When Biden Says ‘I’m Not Supposed to Answer Questions’, Who’s Ordering Him Around

Hardly a sign of a leader when he displays his puppet strings so often. Who’s dictating to the President on what he can do? We all know why they want Biden to remain in the bunker, but who’s the puppet master?

They couldn't get the first Women elected as President so they ran Biden, 25th later and bam, President Kamilia Harris first women/ whatever races she claims to be President

The elite and the inteligent people in the Democratic party knew that Biden's mental abilities were deteriorating so Republicans shouldn't be the ones to call for his removal. Let the left fall on the sword they created.
You don't know what advisors are? You poor beknighted cultist..... :itsok:

And advisor means they assist and advise. They don't tell someone what to do and say.

Like when not long ago there was video of Biden infront of the press and he said "I have a list of people I'm supposed to call on" and then looked at the paper, read the reporters name and what outlet they were from. Or the example here the OP gave of him doing what he is told to do.

That is not an advisor, that is a director. That is someone telling someone specifically what they can and can not and even telling them to who they can say specific things to.

He isn't a president, he is a mouthpiece. He is speaking for others in scripted and specific ways. Or if you will, he is just an actor in someone else's movie. Someone paid to follow someone else's script and read their dialogue.
It has been evident from the beginning of his campaign that Joseph Robinette Biden is controlled by a cabal of handlers that have been deceiving the American people concerning his mental competence and qualifications to govern our country. Here is more proof of that OBVIOUS FACT!

“I’m not supposed to take any questions, but go ahead,” Biden said at the end of his remarks.

This stupid son of a bitch can't walk and chew gum.

We don't have a President.
Trump never said, "I'm not supposed to answer questions" because Trump was a real president. Trump also never said, "I have a list of people I'm supposed to call on". Who's pulling the Biden puppet strings?? Is this stuttering moron capable of doing the job or not?

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