What's wrong with our economy?

? The 1965 Immigration Reform Act opened the floodgates and millions of immigrants were added to the labor market, thus driving down the bargaining power of labor

and guess who wants open borders to get votes and who wants to take control of our borders!!
Because more Americans would be working and spending? That hardly seems possibly. Please explain.

dear, if you had to build your own house car and computer it would cost you a fortune, take all your time, and you'd be very very poor!!

I never said anything about doing it myself. Where do you get your crazy ideas?

Little Eddy dear lives in LaLaLand.

He used to post some of the nuttiest things about China and he is unable to learn anything beyond his party line nonsense.

ad hominem from liberal without IQ for substance
? The 1965 Immigration Reform Act opened the floodgates and millions of immigrants were added to the labor market, thus driving down the bargaining power of labor

and guess who wants open borders to get votes and who wants to take control of our borders!!

And, guess who has deported the most illegals and added the most Border Patrol and wants to deport the refugee children.

That would be President Obama.
Look at the number of manufacturers and factories that George W forced to close. .

too stupid of course Bush was anti union and anti taxes, at least as compared to Obama

Eddy dear has said he's a published author but he can't manage to write a simple declarative sentence or use 15th grade level punctuation correctly.
argumentum ad hominem from typical liberal without IQ for substance
? The 1965 Immigration Reform Act opened the floodgates and millions of immigrants were added to the labor market, thus driving down the bargaining power of labor

and guess who wants open borders to get votes and who wants to take control of our borders!!

And, guess who has deported the most illegals and added the most Border Patrol and wants to deport the refugee children.

That would be President Obama.

Only if you lie by redefining what constitutes a deportation.
? The 1965 Immigration Reform Act opened the floodgates and millions of immigrants were added to the labor market, thus driving down the bargaining power of labor

and guess who wants open borders to get votes and who wants to take control of our borders!!

And, guess who has deported the most illegals and added the most Border Patrol and wants to deport the refugee children.

That would be President Obama.

and does Obama want to build a wall and take control of the border for real ? No, but Republicans do!!
Americans should make the things Americans use. The solution to our economic problems is as simple as that.

Look at the number of manufacturers and factories that George W forced to close. How long before we can come back from that? One Percenter is right. Without money being spent in the market place, we cannot have a strong middle class who is employed at jobs that actually support a family.
There is a manufacturing renaissance starting to emerge in the U.S. and it's thanks to cheap plentiful natural gas which is thanks to hydraulic fracturing.

Here, take if from a fellow Libturd, Rham Emanuel...

Mayor Emanuel Shale Providing a Manufacturing Renaissance

The oil and gas industries are in fact empowering the Middle Class. Hundreds of thousands of jobs are being secured buy under-educated low-skilled men and women who are willing to bust their asses for high paying jobs.

Here's who's been hiring since Obama took office:

Because more Americans would be working and spending? That hardly seems possibly. Please explain.

dear, if you had to build your own house car and computer it would cost you a fortune, take all your time, and you'd be very very poor!!

I never said anything about doing it myself. Where do you get your crazy ideas?

Little Eddy dear lives in LaLaLand.

He used to post some of the nuttiest things about China and he is unable to learn anything beyond his party line nonsense.

ad hominem from liberal without IQ for substance

Just the facts, Eddy dear. Just the facts.
There is a manufacturing renaissance starting to emerge in the U.S. and it's thanks to cheap plentiful natural gas which is thanks to hydraulic fracturing.

which liberals largely oppose! Imagine how bad Obama's economy would be without the Republican led fracking boom that is supporting Barry's forever fragile economy!
Because more Americans would be working and spending? That hardly seems possibly. Please explain.

dear, if you had to build your own house car and computer it would cost you a fortune, take all your time, and you'd be very very poor!!

I never said anything about doing it myself. Where do you get your crazy ideas?

Little Eddy dear lives in LaLaLand.

He used to post some of the nuttiest things about China and he is unable to learn anything beyond his party line nonsense.

ad hominem from liberal without IQ for substance

Just the facts, Eddy dear. Just the facts.
dear, you are reduced to personal attack because you lack the IQ for substance
There is a manufacturing renaissance starting to emerge in the U.S. and it's thanks to cheap plentiful natural gas which is thanks to hydraulic fracturing.

which liberals largely oppose! Imagine how bad Obama's economy would be without the Republican led fracking boom that is supporting Barry's forever fragile economy!
Does Obama recognize this? Of course not. His proposed budget contains over $40 Billion in new taxes on the oil and gas industries.

He's such a fuck up.
There is a manufacturing renaissance starting to emerge in the U.S. and it's thanks to cheap plentiful natural gas which is thanks to hydraulic fracturing.

which liberals largely oppose! Imagine how bad Obama's economy would be without the Republican led fracking boom that is supporting Barry's forever fragile economy!
Does Obama recognize this? Of course not. His proposed budget contains over $40 Billion in new taxes on the oil and gas industries.

He's such a fuck up.

That must be why he has issued more permits than any other prez in our history.

You two sound like Goofus and Doofus. You need to get your facts straight.
There is a manufacturing renaissance starting to emerge in the U.S. and it's thanks to cheap plentiful natural gas which is thanks to hydraulic fracturing.

which liberals largely oppose! Imagine how bad Obama's economy would be without the Republican led fracking boom that is supporting Barry's forever fragile economy!
Does Obama recognize this? Of course not. His proposed budget contains over $40 Billion in new taxes on the oil and gas industries.

He's such a fuck up.

That must be why he has issued more permits than any other prez in our history.

You two sound like Goofus and Doofus. You need to get your facts straight.
That must be why he initiated the unnecessary and unwarranted moratorium on drilling in the Gulf.

Production from Federal leases is down. Production from private-sector leases has increased dramatically.

The oil and gas sectors don't need Obama. This country doesn't need Obama.
He is a hindrance to economic prosperity. He rewards latency and lethargy. He taxes productivity and production.

He's such a fuck up. :slap:
What's wrong with our economy?

We're getting exactly what we invested in by subsidizing unemployment and lack of ambition (lifestyle welfare): lower employment and lower growth. Add to that QE^Infinity which enables banksters to make money by essentially loaning free Fed sponsored money bank to the government for a risk free interest spread and we get increased paper wealth with lackluster economic growth.

These are the logical results of Progressive "Government at the center of the economy" ideology.

Lack of middle class spending is the problem. Corporate America is holding the middle class hostage until they receive their subsidies.

A healthy middle class = a healthy economy.

Please can't spend money if they aren't earning money...unless the government is subsidizing their debt.
They wouldn't be starving if they had jobs created by a faster growing economy.

So lets do this:

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2013 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-off’s/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with 300 employees or less, employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2013 price structure. Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

-Make inversion illegal.

What a load of crap.
They wouldn't be starving if they had jobs created by a faster growing economy.

So lets do this:

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2013 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-off’s/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with 300 employees or less, employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2013 price structure. Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

-Make inversion illegal.

What a load of crap.

I like how he pretends to be a trust-funder who invests in companies and lives the life of leisure. Ignorant people are funny when they're blind to their own ignorance.
Americans should make the things Americans use. The solution to our economic problems is as simple as that.

Look at the number of manufacturers and factories that George W forced to close. How long before we can come back from that? One Percenter is right. Without money being spent in the market place, we cannot have a strong middle class who is employed at jobs that actually support a family.

You're right. An economy is money in motion but Americans can't spend at a level high enough to keep the economy healthy if they don't receive a fair wage. Blame conservatives. They rigged public policy to give most of the returns to productivity increases in the last 30+ years to the rich.

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