Whay does lefty want to destroy America?


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
Why does the left want to destroy America?

Who is lefty? Is he a son of Marx? A product of Alinskyism? The God child of Cloward and Piven? We do know that lefty is for all things un-american…even if we don’t know who he claims as progenitors. We also know that if you are American….lefty hates you. You represent what to him is nothing more than an obstacle to be overcome in behalf of……what exactly?

Is it globalism?

The move afoot throughout the world today seems to be to build the new Human City on a Global scale. To those who see it as the logical escalation of human organization and civilization I suppose it makes perfect sense in a pragmatic way to envision all human effort being exerted with one single goal in mind. But at what cost?

What about the Individual and traditional culture?

Well in the event you might not have noticed all individualism is under attack right now. Traditional values are seen as old fashioned and restrictive; the new everything is in Vogue. Are you straght? Shame on you! Do you believe in God? You should be locked up! Christmas? Good god no! Don’t offend my sensitivities with such good, clean and pure images please! Oddly lefty has advocated more for Sharia than for traditional Christianity not realizing I suppose that he is signing his own death warrant….he sees Sharia as a handy deconstruction tool to oppose traditional North American values that extend the life and functionality of red- white-and-blue Americanism….and we all know how lefty feels about America.

Does lefty realize that he is only a tool?

Probably not. As with all deconstructionists their goals are blurry and irrational. Whether it is the whining of the LGBT community or the bleeding hearts of the open borders advocates ultimately none of their rhetoric or logic adds up to anything that you can point at as a common goal for all. Most of it, if not all of it is lost in the heat of the momentary argument for some imagined step forward that becomes all consuming and ignores the implications of the whole. Ignores the importance of preserving the unity of the host and seeks to establish the dominance of the parasite.

With any of the past world powers, it has always been the same….the rise to power, the benefit of the union, the fracturing of its interests and ultimately the invasion of its identity before the finality of its destruction. Those who wish to preserve what they have become the enemy to be condemned and hated on sight.

Is it even possible to have one world government?

No…the world is far too broad and diverse ever to bring it to heel under a single structure of governance. The Impotent, corrupt and fumble fingered United Nations is probably as close as that will ever come to fruition. The most we can hope for is common cooperation for the good and even that will be nearly impossible to achieve though always worth pursuing. Humanity simply is not built for that kind of organization….for one thing our life spans are too short…for another thing lack of diversity is the precursor to extinction not proliferation. That however will not stop lefty who is forever locked into the idea that he must change what he sees before him no matter what that may be. Forever the slave of the futile and unyielding as the servant of the inane!

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Why does the left want to destroy America?

Who is lefty? Is he a son of Marx? A product of Alinskyism? The God child of Cloward and Piven? We do know that lefty is for all things un-american…even if we don’t know who he claims as progenitors. We also know that if you are American….lefty hates you. You represent what to him is nothing more than an obstacle to be overcome in behalf of……what exactly?

Is it globalism?

The move afoot throughout the world today seems to be to build the new Human City on a Global scale. To those who see it as the logical escalation of human organization and civilization I suppose it makes perfect sense in a pragmatic way to envision all human effort being exerted with one single goal in mind. But at what cost?

What about the Individual and traditional culture?

Well in the event you might not have noticed all individualism is under attack right now. Traditional values are seen as old fashioned and restrictive; the new everything is in Vogue. Are you straght? Shame on you! Do you believe in God? You should be locked up! Christmas? Good god no! Don’t offend my sensitivities with such good, clean and pure images please! Oddly lefty has advocated more for Sharia than for traditional Christianity not realizing I suppose that he is signing his own death warrant….he sees Sharia as a handy deconstruction tool to oppose traditional North American values that extend the life and functionality of red- white-and-blue Americanism….and we all know how lefty feels about America.

Does lefty realize that he is only a tool?

Probably not. As with all deconstructionists their goals are blurry and irrational. Whether it is the whining of the LGBT community or the bleeding hearts of the open borders advocates ultimately none of their rhetoric or logic adds up to anything that you can point at as a common goal for all. Most of it, if not all of it is lost in the heat of the momentary argument for some imagined step forward that becomes all consuming and ignores the implications of the whole. Ignores the importance of preserving the unity of the host and seeks to establish the dominance of the parasite.

With any of the past world powers, it has always been the same….the rise to power, the benefit of the union, the fracturing of its interests and ultimately the invasion of its identity before the finality of its destruction. Those who wish to preserve what they have become the enemy to be condemned and hated on sight.

Is it even possible to have one world government?

No…the world is far too broad and diverse ever to bring it to heel under a single structure of governance. The Impotent, corrupt and fumble fingered United Nations is probably as close as that will ever come to fruition. The most we can hope for is common cooperation for the good and even that will be nearly impossible to achieve though always worth pursuing. Humanity simply is not built for that kind of organization….for one thing our life spans are too short…for another thing lack of diversity is the precursor to extinction not proliferation. That however will not stop lefty who is forever locked into the idea that he must change what he sees before him no matter what that may be. Forever the slave of the futile and unyielding as the servant of the inane!

just right wing propaganda and rhetoric; the right wing has no solutions, only complaints.
Why does the left want to destroy America?

Who is lefty? Is he a son of Marx? A product of Alinskyism? The God child of Cloward and Piven? We do know that lefty is for all things un-american…even if we don’t know who he claims as progenitors. We also know that if you are American….lefty hates you. You represent what to him is nothing more than an obstacle to be overcome in behalf of……what exactly?

Is it globalism?

The move afoot throughout the world today seems to be to build the new Human City on a Global scale. To those who see it as the logical escalation of human organization and civilization I suppose it makes perfect sense in a pragmatic way to envision all human effort being exerted with one single goal in mind. But at what cost?

What about the Individual and traditional culture?

Well in the event you might not have noticed all individualism is under attack right now. Traditional values are seen as old fashioned and restrictive; the new everything is in Vogue. Are you straght? Shame on you! Do you believe in God? You should be locked up! Christmas? Good god no! Don’t offend my sensitivities with such good, clean and pure images please! Oddly lefty has advocated more for Sharia than for traditional Christianity not realizing I suppose that he is signing his own death warrant….he sees Sharia as a handy deconstruction tool to oppose traditional North American values that extend the life and functionality of red- white-and-blue Americanism….and we all know how lefty feels about America.

Does lefty realize that he is only a tool?

Probably not. As with all deconstructionists their goals are blurry and irrational. Whether it is the whining of the LGBT community or the bleeding hearts of the open borders advocates ultimately none of their rhetoric or logic adds up to anything that you can point at as a common goal for all. Most of it, if not all of it is lost in the heat of the momentary argument for some imagined step forward that becomes all consuming and ignores the implications of the whole. Ignores the importance of preserving the unity of the host and seeks to establish the dominance of the parasite.

With any of the past world powers, it has always been the same….the rise to power, the benefit of the union, the fracturing of its interests and ultimately the invasion of its identity before the finality of its destruction. Those who wish to preserve what they have become the enemy to be condemned and hated on sight.

Is it even possible to have one world government?

No…the world is far too broad and diverse ever to bring it to heel under a single structure of governance. The Impotent, corrupt and fumble fingered United Nations is probably as close as that will ever come to fruition. The most we can hope for is common cooperation for the good and even that will be nearly impossible to achieve though always worth pursuing. Humanity simply is not built for that kind of organization….for one thing our life spans are too short…for another thing lack of diversity is the precursor to extinction not proliferation. That however will not stop lefty who is forever locked into the idea that he must change what he sees before him no matter what that may be. Forever the slave of the futile and unyielding as the servant of the inane!

Sorry, guy. History will move along, despite your wailing and teeth gnashing.
On one side you have white Republicans and on the other side you have everybody else. I don’t think it’s everybody else who is destroying America I think it’s the cracker whites.
Finally, a bunch of them are starting to snap.
On one side you have white Republicans and on the other side you have everybody else. I don’t think it’s everybody else who is destroying America I think it’s the cracker whites.
Finally, a bunch of them are starting to snap.

Your estimation that republicans are only white or that there are no republicans who are on the left shoots you in the foot before you get off the very first synaptic pulse. I mean....you're just too easy.

tax cut economics are unsustainable. the right wing is for tax cut economics and trying to wage global war instead of global trade.

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