When a video game giveaway becomes their God


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
Our society is devolving and rapidly. Learning has become politically unpopular and vegetative brain wasting has become the new zombie addiction. The youth growing up in this anti-intellectual dross pond of social spinelessness and destroyed family structure are illiterate, angry and self entitled to the point of chaos. We are the new age Bacchanals droning onward to the fires of Gehenna like drug addled locstep lemmings unaware of the real world. No wonder the living dead series was so popular.

The nation that harnesses it's best citizens talents will rule the world and their standard of living will continie to climb while other nations fall.
The "good news" is the young generation of China appears to be as complacent as ours.
Hmmm.... Don't know much about that....I assumed they were just the opposite but that's just what I assumed.
Our society is devolving and rapidly. Learning has become politically unpopular and vegetative brain wasting has become the new zombie addiction. The youth growing up in this anti-intellectual dross pond of social spinelessness and destroyed family structure are illiterate, angry and self entitled to the point of chaos. We are the new age Bacchanals droning onward to the fires of Gehenna like drug addled locstep lemmings unaware of the real world. No wonder the living dead series was so popular.

You can see on here how that's happening, how many people on this forum can present an argument, back it up? Not many.

Most are here to be entertained.

People are selfish, always have been. Rome fell because of greed, the US will and China is putting things in place for its own fall at some point in the future. Greed is everywhere, people don't care about reality, they want a fantasy where money is the most important.

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