What's wrong with Michelle Obama ....

That depends on one's health status. I can't have that hit even once in a while. As it is I'm on 200 mg of Lasix/day.

And is it YOUR responsibility to monitor and control your salt intake, or is it the responsibility of all the restaurants out there to lower the salt content on their food for all their customers, on the off-chance that YOU might decide to eat there?

I suppose the same could be said for the arsenic content of fast food. :razz:

Yeah, arsenic and salt are TOTALLY comparable. :cuckoo:
And is it YOUR responsibility to monitor and control your salt intake, or is it the responsibility of all the restaurants out there to lower the salt content on their food for all their customers, on the off-chance that YOU might decide to eat there?

I suppose the same could be said for the arsenic content of fast food. :razz:

Yeah, arsenic and salt are TOTALLY comparable. :cuckoo:

DING DING DING! You're right! They can both make you sick and/or kill you.
There is nothing wrong with it. I commend her for doing something positive in an otherwise disappointing administration.

Look at the bigger picture.

Its all about controlling us, or as I like to say, herding us :eusa_eh:

Lately I have done a ton of research into food and health in general thanks to a heart condition. I came to the conclusion that there is FAR too much salt in virtually everything you buy at restaurants. 1500 mg of salt is the recomended salt intake per day. Go to any restaurant such as Applebees or Red Lobster etc. and you will find that most meals they produce have three times the recomended salt content in a sigle meal, and many of their meals are even worse.

Outback Steakhouses Bloomin Onion APPETIZER has over 7000 mg of salt! You havn't even started the damn meal and you are 4.5 times the limit for the day. That's ridiculous.
Restaurants don't need to salt their foods that heavily. There is little taste benefit, but there is a huge health detriment.

They oversalt because they are either lazy or inompetent. Either way, their customers are suffering because of it. I am all for personal choice. Leave the salt out of the food in the cooking and let the customer salt the hell out of it when they get it to their table. But poisoning everyone else because they are lazy is stupid.

I think the oversalting is to act like a preservative since most of the food is pre-prepared and shipped across the country to the chain restaurants. Not because of laziness.

End result is the same, but there is an actual reason for it I believe.

Look at the bigger picture.

Its all about controlling us, or as I like to say, herding us :eusa_eh:

Lately I have done a ton of research into food and health in general thanks to a heart condition. I came to the conclusion that there is FAR too much salt in virtually everything you buy at restaurants. 1500 mg of salt is the recomended salt intake per day. Go to any restaurant such as Applebees or Red Lobster etc. and you will find that most meals they produce have three times the recomended salt content in a sigle meal, and many of their meals are even worse.

Outback Steakhouses Bloomin Onion APPETIZER has over 7000 mg of salt! You havn't even started the damn meal and you are 4.5 times the limit for the day. That's ridiculous.
Restaurants don't need to salt their foods that heavily. There is little taste benefit, but there is a huge health detriment.

They oversalt because they are either lazy or inompetent. Either way, their customers are suffering because of it. I am all for personal choice. Leave the salt out of the food in the cooking and let the customer salt the hell out of it when they get it to their table. But poisoning everyone else because they are lazy is stupid.

I think the oversalting is to act like a preservative since most of the food is pre-prepared and shipped across the country to the chain restaurants. Not because of laziness.

End result is the same, but there is an actual reason for it I believe.

No, the salt is not there as a preservative. It is there becasue of blind taste testing. Fast food is engineered to taste good. The high salt content is there becasue that is what the costumer base has said they want to taste. It is what they enjoy. If the food did not taste good it would not sell. If if something does not sell it is pulled from the menu or reworked to be more appealing.
Lately I have done a ton of research into food and health in general thanks to a heart condition. I came to the conclusion that there is FAR too much salt in virtually everything you buy at restaurants. 1500 mg of salt is the recomended salt intake per day. Go to any restaurant such as Applebees or Red Lobster etc. and you will find that most meals they produce have three times the recomended salt content in a sigle meal, and many of their meals are even worse.

Outback Steakhouses Bloomin Onion APPETIZER has over 7000 mg of salt! You havn't even started the damn meal and you are 4.5 times the limit for the day. That's ridiculous.
Restaurants don't need to salt their foods that heavily. There is little taste benefit, but there is a huge health detriment.

They oversalt because they are either lazy or inompetent. Either way, their customers are suffering because of it. I am all for personal choice. Leave the salt out of the food in the cooking and let the customer salt the hell out of it when they get it to their table. But poisoning everyone else because they are lazy is stupid.

I think the oversalting is to act like a preservative since most of the food is pre-prepared and shipped across the country to the chain restaurants. Not because of laziness.

End result is the same, but there is an actual reason for it I believe.

No, the salt is not there as a preservative. It is there becasue of blind taste testing. Fast food is engineered to taste good. The high salt content is there becasue that is what the costumer base has said they want to taste. It is what they enjoy. If the food did not taste good it would not sell. If if something does not sell it is pulled from the menu or reworked to be more appealing.

So people want it that way then.


I don't see why a chain restaurant should change their packaging to accommodate the few then....which would then cause them to lose business.

Eat a place that can customize your meal.
I think the oversalting is to act like a preservative since most of the food is pre-prepared and shipped across the country to the chain restaurants. Not because of laziness.

End result is the same, but there is an actual reason for it I believe.

No, the salt is not there as a preservative. It is there becasue of blind taste testing. Fast food is engineered to taste good. The high salt content is there becasue that is what the costumer base has said they want to taste. It is what they enjoy. If the food did not taste good it would not sell. If if something does not sell it is pulled from the menu or reworked to be more appealing.

So people want it that way then.


I don't see why a chain restaurant should change their packaging to accommodate the few then....which would then cause them to lose business.

Eat a place that can customize your meal.

That is about the size of it. Millions are spent by fast food and chain industry on marketing research. What flavors, what texture, what taste, the amount of salt, the amount of seasonings, how it is cooked, how it looks..... everything is tested on a wide range of people. The mega doses of salt in fast food is no coincidence. It is there becasue it tested high on flavor profiles.

However, if they are smart... they will offer low sodium options. Just as you see low fat, low carb, non gluten options appearing.

The bottom should be line is personal responsibility for yourself.

If michelle wants to make a real impact on getting kids to eat healthy she needs to focus on lifestyle changes, and parental participation. Not regulation of ingredients and products.

No, the salt is not there as a preservative. It is there becasue of blind taste testing. Fast food is engineered to taste good. The high salt content is there becasue that is what the costumer base has said they want to taste. It is what they enjoy. If the food did not taste good it would not sell. If if something does not sell it is pulled from the menu or reworked to be more appealing.

So people want it that way then.


I don't see why a chain restaurant should change their packaging to accommodate the few then....which would then cause them to lose business.

Eat a place that can customize your meal.

That is about the size of it. Millions are spent by fast food and chain industry on marketing research. What flavors, what texture, what taste, the amount of salt, the amount of seasonings, how it is cooked, how it looks..... everything is tested on a wide range of people. The mega doses of salt in fast food is no coincidence. It is there becasue it tested high on flavor profiles.

However, if they are smart... they will offer low sodium options. Just as you see low fat, low carb, non gluten options appearing.

The bottom should be line is personal responsibility for yourself.

If michelle wants to make a real impact on getting kids to eat healthy she needs to focus on lifestyle changes, and parental participation. Not regulation of ingredients and products.

Gotta disagree on the "how it looks" thing for fast food. They care how it should look, and present that look in their marketing and advertising. But when it comes to the real thing at the fast food window, those things look like flattened cow flops on a smashed bun.

Chain restaurants, yeah, they try to match presentation in real life to what is shown in marketing.
So people want it that way then.


I don't see why a chain restaurant should change their packaging to accommodate the few then....which would then cause them to lose business.

Eat a place that can customize your meal.

That is about the size of it. Millions are spent by fast food and chain industry on marketing research. What flavors, what texture, what taste, the amount of salt, the amount of seasonings, how it is cooked, how it looks..... everything is tested on a wide range of people. The mega doses of salt in fast food is no coincidence. It is there becasue it tested high on flavor profiles.

However, if they are smart... they will offer low sodium options. Just as you see low fat, low carb, non gluten options appearing.

The bottom should be line is personal responsibility for yourself.

If michelle wants to make a real impact on getting kids to eat healthy she needs to focus on lifestyle changes, and parental participation. Not regulation of ingredients and products.

Gotta disagree on the "how it looks" thing for fast food. They care how it should look, and present that look in their marketing and advertising. But when it comes to the real thing at the fast food window, those things look like flattened cow flops on a smashed bun.

Chain restaurants, yeah, they try to match presentation in real life to what is shown in marketing.

Have you ever looked in a chain restaurant kitchen? Each station has laminated 11x14 photos of what each plate should look like.

What it should look like, and what goes out sometimes are two different things. That is not the corporate end problem, that is the end cook problem. However.... what you see that catches your eye... is all about what it looks like.....That is part of the visual selling point. You knowing the difference just goes to show you that you do look, you did pay attention..and you did know the difference.
That is about the size of it. Millions are spent by fast food and chain industry on marketing research. What flavors, what texture, what taste, the amount of salt, the amount of seasonings, how it is cooked, how it looks..... everything is tested on a wide range of people. The mega doses of salt in fast food is no coincidence. It is there becasue it tested high on flavor profiles.

However, if they are smart... they will offer low sodium options. Just as you see low fat, low carb, non gluten options appearing.

The bottom should be line is personal responsibility for yourself.

If michelle wants to make a real impact on getting kids to eat healthy she needs to focus on lifestyle changes, and parental participation. Not regulation of ingredients and products.

Gotta disagree on the "how it looks" thing for fast food. They care how it should look, and present that look in their marketing and advertising. But when it comes to the real thing at the fast food window, those things look like flattened cow flops on a smashed bun.

Chain restaurants, yeah, they try to match presentation in real life to what is shown in marketing.

Have you ever looked in a chain restaurant kitchen? Each station has laminated 11x14 photos of what each plate should look like.

What it should look like, and what goes out sometimes are two different things. That is not the corporate end problem, that is the end cook problem. However.... what you see that catches your eye... is all about what it looks like.....That is part of the visual selling point. You knowing the difference just goes to show you that you do look, you did pay attention..and you did know the difference.

I agree with you on the chain restaurants. Just disagree on the fast food places. They don't care so much how it looks there. Just how it's supposed to look in their marketing and advertising.

Or put it another way, Applebee's cares. McDonalds doesn't.
She's not exactly 'slim,' which is not such a shock for a woman her age.


That's just silly. She works out daily. She is a big strong woman. And she's healthy...

So are their children.

but when she declares herself the chief of the food and fitness police it's ... noticeable.


Links to the declaration please.

I ate a whole blooming onion once.

Funny, I no longer want breakfast. >.>

I know the feeling! LOL

So, I won't mention my onion sandwiches.

Ooops... :eusa_shhh:
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People don't go to fast food restaurants for their health. They go for the guilty pleasure of a quick meal that they enjoy eating. They will spend about the same there as they would at the soup and salad bar down the street or ordering from the Seniors or 'healthy choice' menu at the restaurant across the street, but they want the taste of that Whopper, fries, and Coke over ice. And yes, sometimes they like going through the drive through and getting it fast and eating it in the car while driving too.

I am all for Michelle or whomever to keep hammering home the benefits of a healthy diet and the benefits of particular foods and the harmful effects of over salting, trans fat, destruction of vitamins in preparation, excess preservatives, etc. etc. etc. in our food, but I am 100% opposed to taking away the right of people to buy what they want, healthy or not.
I persnally think that Americans need to hold the food industry, every segment of it from restaurants, to canneries, to produce suppliers to the highest and healthiest standards. Be that salt content, hormone content, or pesticide content.

One day, go to the new Gateway Medical Center in Clarksville, TN. The size of the chairs and wheelchairs are gargantuan. This is what has happened to our populace in the last 40 years. This younger generation is the first generation of Americans that will not outlive its parents. And many are already disabled due to their eating. Guess who pays for that? Do you think it is the food industry? Guess again.

Of course parents should to this and parents should do that. But if there is a problem one has to start where we the problem is and not where we should be. Michelle can 'encourage' until she turns green. I know, and she knows that parents aren't going to pick up this ball and run with it. Particularly her own kind. They are already addicted to drugs, in prison, or both. If someone doesn't get a handle on what the children of this country put down their throats your children and my children will not be able to pay the bill to care for them. Hell, we already can't pay that bill. That's why health care is in such a shambles.

Looking at this from a fiscal perspective, I don't really care if a restaurant loses business. They are going to lose it anyway when the gluttons they are feeding croak.

It's not all about the 'taste' of food. There was a time in the history of the world when salt was so hard to get it was almost a currency. Some salt is needed in the diet to facilitate our bodies retaining enough fluid to live. In those days there were many who struggled just to have enough salt in their diets. There are many other flavors. And they don't make you sick or kill you. It is time we held he food industry accountable to serve healty, wholesome food, or make THAT INDUSTRY pay for health care of its victims.
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People don't go to fast food restaurants for their health. They go for the guilty pleasure of a quick meal that they enjoy eating. They will spend about the same there as they would at the soup and salad bar down the street or ordering from the Seniors or 'healthy choice' menu at the restaurant across the street, but they want the taste of that Whopper, fries, and Coke over ice. And yes, sometimes they like going through the drive through and getting it fast and eating it in the car while driving too.

I am all for Michelle or whomever to keep hammering home the benefits of a healthy diet and the benefits of particular foods and the harmful effects of over salting, trans fat, destruction of vitamins in preparation, excess preservatives, etc. etc. etc. in our food, but I am 100% opposed to taking away the right of people to buy what they want, healthy or not.

I think the term 'pleasure' is negotiable. I swore when I was in law school that after I graduated I would never eat at a fast food place again.
People don't go to fast food restaurants for their health. They go for the guilty pleasure of a quick meal that they enjoy eating. They will spend about the same there as they would at the soup and salad bar down the street or ordering from the Seniors or 'healthy choice' menu at the restaurant across the street, but they want the taste of that Whopper, fries, and Coke over ice. And yes, sometimes they like going through the drive through and getting it fast and eating it in the car while driving too.

I am all for Michelle or whomever to keep hammering home the benefits of a healthy diet and the benefits of particular foods and the harmful effects of over salting, trans fat, destruction of vitamins in preparation, excess preservatives, etc. etc. etc. in our food, but I am 100% opposed to taking away the right of people to buy what they want, healthy or not.

Thats cool, but if you are using government money to buy food you should not have a say.
People don't go to fast food restaurants for their health. They go for the guilty pleasure of a quick meal that they enjoy eating. They will spend about the same there as they would at the soup and salad bar down the street or ordering from the Seniors or 'healthy choice' menu at the restaurant across the street, but they want the taste of that Whopper, fries, and Coke over ice. And yes, sometimes they like going through the drive through and getting it fast and eating it in the car while driving too.

I am all for Michelle or whomever to keep hammering home the benefits of a healthy diet and the benefits of particular foods and the harmful effects of over salting, trans fat, destruction of vitamins in preparation, excess preservatives, etc. etc. etc. in our food, but I am 100% opposed to taking away the right of people to buy what they want, healthy or not.

Thats cool, but if you are using government money to buy food you should not have a say.

I agree. I don't think most able bodied people using government money to buy food should get the money. They should instead be issued as many 50 lb sacks of rice and beans as they can use for their family and maybe some canned corn, turnip greens, and vitamin C supplement to round out the protein and accommodate bare nutritional needs and nothing else. That would quite nicely stave off any hunger. Those who want steaks or other variety should get a job.

But when I buy my own food with money I worked for or otherwise honorably acquired, I don't want the government dictating to me what I can and cannot have.

The government should limit its influence in making the food supply as safe as reasonably possible and in providing the information to utilize the food for maximum benefit. It should not otherwise be requiring restaurants or anybody else to furnish certain foods and eliminate others. I have no problem with a requirement that the restaurant or other supplier furnish information on the content of the food.

Then let the free market work for a free people. If people aren't buying the high fat, high salt content foods, the suppliers will provide food they will buy. It's as simple as that.
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People don't go to fast food restaurants for their health. They go for the guilty pleasure of a quick meal that they enjoy eating. They will spend about the same there as they would at the soup and salad bar down the street or ordering from the Seniors or 'healthy choice' menu at the restaurant across the street, but they want the taste of that Whopper, fries, and Coke over ice. And yes, sometimes they like going through the drive through and getting it fast and eating it in the car while driving too.

I am all for Michelle or whomever to keep hammering home the benefits of a healthy diet and the benefits of particular foods and the harmful effects of over salting, trans fat, destruction of vitamins in preparation, excess preservatives, etc. etc. etc. in our food, but I am 100% opposed to taking away the right of people to buy what they want, healthy or not.

Thats cool, but if you are using government money to buy food you should not have a say.

And who will be the food police?
People don't go to fast food restaurants for their health. They go for the guilty pleasure of a quick meal that they enjoy eating. They will spend about the same there as they would at the soup and salad bar down the street or ordering from the Seniors or 'healthy choice' menu at the restaurant across the street, but they want the taste of that Whopper, fries, and Coke over ice. And yes, sometimes they like going through the drive through and getting it fast and eating it in the car while driving too.

I am all for Michelle or whomever to keep hammering home the benefits of a healthy diet and the benefits of particular foods and the harmful effects of over salting, trans fat, destruction of vitamins in preparation, excess preservatives, etc. etc. etc. in our food, but I am 100% opposed to taking away the right of people to buy what they want, healthy or not.

Thats cool, but if you are using government money to buy food you should not have a say.

I agree. I don't think most able bodied people using government money to buy food should get the money. They should instead be issued as many 50 lb sacks of rice and beans as they can use for their family and maybe some canned corn, turnip greens, and vitamin C supplement to round out the protein and accommodate bare nutritional needs and nothing else. That would quite nicely stave off any hunger. Those who want steaks or other variety should get a job.

But when I buy my own food with money I worked for or otherwise honorably acquired, I don't want the government dictating to me what I can and cannot have.

The government should limit its influence in making the food supply as safe as reasonably possible and in providing the information to utilize the food for maximum benefit. It should not otherwise be requiring restaurants or anybody else to furnish certain foods and eliminate others. I have no problem with a requirement that the restaurant or other supplier furnish information on the content of the food.

Then let the free market work for a free people. If people aren't buying the high fat, high salt content foods, the suppliers will provide food they will buy. It's as simple as that.

I agree....

Those on welfare should be given gruel and roadkill to eat

Why should they eat as well as us 53%. ?
Thats cool, but if you are using government money to buy food you should not have a say.

I agree. I don't think most able bodied people using government money to buy food should get the money. They should instead be issued as many 50 lb sacks of rice and beans as they can use for their family and maybe some canned corn, turnip greens, and vitamin C supplement to round out the protein and accommodate bare nutritional needs and nothing else. That would quite nicely stave off any hunger. Those who want steaks or other variety should get a job.

But when I buy my own food with money I worked for or otherwise honorably acquired, I don't want the government dictating to me what I can and cannot have.

The government should limit its influence in making the food supply as safe as reasonably possible and in providing the information to utilize the food for maximum benefit. It should not otherwise be requiring restaurants or anybody else to furnish certain foods and eliminate others. I have no problem with a requirement that the restaurant or other supplier furnish information on the content of the food.

Then let the free market work for a free people. If people aren't buying the high fat, high salt content foods, the suppliers will provide food they will buy. It's as simple as that.

I agree....

Those on welfare should be given gruel and roadkill to eat

Why should they eat as well as us 53%. ?

Hyperbole much? :)
People don't go to fast food restaurants for their health. They go for the guilty pleasure of a quick meal that they enjoy eating. They will spend about the same there as they would at the soup and salad bar down the street or ordering from the Seniors or 'healthy choice' menu at the restaurant across the street, but they want the taste of that Whopper, fries, and Coke over ice. And yes, sometimes they like going through the drive through and getting it fast and eating it in the car while driving too.

I am all for Michelle or whomever to keep hammering home the benefits of a healthy diet and the benefits of particular foods and the harmful effects of over salting, trans fat, destruction of vitamins in preparation, excess preservatives, etc. etc. etc. in our food, but I am 100% opposed to taking away the right of people to buy what they want, healthy or not.

Thats cool, but if you are using government money to buy food you should not have a say.

I agree. I don't think most able bodied people using government money to buy food should get the money. They should instead be issued as many 50 lb sacks of rice and beans as they can use for their family and maybe some canned corn, turnip greens, and vitamin C supplement to round out the protein and accommodate bare nutritional needs and nothing else. That would quite nicely stave off any hunger. Those who want steaks or other variety should get a job.

But when I buy my own food with money I worked for or otherwise honorably acquired, I don't want the government dictating to me what I can and cannot have.

The government should limit its influence in making the food supply as safe as reasonably possible and in providing the information to utilize the food for maximum benefit. It should not otherwise be requiring restaurants or anybody else to furnish certain foods and eliminate others. I have no problem with a requirement that the restaurant or other supplier furnish information on the content of the food.

Then let the free market work for a free people. If people aren't buying the high fat, high salt content foods, the suppliers will provide food they will buy. It's as simple as that.

All true. Like I said, I dont own a TV and have not for years so I dont know what the hubub is all about. I never got the impression she was after your salt shaker, and McD's now and again is fine, just get them kids moving.

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