When America was American...were there cries for socialism like there is today?

... Or birthright citizenship. Absolutely crazy idea.

Amend the Constitution or stfu about it already.

That's the plan. .....

And what have you done to advance this plan? Anything? Just bitching and moaning on the internet?

Certainly a lot more than you....

That's not an answer. What have you done? Be specific.

At least I have recognized the fact. You haven't done even that.
america is american and americans are america. americans represent america and america is made up of americans.
Amend the Constitution or stfu about it already.

That's the plan. .....

And what have you done to advance this plan? Anything? Just bitching and moaning on the internet?

Certainly a lot more than you....

That's not an answer. What have you done? Be specific.

At least I have recognized the fact. You haven't done even that.

So you admit that you have done NOTHING but bitch and moan on the internet. Until that changes, shut the fuck up about it.
That's the plan. .....

And what have you done to advance this plan? Anything? Just bitching and moaning on the internet?

Certainly a lot more than you....

That's not an answer. What have you done? Be specific.

At least I have recognized the fact. You haven't done even that.

So you admit that you have done NOTHING but bitch and moan on the internet. Until that changes, shut the fuck up about it.

Why the hell would I shut up about an important issue even if I had done absolutely squat shit about it?

Is that your style... losing?
Do you really think anyone but the most radical, empty-headed, emo-leftists will take you seriously when you post this kind of nonsense?

Unless you made the money yourself, you're simply standing on the shoulders of giants. The members of the Walton Family have done little productive with their lives, and aren't even running their father's company. I don't see why the lazy children of industrial giants get a free pass in life.

This kind of bitter, envious wannabe marxist whining makes you look like a real loser.

I'm neither bitter, nor envious. ......

All your cartoon leftist whining says otherwise.

My what a well reasoned and thoughtful response based on my previous post! ......

Based on your post that went something like this: Waaa! Rich people have more than me! Waaa! They stooopid! They laziii! Only the noble blue calla worker earns what he gets! But da stooopid rich man take away! Waaa!!!

What reasoned and thoughtful response to that kind of childish nonsense were you hoping for, hoser?
And what have you done to advance this plan? Anything? Just bitching and moaning on the internet?

Certainly a lot more than you....

That's not an answer. What have you done? Be specific.

At least I have recognized the fact. You haven't done even that.

So you admit that you have done NOTHING but bitch and moan on the internet. Until that changes, shut the fuck up about it.

Why the hell would I shut up about an important issue ......

If you have no intention of getting off your ass and doing anything, you are just making noise like a helpless baby.
During the Greatest Generation, WWII.......
America was a Socialist Country

The Government controlled all production, assigned labor, set wages

Socialism won WWII
Na, not really
American exceptionalism, ingenuity and capitalism laid the the foundation for all of that industry... Socialism gave us the depression. Fact
The US was Socialist in WWII

The Government ordered all manufacturers to produce war supplies and told them what they could produce, Government controlled access to raw materials, Government allocated labor to where they thought it was needed, Government controlled prices

That is Socialism
During the Greatest Generation, WWII.......
America was a Socialist Country

The Government controlled all production, assigned labor, set wages

Socialism won WWII
Na, not really
American exceptionalism, ingenuity and capitalism laid the the foundation for all of that industry... Socialism gave us the depression. Fact
The US was Socialist in WWII

The Government ordered all manufacturers to produce war supplies and told them what they could produce, Government controlled access to raw materials, Government allocated labor to where they thought it was needed, Government controlled prices

That is Socialism
Of Course, But without the foundation of capitalism, ingenuity and exceptionalism... it would never have happened.
During the Greatest Generation, WWII.......
America was a Socialist Country

The Government controlled all production, assigned labor, set wages

Socialism won WWII
Na, not really
American exceptionalism, ingenuity and capitalism laid the the foundation for all of that industry... Socialism gave us the depression. Fact
The US was Socialist in WWII

The Government ordered all manufacturers to produce war supplies and told them what they could produce, Government controlled access to raw materials, Government allocated labor to where they thought it was needed, Government controlled prices

That is Socialism
Of Course, But without the foundation of capitalism, ingenuity and exceptionalism... it would never have happened.
If WWII production was left up to capitalists ...we would have lost
During the Greatest Generation, WWII.......
America was a Socialist Country

The Government controlled all production, assigned labor, set wages

Socialism won WWII
Na, not really
American exceptionalism, ingenuity and capitalism laid the the foundation for all of that industry... Socialism gave us the depression. Fact
The US was Socialist in WWII

The Government ordered all manufacturers to produce war supplies and told them what they could produce, Government controlled access to raw materials, Government allocated labor to where they thought it was needed, Government controlled prices

That is Socialism
Of Course, But without the foundation of capitalism, ingenuity and exceptionalism... it would never have happened.
If WWII production was left up to capitalists ...we would have lost
Na, not really
Without capitalism we could’ve never produced the equipment and supplies for the wars dumbass
During the Greatest Generation, WWII.......
America was a Socialist Country

The Government controlled all production, assigned labor, set wages

Socialism won WWII
Na, not really
American exceptionalism, ingenuity and capitalism laid the the foundation for all of that industry... Socialism gave us the depression. Fact
The US was Socialist in WWII

The Government ordered all manufacturers to produce war supplies and told them what they could produce, Government controlled access to raw materials, Government allocated labor to where they thought it was needed, Government controlled prices

That is Socialism
Of Course, But without the foundation of capitalism, ingenuity and exceptionalism... it would never have happened.
If WWII production was left up to capitalists ...we would have lost
Na, not really
Without capitalism we could’ve never produced the equipment and supplies for the wars dumbass

It was socialism that forced war production only, allocated raw materials to produce that equipment and decided what and how many supplies of war would be produced.

If the war was left to capitalists looking to maximize profit, the war would go to the highest bidder
The 'Greatest nation on earth' is being destroyed, and many Americans are revelling in it'.

We call those whom are causing the destruction and reveling in it....LEFTISTS.
Sorry, but it is the idiot Trumpers.

Hold on a minute...”Trumpers” like America just the way it always was...you know, when it grew into the greatest nation on the planet...It is piece of shit Leftist who insisted on taking something great for the masses and morphing it into something great for the .002 percentile....Remember now?
I remember it recovering under Obama, now it is dying quickly. And whether it was ever the greatest country would be a matter of opinion.

Please explain how it is dying using facts, not just some "I hate Trump " crap.
The world has lost all respect for America. Trump is a lot of the reason, but it precedes him. Americans in general come across as very ignorant of the world, and almost proud of it. Americans who have never left the country will tell you that it is the greatest country in the world. There are a lot of obese people in America because of poor diet. The infrastructure is falling apart. The education system is poor. The rich get richer and everyone else has to struggle. These are a few things just off the top of my head.
Sorry, but it is the idiot Trumpers.

Hold on a minute...”Trumpers” like America just the way it always was...you know, when it grew into the greatest nation on the planet...It is piece of shit Leftist who insisted on taking something great for the masses and morphing it into something great for the .002 percentile....Remember now?
I remember it recovering under Obama, now it is dying quickly. And whether it was ever the greatest country would be a matter of opinion.

What metric are you using to reconcile your assertion that America is “dying”?
Or is this an opinion of someone gay with a blue Mohawk, face tattoos, nose piercings and no job?
It has been going downhill for years, and it has lost the respect of most of the world.

LOL...yeah. We are the world's economic and military powerhouse. I am so sad we have lost their respect. Other countries look out for their own self-interest, not ours so it would stand to reason they love Democrats who bow down in front of them and make us weaker vs someone like Trump who stands up for the US. Democrats are first class wimps.
You sound like you are a pretty insecure person.
Did politicians build entire foundations and campaign platforms on TAKING from others to fund our worse, our least productive, Mexico’s worse an least productive?
Has the injection of tens of millions of thirdworld foreigners into American society changed and influenced the traditional American perspective on matters such as socialism? Isn’t traditional American perspective part of what built the greatest nation on earth? Are we sure we want that gone?
When exactly was America...American?

The Gilded age 130 years ago during the age of sweatshops?

Newsflash...Social Security was enacted in the 30s (in response to the failings of capitalism in its purer form)

Medicare was enacted in the 60s.

And there was a host of other "socialist" policies enacted in between and since
Home Health and Social Policy
The Way We Won: America's Economic Breakthrough During World War II
High growth needn’t require a war.

by Doris Goodwin

December 19, 2001
America's response to World War II was the most extraordinary mobilization of an idle economy in the history of the world. During the war 17 million new civilian jobs were created, industrial productivity increased by 96 percent, and corporate profits after taxes doubled. The government expenditures helped bring about the business recovery that ;had eluded the New Deal. War needs directly consumed over one-third of the output of industry, but the expanded productivity ensured a remarkable supply of consumer goods to the people as well. America was the only that saw an expansion of consumer goods despite wartime rationing. BY 1944, as a result of wage increases and overtime pay, real weekly wages before taxes in manufacturing were 50 percent higher than in 1939. The war also created entire new technologies, industries, and associated human skills.

The war brought full employment and a fairer distribution of income. Blacks and women entered the workforce for the first time. Wages increased; so did savings. The war brought the consolidation of union strength and far-reaching changes in agricultural life. Housing conditions were better than they had been before.

In addition, because the mobilization included the ideological argument that the war was being fought for the interests of common men and women, social solidarity extended far beyond the foxholes. Public opinion held that the veterans should not return jobless to a country without opportunity and education. That led to the GI Bill, which helped lay the foundation for the remarkable postwar expansion that followed. The war also made us more of a middle-class society than we had been before.
Na, not really
American exceptionalism, ingenuity and capitalism laid the the foundation for all of that industry... Socialism gave us the depression. Fact
The US was Socialist in WWII

The Government ordered all manufacturers to produce war supplies and told them what they could produce, Government controlled access to raw materials, Government allocated labor to where they thought it was needed, Government controlled prices

That is Socialism
Of Course, But without the foundation of capitalism, ingenuity and exceptionalism... it would never have happened.
If WWII production was left up to capitalists ...we would have lost
Na, not really
Without capitalism we could’ve never produced the equipment and supplies for the wars dumbass

It was socialism that forced war production only, allocated raw materials to produce that equipment and decided what and how many supplies of war would be produced.

If the war was left to capitalists looking to maximize profit, the war would go to the highest bidder
You can argue over gold and silver backing the dollar, but it made the war mechanism a couple of steps further to grease the wheels of death. The fiat currency has gotten us into conflict after conflict and expensive readiness. It ended up destroying Britain as it will us.
The US was Socialist in WWII

The Government ordered all manufacturers to produce war supplies and told them what they could produce, Government controlled access to raw materials, Government allocated labor to where they thought it was needed, Government controlled prices

That is Socialism
Of Course, But without the foundation of capitalism, ingenuity and exceptionalism... it would never have happened.
If WWII production was left up to capitalists ...we would have lost
Na, not really
Without capitalism we could’ve never produced the equipment and supplies for the wars dumbass

It was socialism that forced war production only, allocated raw materials to produce that equipment and decided what and how many supplies of war would be produced.

If the war was left to capitalists looking to maximize profit, the war would go to the highest bidder
You can argue over gold and silver backing the dollar, but it made the war mechanism a couple of steps further to grease the wheels of death. The fiat currency has gotten us into conflict after conflict and expensive readiness. It ended up destroying Britain as it will us.
Going off the gold standard made us the strongest economy on earth.
The mighty dollar is superior to gold
Of Course, But without the foundation of capitalism, ingenuity and exceptionalism... it would never have happened.
If WWII production was left up to capitalists ...we would have lost
Na, not really
Without capitalism we could’ve never produced the equipment and supplies for the wars dumbass

It was socialism that forced war production only, allocated raw materials to produce that equipment and decided what and how many supplies of war would be produced.

If the war was left to capitalists looking to maximize profit, the war would go to the highest bidder
You can argue over gold and silver backing the dollar, but it made the war mechanism a couple of steps further to grease the wheels of death. The fiat currency has gotten us into conflict after conflict and expensive readiness. It ended up destroying Britain as it will us.
Going off the gold standard made us the strongest economy on earth.
The mighty dollar is superior to gold
Printing paper is not worth jack shit
If WWII production was left up to capitalists ...we would have lost
Na, not really
Without capitalism we could’ve never produced the equipment and supplies for the wars dumbass

It was socialism that forced war production only, allocated raw materials to produce that equipment and decided what and how many supplies of war would be produced.

If the war was left to capitalists looking to maximize profit, the war would go to the highest bidder
You can argue over gold and silver backing the dollar, but it made the war mechanism a couple of steps further to grease the wheels of death. The fiat currency has gotten us into conflict after conflict and expensive readiness. It ended up destroying Britain as it will us.
Going off the gold standard made us the strongest economy on earth.
The mighty dollar is superior to gold
Printing paper is not worth jack shit
Gold has no intrinsic value other than being hoarded

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