When America was American were the parties this divided?

Maybe we are more divided than ever because of that wonderful innovation called the World Wide Web.

Something called Facebook & Twitter allow people (except the Honorable Donald J. Trump) to blow off steam. They also allow activists to organize demonstrations & riots.
I'm not saying it's a bad thing but what does a middle class person have in common with a top class person? Basically not much at all.
Up until recently the Democrat party was as Patriotic and loyal to the USA as the Republican party. America was truly the "United States". The Democrat party has been hijacked by commies. Simple.
At least the Democrat party did not try to overthrow the results of free and fair election.
Damn, I never really thought of you as a nutless, pussified drama queen.
"At least the Democrat party did not try to PROTEST the results of free and fair election."
There, I took the nutless drama out of it for you.
Remember that time when Democrats protested the Trump "free and fair election" from 2016 through 2020?
Who cares about protest? Not me. Attacking the seat of government with intent to change the outcome of election is a big deal. People that approve that are dangerous to us keeping it, especially if they believe that is a just another valid form of protest. When you lose, you lose. You don't try to overthrow the counting of the electoral votes of the various states.
Yet, the Democrats lost in 2016 and spent the next four years punishing the President and everyone that voted for him.
Nope. I do not know anybody in Tennessee that was punished for voting for trump. What happened to you? Were you pilloried by Hillary? Were you imprisoned? Was your property confiscated? Face it. It didn't happen. I didn't vote for either one. People knew it and I'm still sitting pretty, no attacks, no losses and living in a constitution representative republic.
Extract head from ass....how much violence was there against those wearing MAGA hats in public in Dem controlled shitholes?
Did you hear the media spend their days denigrating Trump supporters?
There's medication for HeadInAssItus you know.
Up until recently the Democrat party was as Patriotic and loyal to the USA as the Republican party. America was truly the "United States". The Democrat party has been hijacked by commies. Simple.
At least the Democrat party did not try to overthrow the results of free and fair election.
Damn, I never really thought of you as a nutless, pussified drama queen.
"At least the Democrat party did not try to PROTEST the results of free and fair election."
There, I took the nutless drama out of it for you.
Remember that time when Democrats protested the Trump "free and fair election" from 2016 through 2020?
Who cares about protest? Not me. Attacking the seat of government with intent to change the outcome of election is a big deal. People that approve that are dangerous to us keeping it, especially if they believe that is a just another valid form of protest. When you lose, you lose. You don't try to overthrow the counting of the electoral votes of the various states.
Yet, the Democrats lost in 2016 and spent the next four years punishing the President and everyone that voted for him.
Nope. I do not know anybody in Tennessee that was punished for voting for trump. What happened to you? Were you pilloried by Hillary? Were you imprisoned? Was your property confiscated? Face it. It didn't happen. I didn't vote for either one. People knew it and I'm still sitting pretty, no attacks, no losses and living in a constitution representative republic.
Democrats wasted millions of our tax dollars on two fraudulent impeachments. Democrats spent four years of nonstop propaganda about the election being stolen by Trump and Russians. C'mon man. People were assaulted for simply wearing a Trump hat.
I'm not saying it's a bad thing but what does a middle class person have in common with a top class person? Basically not much at all.
Often times everything but an account balance.
You're trying too hard gramps.
Up until recently the Democrat party was as Patriotic and loyal to the USA as the Republican party. America was truly the "United States". The Democrat party has been hijacked by commies. Simple.
At least the Democrat party did not try to overthrow the results of free and fair election.
Those weren't Republicans. Don't make the mistake of swallowing the leftist propaganda.
Sure were carrying a lot of trump flags and claiming support on social media and interviews with the press.
So? Is Antifa really anti fascist?
Not too many in Jackson, TN. Never met one. The people that tried to take over on Jan 6 were not anti fascists. That is for sure. They were willing to install trump over the will of the people and the states rather than support representative government. We could have been rule by trump.
The traitor Flynn is still suggesting a military coup to take over. Now that's a fascist!
Well I will say hello to my fellow billionaires at the party tonight. Lol lol. I'm sure they are happy to attend parties of middle classes....not.
Attacking the seat of government with intent to change the outcome of election is a big deal.
You mean like launching one investigation after the next...impeachments...etc etc?
Impeachment is writting into the constitution for high crimes and misdomeanors.
Does Impeachment with no conviction mean anything to you?
And remember, We The People have every right to protest on the steps of the Capitol....
Means the republicans had more people in the Senate and control of the Senate. Certainly does not speak to innocense or guilt. Think of it like presidential pardons. Does not mean they are not guilty, just not punished further or at all. Look as Stone and Flynn.
Up until recently the Democrat party was as Patriotic and loyal to the USA as the Republican party. America was truly the "United States". The Democrat party has been hijacked by commies. Simple.
At least the Democrat party did not try to overthrow the results of free and fair election.
Those weren't Republicans. Don't make the mistake of swallowing the leftist propaganda.
Sure were carrying a lot of trump flags and claiming support on social media and interviews with the press.
So? Is Antifa really anti fascist?
Not too many in Jackson, TN. Never met one. The people that tried to take over on Jan 6 were not anti fascists. That is for sure. They were willing to install trump over the will of the people and the states rather than support representative government. We could have been rule by trump.
The traitor Flynn is still suggesting a military coup to take over. Now that's a fascist!
Do you believe Indians were the ones who dumped tea into Boston Harbor at the Boston Tea Party?
Up until recently the Democrat party was as Patriotic and loyal to the USA as the Republican party. America was truly the "United States". The Democrat party has been hijacked by commies. Simple.
At least the Democrat party did not try to overthrow the results of free and fair election.
Damn, I never really thought of you as a nutless, pussified drama queen.
"At least the Democrat party did not try to PROTEST the results of free and fair election."
There, I took the nutless drama out of it for you.
Remember that time when Democrats protested the Trump "free and fair election" from 2016 through 2020?
Who cares about protest? Not me. Attacking the seat of government with intent to change the outcome of election is a big deal. People that approve that are dangerous to us keeping it, especially if they believe that is a just another valid form of protest. When you lose, you lose. You don't try to overthrow the counting of the electoral votes of the various states.
Yet, the Democrats lost in 2016 and spent the next four years punishing the President and everyone that voted for him.
Nope. I do not know anybody in Tennessee that was punished for voting for trump. What happened to you? Were you pilloried by Hillary? Were you imprisoned? Was your property confiscated? Face it. It didn't happen. I didn't vote for either one. People knew it and I'm still sitting pretty, no attacks, no losses and living in a constitution representative republic.
Extract head from ass....how much violence was there against those wearing MAGA hats in public in Dem controlled shitholes?
Did you hear the media spend their days denigrating Trump supporters?
There's medication for HeadInAssItus you know.
Are you confusing the Floyd riots with that attack on the capital?
One has to write something really nasty to be banned from Facebook. Donald Trump managed that on January 6 when he praised the far right extremist thugs who invaded and ransacked our capitol.

Now try to imagine a major party in the U.S. being led by a man who was banned from Facebook.

You got it right. The man's name is Donald Trump and he is the current leader of the Republican Party.

You can't make this up.

U.S, News reports, "Facebook on Friday announced that former President Donald Trump will be suspended from the site for at least two years, ensuring that he will be silent on the massive social media platform through the crucial 2022 midterm elections.

"Trump will be barred from the platform until at least January 2023 – two years after his initial suspension – at which time the company will reevaluate his ban and only reinstate him "if conditions permit."

Of course, Trump blames others, not his traitorous speech that incited the insurrection and not his traitorous tweet glorifying the violent extremists he had encouraged.

In his first statement on the suspension, Trump said it was an “insult” to those who voted for him in “the rigged presidential election” and said: “They shouldn’t be allowed to get away with this censoring and silencing.”

The man belongs in a mental ward, not at the helm of a major party in America.
Up until recently the Democrat party was as Patriotic and loyal to the USA as the Republican party. America was truly the "United States". The Democrat party has been hijacked by commies. Simple.
At least the Democrat party did not try to overthrow the results of free and fair election.
Damn, I never really thought of you as a nutless, pussified drama queen.
"At least the Democrat party did not try to PROTEST the results of free and fair election."
There, I took the nutless drama out of it for you.
Remember that time when Democrats protested the Trump "free and fair election" from 2016 through 2020?
Who cares about protest? Not me. Attacking the seat of government with intent to change the outcome of election is a big deal. People that approve that are dangerous to us keeping it, especially if they believe that is a just another valid form of protest. When you lose, you lose. You don't try to overthrow the counting of the electoral votes of the various states.
Yet, the Democrats lost in 2016 and spent the next four years punishing the President and everyone that voted for him.
Nope. I do not know anybody in Tennessee that was punished for voting for trump. What happened to you? Were you pilloried by Hillary? Were you imprisoned? Was your property confiscated? Face it. It didn't happen. I didn't vote for either one. People knew it and I'm still sitting pretty, no attacks, no losses and living in a constitution representative republic.
Democrats wasted millions of our tax dollars on two fraudulent impeachments. Democrats spent four years of nonstop propaganda about the election being stolen by Trump and Russians. C'mon man. People were assaulted for simply wearing a Trump hat.
Wear a hat is you exercising your perogatives. People attacking you for it is them exercising theirs. If it get phyisical, they should and in many case have been arrested and charged with assault. Kind of like prostesting is fine wearing a trump hat, but if you break into the capital and try to take over the seat of government, you got arrested, jailed, reputation destroyed, many lost jobs, turned in by family, facebook friends, co-workers, etc, just as you should be for trying to overthrow the legal results of an election.
One has to write something really nasty to be banned from Facebook. Donald Trump managed that on January 6 when he praised the far right extremist thugs who invaded and ransacked our capitol.

Now try to imagine a major party in the U.S. being led by a man who was banned from Facebook.

You got it right. The man's name is Donald Trump and he is the current leader of the Republican Party.

You can't make this up.

U.S, News reports, "Facebook on Friday announced that former President Donald Trump will be suspended from the site for at least two years, ensuring that he will be silent on the massive social media platform through the crucial 2022 midterm elections.

"Trump will be barred from the platform until at least January 2023 – two years after his initial suspension – at which time the company will reevaluate his ban and only reinstate him "if conditions permit."

Of course, Trump blames others, not his traitorous speech that incited the insurrection and not his traitorous tweet glorifying the violent extremists he had encouraged.

In his first statement on the suspension, Trump said it was an “insult” to those who voted for him in “the rigged presidential election” and said: “They shouldn’t be allowed to get away with this censoring and silencing.”

The man belongs in a mental ward, not at the helm of a major party in America.
Facebook would ban George Washington.
When people immigrated here a hundred years ago and before, they were expected to learn English. Fact.
Until 1965 most immigrants were people like us......our European cousins for the most part.

All that changed in 1965 aka LBJ's radical new immigration policy was rammed through congress by lies and more lies.....no one could imagine back then what would be the result of favoring 3rd world immigrants.

No one could imagine that out Southern Border would be erased.....Eisenhower not that bright but had enough sense to stop the illegal immigration at least during his time.
One has to write something really nasty to be banned from Facebook. Donald Trump managed that on January 6 when he praised the far right extremist thugs who invaded and ransacked our capitol.

Now try to imagine a major party in the U.S. being led by a man who was banned from Facebook.

You got it right. The man's name is Donald Trump and he is the current leader of the Republican Party.

You can't make this up.

U.S, News reports, "Facebook on Friday announced that former President Donald Trump will be suspended from the site for at least two years, ensuring that he will be silent on the massive social media platform through the crucial 2022 midterm elections.

"Trump will be barred from the platform until at least January 2023 – two years after his initial suspension – at which time the company will reevaluate his ban and only reinstate him "if conditions permit."

Of course, Trump blames others, not his traitorous speech that incited the insurrection and not his traitorous tweet glorifying the violent extremists he had encouraged.

In his first statement on the suspension, Trump said it was an “insult” to those who voted for him in “the rigged presidential election” and said: “They shouldn’t be allowed to get away with this censoring and silencing.”

The man belongs in a mental ward, not at the helm of a major party in America.
Just another example of how women should be kept barefoot and in the kitchen. hehheh
I'm not saying it's a bad thing but what does a middle class person have in common with a top class person? Basically not much at all.
Exactly.....rich people are different....and not in a good way.

Look how bezos gave a hundred million dollars to a black communist.....well I suppose he looked at it more like insurance money to avoid getting sued by the leftwingers.
Maybe we are more divided than ever because of that wonderful innovation called the World Wide Web.

Something called Facebook & Twitter allow people (except the Honorable Donald J. Trump) to blow off steam. They also allow activists to organize demonstrations & riots.
Technology definitely has its bad points......but there is no going back....though the future looks more bleak every day.....we are headed into a new dark age controlled by tech giants.

It used to be both parties tried to do what they thought was best for america and despite any idiocy on either sides part we all loved america and American society was ok with us all being one society.

Now both sides are trying to play to individual groups and ages and skin colors to try and get votes and applause. The majority are fucked over and chastised in favor of the few.

Even American freedom and rights were once always, always a big selling point. Now they are all about taking away rights, lessening freedoms, telling us what to think and say, and censoring what they don't like. Now everything is "because we said so".

It wasn't perfect by any means but I miss the old america and I miss our old society.

Our slogan used to be "by the people, for the people" and not it's just "by the government, for the corporations and whatever group we can exploit".

The best example of how divided America has become was how 'fanci nanci' ripped up Trump's state of the union speech as he was talking....she should have been lined up in front of a concrete wall and shot at daylight.'

The best state of the union address I have ever heard.

Now we have a stuttering old fool who cannot remember what he ate for breakfast and the media praises him constantly for such stuff as eating ice cream....they go on and on about it....what flavor will joe have today etc.etc.etc.

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