When covid19 cases surge

You cough in dry weather it continues to travel in the lighter air, you cough in humid weather the wetness of the droplets falls to the ground preventing spread.
:laughing0301: that is absolutely ridiculous....12 inches away from your face in hot dry weather weakens and kills the virus.....your body temp is warmer in hot weather which can also make infection less likely....

These idiots think that covid clouds are flying around infecting at will. Im never seen such a terrified group of wimps.
These idiots think that covid clouds are flying around infecting at will. Im never seen such a terrified group of wimps.
No. We believe there are idiots like yourself moving around and infecting at will. Those too stupid to realize they're doing so.
The number of cases continue to grow.
I wonder why.
So you want everyone to hide in their cave until everyone starves or dies of old age. There is no way to completely stop this virus, my entire family had it and the symptoms are incredibly minor so grow up and stop panicking
McConnell has “insisted” that the next stimulus package will include legal immunity for businesses that open back up. He told Politico, “The next pandemic coming will be the lawsuit pandemic in the wake of this one. So we need to prevent that now when we have the opportunity to do it.” It’s important to understand what McConnell is proposing here: He’s saying that he will withhold aid money to state and local governments fighting the Covid-19 pandemic if the package does not include legal giveaways to protect businesses from the justice system.
soon workers will have no rights if the republicans stay in power.

The federal or state govt shouldn't even be involved in this whole scam pandemic. If a business wants to open or close, it should be their decision. Likewise, if an individual wants to stay home or frequent a business establishment, it should be their decision. Screw the pathetic government. Why do libs always need to be led around by the nose. They look to govt because thats all they have. Its their religion.
It will be a blessing!

Look at it this way. Say there are 100 of us in the world. 25 are elderly and or sick and 75 of us are healthy adults.

Scenario #1
We all isolate. But one or two of us get the disease from going to a grocery store or Home Depot, etc. We then pass it on to one or two we see at a liquor store or again a grocery store and so on. The virus makes us a little ill but nothing major, like a common cold, as we are healthy adults. This progresses for months as we isolate so the virus has time to jump around and of course eventually gets to the 25 or so vulnerable.

Scenario #2

We isolate the 25, all 75 go out at once. We all get the virus. The virus has nowhere else to jump as all 75 have it and are building antibodies and immunity. Virus dies out in ~3 weeks and the other 25 can easily go out.

The key like with all viruses is to give it no where else to go. This is why the flu dies every spring. This is not because of warmer weather but because of herd immunity that kills it off naturally. Lockdowns are having the opposite effect. What you do is isolate the vulnerable and let the rest of us get it. This creates the often spoken about herd immunity and kills the virus.


Is Herd Immunity Our Best Weapon Against COVID-19?
In the long run, it could protect us from future COVID-19 outbreaks. To get there, we need an effective vaccine.

Sweden will be a great case study

"In the long run, it could protect us from future COVID-19 outbreaks. To get there, we need an effective vaccine."

Are you not understanding your own links again? Vaccine, we aren't going to have an effective herd immunity that doesn't get a lot of people killed unless we have a vaccine. Your own sources tell you this.
Herd immunity is a vaccine, dummy. Act the same way.

No, herd immunity is herd immunity. You literally just copy/pasted this

"Is Herd Immunity Our Best Weapon Against COVID-19?
In the long run, it could protect us from future COVID-19 outbreaks. To get there, we need an effective vaccine."

Clearly they are not saying herd immunity is a vaccine. You can get to herd immunity if you have vaccinated enough people but your link isn't saying to reach herd immunity by exposure.
Vaccine works the same and from future ones, yes, but for now herd immunity is all we have. What do you propose? Indefinite lockdowns?

Well, no. The entire purpose of a vaccine is so that people don't contract diseases. We also really don't know if herd immunity is a thing for COVID and at what expense? You may be OK for a couple of months but in the meantime you've compromised your lungs, kidneys or heart where maybe you will fall really sick when the common flu comes around. Or damaged your kidneys where later in life you are more likely to end up with kidney disease. There are just things we don't know about this particular virus right now.
Really? How effective is the flu vaccine? I had This Virus. It’s overblown unless you’re old or feeble.

Sometimes it's effective, sometimes it misses the mark. You should look into that.

In the meantime COVID is deadlier than the flu.

The flu vaccine is an educated guess based on what strains developers believe will be prevalent in a given year. It's not a 100% shield.

COVID isn't Ebola, so stop being dramatic.
45% effective...I never get one
You cough in dry weather it continues to travel in the lighter air, you cough in humid weather the wetness of the droplets falls to the ground preventing spread.
:laughing0301: that is absolutely ridiculous....12 inches away from your face in hot dry weather weakens and kills the virus.....your body temp is warmer in hot weather which can also make infection less likely....

These idiots think that covid clouds are flying around infecting at will. Im never seen such a terrified group of wimps.
These idiots think that covid clouds are flying around infecting at will. Im never seen such a terrified group of wimps.
No. We believe there are idiots like yourself moving around and infecting at will. Those too stupid to realize they're doing so.
The number of cases continue to grow.
I wonder why.
So you want everyone to hide in their cave until everyone starves or dies of old age. There is no way to completely stop this virus, my entire family had it and the symptoms are incredibly minor so grow up and stop panicking

Thank you

The dude is a coward
What about the "protestors" who pressured them to do so?
Oklahoma Mayor Forced To Revise Mask Mandate After Rash Of Violent Threats

A proclamation went into effect in Stillwater, Oklahoma on Friday requiring that patrons of newly reopened stores and restaurants don masks while inside. Just hours later, Mayor Will Joyce was forced to revise the order amid a ferocious backlash.

“In the short time beginning on May 1, 2020, that face coverings have been required for entry into stores/restaurants, store employees have been threatened with physical violence and showered with verbal abuse,” said City Manager Norman McNickle in a statement. “In addition, there has been one threat of violence using a firearm. This has occurred in three short hours and in the face of clear medical evidence that face coverings helps contain the spread of COVID-19.”
How dare the voters tell a politician to fuck off. Right comrad?
How hard is it, to wear a mask, for your fellow Americans? Seriously?

I don't understand why you are willing to kill off someone else's sister with asthma, or someone else's parents or grandparents that are old?
What the hell are you dragging your asthmatic sister all over town? You dragging your grandparents to the damn mall or what?

They have underlying health issues. I don’t. It’s not my job or concern to keep them healthy. That’s your job.
80 million Americans are in the high risk category, around 60 million seniors over 65 yrs old and another 20 million at minimum, that are younger, with a higher risk condition....

It's more beneficial to our economy, if those 80 million adults are contributing to our economy by their out and about spending, or by their labor, and isolate those that are sick, while they are infected or infectious. A lot fewer infectious than the high risk group.

I agree with you here. You're right on.
But here is the catch, the States have to have bountiful amounts of testing... enough to continually random test communities, and hotspots..... our problem with this virus daemon, is half or more infectious carriers, are asymptomatic, and simply do not know they are sick.... random testing of 2 to 10% of the population is needed..... to catch enough of the infectious to isolate, and tracing 10 minutes or longer, face to face contacts of theirs, to isolate them....

So please support all the people that want a lot of testing kits and materials to run the tests....

We are almost up to speed on the tests, testing, materials and processing....but not quite there yet.

Supporting this, does not mean you are against the President.... it simply means you want the economy running again, and closer to full capacity than it would be, without the testing, contact tracing testing, and isolation of them....

In the long run, Trump will be happy, with the results.
How are you going to random test 10% of the population? Send the cops out to round up people?
What about the "protestors" who pressured them to do so?
Oklahoma Mayor Forced To Revise Mask Mandate After Rash Of Violent Threats

A proclamation went into effect in Stillwater, Oklahoma on Friday requiring that patrons of newly reopened stores and restaurants don masks while inside. Just hours later, Mayor Will Joyce was forced to revise the order amid a ferocious backlash.

“In the short time beginning on May 1, 2020, that face coverings have been required for entry into stores/restaurants, store employees have been threatened with physical violence and showered with verbal abuse,” said City Manager Norman McNickle in a statement. “In addition, there has been one threat of violence using a firearm. This has occurred in three short hours and in the face of clear medical evidence that face coverings helps contain the spread of COVID-19.”
How dare the voters tell a politician to fuck off. Right comrad?
How hard is it, to wear a mask, for your fellow Americans? Seriously?

I don't understand why you are willing to kill off someone else's sister with asthma, or someone else's parents or grandparents that are old?
Because the selfish bastards just don't care.

tRump, the majority sociopath party.
You’re right, I don’t care. If you’re so damn stupid you’re dragging sickly people out in public that isn’t on me it’s on you. You selfish fucks expect the entire country to take care of your ignorant ass? Fuck off.
You selfish fucks expect the entire country to take care of your ignorant ass?
No, dope.
We expect you to just do what everyone else is. To do your part. It is you who is selfish, retard.
You can expect me to tell you to fuck off. That’s what you can expect.
What about the "protestors" who pressured them to do so?
Oklahoma Mayor Forced To Revise Mask Mandate After Rash Of Violent Threats

A proclamation went into effect in Stillwater, Oklahoma on Friday requiring that patrons of newly reopened stores and restaurants don masks while inside. Just hours later, Mayor Will Joyce was forced to revise the order amid a ferocious backlash.

“In the short time beginning on May 1, 2020, that face coverings have been required for entry into stores/restaurants, store employees have been threatened with physical violence and showered with verbal abuse,” said City Manager Norman McNickle in a statement. “In addition, there has been one threat of violence using a firearm. This has occurred in three short hours and in the face of clear medical evidence that face coverings helps contain the spread of COVID-19.”
How dare the voters tell a politician to fuck off. Right comrad?
How hard is it, to wear a mask, for your fellow Americans? Seriously?

I don't understand why you are willing to kill off someone else's sister with asthma, or someone else's parents or grandparents that are old?
If they are old and or feeble they should not be out in public.
maybe they need to get out, to buy groceries, enjoy the sun, feed pigeons?
You cough in dry weather it continues to travel in the lighter air, you cough in humid weather the wetness of the droplets falls to the ground preventing spread.
:laughing0301: that is absolutely ridiculous....12 inches away from your face in hot dry weather weakens and kills the virus.....your body temp is warmer in hot weather which can also make infection less likely....

These idiots think that covid clouds are flying around infecting at will. Im never seen such a terrified group of wimps.
These idiots think that covid clouds are flying around infecting at will. Im never seen such a terrified group of wimps.
No. We believe there are idiots like yourself moving around and infecting at will. Those too stupid to realize they're doing so.
The number of cases continue to grow.
I wonder why.
So you want everyone to hide in their cave until everyone starves or dies of old age. There is no way to completely stop this virus, my entire family had it and the symptoms are incredibly minor so grow up and stop panicking

Of course not. I want states to be smart and responsible. Almost none of them are even trying to follow the established guidelines or testing. How does any employer even know if their employees are contagious? This is willful ignorance and it will end badly.
brothers and sisters: there is cost if we reopen, there is cost if we dont.

there will be consequences either way. that, my friends, is the choice we have to make.

after 9/11 folks were scared of another terror attack, and yet Broadway opened after 2 days, and after a week the shows were sold out.

there's risk in everything. you might get cancer, you might get the flu etc...you cant close the greatest economy in the history of the world, which Trump built, just because some people did something
What about the "protestors" who pressured them to do so?
Oklahoma Mayor Forced To Revise Mask Mandate After Rash Of Violent Threats

A proclamation went into effect in Stillwater, Oklahoma on Friday requiring that patrons of newly reopened stores and restaurants don masks while inside. Just hours later, Mayor Will Joyce was forced to revise the order amid a ferocious backlash.

“In the short time beginning on May 1, 2020, that face coverings have been required for entry into stores/restaurants, store employees have been threatened with physical violence and showered with verbal abuse,” said City Manager Norman McNickle in a statement. “In addition, there has been one threat of violence using a firearm. This has occurred in three short hours and in the face of clear medical evidence that face coverings helps contain the spread of COVID-19.”
How dare the voters tell a politician to fuck off. Right comrad?
How hard is it, to wear a mask, for your fellow Americans? Seriously?

I don't understand why you are willing to kill off someone else's sister with asthma, or someone else's parents or grandparents that are old?
What the hell are you dragging your asthmatic sister all over town? You dragging your grandparents to the damn mall or what?

They have underlying health issues. I don’t. It’s not my job or concern to keep them healthy. That’s your job.
80 million Americans are in the high risk category, around 60 million seniors over 65 yrs old and another 20 million at minimum, that are younger, with a higher risk condition....

It's more beneficial to our economy, if those 80 million adults are contributing to our economy by their out and about spending, or by their labor, and isolate those that are sick, while they are infected or infectious. A lot fewer infectious than the high risk group.

I agree with you here. You're right on.
But here is the catch, the States have to have bountiful amounts of testing... enough to continually random test communities, and hotspots..... our problem with this virus daemon, is half or more infectious carriers, are asymptomatic, and simply do not know they are sick.... random testing of 2 to 10% of the population is needed..... to catch enough of the infectious to isolate, and tracing 10 minutes or longer, face to face contacts of theirs, to isolate them....

So please support all the people that want a lot of testing kits and materials to run the tests....

We are almost up to speed on the tests, testing, materials and processing....but not quite there yet.

Supporting this, does not mean you are against the President.... it simply means you want the economy running again, and closer to full capacity than it would be, without the testing, contact tracing testing, and isolation of them....

In the long run, Trump will be happy, with the results.
How are you going to random test 10% of the population? Send the cops out to round up people?
You actually only need 0.1 percent of the population tested at random which will determine that 200 million are or were infected
You cough in dry weather it continues to travel in the lighter air, you cough in humid weather the wetness of the droplets falls to the ground preventing spread.
:laughing0301: that is absolutely ridiculous....12 inches away from your face in hot dry weather weakens and kills the virus.....your body temp is warmer in hot weather which can also make infection less likely....

These idiots think that covid clouds are flying around infecting at will. Im never seen such a terrified group of wimps.
These idiots think that covid clouds are flying around infecting at will. Im never seen such a terrified group of wimps.
No. We believe there are idiots like yourself moving around and infecting at will. Those too stupid to realize they're doing so.
The number of cases continue to grow.
I wonder why.
So you want everyone to hide in their cave until everyone starves or dies of old age. There is no way to completely stop this virus, my entire family had it and the symptoms are incredibly minor so grow up and stop panicking

Thank you

The dude is a coward

You're not brave, dope. You're stupid and don't even know it. Stuck in Darwin's waiting room.
What about the "protestors" who pressured them to do so?
Oklahoma Mayor Forced To Revise Mask Mandate After Rash Of Violent Threats

A proclamation went into effect in Stillwater, Oklahoma on Friday requiring that patrons of newly reopened stores and restaurants don masks while inside. Just hours later, Mayor Will Joyce was forced to revise the order amid a ferocious backlash.

“In the short time beginning on May 1, 2020, that face coverings have been required for entry into stores/restaurants, store employees have been threatened with physical violence and showered with verbal abuse,” said City Manager Norman McNickle in a statement. “In addition, there has been one threat of violence using a firearm. This has occurred in three short hours and in the face of clear medical evidence that face coverings helps contain the spread of COVID-19.”
How dare the voters tell a politician to fuck off. Right comrad?
How hard is it, to wear a mask, for your fellow Americans? Seriously?

I don't understand why you are willing to kill off someone else's sister with asthma, or someone else's parents or grandparents that are old?
Because the selfish bastards just don't care.

tRump, the majority sociopath party.
You’re right, I don’t care. If you’re so damn stupid you’re dragging sickly people out in public that isn’t on me it’s on you. You selfish fucks expect the entire country to take care of your ignorant ass? Fuck off.
You selfish fucks expect the entire country to take care of your ignorant ass?
No, dope.
We expect you to just do what everyone else is. To do your part. It is you who is selfish, retard.
You can expect me to tell you to fuck off. That’s what you can expect.
Of course you will. That's to be expected from a dangerous sociopath.
You cough in dry weather it continues to travel in the lighter air, you cough in humid weather the wetness of the droplets falls to the ground preventing spread.
:laughing0301: that is absolutely ridiculous....12 inches away from your face in hot dry weather weakens and kills the virus.....your body temp is warmer in hot weather which can also make infection less likely....

These idiots think that covid clouds are flying around infecting at will. Im never seen such a terrified group of wimps.
These idiots think that covid clouds are flying around infecting at will. Im never seen such a terrified group of wimps.
No. We believe there are idiots like yourself moving around and infecting at will. Those too stupid to realize they're doing so.
The number of cases continue to grow.
I wonder why.
So you want everyone to hide in their cave until everyone starves or dies of old age. There is no way to completely stop this virus, my entire family had it and the symptoms are incredibly minor so grow up and stop panicking

Of course not. I want states to be smart and responsible. Almost none of them are even trying to follow the established guidelines or testing. How does any employer even know if their employees are contagious? This is willful ignorance and it will end badly.
Covid 19 is less dangerous per capita than the common cold. How? because it is much more infectious and 1 to 2 hundred million Americans already had it and the death rate as such is much less than the flu

My entire family had this, we are all still here
What about the "protestors" who pressured them to do so?
Oklahoma Mayor Forced To Revise Mask Mandate After Rash Of Violent Threats

A proclamation went into effect in Stillwater, Oklahoma on Friday requiring that patrons of newly reopened stores and restaurants don masks while inside. Just hours later, Mayor Will Joyce was forced to revise the order amid a ferocious backlash.

“In the short time beginning on May 1, 2020, that face coverings have been required for entry into stores/restaurants, store employees have been threatened with physical violence and showered with verbal abuse,” said City Manager Norman McNickle in a statement. “In addition, there has been one threat of violence using a firearm. This has occurred in three short hours and in the face of clear medical evidence that face coverings helps contain the spread of COVID-19.”
How dare the voters tell a politician to fuck off. Right comrad?
How hard is it, to wear a mask, for your fellow Americans? Seriously?

I don't understand why you are willing to kill off someone else's sister with asthma, or someone else's parents or grandparents that are old?
What the hell are you dragging your asthmatic sister all over town? You dragging your grandparents to the damn mall or what?

They have underlying health issues. I don’t. It’s not my job or concern to keep them healthy. That’s your job.
80 million Americans are in the high risk category, around 60 million seniors over 65 yrs old and another 20 million at minimum, that are younger, with a higher risk condition....

It's more beneficial to our economy, if those 80 million adults are contributing to our economy by their out and about spending, or by their labor, and isolate those that are sick, while they are infected or infectious. A lot fewer infectious than the high risk group.

I agree with you here. You're right on.
But here is the catch, the States have to have bountiful amounts of testing... enough to continually random test communities, and hotspots..... our problem with this virus daemon, is half or more infectious carriers, are asymptomatic, and simply do not know they are sick.... random testing of 2 to 10% of the population is needed..... to catch enough of the infectious to isolate, and tracing 10 minutes or longer, face to face contacts of theirs, to isolate them....

So please support all the people that want a lot of testing kits and materials to run the tests....

We are almost up to speed on the tests, testing, materials and processing....but not quite there yet.

Supporting this, does not mean you are against the President.... it simply means you want the economy running again, and closer to full capacity than it would be, without the testing, contact tracing testing, and isolation of them....

In the long run, Trump will be happy, with the results.
How are you going to random test 10% of the population? Send the cops out to round up people?
just tell them that testing is done to trigger da libs, and you will get enough customers. might skew the results a bit, but better than nothing.
You cough in dry weather it continues to travel in the lighter air, you cough in humid weather the wetness of the droplets falls to the ground preventing spread.
:laughing0301: that is absolutely ridiculous....12 inches away from your face in hot dry weather weakens and kills the virus.....your body temp is warmer in hot weather which can also make infection less likely....

These idiots think that covid clouds are flying around infecting at will. Im never seen such a terrified group of wimps.
These idiots think that covid clouds are flying around infecting at will. Im never seen such a terrified group of wimps.
No. We believe there are idiots like yourself moving around and infecting at will. Those too stupid to realize they're doing so.
The number of cases continue to grow.
I wonder why.
So you want everyone to hide in their cave until everyone starves or dies of old age. There is no way to completely stop this virus, my entire family had it and the symptoms are incredibly minor so grow up and stop panicking

Of course not. I want states to be smart and responsible. Almost none of them are even trying to follow the established guidelines or testing. How does any employer even know if their employees are contagious? This is willful ignorance and it will end badly.
Covid 19 is less dangerous per capita than the common cold. How? because it is much more infectious and 1 to 2 hundred million Americans already had it and the death rate as such is much less than the flu

My entire family had this, we are all still here
Covid 19 is less dangerous per capita than the common cold.
Yes .....as evidenced by the 73k deaths in two months.:cuckoo:
Like I said. Too dumb to even understand you are.
McConnell has “insisted” that the next stimulus package will include legal immunity for businesses that open back up. He told Politico, “The next pandemic coming will be the lawsuit pandemic in the wake of this one. So we need to prevent that now when we have the opportunity to do it.” It’s important to understand what McConnell is proposing here: He’s saying that he will withhold aid money to state and local governments fighting the Covid-19 pandemic if the package does not include legal giveaways to protect businesses from the justice system.
soon workers will have no rights if the republicans stay in power.

The federal or state govt shouldn't even be involved in this whole scam pandemic. If a business wants to open or close, it should be their decision. Likewise, if an individual wants to stay home or frequent a business establishment, it should be their decision. Screw the pathetic government. Why do libs always need to be led around by the nose. They look to govt because thats all they have. Its their religion.
It will be a blessing!

Look at it this way. Say there are 100 of us in the world. 25 are elderly and or sick and 75 of us are healthy adults.

Scenario #1
We all isolate. But one or two of us get the disease from going to a grocery store or Home Depot, etc. We then pass it on to one or two we see at a liquor store or again a grocery store and so on. The virus makes us a little ill but nothing major, like a common cold, as we are healthy adults. This progresses for months as we isolate so the virus has time to jump around and of course eventually gets to the 25 or so vulnerable.

Scenario #2

We isolate the 25, all 75 go out at once. We all get the virus. The virus has nowhere else to jump as all 75 have it and are building antibodies and immunity. Virus dies out in ~3 weeks and the other 25 can easily go out.

The key like with all viruses is to give it no where else to go. This is why the flu dies every spring. This is not because of warmer weather but because of herd immunity that kills it off naturally. Lockdowns are having the opposite effect. What you do is isolate the vulnerable and let the rest of us get it. This creates the often spoken about herd immunity and kills the virus.


Is Herd Immunity Our Best Weapon Against COVID-19?
In the long run, it could protect us from future COVID-19 outbreaks. To get there, we need an effective vaccine.

Sweden will be a great case study

"In the long run, it could protect us from future COVID-19 outbreaks. To get there, we need an effective vaccine."

Are you not understanding your own links again? Vaccine, we aren't going to have an effective herd immunity that doesn't get a lot of people killed unless we have a vaccine. Your own sources tell you this.
Herd immunity is a vaccine, dummy. Act the same way.

No, herd immunity is herd immunity. You literally just copy/pasted this

"Is Herd Immunity Our Best Weapon Against COVID-19?
In the long run, it could protect us from future COVID-19 outbreaks. To get there, we need an effective vaccine."

Clearly they are not saying herd immunity is a vaccine. You can get to herd immunity if you have vaccinated enough people but your link isn't saying to reach herd immunity by exposure.
Vaccine works the same and from future ones, yes, but for now herd immunity is all we have. What do you propose? Indefinite lockdowns?

Well, no. The entire purpose of a vaccine is so that people don't contract diseases. We also really don't know if herd immunity is a thing for COVID and at what expense? You may be OK for a couple of months but in the meantime you've compromised your lungs, kidneys or heart where maybe you will fall really sick when the common flu comes around. Or damaged your kidneys where later in life you are more likely to end up with kidney disease. There are just things we don't know about this particular virus right now.
Really? How effective is the flu vaccine? I had This Virus. It’s overblown unless you’re old or feeble.

Sometimes it's effective, sometimes it misses the mark. You should look into that.

In the meantime COVID is deadlier than the flu.

The flu vaccine is an educated guess based on what strains developers believe will be prevalent in a given year. It's not a 100% shield.

COVID isn't Ebola, so stop being dramatic.
45% effective...I never get one

Yeah I never get a flu shot and never get the flu. Weird huh.
You cough in dry weather it continues to travel in the lighter air, you cough in humid weather the wetness of the droplets falls to the ground preventing spread.
:laughing0301: that is absolutely ridiculous....12 inches away from your face in hot dry weather weakens and kills the virus.....your body temp is warmer in hot weather which can also make infection less likely....

These idiots think that covid clouds are flying around infecting at will. Im never seen such a terrified group of wimps.
These idiots think that covid clouds are flying around infecting at will. Im never seen such a terrified group of wimps.
No. We believe there are idiots like yourself moving around and infecting at will. Those too stupid to realize they're doing so.
The number of cases continue to grow.
I wonder why.
So you want everyone to hide in their cave until everyone starves or dies of old age. There is no way to completely stop this virus, my entire family had it and the symptoms are incredibly minor so grow up and stop panicking

Thank you

The dude is a coward
"DITTO" he queefs. lol.
You cough in dry weather it continues to travel in the lighter air, you cough in humid weather the wetness of the droplets falls to the ground preventing spread.
:laughing0301: that is absolutely ridiculous....12 inches away from your face in hot dry weather weakens and kills the virus.....your body temp is warmer in hot weather which can also make infection less likely....

These idiots think that covid clouds are flying around infecting at will. Im never seen such a terrified group of wimps.
These idiots think that covid clouds are flying around infecting at will. Im never seen such a terrified group of wimps.
No. We believe there are idiots like yourself moving around and infecting at will. Those too stupid to realize they're doing so.
The number of cases continue to grow.
I wonder why.

Nope, you dont even understand that by wearing these masks everywhere that you are suppressing your own immune system. Talk about stupid. You need to educate yourself. Your ignorance is the problem.
You cough in dry weather it continues to travel in the lighter air, you cough in humid weather the wetness of the droplets falls to the ground preventing spread.
:laughing0301: that is absolutely ridiculous....12 inches away from your face in hot dry weather weakens and kills the virus.....your body temp is warmer in hot weather which can also make infection less likely....

These idiots think that covid clouds are flying around infecting at will. Im never seen such a terrified group of wimps.
These idiots think that covid clouds are flying around infecting at will. Im never seen such a terrified group of wimps.
No. We believe there are idiots like yourself moving around and infecting at will. Those too stupid to realize they're doing so.
The number of cases continue to grow.
I wonder why.
So you want everyone to hide in their cave until everyone starves or dies of old age. There is no way to completely stop this virus, my entire family had it and the symptoms are incredibly minor so grow up and stop panicking

Of course not. I want states to be smart and responsible. Almost none of them are even trying to follow the established guidelines or testing. How does any employer even know if their employees are contagious? This is willful ignorance and it will end badly.
Covid 19 is less dangerous per capita than the common cold. How? because it is much more infectious and 1 to 2 hundred million Americans already had it and the death rate as such is much less than the flu

My entire family had this, we are all still here
Covid 19 is less dangerous per capita than the common cold.
Yes .....as evidenced by the 73k deaths in two months.:cuckoo:
Like I said. Too dumb to even understand you are.
There were not 73000 deaths as the 1700 people that die everyday from tobacco issues disappeared and were counted as covid deaths, furthermore 80,000 people died in 2018 from the flu which was considered normal
The only surge that need be feared is the 1.7 % of all currently active cases that are identified as serious to critical. That’s where the hospitalizations snd deaths come from . The rest of the positive 98.3% aren’t crippled by it but Are crippled by the lockdown.
Never have so few gotten so many to give up so much.
So nice, so right, it need said twice
You cough in dry weather it continues to travel in the lighter air, you cough in humid weather the wetness of the droplets falls to the ground preventing spread.
:laughing0301: that is absolutely ridiculous....12 inches away from your face in hot dry weather weakens and kills the virus.....your body temp is warmer in hot weather which can also make infection less likely....

These idiots think that covid clouds are flying around infecting at will. Im never seen such a terrified group of wimps.
These idiots think that covid clouds are flying around infecting at will. Im never seen such a terrified group of wimps.
No. We believe there are idiots like yourself moving around and infecting at will. Those too stupid to realize they're doing so.
The number of cases continue to grow.
I wonder why.

Nope, you dont even understand that by wearing these masks everywhere that you are suppressing your own immune system. Talk about stupid. You need to educate yourself. Your ignorance is the problem.
^ weapons grade stupidity

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