, its just changed clothes.
Rice is an expert on Russian politics. It is the subject of her doctoral dissertation.
Baruch Menachem
Seigi no Mitaka
Member #11920

Damn dude, read some of the posts. And you can't honestly say she didn't do a good job.
Not honestly.
Russian? The Cold War is over.

they are talking about the new Start treaty....

and frankly, the USSR inho ain't dead, its just changed clothes.

Yep, and what is ignored is that drastically reducing War head counts. Favors the Russians and Chinese who could never afford to keep up with our massive stock piles in the first place.

They love the idea of us all lowering counts. In the case of the Russians must of the ones they are destroying are so old and poorly maintained they would most likely fail anyways. So they are loving this shit. Means they can stop keeping up the charade and keep things even on a fix playing field that they can manage.
Hillary becoming SOS was a bone thrown her way... pure and simple. Condi Rice is both smart and well versed on the nuances of foreign affairs.

Go Condi.. I'd also like to see her get her dream of NFL Commissioner!
Condoleeza Rice was a token negro in the bush Administration and nothing more. Her resume included a Ph.D. in (utterly useless) USSR studies, connections in the oil industry and mediocre skill as a classical pianist. These are hardly qualifications to be Secretary of State, which she ascended to as the reward for perjuring herself to pull her master's ass out of the fire.

"Condi" was George W. Bush's personal pickaninny and the preening bitch deserves to be in prison for the lie(s) she told. She is no better than that other exalted house ******, Colin Powell.

Despising Condoleeza Rice and Colin Powell and expressing my contempt for them does not make me a racist. If I disliked all negroes because of their race, then I would be a racist.

you said it, deal with it.


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Russian? The Cold War is over.

they are talking about the new Start treaty....

and frankly, the USSR inho ain't dead, its just changed clothes.

Yep, and what is ignored is that drastically reducing War head counts. Favors the Russians and Chinese who could never afford to keep up with our massive stock piles in the first place.

They love the idea of us all lowering counts. In the case of the Russians must of the ones they are destroying are so old and poorly maintained they would most likely fail anyways. So they are loving this shit. Means they can stop keeping up the charade and keep things even on a fix playing field that they can manage.

agreed, its a win for them.

they also won't have cameras anymore at the Votkinsk missile factory. They tried laying that off on bush, he did a lot of dopey sht but not that dopey.

The senate has the final say, as to the treaty...we'll see. Of course obama took credit for it already... he is making a smart move bringing her in though.
Hillary becoming SOS was a bone thrown her way... pure and simple. Condi Rice is both smart and well versed on the nuances of foreign affairs.

Go Condi.. I'd also like to see her get her dream of NFL Commissioner!
Condoleeza Rice was a token negro in the bush Administration and nothing more. Her resume included a Ph.D. in (utterly useless) USSR studies, connections in the oil industry and mediocre skill as a classical pianist. These are hardly qualifications to be Secretary of State, which she ascended to as the reward for perjuring herself to pull her master's ass out of the fire.

"Condi" was George W. Bush's personal pickaninny and the preening bitch deserves to be in prison for the lie(s) she told. She is no better than that other exalted house ******, Colin Powell.

...Rice began taking Russian-language and history courses, and became fascinated by Cold War politics. The term refers to the hostilities between the United States and the world's first Communist state, Soviet Russia, in the years following World War II (1939–45). Each "superpower" tried to win allies to its brand of politics, and in the process each side built up a large arsenal of nuclear weapons. After she graduated from the University of Denver in 1974, Rice enrolled at Notre Dame University in Indiana, where she earned a master's degree in government and international studies.


Rice was a promising new talent in her field even before she earned a doctorate in 1981. Her dissertation investigated the relationship between the Czechoslovak Communist Party and its army. Soon she was offered a fellowship at Stanford University. No other woman had ever been offered a fellowship to its Center for International Security and Arms Control. She eagerly accepted, and the following year she was hired by Stanford to teach political science.

Rice became a tenured professor at Stanford in 1987. She was also a rising star in U.S. foreign policy circles. She served as the informal campaign adviser to a Colorado Democrat, Gary Hart (1936–), during his 1984 bid for the White House. She came to know a foreign policy expert, Brent Scowcroft (1925–), and was offered her first official job in government. Scowcroft had been named national security adviser by George H. W. Bush (1924–), who was elected president in 1988. Scowcroft then hired Rice as a staff member on the National Security Council.
Served in first Bush White House

The National Security Council helps analyze data and plan American foreign policy. It looks at potential global threats from hostile nations, and works to make strategic alliances with friendly ones. Rice eventually became a special assistant to the first President Bush, serving as his expert on Soviet and East European affairs. It was an important time in American foreign policy. The political system of the Soviet Union was crumbling, and by 1991 the Communist governments allied with Soviet Russia had been peacefully ousted throughout the Eastern Bloc (as the communist nations in Eastern Europe were known).


Read more: Condoleezza Rice Biography - life, family, childhood, children, parents, name, history, wife, school Condoleezza Rice Biography - life, family, childhood, children, parents, name, history, wife, school

If only Obama and 99% of his team had such limited education in their fields and experiences.
I don't know that much about Condi. Not everyone in the Bush Admin was evil; she seemed intelligent from what I can barely remember.
Of course Condoleeza Rice is intelligent. So is Richard Clarke. But Bush fired Clarke because he refused to do what Rice came on board to do -- and did brazenly and consistently throughout her time in the Administration. Her job was to insulate Bush from criticism by lying about everything having to do with Bush's criminal negligence and, most despicably, his willingness to allow the 9/11 attack to occur so he would have cause to invade and occupy oil-rich Iraq.

Not only did Rice lie about Bush's awareness that there were no Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq, she lied to the 9/11 Commission to conceal the fact that Bush was repeatedly warned, by FBI agents and by the intelligence apparatus of several nations, that Osama bin Laden was planning an attack and that there was cause to believe it would be implemented with hijacked airliners.

(Excerpt from Congressman Robert Wexler's statement after questioning Rice: "During my questioning, Secretary Rice falsely stated that she never saw intelligence casting doubt on the Bush Administration claims that Saddam possessed weapons of mass destruction. This unbelievable statement is flatly contradicted by numerous government reports and CIA testimonials.)

Here are just two relevant links referring to Rice's lies but there are dozens more available if you'd care to research them via Google.

Condoleezza Rice Hotseat

Rep. Wexler Confronts Condoleezza Rice On Iraq War Lies; Demands Contempt Vote | Crooks and Liars

The bottom line is were it not for Rice's willingness to shield Bush's criminal agenda it is entirely possible that the 9/11 attack could have been avoided. Once the facts are examined there is little cause to doubt that Bush was well aware that an attack was imminent.

Powell... if he ran on the Republican ticket in 2012, I'd probably vote for him. He's definitely got the leadership experience, conveys his intelligence, and seems to be moderate and rational. But I'm not sure what his aspirations are or if he's ideologically "pure" enough to make it through the primaries.
Right now Colin Powell is very furtively trying to weasel his way back onto the political stage, hoping the majority of Americans are unaware of his treachery. And because the mainstream media carefully avoided calling attention to the role Powell played in swaying the UN and the U.S. Congress toward approving the Iraq invasion there are many good Americans, yourself included, who never learned that what Colin Powell did is worthy of his being hanged.

For no better reason than to remain in the good graces of his master, George W. Bush, Colin Powell willingly and knowingly prostituted his reputation as an honorable soldier to facilitate the wholly unnecessary invasion of Iraq which has thus far been responsible for thousands of deaths and maiming of soldiers and Marines who respected and trusted him.

Knowing he was lying, Powell appeared before the UN with fabricated evidence that suggested Iraq was in possession of WMDs, when he above all others, having been in command of the Army that destroyed Hussein's army, knew very well that he was lying.

Here are just two links to acquaint you with the truth about this disgusting individual. But if you need more information about him, just do a Google search, because there is plenty.


David Sirota: A Reminder About Colin Powell...
Making Hillary SoS was just politics. She has no actual qualifictions for the job.

Honestly, Hillary a diplomat? Don't you have to be diplomatic?

If experience was a prerequisite, Obama would not be POTUS. Just keepin' it real.

I like Condi.

me 2, and unlike Obama who has claims that he has a high IQ made about him. Condi Actually does have a Very high IQ and speaks like 5 languages. :)
And she lies like a street-corner whore -- the main difference being no street-corner whore was ever responsible for facilitating a major terrorist attack and helping to lie her country into an unnecessary and costly invasion of a non-aggressive foreign nation.

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