When America was American...were there cries for socialism like there is today?


This is a PATTERN here.

Democrats are the party of TRASH.
Awwwwww....:itsok: It's your party and you'll cry if you want to. :206::206::206:
Everyone laughed at Joe 60 odd years ago....it has taken that long for his CORRECT PREDICTIONS to come to the top of a boiling pot.....We need men like McCarthy today, Trump remembers Joe, but can't do it all himself!....Another great Republican with vision!

Did politicians build entire foundations and campaign platforms on TAKING from others to fund our worse, our least productive, Mexico’s worse an least productive?
Has the injection of tens of millions of thirdworld foreigners into American society changed and influenced the traditional American perspective on matters such as socialism? Isn’t traditional American perspective part of what built the greatest nation on earth? Are we sure we want that gone?
You know the Republicans cried that Social Security was Socialism and was bad....the Republicans cried that Medicare was socialism and was bad.
Socialist entitlement programs would be OK if they were 100% voluntary, the fact that they are mandatory means they are an absolute fuck up. Fact
You should go without social security and medicare if you dislike them so much.
Did politicians build entire foundations and campaign platforms on TAKING from others to fund our worse, our least productive, Mexico’s worse an least productive?
Has the injection of tens of millions of thirdworld foreigners into American society changed and influenced the traditional American perspective on matters such as socialism? Isn’t traditional American perspective part of what built the greatest nation on earth? Are we sure we want that gone?
You know the Republicans cried that Social Security was Socialism and was bad....the Republicans cried that Medicare was socialism and was bad.
Socialist entitlement programs would be OK if they were 100% voluntary, the fact that they are mandatory means they are an absolute fuck up. Fact
You should go without social security and medicare if you dislike them so much.
I’m 50 years old and will never see a penny from them... they are bankrupt. And that is fine with me because I don’t need them at all.
I would gladly forgo everything I’ve paid into those programs all my life just to be able to quit paying into them now. I can’t stand the concept behind socialist entitlement programs… It’s such a fraudulent idea.
Did politicians build entire foundations and campaign platforms on TAKING from others to fund our worse, our least productive, Mexico’s worse an least productive?
Has the injection of tens of millions of thirdworld foreigners into American society changed and influenced the traditional American perspective on matters such as socialism? Isn’t traditional American perspective part of what built the greatest nation on earth? Are we sure we want that gone?
You know the Republicans cried that Social Security was Socialism and was bad....the Republicans cried that Medicare was socialism and was bad.
And both are a drain on our society. You pay more in to social security than you will get.
And the first TDS demtard shows up to troll... ^^^
Oh look a Trumpbot cultist rises to defend the faith.
It's always refreshing to have a demtard show up and VALIDATE what you JUST SAID about them... ^^^

Good God these people are stupid.
You're the one who has total faith in a politician. You'll probably say "Trump isn't a politician." Well he is now and he stinks at it.
I have faith you're a DUMBASS.

Fuck off, ass clown.
You are a perfect caricature of a Trumpbot, all rage and no thought..

“No thought”?
Several posts in and not one of you whacks have addressed the premise of the thread. You tiptoe around shit and turn it into a shout fest because you know you can’t offer any logical retort...part of you knows how fucked in the head you really are...you’re simply too shameless to admit it to yourself or others...We totally get it.
Did politicians build entire foundations and campaign platforms on TAKING from others to fund our worse, our least productive, Mexico’s worse an least productive?
Has the injection of tens of millions of thirdworld foreigners into American society changed and influenced the traditional American perspective on matters such as socialism? Isn’t traditional American perspective part of what built the greatest nation on earth? Are we sure we want that gone?
The 'Greatest nation on earth' is being destroyed, and many Americans are revelling in it'.

We call those whom are causing the destruction and reveling in it....LEFTISTS.
Sorry, but it is the idiot Trumpers.
Did politicians build entire foundations and campaign platforms on TAKING from others to fund our worse, our least productive, Mexico’s worse an least productive?
Has the injection of tens of millions of thirdworld foreigners into American society changed and influenced the traditional American perspective on matters such as socialism? Isn’t traditional American perspective part of what built the greatest nation on earth? Are we sure we want that gone?
The 'Greatest nation on earth' is being destroyed, and many Americans are revelling in it'.

We call those whom are causing the destruction and reveling in it....LEFTISTS.
Sorry, but it is the idiot Trumpers.

Hold on a minute...”Trumpers” like America just the way it always was...you know, when it grew into the greatest nation on the planet...It is piece of shit Leftist who insisted on taking something great for the masses and morphing it into something great for the .002 percentile....Remember now?
Did politicians build entire foundations and campaign platforms on TAKING from others to fund our worse, our least productive, Mexico’s worse an least productive?
Has the injection of tens of millions of thirdworld foreigners into American society changed and influenced the traditional American perspective on matters such as socialism? Isn’t traditional American perspective part of what built the greatest nation on earth? Are we sure we want that gone?
The 'Greatest nation on earth' is being destroyed, and many Americans are revelling in it'.

We call those whom are causing the destruction and reveling in it....LEFTISTS.
Sorry, but it is the idiot Trumpers.

Hold on a minute...”Trumpers” like America just the way it always was...you know, when it grew into the greatest nation on the planet...It is piece of shit Leftist who insisted on taking something great for the masses and morphing it into something great for the .002 percentile....Remember now?
Did politicians build entire foundations and campaign platforms on TAKING from others to fund our worse, our least productive, Mexico’s worse an least productive?
Has the injection of tens of millions of thirdworld foreigners into American society changed and influenced the traditional American perspective on matters such as socialism? Isn’t traditional American perspective part of what built the greatest nation on earth? Are we sure we want that gone?
The 'Greatest nation on earth' is being destroyed, and many Americans are revelling in it'.

We call those whom are causing the destruction and reveling in it....LEFTISTS.
Sorry, but it is the idiot Trumpers.
America is in horrible shape under Trump, it is dying and his supporters do not care.
Hold on a minute...”Trumpers” like America just the way it always was...you know, when it grew into the greatest nation on the planet...It is piece of shit Leftist who insisted on taking something great for the masses and morphing it into something great for the .002 percentile....Remember now?
The attraction to socialism has nothing to do with skin color.

It's happening because the Right has fucked up capitalism.
Did politicians build entire foundations and campaign platforms on TAKING from others to fund our worse, our least productive, Mexico’s worse an least productive?
Has the injection of tens of millions of thirdworld foreigners into American society changed and influenced the traditional American perspective on matters such as socialism? Isn’t traditional American perspective part of what built the greatest nation on earth? Are we sure we want that gone?
The 'Greatest nation on earth' is being destroyed, and many Americans are revelling in it'.

We call those whom are causing the destruction and reveling in it....LEFTISTS.
Sorry, but it is the idiot Trumpers.

Hold on a minute...”Trumpers” like America just the way it always was...you know, when it grew into the greatest nation on the planet...It is piece of shit Leftist who insisted on taking something great for the masses and morphing it into something great for the .002 percentile....Remember now?
I remember it recovering under Obama, now it is dying quickly. And whether it was ever the greatest country would be a matter of opinion.
Did politicians build entire foundations and campaign platforms on TAKING from others to fund our worse, our least productive, Mexico’s worse an least productive?
Has the injection of tens of millions of thirdworld foreigners into American society changed and influenced the traditional American perspective on matters such as socialism? Isn’t traditional American perspective part of what built the greatest nation on earth? Are we sure we want that gone?
The 'Greatest nation on earth' is being destroyed, and many Americans are revelling in it'.

We call those whom are causing the destruction and reveling in it....LEFTISTS.
Sorry, but it is the idiot Trumpers.

Hold on a minute...”Trumpers” like America just the way it always was...you know, when it grew into the greatest nation on the planet...It is piece of shit Leftist who insisted on taking something great for the masses and morphing it into something great for the .002 percentile....Remember now?
I remember it recovering under Obama, now it is dying quickly. And whether it was ever the greatest country would be a matter of opinion.

What metric are you using to reconcile your assertion that America is “dying”?
Or is this an opinion of someone gay with a blue Mohawk, face tattoos, nose piercings and no job?
Did politicians build entire foundations and campaign platforms on TAKING from others to fund our worse, our least productive, Mexico’s worse an least productive?
Has the injection of tens of millions of thirdworld foreigners into American society changed and influenced the traditional American perspective on matters such as socialism? Isn’t traditional American perspective part of what built the greatest nation on earth? Are we sure we want that gone?

Early Twentieth-Century Socialism | US History II ...
Early Twentieth-Century Socialism | US History II (American Yawp)
Early Twentieth-Century Socialism. The Socialist Party of America was founded in 1901, part of a larger socialist movement that, over the course of twenty years, made significant gains in its attempt to transform American economic life. Socialist mayors were elected in 33 cities and towns, ranging from Berkeley, California to Schenectady, New York,...

America has been under the attack of Marxist Socialism for over 100 years. All you have to do is crack history books to understand the truth....
Did politicians build entire foundations and campaign platforms on TAKING from others to fund our worse, our least productive, Mexico’s worse an least productive?
Has the injection of tens of millions of thirdworld foreigners into American society changed and influenced the traditional American perspective on matters such as socialism? Isn’t traditional American perspective part of what built the greatest nation on earth? Are we sure we want that gone?
America had law, order, and morality. Something liberals have destroyed.
Did politicians build entire foundations and campaign platforms on TAKING from others to fund our worse, our least productive, Mexico’s worse an least productive?
Has the injection of tens of millions of thirdworld foreigners into American society changed and influenced the traditional American perspective on matters such as socialism? Isn’t traditional American perspective part of what built the greatest nation on earth? Are we sure we want that gone?
The conservatives are the reason socialism is on the rise. They want their free shit cause work doesn't make it. People from other parts of the world come here to work and grow not sponge like cons do.
Did politicians build entire foundations and campaign platforms on TAKING from others to fund our worse, our least productive, Mexico’s worse an least productive?
Has the injection of tens of millions of thirdworld foreigners into American society changed and influenced the traditional American perspective on matters such as socialism? Isn’t traditional American perspective part of what built the greatest nation on earth? Are we sure we want that gone?
The conservatives are the reason socialism is on the rise. They want their free shit cause work doesn't make it. People from other parts of the world come here to work and grow not sponge like cons do.
You are positively the biggest idiot to ever post on this board.
Did politicians build entire foundations and campaign platforms on TAKING from others to fund our worse, our least productive, Mexico’s worse an least productive?
Has the injection of tens of millions of thirdworld foreigners into American society changed and influenced the traditional American perspective on matters such as socialism? Isn’t traditional American perspective part of what built the greatest nation on earth? Are we sure we want that gone?
The conservatives are the reason socialism is on the rise. They want their free shit cause work doesn't make it. People from other parts of the world come here to work and grow not sponge like cons do.

Is that the opinion of someone gay with a blue Mohawk, face tattoos and nose piercings or are you using a metric to arrive at your findings? This chart, like many others show that it is your Mexicrats whom “sponge”.

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